Fault fltSviIfVmacHwMemFull

Rule ID:3719

This fault occurs when the svi vmac change failed due to hardware memory exhaustion

Recommended Action:
There are two ways to recover from this fault - either clear the vmac on this svi; or free up some space for additional vmacs by deleting vmacs on other SVIs, and then

  1. to retain current vmac address, first clear vmac, submit the change, then re-configure same vmac address and submit the change.
  2. to configure new vmac address, configure new address, and submit the change.

Raised on MO: svi:If

Fault Name: fltSviIfVmacHwMemFull

Unqualified API Name: vmacHwMemFull
Code: F3719
Applied Mo DN Format:

Type: operational
Cause: vmac-hw-mem-full
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: VMAC change failed, as vmac hw memory full: vmacChgQual


Triggered By:
         vmacChgQual contains eltm-vmac-mem-exhausted