Class hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent (CONCRETE)

Class ID:14981
Class Label: sel-to-tagparent
Encrypted: false - Exportable: true - Persistent: true - Configurable: true - Subject to Quota: Disabled - Abstraction Layer: Non-Regular MO, like stat/health... - APIC NX Processing: Disabled
Relationship Type: explicit
Relationship Cardinality: n-to-m
Relationship From: hcloud:ASelector
Relationship From Rel: hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent
Relationship To: hcloud:ACloudBase
Relationship To Rel: hcloud:RtSelectorToTagParent
Enforceable: true
Resolvable: true
Write Access: [admin]
Read Access: [admin]
Creatable/Deletable: yes (see Container Mos for details)
Semantic Scope: None
Semantic Scope Evaluation Rule: Parent
Monitoring Policy Source: Parent
Monitoring Flags : [ IsObservable: true, HasStats: false, HasFaults: true, HasHealth: true, HasEventRules: false ]


Naming Rules
RN FORMAT: rsselectorToTagParent-{[tDn]}

    [1] PREFIX=rsselectorToTagParent- PROPERTY = tDn


[0] acct-{[name]}/region-{[regionName]}/context-{[name]}-addr-{[primaryCidr]}/extsgroup-{[epgDn]}/extepselector-{[subnet]}/rsselectorToTagParent-{[tDn]}

[1] acct-{[name]}/region-{[regionName]}/context-{[name]}-addr-{[primaryCidr]}/sgroup-{[epgDn]}/epselector-{[name]}/rsselectorToTagParent-{[tDn]}



Super Mo: reln:To,
Container Mos: hcloud:ASelector (deletable:yes),
Contained Mos: aaa:RbacAnnotation, tag:Annotation, tag:Tag,

Containers Hierarchies
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] hcloud:Account 
[V] hcloud:Region 
[V] hcloud:Ctx 
[V] hcloud:ExtSecurityGroup  Placeholder that indicate a external connection
[V] hcloud:ExtEPSelector 
[V] hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent 
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] hcloud:Account 
[V] hcloud:Region 
[V] hcloud:Ctx 
[V] hcloud:SecurityGroup  Group of endpoint sharing the same security rules
[V] hcloud:EPSelector 
[V] hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent 

Contained Hierarchy
[V] hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 

[V] reln:Inst This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] reln:To This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent 




Properties Summary
Defined in: hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent
annotation  (hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent:annotation)
           NO COMMENTS
extMngdBy  (hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent:extMngdBy)
           NO COMMENTS
tCl  (hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent:tCl)
           The class ID of the target object. This property is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
tDn  (hcloud:RsSelectorToTagParent:tDn)
           The distinguished name of the target.
Defined in: reln:To
scalar:Bool forceResolve  (reln:To:forceResolve)
           Whether the relation should force pull the target.
rType  (reln:To:rType)
           Represents the type of resolver.
state  (reln:To:state)
           Represents the state of the relationship.
stateQual  (reln:To:stateQual)
           Represents the state qualifier of the relationship.
tType  (reln:To:tType)
           The type of target.
Defined in: mo:Ownable
scalar:Uint16 uid  (mo:Ownable:uid)
           A unique identifier for this object.
Defined in: mo:Resolvable
lcOwn  (mo:Resolvable:lcOwn)
           A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
Defined in: mo:Modifiable
modTs  (mo:Modifiable:modTs)
           The time when this object was last modified.
Defined in: mo:TopProps
childAction  (mo:TopProps:childAction)
           Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
reference:BinRef dn  (mo:TopProps:dn)
           A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.
reference:BinRN rn  (mo:TopProps:rn)
           Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.
status  (mo:TopProps:status)
           The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
Properties Detail


Type: mo:Annotation
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
    Range:  min: "0"  max: "128"
        Allowed Chars:
            Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+


Type: mo:ModificationChildAction
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelChildAction
Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
deleteAll 16384u deleteAll NO COMMENTS
ignore 4096u ignore NO COMMENTS
deleteNonPresent 8192u deleteNonPresent NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- This type is used to


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelDn
A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.


Type: mo:ExtMngdByType
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
undefined 0u undefined NO COMMENTS
msc 1u msc NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT undefined(0u) undefined NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Whether the relation should force pull the target.
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: mo:Owner
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
local 0 Local NO COMMENTS
policy 1 Policy NO COMMENTS
replica 2 Replica NO COMMENTS
resolveOnBehalf 3 ResolvedOnBehalf NO COMMENTS
implicit 4 Implicit NO COMMENTS


Type: mo:TStamp
Primitive Type: scalar:Date

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time when this object was last modified.
never 0ull never NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT never(0ull) never NO COMMENTS


Type: reln:ResolverType
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Represents the type of resolver.
service 2 service NO COMMENTS
local 3 local NO COMMENTS


Type: reference:BinRN

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRn
Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.


Type: reln:State
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Represents the state of the relationship.
unformed 0 unformed the relationship is not formed
formed 1 formed the relationship is formed with the target object
missing-target 2 missing-target target does not exist
invalid-target 4 invalid-target invalid target DN
cardinality-violation 5 cardinality-violation cardinality violation - When relations are created such that they violate the cardinality, state of the relation would be set to this.
DEFAULT unformed(0) unformed the relationship is not formed


Type: reln:StateQual
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Represents the state qualifier of the relationship.
none 0 none no issue
mismatch-target 1 mismatch-target target not found, using default
default-target 2 default-target target not specified, using default
DEFAULT none(0) none no issue


Type: mo:ModificationStatus
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
created 2u created In a setter method: specifies that an object should be created. An error is returned if the object already exists.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been created.
modified 4u modified In a setter method: specifies that an object should be modified
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been modified.
deleted 8u deleted In a setter method: specifies that an object should be deleted.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been deleted.
DEFAULT 0 --- This type controls the life cycle of objects passed in the XML API.

When used in a setter method (such as configConfMo), the ModificationStatus specifies whether an object should be created, modified, deleted or removed.
In the return value of a setter method, the ModificationStatus indicates the actual operation that was performed. For example, the ModificationStatus is set to "created" if the object was created. The ModificationStatus is not set if the object was neither created, modified, deleted or removed.

When invoking a setter method, the ModificationStatus is optional:
If a setter method such as configConfMo is invoked and the ModificationStatus is not set, the system automatically determines if the object should be created or modified.


Type: reln:ClassId
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum16

Units: null Encrypted: false Access: implicit Category: TopLevelRegular
The class ID of the target object. This property is managed internally and should not be modified by the user.
unspecified 0 unspecified NO COMMENTS
hcloudACloudBase 14876 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudResourceMap 14879 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudAccount 14883 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRegion 14884 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudAvailZone 14885 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCtx 14886 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCidr 14889 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSubnet 14890 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRouteTable 14895 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRouteTableEntry 14896 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudInstance 14906 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCsr 14909 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCsrReconfiguration 14910 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudEndPoint 14914 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudNetworkInterface 14915 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudIgw 14920 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudInfraRes 14921 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudMsgQ 14922 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudTopic 14925 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudTopicRes 14928 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudStorageBucket 14929 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCloudWatchRule 14930 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudConfigRecorder 14931 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCloudTrail 14932 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudLogGrpPol 14935 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudVpcFlowLogPol 14936 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSubnetFlowLogPol 14939 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRegionOper 14942 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudAvailZoneOper 14943 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSecurityGroupOper 14944 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCtxOper 14945 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCidrOper 14946 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSubnetOper 14947 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCgwOper 14948 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudVgwOper 14949 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudIgwOper 14950 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRouteTableOper 14951 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRsSubnetToRTOper 14952 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRsVpnConnToCgwOper 14953 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudEndPointOper 14954 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudInstanceOper 14955 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudConfigTaskDone 14958 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudEventTaskDone 14959 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudFlowLogOper 14960 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudLogGrpOper 14961 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCtxPeeringOper 14962 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRacl 14963 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRaclRule 14964 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSecurityGroup 14970 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudExtSecurityGroup 14973 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudEPSelector 14976 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudExtEPSelector 14977 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudVgw 14983 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCgw 14986 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryInventory 15019 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryProvider 15020 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryAccount 15021 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryDone 15022 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryRegion 15023 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryCtx 15024 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventorySecurityGroup 15025 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryIngressRule 15026 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryEgressRule 15029 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventorySubnet 15032 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryComputeInstance 15033 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryNetworkInterface 15034 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryInternetGateway 15039 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryVpnGateway 15042 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryCustomerGateway 15045 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryVpnConnection 15046 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryRouteTable 15051 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryRouteTableEntry 15054 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryLoadBalancer 15061 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryTargetGroup 15062 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudNativeLBOper 15195 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudTargetGroupOper 15196 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudListenerOper 15197 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudListenerRuleOper 15198 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudTargetOper 15199 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCertificateOper 15200 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudNativeLB 15202 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudListener 15207 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudListenerRule 15208 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRuleCondition 15209 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRuleAction 15213 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudTargetGroup 15215 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudTarget 15220 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCertificate 15222 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudAccountOper 15231 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudZoneMappingOper 15266 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryAvailZone 15267 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCertStore 15442 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudALbStats 15444 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudIpIngressRule 15507 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudIpEgressRule 15508 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSgIngressRule 15509 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSgEgressRule 15510 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudIpIngressRuleOper 15511 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudIpEgressRuleOper 15512 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSgIngressRuleOper 15513 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSgEgressRuleOper 15514 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudListenerCertificateOper 15515 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudFailedOperHolder 15556 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudFailedOper 15562 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudListenerRulePriorityOper 15563 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudConfigTaskError 15571 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudEventTaskError 15572 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudInventoryTaskError 15573 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudGarbageCollectorError 15574 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudToEPgData 15611 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryCtxCidr 15612 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryPublicIP 15613 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryPrivateIP 15614 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudGarbageCollector 15749 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudGenericError 15752 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCweError 15753 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudSqsError 15754 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudS3Error 15755 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCtError 15756 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCsrSummary 15808 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudCsrSummaryOper 15809 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudGarbageCollectorStarted 15836 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudExtEPSelectorData 15986 --- NO COMMENTS
hcloudRsRFltAttData 15987 --- NO COMMENTS
hinventoryStaleResource 15989 --- NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT hcloudACloudBase(14876) --- NO COMMENTS


Type: reln:Dn
Primitive Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null Encrypted: false Naming Property -- [NAMING RULES] Access: naming Category: TopLevelRegular Property Validators:
The distinguished name of the target.


Type: reln:TargetType
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The type of target.
name 0 name NO COMMENTS
all 2 all NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Uint16

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
A unique identifier for this object.