Class tunnel:If (CONCRETE)

Class ID:3677
Class Label: Tunnel Interface
Encrypted: false - Exportable: false - Persistent: true - Configurable: false - Subject to Quota: Disabled - Abstraction Layer: Concrete Model - APIC NX Processing: Disabled
Read Access: [access-connectivity-l1, access-connectivity-l3, admin, fabric-connectivity-l3, fabric-connectivity-mgmt, fabric-connectivity-util, fabric-equipment, ops, tenant-connectivity-l3, vmm-connectivity, vmm-ep]
Creatable/Deletable: no (see Container Mos for details)
Semantic Scope: Fabric
Semantic Scope Evaluation Rule: Parent
Monitoring Policy Source: Parent
Monitoring Flags : [ IsObservable: true, HasStats: true, HasFaults: true, HasHealth: true, HasEventRules: true ]

A tunnel interface.

Naming Rules
RN FORMAT: tunnel-{[id]}

    [1] PREFIX=tunnel- PROPERTY = id


[0] topology/pod-{id}/node-{id}/sys/tunnel-{[id]}

[1] sys/tunnel-{[id]}



Super Mo: nw:LogicalIf,
Container Mos: top:System (deletable:no),
Contained Mos: ac:LatencyAvg, ac:LatencyHist, eltm:TnnlIf, fv:DEp, fv:VNode, opflex:IDEp, opflex:ODev, tunnel:Bank, tunnel:Cons, tunnel:PortIf,
Relations From: nw:PathEp,
Relations To: l1:PhysIf, leqpt:LooseNode,
Relations: nw:RtPathToIf, tunnel:RsTunnelMbrIfs, tunnel:RsTunnelToLooseNode,

Containers Hierarchies
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] fabric:Topology The root for IFC topology.
[V] fabric:Pod A pod.
[V] fabric:Node The root node for the APIC.
[V] top:System The APIC uses a policy model to combine data into a health score. Health scores can be aggregated for a variety of areas such as for the infrastructure, applications, or services. The category health score is calculated using a Lp -Norm formula. The health score penalty equals 100 minus the health score. The health score penalty represents the overall health score penalties of a set of MOs that belong to a given category and are children or direc...
[V] tunnel:If A tunnel interface.
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] top:System The APIC uses a policy model to combine data into a health score. Health scores can be aggregated for a variety of areas such as for the infrastructure, applications, or services. The category health score is calculated using a Lp -Norm formula. The health score penalty equals 100 minus the health score. The health score penalty represents the overall health score penalties of a set of MOs that belong to a given category and are children or direc...
[V] tunnel:If A tunnel interface.

Contained Hierarchy
[V] tunnel:If A tunnel interface.
[V] ac:LatencyAvg Average Latency Data.
[V] ac:LatencyHist  MO containing histogram data for latency
[V] eltm:TnnlIf 
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:DEp A dynamically-learned endpoint on the switch.
[V] fv:RsHyper A source relation to the hypervisor that controls and monitors the APIC VMs. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToNic 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToVm 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RtDestToVPort A target relation to an endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToVPort A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:VNode An opflex-capable virtual node that is connected to the fabric.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsHostprotPol  Relation to hostprot policies used by this device.
[V] fv:RsLNode A source relation to the logical node. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsOpflexHv  Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC for UI display purposes. Use the new realtion VNodeToHv. This exists for backward compatibility.
[V] fv:RsVNodeToHv  Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC for UI display purposes This is needed for stats as multiple ODevs can point to the same Hv.
[V] fv:RtVNode A target relation to the VNode that contains the endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] nw:RtPathToIf A target relation to the interface information.
[V] opflex:IDEp This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:IDEpToEpDefRef  IDEpToEpDefRef represents an object that links IDEp to corresponding EpDef
[V] fv:RsHyper A source relation to the hypervisor that controls and monitors the APIC VMs. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToNic 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToVm 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RtDestToVPort A target relation to an endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToVPort A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:VDEp A virtual datacenter endpoint.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsHyper A source relation to the hypervisor that controls and monitors the APIC VMs. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToNic 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToVm 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsVNode A source relation to an opflex-capable virtual node that is connected to the fabric. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtDestToVPort A target relation to an endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToVPort A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] opflex:EncapCont 
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] opflex:PathAtt 
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] fv:VDEp A virtual datacenter endpoint.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsHyper A source relation to the hypervisor that controls and monitors the APIC VMs. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToNic 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToVm 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsVNode A source relation to an opflex-capable virtual node that is connected to the fabric. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtDestToVPort A target relation to an endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToVPort A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] opflex:IDEpCntr This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] opflex:IDEpEpPDRef  EpPD ref under the IDEp
[V] opflex:IDEpFaultInfo 
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] opflex:IDEpLabel 
[V] opflex:IDEpScopeCont 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] opflex:IDEpScope 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] opflex:Ip  Represents IP address
[V] opflex:PathAtt 
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] fv:VDEp A virtual datacenter endpoint.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsHyper A source relation to the hypervisor that controls and monitors the APIC VMs. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToNic 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsToVm 
[V] fv:ReportingNode The node reporting a corresponding endpoint. This enables a user to see on which nodes the endpoints are present. This is an internally created object.
[V] fv:RsVNode A source relation to an opflex-capable virtual node that is connected to the fabric. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtDestToVPort A target relation to an endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtSrcToVPort A target relation to a set of endpoints. This is an internal object.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] opflex:RsHpp 
[V] opflex:RtIDEp 
[V] opflex:RtODevToIDEp 
[V] opflex:RtODevToTunnelIDEp 
[V] opflexp:VmmIDEpFaultInfo 
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] opflex:ODev This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:VNode An opflex-capable virtual node that is connected to the fabric.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsHostprotPol  Relation to hostprot policies used by this device.
[V] fv:RsLNode A source relation to the logical node. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RsOpflexHv  Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC for UI display purposes. Use the new realtion VNodeToHv. This exists for backward compatibility.
[V] fv:RsVNodeToHv  Relation to the hypervisor in the IFC for UI display purposes This is needed for stats as multiple ODevs can point to the same Hv.
[V] fv:RtVNode A target relation to the VNode that contains the endpoint. This is an internal object.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] opflex:ODevCap This is generated and used only by internal processes.
[V] opflex:ODevCliCmdCont 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] opflex:ODevCliCmdSession 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] opflex:ODevCliCmdReq 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] opflex:ODevCliCmdResp 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] opflexp:AveCliCmdResp 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] opflex:ODevFaultInfo 
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] opflex:OPNic 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] opflex:ONic 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] opflex:OVm 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] opflex:RsODevToIDEp 
[V] opflex:RsODevToTunnelIDEp 
[V] opflex:RtTsODev  Relation to source fabric node
[V] opflexp:VmmODevFaultInfo 
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] tunnel:Bank A bank. Each port interface under tunnel has two sets of banks for counting the packets and bytes. This object is for statistics only.
[V] tunnel:EgrTep An egress tunnel endpoint counter.
[V] tunnel:IngrTep An ingress tunnel endpoint counter.
[V] tunnel:Cons  tunnel:Cons: Used for reference counting the consumers responsible for creation of this tunnel
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tunnel:PortIf A port interface. This object is for stats purposes only. The tunnel stats on a given physical port are counted. These port objects will be created by default wherever the tunnel can exit out. For example, all north bound tunnels will have the fabric ports created under it.
[V] tunnel:Bank A bank. Each port interface under tunnel has two sets of banks for counting the packets and bytes. This object is for statistics only.
[V] tunnel:EgrTep An egress tunnel endpoint counter.
[V] tunnel:IngrTep An ingress tunnel endpoint counter.
[V] tunnel:RsTunnelMbrIfs A source relation to a layer 1 physical Ethernet interface. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] tunnel:RsTunnelToLooseNode A source relation to an external connected node (i.e. blade switch). Note that this relation is an internal object.

[V] nw:Item Ignore.
[V] nw:Conn A connection abstraction.
[V] nw:Ep A static endpoint.
[V] nw:ConnEp A connection endpoint abstraction.
[V] nw:If The interface information.
[V] nw:LogicalIf A logical interface abstraction.
[V] tunnel:If A tunnel interface.

Stat Counters
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrs:flaps()
           Number of Tunnel Flaps
          Comments: NO COMMENTS
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: tunnel:EgrTepCntrs:dropBytes(bytes)
           Drop Bytes
          Comments: Dropped bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: tunnel:EgrTepCntrs:dropPkts(packets)
           Drop Packets
          Comments: Dropped packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: tunnel:EgrTepCntrs:fwdBytes(bytes)
           Forwarded Bytes
          Comments: Forwarded bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: tunnel:EgrTepCntrs:fwdPkts(packets)
           Forwarded Packets
          Comments: Forwarded packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: tunnel:IngrTepCntrs:dropBytes(bytes)
           Drop Bytes
          Comments: Dropped bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: tunnel:IngrTepCntrs:dropPkts(packets)
           Drop Packets
          Comments: Dropped packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: tunnel:IngrTepCntrs:fwdBytes(bytes)
           Forwarded Bytes
          Comments: Forwarded bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: tunnel:IngrTepCntrs:fwdPkts(packets)
           Forwarded Packets
          Comments: Forwarded packets

[V] tunnel:If A tunnel interface.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrs15min Egress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrs1d Egress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrs1h Egress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrs1mo Egress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrs1qtr Egress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrs1w Egress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrs1year Egress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrs5min Egress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrsHist15min Egress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrsHist1d Egress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrsHist1h Egress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrsHist1mo Egress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrsHist1qtr Egress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrsHist1w Egress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrsHist1year Egress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:EgrTepCntrsHist5min Egress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Egress TEP Counters in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrs15min Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrs1d Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrs1h Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrs1mo Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrs1qtr Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrs1w Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrs1year Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrs5min Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrsHist15min Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrsHist1d Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrsHist1h Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrsHist1mo Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrsHist1qtr Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrsHist1w Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrsHist1year Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:IngrTepCntrsHist5min Ingress TEP counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Ingress TEP Counters in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrs15min Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrs1d Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrs1h Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrs1mo Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrs1qtr Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrs1w Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrs1year Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrs5min Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents the most current statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrsHist15min Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrsHist1d Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrsHist1h Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrsHist1mo Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrsHist1qtr Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrsHist1w Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrsHist1year Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] tunnel:TunnelFlapCntrsHist5min Tunnel Flap counters. A class that represents historical statistics for Tuennl Flap Counters in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.




Properties Summary
Defined in: tunnel:If
string:Basic aclTcamStQual  (tunnel:If:aclTcamStQual)
           RL VPC Drop TCAM state failure
adminSt  (tunnel:If:adminSt)
           The administrative state of the interface.
cfgdMtu  (tunnel:If:cfgdMtu)
           The routed VLAN interface configured maximum transmission unit (MTU).
scalar:Bool delInProg  (tunnel:If:delInProg)
address:Ip dest  (tunnel:If:dest)
           The transmission destination identifier.
id  (tunnel:If:id)
           The routed VLAN interface identifier.
reference:BinRef idRequestorDn  (tunnel:If:idRequestorDn)
           Tunnel Id Requestor Dn
scalar:Uint32 iod  (tunnel:If:iod)
           Specifies the IOD.
keepAlvIntvl  (tunnel:If:keepAlvIntvl)
           The interval time between sending keepalive messages.
keepAlvRetries  (tunnel:If:keepAlvRetries)
           The configured interval before sending another series of keep alive messages.
lcC  (tunnel:If:lcC)
           How this entity's lifecycle is created, deleted, or modified.
address:MAC mac  (tunnel:If:mac)
           The MAC address.
reference:BinRef monPolDn  (tunnel:If:monPolDn)
operSt  (tunnel:If:operSt)
           The runtime state of the routed VLAN interface.
operStQual  (tunnel:If:operStQual)
           The chassis operational status qualifier.
address:Ip src  (tunnel:If:src)
           The source node IP address.
tLayer  (tunnel:If:tLayer)
           The layer for the tunnel interface.
tType  (tunnel:If:tType)
           The type of target.
scalar:Bitmask64 tmCfgFailedBmp  (tunnel:If:tmCfgFailedBmp)
scalar:Time tmCfgFailedTs  (tunnel:If:tmCfgFailedTs)
scalar:UByte tmCfgState  (tunnel:If:tmCfgState)
type  (tunnel:If:type)
           The specific type of the routed vlan interface.
underlayVrfName  (tunnel:If:underlayVrfName)
           VRF for Underlay Tunnel (valid only for underlay-mcast type tunnels)
address:Ip v6Src  (tunnel:If:v6Src)
           Tunnel source IPv6
vrfName  (tunnel:If:vrfName)
           The interface VRF name. This name can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
Defined in: nw:If
descr  (nw:If:descr)
Defined in: nw:Ep
name  (nw:Ep:name)
           The name of the object.
Defined in: mo:Resolvable
lcOwn  (mo:Resolvable:lcOwn)
           A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
Defined in: mo:Modifiable
modTs  (mo:Modifiable:modTs)
           The time when this object was last modified.
Defined in: mo:TopProps
childAction  (mo:TopProps:childAction)
           Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
reference:BinRef dn  (mo:TopProps:dn)
           A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.
reference:BinRN rn  (mo:TopProps:rn)
           Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.
status  (mo:TopProps:status)
           The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
Properties Detail


Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
RL VPC Drop TCAM state failure


Type: tunnel:AdminSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The administrative state of the interface.
up 1 up Administrative state is UP
down 2 down Administrative state is DOWN
DEFAULT up(1) up Administrative state is UP


Type: tunnel:ConfMtu
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The routed VLAN interface configured maximum transmission unit (MTU).
defaultValue 9000u --- NO COMMENTS


Type: mo:ModificationChildAction
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelChildAction
Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
deleteAll 16384u deleteAll NO COMMENTS
ignore 4096u ignore NO COMMENTS
deleteNonPresent 8192u deleteNonPresent NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- This type is used to


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: naming:Descr
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Like: naming:Described:descr
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: address:Ip

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The transmission destination identifier.


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelDn
A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.


Type: nw:IfId
Primitive Type: base:IfIndex

Units: null Encrypted: false Naming Property -- [NAMING RULES] Access: naming Category: TopLevelRegular
The routed VLAN interface identifier.


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Tunnel Id Requestor Dn


Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
Specifies the IOD.


Type: tunnel:KeepAlvIntvl
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The interval time between sending keepalive messages.
defaultValue 10u --- NO COMMENTS


Type: tunnel:KeepAlvRetries
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The configured interval before sending another series of keep alive messages.
defaultValue 3u --- NO COMMENTS


Type: tunnel:LcC
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
How this entity's lifecycle is created, deleted, or modified.
vmm 1 vmm instanciated by a trigger from corresponding VMM domain
learned 2 learned learned through network protocol magic
static 4 static statically configured by admin
DEFAULT 0 --- Life Cycle Control specifies how this entity (EP)'s Lifecycle is controlled: created, deleted, modified


Type: mo:Owner
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
local 0 Local NO COMMENTS
policy 1 Policy NO COMMENTS
replica 2 Replica NO COMMENTS
resolveOnBehalf 3 ResolvedOnBehalf NO COMMENTS
implicit 4 Implicit NO COMMENTS


Type: address:MAC

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The MAC address.


Type: mo:TStamp
Primitive Type: scalar:Date

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time when this object was last modified.
never 0ull never NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT never(0ull) never NO COMMENTS


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: naming:Name
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null Encrypted: false Access: admin Category: TopLevelRegular
The name of the object.


Type: tunnel:OperSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The runtime state of the routed VLAN interface.
up 1 up Operational state is UP
down 2 down Operatrional state is UP
DEFAULT down(2) down Operatrional state is UP


Type: tunnel:OperStQual
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The chassis operational status qualifier.
unknown 0 unknown unknown
none 1 No reason No reason
initing 2 Initializing hardware Initializing hardware
incomp-conf 3 Tunnel configuration is incomplete Tunnel configuration is incomplete
dup-conf 4 Duplicate tunnel config Duplicate tunnel config
no-encap 5 Encap type is not configured Encap type is not configured
admin-down 6 Admin state is down Admin state down
src-down 7 Tunnel source down Tunnel source down
src-unres 8 Source IP is could not be resolved Source IP is could not be resolved
no-dest 9 Destination is not configured Destination is not configured
desip-unres 10 Destination IP address unresolvable Destination IP address unresolvable
dest-unreach 11 Destination unreachable Destination unreachable
vrf-mismatch 12 Source interface and tunnl VRF mismatch Source interface and tunnl VRF mismatch
vrf-fwdref 13 Tunnel transport VRF is forward referencing Tunnel transport VRF is forward referencing
vrf-down 14 VRF is down VRF is down
mtu-error 15 MTU programming failed MTU programming failed
hwprog-fail 16 Hardware programming failed Hardware programming failed
DEFAULT unknown(0) unknown unknown


Type: reference:BinRN

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRn
Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.


Type: address:Ip

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The source node IP address.


Type: mo:ModificationStatus
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
created 2u created In a setter method: specifies that an object should be created. An error is returned if the object already exists.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been created.
modified 4u modified In a setter method: specifies that an object should be modified
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been modified.
deleted 8u deleted In a setter method: specifies that an object should be deleted.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been deleted.
DEFAULT 0 --- This type controls the life cycle of objects passed in the XML API.

When used in a setter method (such as configConfMo), the ModificationStatus specifies whether an object should be created, modified, deleted or removed.
In the return value of a setter method, the ModificationStatus indicates the actual operation that was performed. For example, the ModificationStatus is set to "created" if the object was created. The ModificationStatus is not set if the object was neither created, modified, deleted or removed.

When invoking a setter method, the ModificationStatus is optional:
If a setter method such as configConfMo is invoked and the ModificationStatus is not set, the system automatically determines if the object should be created or modified.


Type: tunnel:LayerT
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The layer for the tunnel interface.
l2 1 l2 tunnel L2 tunnel
l3 2 l3 tunnel L3 tunnel
DEFAULT l2(1) l2 tunnel L2 tunnel


Type: tunnel:TunnelQual
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The type of target.
unknown 0 unknown Unknown
ivxlan 1 ivxlan iVXLAN tunnel
vxlan 2 vxlan VXLAN tunnel
DEFAULT ivxlan(1) ivxlan iVXLAN tunnel


Type: scalar:Bitmask64

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
tunnel:IflcOwn_failed_flag -9223372036854775808ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IfkeepAlvIntvl_failed_flag 1024ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:Ifdest_failed_flag 128ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:Ifsrc_failed_flag 131072ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IfmonPolDn_failed_flag 16384ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IfunderlayVrfName_failed_flag 16777216ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IfadminSt_failed_flag 16ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:Ifname_failed_flag 1ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IfkeepAlvRetries_failed_flag 2048ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IfmodTs_failed_flag 2305843009213693952ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IfidRequestorDn_failed_flag 256ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IftLayer_failed_flag 262144ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:Ifdescr_failed_flag 2ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IfcfgdMtu_failed_flag 32ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:Ifv6Src_failed_flag 33554432ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IflcC_failed_flag 4096ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:Ifid_failed_flag 4ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IftType_failed_flag 524288ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:IfvrfName_failed_flag 67108864ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:Ifmac_failed_flag 8192ull --- NO COMMENTS
tunnel:Iftype_failed_flag 8388608ull --- NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Time

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: scalar:UByte

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: tunnel:EpT
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The specific type of the routed vlan interface.
learn-disabled 1024u Learn Disabled Learn Disabled
underlay-mcast 128u Underlay Multicast Underlay Muticast Interface used for multicast routing
vpod-mcast-hrep 131072u Vpod Leaf Multicast VPOD mcast
rl-mcast-hrep 16384u Remote Leaf Multicast RL mcast
proxy-acast-mac 16u Proxy Anycast MAC Ep Proxy anycast mac tunnel endpoint
physical 1u Physical Ep Physical endpoint
rl-ss 2048u Remote Leaf Shared Service Tunnel to remote leaf's tep for shared service
dci-ucast 256u Remote Pod Dci Unicast Tunnel to remote pod's dci ucast tep
rl-direct 262144u RL direct switching RL Direct
virtual 2u Virtual Ep Virtual endpoint
rl-vpc 32768u Remote Leaf VPC Tunnel to RL VPC peer
fabric-ext 32u Fabric External Fabric external mode
non-fabric-golf 4096u Non Fabric Golf Non Fabric Golf
proxy-acast-v4 4u Proxy Anycast IPv4 Ep Proxy anycast v4 tunnel endpoint
dci-mcast-hrep 512u Remote Site Dci Mcast Tunnel to remote site's dci mcast tep
rl-direct-pod 524288u RL direct switching interpod RL Direct Pod
non-fabric-untrusted 64u Non Fabric Untrusted Node Non Fabric Untrusted nodes
vpod-ucast 65536u Vpod Leaf Unicast VPOD ucast
rl-ucast 8192u Remote Leaf Unicast RL ucast
proxy-acast-v6 8u Proxy Anycast IPv6 Ep Proxy anycast v6 tunnel endpoint
DEFAULT physical(1u) Physical Ep Physical endpoint


Type: l3:VrfName
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
VRF for Underlay Tunnel (valid only for underlay-mcast type tunnels)


Type: address:Ip

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Tunnel source IPv6


Type: l3:VrfName
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The interface VRF name. This name can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters.