Class stats:Reportable (CONCRETE)

Class ID:54
Class Label: Statistics Policy
Encrypted: false - Exportable: true - Persistent: true - Configurable: true - Subject to Quota: Disabled
Write Access: [admin, ops]
Read Access: [admin, ops]
Creatable/Deletable: yes (see Container Mos for details)
Possible Semantic Scopes: EPG, Infra, Fabric,
Semantic Scope Evaluation Rule: Parent
Monitoring Policy Source: Parent
Monitoring Flags : [ IsObservable: true, HasStats: false, HasFaults: false, HasHealth: true, HasEventRules: false ]

A statistics policy container, which contains statistic collections and export policies for different types of statistics.

Naming Rules
RN FORMAT: stat-{scope}

    [1] PREFIX=stat- PROPERTY = scope


[1] uni/tn-{name}/monepg-{name}/tarepg-{scope}/stat-{scope}

[3] uni/infra/moninfra-{name}/tarinfra-{scope}/stat-{scope}

[5] uni/fabric/monfab-{name}/tarfab-{scope}/stat-{scope}



Super Mo: pol:Comp,
Container Mos: mon:Target (deletable:yes),
Contained Mos: stats:Coll, stats:ExportP,

Containers Hierarchies
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] fabric:Topology The root for IFC topology.
[V] fabric:Pod A pod.
[V] fabric:Node The root node for the APIC.
[V] ctx:Local The local Context.
[V] ctx:Application The context application.
[V] pol:Uni Represents policy definition/resolution universe.
[V] fv:Tenant A policy owner in the virtual fabric. A tenant can be either a private or a shared entity. For example, you can create a tenant with contexts and bridge domains shared by other tenants. A shared type of tenant is typically named common, default, or infra.
[V] mon:EPGPol Creates a container for monitoring policies associated with the tenant. This allows you to apply tenant-specific policies related to Stats Collection, Stats Export, Callhome/SNMP/Syslog, Event Severities, Fault Severities, and Fault Lifecycles.
[V] mon:EPGTarget Creating a monitoring target will allow you to associate certain monitoring policies to the target object for this tenant. These associated policies can be related to stats collection, stats export, Callhome/SNMP/Syslog, event severities, fault severities, and fault lifecycle policies. The target object will be found in the Monitoring Object drop-down menu in the sub-folders of this monitoring policy, if available.
[V] stats:Reportable A statistics policy container, which contains statistic collections and export policies for different types of statistics.
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] pol:Uni Represents policy definition/resolution universe.
[V] fv:Tenant A policy owner in the virtual fabric. A tenant can be either a private or a shared entity. For example, you can create a tenant with contexts and bridge domains shared by other tenants. A shared type of tenant is typically named common, default, or infra.
[V] mon:EPGPol Creates a container for monitoring policies associated with the tenant. This allows you to apply tenant-specific policies related to Stats Collection, Stats Export, Callhome/SNMP/Syslog, Event Severities, Fault Severities, and Fault Lifecycles.
[V] mon:EPGTarget Creating a monitoring target will allow you to associate certain monitoring policies to the target object for this tenant. These associated policies can be related to stats collection, stats export, Callhome/SNMP/Syslog, event severities, fault severities, and fault lifecycle policies. The target object will be found in the Monitoring Object drop-down menu in the sub-folders of this monitoring policy, if available.
[V] stats:Reportable A statistics policy container, which contains statistic collections and export policies for different types of statistics.
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] fabric:Topology The root for IFC topology.
[V] fabric:Pod A pod.
[V] fabric:Node The root node for the APIC.
[V] ctx:Local The local Context.
[V] ctx:Application The context application.
[V] pol:Uni Represents policy definition/resolution universe.
[V] infra:Infra A container for all tenant infra configurations.
[V] mon:InfraPol Creates a policy which acts as a container for associated fabric monitoring policies. These can include policies related to Event/Fault severity, the Fault lifecycle, and other such monitoring policies.
[V] mon:InfraTarget Creating a monitoring target will allow you to associate certain monitoring policies to the target object for the fabric infrastructure. These associated policies can be related to stats collection, stats export, Callhome/SNMP/Syslog, event severities, fault severities, and fault lifecycle policies. The target object will be found in the Monitoring Object drop-down menu in the sub-folders of this monitoring policy, if available.
[V] stats:Reportable A statistics policy container, which contains statistic collections and export policies for different types of statistics.
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] pol:Uni Represents policy definition/resolution universe.
[V] infra:Infra A container for all tenant infra configurations.
[V] mon:InfraPol Creates a policy which acts as a container for associated fabric monitoring policies. These can include policies related to Event/Fault severity, the Fault lifecycle, and other such monitoring policies.
[V] mon:InfraTarget Creating a monitoring target will allow you to associate certain monitoring policies to the target object for the fabric infrastructure. These associated policies can be related to stats collection, stats export, Callhome/SNMP/Syslog, event severities, fault severities, and fault lifecycle policies. The target object will be found in the Monitoring Object drop-down menu in the sub-folders of this monitoring policy, if available.
[V] stats:Reportable A statistics policy container, which contains statistic collections and export policies for different types of statistics.
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] fabric:Topology The root for IFC topology.
[V] fabric:Pod A pod.
[V] fabric:Node The root node for the APIC.
[V] ctx:Local The local Context.
[V] ctx:Application The context application.
[V] pol:Uni Represents policy definition/resolution universe.
[V] fabric:Inst A container object for fabric policies.
[V] mon:FabricPol Creates a policy which acts as a container for associated fabric monitoring policies. These can include policies related to Event/Fault severity, the Fault lifecycle, and other such monitoring policies.
[V] mon:FabricTarget The monitoring target policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] stats:Reportable A statistics policy container, which contains statistic collections and export policies for different types of statistics.
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] pol:Uni Represents policy definition/resolution universe.
[V] fabric:Inst A container object for fabric policies.
[V] mon:FabricPol Creates a policy which acts as a container for associated fabric monitoring policies. These can include policies related to Event/Fault severity, the Fault lifecycle, and other such monitoring policies.
[V] mon:FabricTarget The monitoring target policy model for the fabric semantic scope.
[V] stats:Reportable A statistics policy container, which contains statistic collections and export policies for different types of statistics.

Contained Hierarchy
[V] stats:Reportable A statistics policy container, which contains statistic collections and export policies for different types of statistics.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] stats:Coll The collection configuration policy, which configures the collection policy according to the granularity of the statistics.. This is also a container for threshold policies for the statistic granularity.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] stats:AThrP The superclass for the statistical threshold policy. Subclasses represent export policies for specific data types.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] stats:ExportP The export policy, which enables you to output statistics collection policy reports in an XML or JSON format. The reports are exported at a specified frequency with an option for gzip file compression.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] stats:DestP The export policy. The export policy enables you to output statistics collection policy reports in an XML or JSON format. The reports are exported at a specified frequency and to a chosen export destination. Specifying the export destination can require selecting the protocol used when communicating with a remote server and entering a hostname/IP address, a remote path, the username and password the system should use to log in to the remote s...
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] file:RsARemoteHostToEpg A source relation to the endpoint group through which the remote host is reachable.
[V] file:RsARemoteHostToEpp A source relation to the abstract representation of the resolvable endpoint profile.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)

[V] naming:NamedObject An abstract base class for an object that contains a name.
[V] pol:Obj Represents a generic policy object.
[V] pol:Comp Represents a policy component. This object is part of the policy definition.
[V] stats:Reportable A statistics policy container, which contains statistic collections and export policies for different types of statistics.




Properties Summary
Defined in: stats:Reportable
reference:BinRef monPolDn  (stats:Reportable:monPolDn)
           The monitoring policy attached to this observable object.
mo:StatsClassId scope  (stats:Reportable:scope)
           The property the stat policy applies to.
Defined in: pol:Comp
descr  (pol:Comp:descr)
           Specifies the description of a policy component.
Defined in: pol:Obj
name  (pol:Obj:name)
Defined in: naming:NamedObject
nameAlias  (naming:NamedObject:nameAlias)
           NO COMMENTS
Defined in: mo:TopProps
childAction  (mo:TopProps:childAction)
           Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
reference:BinRef dn  (mo:TopProps:dn)
           A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.
reference:BinRN rn  (mo:TopProps:rn)
           Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.
status  (mo:TopProps:status)
           The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
Defined in: mo:Resolvable
lcOwn  (mo:Resolvable:lcOwn)
           A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
Defined in: mo:Ownable
scalar:Uint16 uid  (mo:Ownable:uid)
           A unique identifier for this object.
Defined in: mo:Modifiable
modTs  (mo:Modifiable:modTs)
           The time when this object was last modified.
Properties Detail


Type: mo:ModificationChildAction
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelChildAction
Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
deleteAll 16384u deleteAll NO COMMENTS
ignore 4096u ignore NO COMMENTS
deleteNonPresent 8192u deleteNonPresent NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- This type is used to


Type: naming:Descr
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Like: naming:Described:descr
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
    Range:  min: "0"  max: "128"
        Allowed Chars:
            Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9\\!#$%()*,-./:;@ _{|}~?&+]+
Specifies the description of a policy component.


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelDn
A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.


Type: mo:Owner
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
local 0 Local NO COMMENTS
policy 1 Policy NO COMMENTS
replica 2 Replica NO COMMENTS
resolveOnBehalf 3 ResolvedOnBehalf NO COMMENTS
implicit 4 Implicit NO COMMENTS


Type: mo:TStamp
Primitive Type: scalar:Date

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time when this object was last modified.
never 0ull never NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT never(0ull) never NO COMMENTS


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The monitoring policy attached to this observable object.


Type: naming:Name
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null Encrypted: false Access: admin Category: TopLevelRegular Property Validators: Range: min: "0" max: "64" Allowed Chars: Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+


Type: naming:NameAlias
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
    Range:  min: "0"  max: "63"
        Allowed Chars:
            Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+


Type: reference:BinRN

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRn
Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.


Type: mo:StatsClassId

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Naming Property -- [NAMING RULES]
Access: naming
Category: TopLevelRegular
Property Validators:
The property the stat policy applies to.
unspecified 0u --- NO COMMENTS
opflexIDEpRxPkts 1026u Received packets NO COMMENTS
opflexIDEpRxBytes 1045u Received bytes NO COMMENTS
opflexIDEpTxPkts 1064u Transmitted packets NO COMMENTS
opflexIDEpTxBytes 1083u Transmitted bytes NO COMMENTS
compHostStats 1132u Host NO COMMENTS
compRcvdPkts 1150u Received packets NO COMMENTS
compRcvdErrPkts 1168u Received error packets NO COMMENTS
compRcvdBytes 1186u Received bytes NO COMMENTS
compTrnsmtdPkts 1204u Transmitted packets NO COMMENTS
compTrnsmtdErrPkts 1222u Transmitted error packets NO COMMENTS
compTrnsmtdBytes 1240u Transmitted bytes NO COMMENTS
vnsRxPkts 1509u Rx Packet counters NO COMMENTS
vnsTxPkts 1543u Tx Packet counters NO COMMENTS
fvOverallHealth 2009u Overall tenant health NO COMMENTS
qosmIngrPkts 2353u Ingress packets NO COMMENTS
qosmEgrPkts 2372u Egress packets NO COMMENTS
actrlRuleHit 2408u Rule hits NO COMMENTS
actrlRuleHitPart 2410u Part of rule hits NO COMMENTS
actrlRuleHitAg 2412u Aggregated rule hits NO COMMENTS
isisTreeCalcStats 2769u FTAG global NO COMMENTS
isisTreeCalcNodeStats 2788u FTAG global node NO COMMENTS
isisFtagTreeStats 2807u FTAG NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityBDEntry 2870u Bridge domain entry NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityL2Entry 2889u Layer2 entry NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityL3Entry 2909u Layer3 entry NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityPolEntry 2928u Policy entry NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityMcastEntry 2947u Multicast entry NO COMMENTS
eqptIngrPkts 3010u Ingress Packets NO COMMENTS
eqptIngrUnkPkts 3029u Ingress Unknown Packets NO COMMENTS
eqptIngrBytes 3048u Ingress Bytes NO COMMENTS
eqptIngrUnkBytes 3067u Ingress Unknown Bytes NO COMMENTS
eqptIngrDropPkts 3086u Ingress Drop Packets NO COMMENTS
eqptEgrPkts 3105u Egress Packets NO COMMENTS
eqptEgrBytes 3124u Egress Bytes NO COMMENTS
eqptEgrDropPkts 3143u Egress Drop Packets NO COMMENTS
eqptIngrTotal 3162u Ingress NO COMMENTS
eqptEgrTotal 3181u Egress NO COMMENTS
eqptTemp 3256u Temperature NO COMMENTS
eqptFruPower 3280u FRU power NO COMMENTS
eqptPsPower 3299u Power supply NO COMMENTS
eqptFanStats 3318u Fan NO COMMENTS
l2IngrPkts 3439u Ingress packets NO COMMENTS
l2IngrPktsPart 3441u Part of ingress packets NO COMMENTS
l2IngrPktsAg 3443u Aggregated ingress packets NO COMMENTS
l2IngrBytes 3494u Ingress bytes NO COMMENTS
l2IngrBytesPart 3496u Part of ingress bytes NO COMMENTS
l2IngrBytesAg 3498u Aggregated ingress bytes NO COMMENTS
procSysLoad 3820u System load NO COMMENTS
procSysCPU 3839u System cpu NO COMMENTS
procSysMem 3858u System memory NO COMMENTS
procProcCPU 3877u Process Cpu NO COMMENTS
procProcMem 3896u Process memory NO COMMENTS
procCPU 3917u CPU utilization NO COMMENTS
procMem 3936u Memory NO COMMENTS
fabricAcTxRx 404u Packets NO COMMENTS
fabricAcDropExcess 423u Drop packets NO COMMENTS
fabricOverallHealth 444u Overall fabric health NO COMMENTS
infraClusterStats 4469u Cluster NO COMMENTS
infraReplicaStats 4490u Replica NO COMMENTS
fabricNodeHealth 462u Node health NO COMMENTS
opflexIDEpBcastPkts 5362u Broadcast packets NO COMMENTS
coppAllow 5659u Copp Allow Counters NO COMMENTS
coppDrop 5677u Copp Drop Counters NO COMMENTS
eqptIngrStorm 5937u Ingress Storm Ctrl NO COMMENTS
opflexIDEpDfwConn 6390u DFW connection statistics NO COMMENTS
opflexIDEpDfwConnDenied 6408u DFW connection denied statistics NO COMMENTS
opflexIDEpDfwPktDrop 6426u DFW packet drop statistics NO COMMENTS
commWebReq 6445u Web requests NO COMMENTS
commWebReqAg 6449u Aggregated web requests NO COMMENTS
commWebConn 6499u Web connections NO COMMENTS
commWebConnAg 6503u Aggregated web connections NO COMMENTS
commWebConnStates 6553u Web connections state NO COMMENTS
commWebConnStatesAg 6557u Aggregated web connections state NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityPrefixEntries 6626u Prefix (I Pv4 and I Pv6) entries NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityMcastUsage 6671u Multicast entries usage NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityL2Usage 6689u Layer2 entries usage count NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityPolUsage 6707u Policy entries usage NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityL3Usage 6725u Layer3 entries usage count NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityVlanUsage 6743u Vlan entries usage NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityRouterIpEntries 6761u Router Ip (I Pv4 and I Pv6) entries NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityL3UsageCap 6907u Layer3 entries max capacity NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityVlanXlateEntries 7052u Vlan Xlate entries NO COMMENTS
l2EgrPkts 7328u Egress packets NO COMMENTS
l2EgrPktsPart 7330u Part of egress packets NO COMMENTS
l2EgrPktsAg 7332u Aggregated egress packets NO COMMENTS
l2EgrBytes 7382u Egress bytes NO COMMENTS
l2EgrBytesPart 7384u Part of egress bytes NO COMMENTS
l2EgrBytesAg 7386u Aggregated egress bytes NO COMMENTS
opflexIDEpPolicyDrop 8044u EPG policy drop statistics NO COMMENTS
dppIngrAllow 8075u Ingress Data Plane Policer Allow Counters NO COMMENTS
dppIngrDrop 8093u Ingress Data Plane Policer Drop Counters NO COMMENTS
dppEgrAllow 8111u Egress Data Plane Policer Allow Counters NO COMMENTS
dppEgrDrop 8129u Egress Data Plane Policer Drop Counters NO COMMENTS
acllogFlowCounter 8610u Flow Record Counter NO COMMENTS
acllogFlowCounterAg 8628u Aggregated Flow Record Counter NO COMMENTS
eqptIngrAggrPkts 8822u Ingress Aggregated Packets NO COMMENTS
eqptIngrAggrBytes 8840u Ingress Aggregated Bytes NO COMMENTS
eqptEgrAggrPkts 8858u Egress Aggregated Packets NO COMMENTS
eqptEgrAggrBytes 8876u Egress Aggregated Bytes NO COMMENTS
eqptcapacityL3UsagePer 9156u Layer3 entries usage percentage NO COMMENTS
analyticsExport 9426u Netflow Export Counters NO COMMENTS
analyticsDropped 9444u Netflow Drop Counters NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT unspecified(0u) --- NO COMMENTS


Type: mo:ModificationStatus
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
created 2u created In a setter method: specifies that an object should be created. An error is returned if the object already exists.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been created.
modified 4u modified In a setter method: specifies that an object should be modified
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been modified.
deleted 8u deleted In a setter method: specifies that an object should be deleted.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been deleted.
DEFAULT 0 --- This type controls the life cycle of objects passed in the XML API.

When used in a setter method (such as configConfMo), the ModificationStatus specifies whether an object should be created, modified, deleted or removed.
In the return value of a setter method, the ModificationStatus indicates the actual operation that was performed. For example, the ModificationStatus is set to "created" if the object was created. The ModificationStatus is not set if the object was neither created, modified, deleted or removed.

When invoking a setter method, the ModificationStatus is optional:
If a setter method such as configConfMo is invoked and the ModificationStatus is not set, the system automatically determines if the object should be created or modified.


Type: scalar:Uint16

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
A unique identifier for this object.