Utility Class


util module is located in metaparser package util directory along with few other utility modules like schemaengine and exceptions. This module defines a set of methods that perform common, often re-used functions to help parser developers in manipulating the parser output data structures.

Usage example

All the methods defined in util module are under static scope

The following example shows the usage of util functions:

# imports utility methods
# -----------------------
from genie.metaparser.util import keynames_exist, \
                                  keynames_convert, \

dic = {'interface': 'loopback1',
                'address': {'ip': '1.1.10', 'mask': '24'}}

# validate the mandatory keys are in dict

keynames_to_check = ['interface', 'address.ip']
assert keynames_exist(dic, keynames_to_check) == None

# changing the keynames to agree with the schema

names_mapping =  [('address.ip','ip_address'), ('interface','intf')]
result = keynames_convert(dic, names_mapping)
assert 'ip_address' in result['address']
assert 'intf' in result

# reforming a new dict contains only the desired keys

keys = [['address','ip_address'], ['address','mask']]
new_dict = reform_nestdict_from_keys(dic, keys)
assert 'ip_address' in new_dict['address']
assert 'mask' in new_dict['address']
assert 'intf' not in new_dict