Contribute in parsers build

To contribute in the parsers build, you need to activate the developer mode. You will need to follow the below steps in order to do so.

pip uninstall genie.libs.parser
git clone parser module (GitHub/BitBucket)
cd $VIRTUALENV/pypi/genieparser/
make package

# Now you build your parser under the corresponding OS as per the hierarchy
# below.

# Done with the developer mode and already committed your parser?
cd $VIRTUALENV/pypi/genieparser/
make undevelop

# Install parser module as a user again
pip install genie.libs.parser


There is no manadate to switch back to user mode, if you would like to remain in developer mode, it’s fine. Just make sure you won’t accidently push a code breakage to the official branch.

Parser file hierarchy

  |-- iosxe
  |   `--
  |-- iosxr
  |   `--
  |-- nxos
  |   |--
  |   `--
  `-- template

 where the top level is broken down further into OS-specific directories,
 and optionally, have a template directory for demonstrating other developers
 what to do.

    The parser file system root.The parser file categories have been
    organized based on OS/platform types.

    Place to declare the abstraction-enabled package.

    NXOS platform-specific parsers.

    Place to declare the abstraction token (nxos) in the abstraction-enabled

    As an example, aims to guide developers on writing their
    first parsers.

    IOSXE platform-specific parsers. This directory holds all iosxe
    parser files.

    Place to declare the abstraction token (iosxe) in the abstraction-enabled

    IOSXR platform-specific parsers. This directory holds all iosxr
    parser files.

    Place to declare the abstraction token (iosxr) in the abstraction-enabled

    Parser template folder - all template files can be found inside of
    this directory.

    Parser template file - the template doc defines the common
    format/structure/guidelines which helps to guide developers to
    complete their parser development.

Parser file naming convention guidelines:

Recommendation #1: Parser file contains at least one parser class which includes actual parsing mechanisms (cli, xml, yang) implementation. All relevant parser classes (name with same starting words) should be sit in the same file. For instance, parser class ShowXxx, ShowXxxYyy, and ShowXxxYyyZzz should be implemented in file:

Recommendation #2: Parser module (parser file) name should be the first two words of the corresponding cli command or equivalent. For example: If the first two words contain strong ambiguity (e.g.: show ip), extend the next word (e.g.: to clarify the parser purpose.

Recommendation #3: Each parser class within the parser module must inherit from MetaParser class. We strongly recommend to name the class using the full cli command or equivalent to represent the actual parser (e.g.: ShowIpOspfInterface).

Recommendation #4: For variable phrases within the parser class name (e.g.: show interface Eth3/4), use _WORD_ to present the phrase (e.g.: ShowInterface_WORD_).

Parser development review criteria

It is expected that all parser code get reviewed by developers’ local team before submitting to official Cisco-shared in order to reduce overall traffic & comments.

Developer is expected to raise a pull request on code review so Genie developers review before committing to the community parser repository.

Submit the parser source code (new code, new folder, fixing, enhancement, etc), diff using diff -u 20 as part of the pull request.


It is strongly recommended to submit unit tests associated with the parser implementation.