Fault fltEthpmIfPortDownInfraNoEpg

Rule ID:543

This fault occurs when a port is down and is in use for infra and no epg

Recommended Action:
If you see this fault, take the following actions

  1. Check the port connectivity
  2. Remove the configuration or administratively shut the port if the port is not in use
  3. For mcp-loop-err-disable, this could be due to a loop in the network. Check the config to resolve any loops
  4. If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: ethpm:If

Fault Name: fltEthpmIfPortDownInfraNoEpg

Unqualified API Name: portDownInfraNoEpg
Code: F0543
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: communications
Cause: interface-physical-down
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: Port is down, reason:operStQual(operErrDisQual), used by:usage on node id of fabric fabricDomain with hostname name


Triggered By:
         lastLinkStChg not equals 0ull
         operSt equals down
          usage contains blacklist
          usage contains epg
         usage contains infra
         operStQual not equals mac-pinning