Class pc:FcAggrIf (CONCRETE)

Class ID:11909
Class Label: FC Aggregated Interface
Encrypted: false - Exportable: false - Persistent: true - Configurable: false - Subject to Quota: Disabled - Abstraction Layer: Concrete Model - APIC NX Processing: Disabled
Read Access: [access-connectivity-l1, admin, tenant-protocol-l2]
Creatable/Deletable: no (see Container Mos for details)
Semantic Scope: Fabric
Semantic Scope Evaluation Rule: Parent
Monitoring Policy Source: Parent
Monitoring Flags : [ IsObservable: true, HasStats: true, HasFaults: true, HasHealth: true, HasEventRules: true ]

Aggregated interface, collection of physical ports; aka port channel

Naming Rules
RN FORMAT: fcaggr-{[id]}

    [1] PREFIX=fcaggr- PROPERTY = id


[0] topology/pod-{id}/node-{id}/sys/fc/fcaggr-{[id]}

[1] sys/fc/fcaggr-{[id]}



Super Mo: l1:FcIf,
Container Mos: fc:Entity (deletable:no),
Contained Mos: fcpm:FcAggrIf, rmon:IfFcmac,
Relations From: l2:FcBrIf, span:ASource, nw:PathEp, infra:AFcAccBndlGrp, l2:FcAggrIf,
Relations To: fc:IfPol, lacp:LagPol, l1:FcPhysIf,
Relations: l1:RsNfcIfPolCons, l1:RtFcBrConf, l1:RtSpanSrcToL1IfAtt, nw:RtPathToIf, pc:RsFcLacpPolCons, pc:RsFcMbrIfs, pc:RtFcAccBndlGrpToFcAggrIf, pc:RtPcFcAggrBrConf,

Containers Hierarchies
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] fabric:Topology The root for IFC topology.
[V] fabric:Pod A pod.
[V] fabric:Node The root node for the APIC.
[V] top:System The APIC uses a policy model to combine data into a health score. Health scores can be aggregated for a variety of areas such as for the infrastructure, applications, or services. The category health score is calculated using a Lp -Norm formula. The health score penalty equals 100 minus the health score. The health score penalty represents the overall health score penalties of a set of MOs that belong to a given category and are children or direc...
[V] fc:Entity  Holds Storage information
[V] pc:FcAggrIf  Aggregated interface, collection of physical ports; aka port channel
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] top:System The APIC uses a policy model to combine data into a health score. Health scores can be aggregated for a variety of areas such as for the infrastructure, applications, or services. The category health score is calculated using a Lp -Norm formula. The health score penalty equals 100 minus the health score. The health score penalty represents the overall health score penalties of a set of MOs that belong to a given category and are children or direc...
[V] fc:Entity  Holds Storage information
[V] pc:FcAggrIf  Aggregated interface, collection of physical ports; aka port channel

Contained Hierarchy
[V] pc:FcAggrIf  Aggregated interface, collection of physical ports; aka port channel
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fcpm:FcAggrIf  Port-channel interface information holder
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fcpm:PortCap 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] l1:RsNfcIfPolCons  Relationship with the fc Interface policy consumed by this physical interface
[V] l1:RtFcBrConf  associated L1 FcPhysIf
[V] l1:RtSpanSrcToL1IfAtt A target relation to an abstraction for a layer-1 interface in the system. The properties apply to all types of interfaces. Note that this relation is an internal object.
[V] nw:RtPathToIf A target relation to the interface information.
[V] pc:RsFcLacpPolCons  lacp Lag Policy
[V] pc:RsFcMbrIfs  Aggregate if members
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] pc:RtFcAccBndlGrpToFcAggrIf  Association to the port channel created by this BndlGrp
[V] pc:RtPcFcAggrBrConf  associated L1 FcAggrIf
[V] rmon:IfFcmac  fcmac interface In Out statistics counters

[V] nw:Item Ignore.
[V] nw:Conn A connection abstraction.
[V] nw:Ep A static endpoint.
[V] nw:ConnEp A connection endpoint abstraction.
[V] nw:If The interface information.
[V] l1:If An abstraction for a layer-1 interface in the system. The properties apply to all types of interfaces.
[V] l1:FcIf  Abstraction for a l1 fiber channel interface in the system. The properties apply to all types of fiber channel interfaces
[V] pc:FcAggrIf  Aggregated interface, collection of physical ports; aka port channel

Stat Counters
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:ReceiveFecCounters:uncorrected(frames)
           Uncorrected counters
          Comments: Uncorrected counters
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:ReceiveFecCounters:corrected(frames)
           Corrected counters
          Comments: Corrected counters
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputLIPErrors:nonf8LipError(link)
           output non f8 lip error
          Comments: Non F8 type LIP sequence errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputLIPErrors:f8LipError(link)
           output f8 lip error
          Comments: F8 type LIP sequence errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputCastFrames:broadcast(frames)
           Output Broadcast Frames
          Comments: Output broadcast frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputCastFrames:multicast(frames)
           Output Multicast Frames
          Comments: Output multicast frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputCastFrames:unicast(frames)
           Output Unicast Frames
          Comments: Output unicast frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputLIPErrors:fragmentedFrames(link)
           fragmented frames
          Comments: Fragmented Frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputLIPErrors:eofAborts(link)
           input eof aborts
          Comments: EOF Aborts
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputLIPErrors:nonf8LipError(link)
           input non f8 lip error
          Comments: Non F8 type LIP sequence errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputLIPErrors:f8LipError(link)
           input f8 lip error
          Comments: F8 type LIP sequence errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputOtherErrors:disparity8b10b(link)
           input 8b10b disparity
          Comments: 8b10b disparity Errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputOtherErrors:elp(link)
           input elp
          Comments: ELP Errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputOtherErrors:framing(link)
           input framing errors
          Comments: Framing Errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputOtherErrors:eisl(link)
           input eisl
          Comments: EISL Discards
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputErrors:addrIdErrors(link)
           address identifier errors
          Comments: Address Identifier Errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputErrors:delimiterErrors(link)
           delimiter errors
          Comments: Demimiter Errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputErrors:primSeqProto(link)
           primitive seq proto errors
          Comments: Primitive Sequence Protocol Errors
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputErrors:lrp(link)
           input link Reset Protocol
          Comments: Link Reset Protocol
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputCastFrames:broadcast(frames)
           Input Broadcast Frames
          Comments: Input broadcast frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputCastFrames:multicast(frames)
           Input Multicast Frames
          Comments: Input multicast frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputCastFrames:unicast(frames)
           Input Unicast Frames
          Comments: Input unicast frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputClassDiscards:cfDiscards(frames)
           input classf discards
          Comments: Input classf discard frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputClassDiscards:c3Discards(frames)
           input class3 discards
          Comments: Input class3 discard frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputClassDiscards:c2Discards(frames)
           input class2 discards
          Comments: Input class2 discard frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputC2Frames:prjt(frames)
           input prjt frames
          Comments: Input C2 port reject frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputC2Frames:pbsy(frames)
           input pbsy frames
          Comments: Input C2 port busy frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputC2Frames:frjt(frames)
           input frjt frames
          Comments: Input C2 frjt frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputC2Frames:fbsy(frames)
           input fbsy frames
          Comments: Input C2 fbsy frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:TransmitB2BCredit:lowpriority(lowpriority)
           transmit B2B credit
          Comments: low priority transmit B2B credit remaining
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:TransmitB2BCredit:remaining(remaining)
           transmit B2B credit
          Comments: transmit B2B credit remaining
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:TransmitB2BCredit:transitions(transitions)
           transmit B2B credit
          Comments: transmit B2B credit transitions from zero
scalar:UByte GAUGE: fc:OutputTotalByte:util(percentage)
           ingress link utilization
          Comments: Output byte utilization
scalar:Double GAUGE: fc:OutputTotalByte:bytesRate(bytes-per-second)
           total output bytes rate
          Comments: NO COMMENTS
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputTotalByte:bytes(bytes)
           total output bytes
          Comments: Total output bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:LinkFail:signloss(link)
           signal losses
          Comments: signal losses
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:LinkFail:syncloss(link)
           sync losses
          Comments: sync losses
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:LinkFail:linkfail(link)
           link failures
          Comments: link failures
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputLink:loopinits(link)
           output loop inits
          Comments: loop inits
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputLink:nos(link)
           output not operational
          Comments: Not Operational
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputLink:lrr(link)
           output link Reset Response
          Comments: Link Reset Response
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputLink:ols(link)
           output offline
          Comments: Offline
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputBytes:classf(bytes)
           output classf bytes
          Comments: Output classf bytes
scalar:Double GAUGE: fc:OutputBytes:class3Rate(bytes-per-second)
           output class3 bytes rate
          Comments: NO COMMENTS
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputBytes:class3(bytes)
           output class3 bytes
          Comments: Output class3 bytes
scalar:Double GAUGE: fc:OutputBytes:class2Rate(bytes-per-second)
           output class2 bytes rate
          Comments: NO COMMENTS
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputBytes:class2(bytes)
           output class2 bytes
          Comments: Output class2 bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputDisFrames:errors(frames)
           output errors frames
          Comments: Output errors frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputDisFrames:discards(frames)
           output discards frames
          Comments: Output discards frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputFrames:classf(frames)
           output classf frames
          Comments: Output classf frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputFrames:class3(frames)
           output class3 frames
          Comments: Output class3 frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:OutputFrames:class2(frames)
           output class2 frames
          Comments: Output class2 frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:ReceiveB2BCredit:remaining(remaining)
           remaining B2B credit
          Comments: receive B2B credit remaining
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:ReceiveB2BCredit:transitions(transitions)
           receive B2B credit
          Comments: receive B2B credit transitions from zero
scalar:UByte GAUGE: fc:InputTotalByte:util(percentage)
           ingress link utilization
          Comments: Input byte utilization
scalar:Double GAUGE: fc:InputTotalByte:bytesRate(bytes-per-second)
           total input bytes rate
          Comments: NO COMMENTS
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputTotalByte:bytes(bytes)
           total input bytes
          Comments: Total input bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputLink:loopinits(link)
           input loop inits
          Comments: loop inits
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputLink:nos(link)
           input not operational
          Comments: Not Operational
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputLink:lrr(link)
           input link Reset Response
          Comments: Link Reset Response
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputLink:ols(link)
           input offline
          Comments: Offline
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputBytes:classf(bytes)
           input classf bytes
          Comments: Input classf bytes
scalar:Double GAUGE: fc:InputBytes:class3Rate(bytes-per-second)
           input class3 bytes rate
          Comments: NO COMMENTS
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputBytes:class3(bytes)
           input class3 bytes
          Comments: Input class3 bytes
scalar:Double GAUGE: fc:InputBytes:class2Rate(bytes-per-second)
           input class2 bytes rate
          Comments: NO COMMENTS
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputBytes:class2(bytes)
           input class2 bytes
          Comments: Input class2 bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputUnkClass:tooshort(frames)
           input too short frames
          Comments: Input too short frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputUnkClass:toolong(frames)
           input too long frames
          Comments: Input too long frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputUnkClass:unknown(frames)
           input unknown frames
          Comments: Input unknown frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputDisFrames:crc(frames)
           input crc frames
          Comments: Input crc frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputDisFrames:errors(frames)
           input errors frames
          Comments: Input errors frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputDisFrames:discards(frames)
           input discards frames
          Comments: Input discards frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputFrames:classf(frames)
           input classf frames
          Comments: Input classf frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputFrames:class3(frames)
           input class3 frames
          Comments: Input class3 frames
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: fc:InputFrames:class2(frames)
           input class2 frames
          Comments: Input class2 frames

[V] pc:FcAggrIf  Aggregated interface, collection of physical ports; aka port channel
[V] fc:InputBytes15min Input byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for input bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputBytes1d Input byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for input bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputBytes1h Input byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for input bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputBytes1mo Input byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for input bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputBytes1qtr Input byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for input bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputBytes1w Input byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for input bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputBytes1year Input byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for input bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputBytes5min Input byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for input bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputBytesHist15min Input byte. A class that represents historical statistics for input bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputBytesHist1d Input byte. A class that represents historical statistics for input bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputBytesHist1h Input byte. A class that represents historical statistics for input bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputBytesHist1mo Input byte. A class that represents historical statistics for input bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputBytesHist1qtr Input byte. A class that represents historical statistics for input bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputBytesHist1w Input byte. A class that represents historical statistics for input bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputBytesHist1year Input byte. A class that represents historical statistics for input bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputBytesHist5min Input byte. A class that represents historical statistics for input bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputC2Frames15min Input Class2 frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for input C2 frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputC2Frames1d Input Class2 frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputC2Frames1h Input Class2 frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputC2Frames1mo Input Class2 frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputC2Frames1qtr Input Class2 frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputC2Frames1w Input Class2 frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputC2Frames1year Input Class2 frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputC2Frames5min Input Class2 frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for input C2 frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputC2FramesHist15min Input Class2 frames. A class that represents historical statistics for input C2 frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputC2FramesHist1d Input Class2 frames. A class that represents historical statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputC2FramesHist1h Input Class2 frames. A class that represents historical statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputC2FramesHist1mo Input Class2 frames. A class that represents historical statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputC2FramesHist1qtr Input Class2 frames. A class that represents historical statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputC2FramesHist1w Input Class2 frames. A class that represents historical statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputC2FramesHist1year Input Class2 frames. A class that represents historical statistics for input C2 frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputC2FramesHist5min Input Class2 frames. A class that represents historical statistics for input C2 frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputCastFrames15min Input cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputCastFrames1d Input cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputCastFrames1h Input cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputCastFrames1mo Input cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputCastFrames1qtr Input cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputCastFrames1w Input cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputCastFrames1year Input cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputCastFrames5min Input cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputCastFramesHist15min Input cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputCastFramesHist1d Input cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputCastFramesHist1h Input cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputCastFramesHist1mo Input cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputCastFramesHist1qtr Input cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputCastFramesHist1w Input cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputCastFramesHist1year Input cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputCastFramesHist5min Input cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Input Cast Frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscards15min Input class discards. A class that represents the most current statistics for input class discards in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscards1d Input class discards. A class that represents the most current statistics for input class discards in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscards1h Input class discards. A class that represents the most current statistics for input class discards in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscards1mo Input class discards. A class that represents the most current statistics for input class discards in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscards1qtr Input class discards. A class that represents the most current statistics for input class discards in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscards1w Input class discards. A class that represents the most current statistics for input class discards in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscards1year Input class discards. A class that represents the most current statistics for input class discards in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscards5min Input class discards. A class that represents the most current statistics for input class discards in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscardsHist15min Input class discards. A class that represents historical statistics for input class discards in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscardsHist1d Input class discards. A class that represents historical statistics for input class discards in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscardsHist1h Input class discards. A class that represents historical statistics for input class discards in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscardsHist1mo Input class discards. A class that represents historical statistics for input class discards in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscardsHist1qtr Input class discards. A class that represents historical statistics for input class discards in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscardsHist1w Input class discards. A class that represents historical statistics for input class discards in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscardsHist1year Input class discards. A class that represents historical statistics for input class discards in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputClassDiscardsHist5min Input class discards. A class that represents historical statistics for input class discards in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputDisFrames15min Input discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input discards frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputDisFrames1d Input discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input discards frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputDisFrames1h Input discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input discards frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputDisFrames1mo Input discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input discards frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputDisFrames1qtr Input discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input discards frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputDisFrames1w Input discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input discards frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputDisFrames1year Input discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input discards frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputDisFrames5min Input discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input discards frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputDisFramesHist15min Input discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input discards frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputDisFramesHist1d Input discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input discards frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputDisFramesHist1h Input discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input discards frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputDisFramesHist1mo Input discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input discards frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputDisFramesHist1qtr Input discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input discards frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputDisFramesHist1w Input discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input discards frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputDisFramesHist1year Input discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input discards frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputDisFramesHist5min Input discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input discards frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputErrors15min Input Misc Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input errors in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputErrors1d Input Misc Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input errors in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputErrors1h Input Misc Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input errors in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputErrors1mo Input Misc Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input errors in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputErrors1qtr Input Misc Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input errors in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputErrors1w Input Misc Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input errors in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputErrors1year Input Misc Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input errors in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputErrors5min Input Misc Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input errors in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputErrorsHist15min Input Misc Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input errors in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputErrorsHist1d Input Misc Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input errors in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputErrorsHist1h Input Misc Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input errors in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputErrorsHist1mo Input Misc Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input errors in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputErrorsHist1qtr Input Misc Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input errors in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputErrorsHist1w Input Misc Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input errors in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputErrorsHist1year Input Misc Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input errors in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputErrorsHist5min Input Misc Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input errors in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputFrames15min Input frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputFrames1d Input frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputFrames1h Input frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputFrames1mo Input frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputFrames1qtr Input frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputFrames1w Input frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputFrames1year Input frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputFrames5min Input frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for input frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputFramesHist15min Input frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputFramesHist1d Input frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputFramesHist1h Input frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputFramesHist1mo Input frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputFramesHist1qtr Input frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputFramesHist1w Input frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputFramesHist1year Input frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputFramesHist5min Input frame. A class that represents historical statistics for input frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrors15min Input LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input lip errors in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrors1d Input LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input lip errors in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrors1h Input LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input lip errors in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrors1mo Input LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input lip errors in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrors1qtr Input LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input lip errors in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrors1w Input LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input lip errors in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrors1year Input LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input lip errors in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrors5min Input LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input lip errors in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrorsHist15min Input LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input lip errors in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrorsHist1d Input LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input lip errors in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrorsHist1h Input LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input lip errors in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrorsHist1mo Input LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input lip errors in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrorsHist1qtr Input LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input lip errors in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrorsHist1w Input LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input lip errors in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrorsHist1year Input LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input lip errors in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLIPErrorsHist5min Input LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input lip errors in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputLink15min Input link. A class that represents the most current statistics for input link in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputLink1d Input link. A class that represents the most current statistics for input link in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputLink1h Input link. A class that represents the most current statistics for input link in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputLink1mo Input link. A class that represents the most current statistics for input link in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLink1qtr Input link. A class that represents the most current statistics for input link in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLink1w Input link. A class that represents the most current statistics for input link in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLink1year Input link. A class that represents the most current statistics for input link in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLink5min Input link. A class that represents the most current statistics for input link in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputLinkHist15min Input link. A class that represents historical statistics for input link in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputLinkHist1d Input link. A class that represents historical statistics for input link in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputLinkHist1h Input link. A class that represents historical statistics for input link in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputLinkHist1mo Input link. A class that represents historical statistics for input link in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLinkHist1qtr Input link. A class that represents historical statistics for input link in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLinkHist1w Input link. A class that represents historical statistics for input link in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLinkHist1year Input link. A class that represents historical statistics for input link in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputLinkHist5min Input link. A class that represents historical statistics for input link in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrors15min Input Other Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input other errors in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrors1d Input Other Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input other errors in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrors1h Input Other Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input other errors in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrors1mo Input Other Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input other errors in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrors1qtr Input Other Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input other errors in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrors1w Input Other Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input other errors in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrors1year Input Other Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input other errors in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrors5min Input Other Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for input other errors in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrorsHist15min Input Other Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input other errors in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrorsHist1d Input Other Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input other errors in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrorsHist1h Input Other Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input other errors in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrorsHist1mo Input Other Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input other errors in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrorsHist1qtr Input Other Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input other errors in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrorsHist1w Input Other Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input other errors in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrorsHist1year Input Other Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input other errors in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputOtherErrorsHist5min Input Other Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for input other errors in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputTotalByte15min Total input bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total input bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputTotalByte1d Total input bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total input bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputTotalByte1h Total input bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total input bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputTotalByte1mo Total input bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total input bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputTotalByte1qtr Total input bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total input bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputTotalByte1w Total input bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total input bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputTotalByte1year Total input bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total input bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputTotalByte5min Total input bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total input bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputTotalByteHist15min Total input bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total input bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputTotalByteHist1d Total input bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total input bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputTotalByteHist1h Total input bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total input bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputTotalByteHist1mo Total input bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total input bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputTotalByteHist1qtr Total input bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total input bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputTotalByteHist1w Total input bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total input bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputTotalByteHist1year Total input bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total input bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputTotalByteHist5min Total input bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total input bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputUnkClass15min Input unknown class. A class that represents the most current statistics for input unknown class in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputUnkClass1d Input unknown class. A class that represents the most current statistics for input unknown class in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputUnkClass1h Input unknown class. A class that represents the most current statistics for input unknown class in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputUnkClass1mo Input unknown class. A class that represents the most current statistics for input unknown class in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputUnkClass1qtr Input unknown class. A class that represents the most current statistics for input unknown class in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputUnkClass1w Input unknown class. A class that represents the most current statistics for input unknown class in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputUnkClass1year Input unknown class. A class that represents the most current statistics for input unknown class in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputUnkClass5min Input unknown class. A class that represents the most current statistics for input unknown class in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:InputUnkClassHist15min Input unknown class. A class that represents historical statistics for input unknown class in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:InputUnkClassHist1d Input unknown class. A class that represents historical statistics for input unknown class in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:InputUnkClassHist1h Input unknown class. A class that represents historical statistics for input unknown class in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:InputUnkClassHist1mo Input unknown class. A class that represents historical statistics for input unknown class in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputUnkClassHist1qtr Input unknown class. A class that represents historical statistics for input unknown class in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputUnkClassHist1w Input unknown class. A class that represents historical statistics for input unknown class in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputUnkClassHist1year Input unknown class. A class that represents historical statistics for input unknown class in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:InputUnkClassHist5min Input unknown class. A class that represents historical statistics for input unknown class in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:LinkFail15min Link failures. A class that represents the most current statistics for link failures in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:LinkFail1d Link failures. A class that represents the most current statistics for link failures in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:LinkFail1h Link failures. A class that represents the most current statistics for link failures in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:LinkFail1mo Link failures. A class that represents the most current statistics for link failures in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:LinkFail1qtr Link failures. A class that represents the most current statistics for link failures in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:LinkFail1w Link failures. A class that represents the most current statistics for link failures in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:LinkFail1year Link failures. A class that represents the most current statistics for link failures in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:LinkFail5min Link failures. A class that represents the most current statistics for link failures in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:LinkFailHist15min Link failures. A class that represents historical statistics for link failures in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:LinkFailHist1d Link failures. A class that represents historical statistics for link failures in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:LinkFailHist1h Link failures. A class that represents historical statistics for link failures in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:LinkFailHist1mo Link failures. A class that represents historical statistics for link failures in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:LinkFailHist1qtr Link failures. A class that represents historical statistics for link failures in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:LinkFailHist1w Link failures. A class that represents historical statistics for link failures in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:LinkFailHist1year Link failures. A class that represents historical statistics for link failures in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:LinkFailHist5min Link failures. A class that represents historical statistics for link failures in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputBytes15min Output byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for output bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputBytes1d Output byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for output bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputBytes1h Output byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for output bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputBytes1mo Output byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for output bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputBytes1qtr Output byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for output bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputBytes1w Output byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for output bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputBytes1year Output byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for output bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputBytes5min Output byte. A class that represents the most current statistics for output bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputBytesHist15min Output byte. A class that represents historical statistics for output bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputBytesHist1d Output byte. A class that represents historical statistics for output bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputBytesHist1h Output byte. A class that represents historical statistics for output bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputBytesHist1mo Output byte. A class that represents historical statistics for output bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputBytesHist1qtr Output byte. A class that represents historical statistics for output bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputBytesHist1w Output byte. A class that represents historical statistics for output bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputBytesHist1year Output byte. A class that represents historical statistics for output bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputBytesHist5min Output byte. A class that represents historical statistics for output bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputCastFrames15min Output cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputCastFrames1d Output cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputCastFrames1h Output cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputCastFrames1mo Output cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputCastFrames1qtr Output cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputCastFrames1w Output cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputCastFrames1year Output cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputCastFrames5min Output cast frames. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputCastFramesHist15min Output cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputCastFramesHist1d Output cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputCastFramesHist1h Output cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputCastFramesHist1mo Output cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputCastFramesHist1qtr Output cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputCastFramesHist1w Output cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputCastFramesHist1year Output cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputCastFramesHist5min Output cast frames. A class that represents historical statistics for Output Cast Frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputDisFrames15min Output discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output discards frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputDisFrames1d Output discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output discards frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputDisFrames1h Output discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output discards frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputDisFrames1mo Output discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output discards frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputDisFrames1qtr Output discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output discards frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputDisFrames1w Output discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output discards frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputDisFrames1year Output discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output discards frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputDisFrames5min Output discards frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output discards frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputDisFramesHist15min Output discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output discards frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputDisFramesHist1d Output discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output discards frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputDisFramesHist1h Output discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output discards frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputDisFramesHist1mo Output discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output discards frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputDisFramesHist1qtr Output discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output discards frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputDisFramesHist1w Output discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output discards frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputDisFramesHist1year Output discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output discards frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputDisFramesHist5min Output discards frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output discards frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputFrames15min Output frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputFrames1d Output frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputFrames1h Output frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputFrames1mo Output frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputFrames1qtr Output frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputFrames1w Output frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputFrames1year Output frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputFrames5min Output frame. A class that represents the most current statistics for output frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputFramesHist15min Output frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output frames in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputFramesHist1d Output frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output frames in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputFramesHist1h Output frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output frames in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputFramesHist1mo Output frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output frames in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputFramesHist1qtr Output frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output frames in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputFramesHist1w Output frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output frames in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputFramesHist1year Output frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output frames in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputFramesHist5min Output frame. A class that represents historical statistics for output frames in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrors15min Output LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output lip errors in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrors1d Output LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrors1h Output LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrors1mo Output LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrors1qtr Output LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrors1w Output LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrors1year Output LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrors5min Output LIP Errors. A class that represents the most current statistics for Output lip errors in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrorsHist15min Output LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for Output lip errors in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrorsHist1d Output LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrorsHist1h Output LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrorsHist1mo Output LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrorsHist1qtr Output LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrorsHist1w Output LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrorsHist1year Output LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for Output lip errors in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLIPErrorsHist5min Output LIP Errors. A class that represents historical statistics for Output lip errors in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputLink15min Output link. A class that represents the most current statistics for output link in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputLink1d Output link. A class that represents the most current statistics for output link in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputLink1h Output link. A class that represents the most current statistics for output link in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputLink1mo Output link. A class that represents the most current statistics for output link in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLink1qtr Output link. A class that represents the most current statistics for output link in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLink1w Output link. A class that represents the most current statistics for output link in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLink1year Output link. A class that represents the most current statistics for output link in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLink5min Output link. A class that represents the most current statistics for output link in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputLinkHist15min Output link. A class that represents historical statistics for output link in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputLinkHist1d Output link. A class that represents historical statistics for output link in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputLinkHist1h Output link. A class that represents historical statistics for output link in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputLinkHist1mo Output link. A class that represents historical statistics for output link in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLinkHist1qtr Output link. A class that represents historical statistics for output link in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLinkHist1w Output link. A class that represents historical statistics for output link in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLinkHist1year Output link. A class that represents historical statistics for output link in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputLinkHist5min Output link. A class that represents historical statistics for output link in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByte15min Total output bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total output bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByte1d Total output bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total output bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByte1h Total output bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total output bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByte1mo Total output bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total output bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByte1qtr Total output bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total output bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByte1w Total output bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total output bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByte1year Total output bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total output bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByte5min Total output bytes. A class that represents the most current statistics for total output bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByteHist15min Total output bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total output bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByteHist1d Total output bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total output bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByteHist1h Total output bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total output bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByteHist1mo Total output bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total output bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByteHist1qtr Total output bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total output bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByteHist1w Total output bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total output bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByteHist1year Total output bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total output bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:OutputTotalByteHist5min Total output bytes. A class that represents historical statistics for total output bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCredit15min Receive B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCredit1d Receive B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCredit1h Receive B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCredit1mo Receive B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCredit1qtr Receive B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCredit1w Receive B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCredit1year Receive B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCredit5min Receive B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCreditHist15min Receive B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCreditHist1d Receive B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCreditHist1h Receive B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCreditHist1mo Receive B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCreditHist1qtr Receive B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCreditHist1w Receive B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCreditHist1year Receive B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveB2BCreditHist5min Receive B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Receive B2B credit in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCounters15min A class that represents the most current statistics for Fec counters in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCounters1d A class that represents the most current statistics for Fec counters in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCounters1h A class that represents the most current statistics for Fec counters in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCounters1mo A class that represents the most current statistics for Fec counters in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCounters1qtr A class that represents the most current statistics for Fec counters in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCounters1w A class that represents the most current statistics for Fec counters in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCounters1year A class that represents the most current statistics for Fec counters in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCounters5min A class that represents the most current statistics for Fec counters in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCountersHist15min A class that represents historical statistics for Fec counters in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCountersHist1d A class that represents historical statistics for Fec counters in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCountersHist1h A class that represents historical statistics for Fec counters in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCountersHist1mo A class that represents historical statistics for Fec counters in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCountersHist1qtr A class that represents historical statistics for Fec counters in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCountersHist1w A class that represents historical statistics for Fec counters in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCountersHist1year A class that represents historical statistics for Fec counters in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:ReceiveFecCountersHist5min A class that represents historical statistics for Fec counters in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCredit15min Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCredit1d Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCredit1h Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCredit1mo Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCredit1qtr Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCredit1w Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCredit1year Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCredit5min Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents the most current statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCreditHist15min Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCreditHist1d Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCreditHist1h Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCreditHist1mo Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCreditHist1qtr Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCreditHist1w Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCreditHist1year Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] fc:TransmitB2BCreditHist5min Transmit B2B credit. A class that represents historical statistics for Transmit B2B credit in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.




Properties Summary
Defined in: pc:FcAggrIf
activePorts  (pc:FcAggrIf:activePorts)
           The number of active member ports.
createTime  (pc:FcAggrIf:createTime)
           The time when the core occurred.
ctrl  (pc:FcAggrIf:ctrl)
           The control state.
fcAggrCfgSt  (pc:FcAggrIf:fcAggrCfgSt)
           NO COMMENTS
scalar:Bitmask64 fcpmCfgFailedBmp  (pc:FcAggrIf:fcpmCfgFailedBmp)
           NO COMMENTS
scalar:Time fcpmCfgFailedTs  (pc:FcAggrIf:fcpmCfgFailedTs)
           NO COMMENTS
scalar:UByte fcpmCfgState  (pc:FcAggrIf:fcpmCfgState)
           NO COMMENTS
fop  (pc:FcAggrIf:fop)
           The first operational port.
hashDist  (pc:FcAggrIf:hashDist)
           The hash distribution type.
id  (pc:FcAggrIf:id)
           An object identifier.
lastBundleMbr  (pc:FcAggrIf:lastBundleMbr)
           The last member added.
lastBundleTime  (pc:FcAggrIf:lastBundleTime)
           The time of last member addition.
lastSt  (pc:FcAggrIf:lastSt)
           The last status.
string:Basic lastStCause  (pc:FcAggrIf:lastStCause)
           The last status cause.
lastTime  (pc:FcAggrIf:lastTime)
           The time when the last status was set.
lastUnbundleMbr  (pc:FcAggrIf:lastUnbundleMbr)
           The last member removed.
lastUnbundleTime  (pc:FcAggrIf:lastUnbundleTime)
           The time of last member removal.
lif  (pc:FcAggrIf:lif)
           An ELTM-allocated LIF.
loadDeferStartTime  (pc:FcAggrIf:loadDeferStartTime)
           The time when the first non-fop port came up.
ltl  (pc:FcAggrIf:ltl)
           A PIXM-allocated LTL.
maxActive  (pc:FcAggrIf:maxActive)
           The maximum of possible active members.
maxLinks  (pc:FcAggrIf:maxLinks)
           The maximum number of links.
minLinks  (pc:FcAggrIf:minLinks)
           The minimum number of links in the port channel.
reference:BinRef monPolDn  (pc:FcAggrIf:monPolDn)
           The monitoring policy attached to this observable object.
operChannelMode  (pc:FcAggrIf:operChannelMode)
           The operational mode.
osSum  (pc:FcAggrIf:osSum)
           The operational state summary.
pcId  (pc:FcAggrIf:pcId)
           The port channel ID.
pcMode  (pc:FcAggrIf:pcMode)
           Channel mode
rowSt  (pc:FcAggrIf:rowSt)
           The SNMP row status.
scalar:Bitmask64 san_pcmCfgFailedBmp  (pc:FcAggrIf:san_pcmCfgFailedBmp)
           NO COMMENTS
scalar:Time san_pcmCfgFailedTs  (pc:FcAggrIf:san_pcmCfgFailedTs)
           NO COMMENTS
scalar:UByte san_pcmCfgState  (pc:FcAggrIf:san_pcmCfgState)
           NO COMMENTS
suspMinlinks  (pc:FcAggrIf:suspMinlinks)
           The port-channel suspended due to min-links.
Defined in: l1:FcIf
automaxspeed  (l1:FcIf:automaxspeed)
           NO COMMENTS
configSt  (l1:FcIf:configSt)
           The configuration state of the endpoint profile.
configStReason  (l1:FcIf:configStReason)
           Configuration state Reason
mode  (l1:FcIf:mode)
           The BGP Domain mode.
operMode  (l1:FcIf:operMode)
           The operational port mode.
operSpeed  (l1:FcIf:operSpeed)
           The operational port speed.
operSt  (l1:FcIf:operSt)
           The runtime state of the object or policy.
speed  (l1:FcIf:speed)
           The CPU or port speed.
Defined in: l1:If
adminSt  (l1:If:adminSt)
           Administrative port state
autoNeg  (l1:If:autoNeg)
           Administrative port auto-negotiation
fcotChannelNumber  (l1:If:fcotChannelNumber)
           DWDM C optic Channel Number
mtu  (l1:If:mtu)
           Administrative port mtu
snmpTrapSt  (l1:If:snmpTrapSt)
           Administrative port snmp trap state
switchingSt  (l1:If:switchingSt)
           Switching state
Defined in: nw:If
descr  (nw:If:descr)
Defined in: nw:Ep
name  (nw:Ep:name)
           The name of the object.
Defined in: mo:Modifiable
modTs  (mo:Modifiable:modTs)
           The time when this object was last modified.
Defined in: mo:TopProps
childAction  (mo:TopProps:childAction)
           Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
reference:BinRef dn  (mo:TopProps:dn)
           A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.
reference:BinRN rn  (mo:TopProps:rn)
           Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.
status  (mo:TopProps:status)
           The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
Defined in: mo:Resolvable
lcOwn  (mo:Resolvable:lcOwn)
           A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
Properties Detail


Type: pc:ActivePorts
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The number of active member ports.


Type: l1:AdminSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Administrative port state
down 1 down Admin state shut
up 2 up Admin state up
DEFAULT down(1) down Admin state shut


Type: l1:AutoNeg
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Administrative port auto-negotiation
off 2 off NO COMMENTS


Type: l1:FcMaxSpeed
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
2G 10 2 Gbps Speed is 2 Gbps
4G 11 4 Gbps Speed is 4 Gbps
8G 12 8 Gbps Speed is 8 Gbps
16G 13 16 Gbps Speed is 16 Gbps
32G 14 32 Gbps Speed is 32 Gbps
DEFAULT 32G(14) 32 Gbps Speed is 32 Gbps


Type: mo:ModificationChildAction
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelChildAction
Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
deleteAll 16384u deleteAll NO COMMENTS
ignore 4096u ignore NO COMMENTS
deleteNonPresent 8192u deleteNonPresent NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- This type is used to


Type: l1:FcConfigSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The configuration state of the endpoint profile.
config-success 0u config-success NO COMMENTS
unsupported-f-port-mode 1u unsupported-f-port-mode NO COMMENTS
unsupported-admin-speed 2u unsupported-admin-speed NO COMMENTS
unsupported-trunk-mode 3u unsupported-trunk-mode NO COMMENTS
unsupported-sfp 4u unsupported-sfp NO COMMENTS
unsupported-fill-pattern 5u unsupported-fill-pattern NO COMMENTS
unsupported-rx-bb-credit 6u unsupported-rx-bb-credit NO COMMENTS
san-po-mac-pool-exhausted 7u SAN-PO Bringup failed due to FCF-Mac-Pool exhaustion NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT config-success(0u) config-success NO COMMENTS


Type: l1:FcConfigStReason
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
Configuration state Reason


Type: pc:Time
Primitive Type: scalar:Time

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time when the core occurred.


Type: pc:IfControl
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The control state.
symmetric-hash 16u Symmetric hashing Symmetric hashing property of PC
susp-individual 1u Suspend Individual Port LACP suspend individual port
graceful-conv 2u Graceful Convergence LACP graceful convergence
load-defer 4u Load Defer Member Ports Load defer
fast-sel-hot-stdby 8u Fast Select Hot Standby Ports LACP fast select for hot standby ports
defaultValue (1u|2u|8u) --- NO COMMENTS


Type: naming:Descr
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Like: naming:Described:descr
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelDn
A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.


Type: pc:fcAggrCfgSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
config-success 0 config-success NO COMMENTS
unsupported-pc-mode 1 unsupported-pc-mode NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT config-success(0) config-success NO COMMENTS


Type: l1:FcotChannelNumber
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
DWDM C optic Channel Number
Channel10 10u freq 191.80 wavelength 1563.05 NO COMMENTS
Channel11 11u freq 191.85 wavelength 1562.64 NO COMMENTS
Channel12 12u freq 191.90 wavelength 1562.23 NO COMMENTS
Channel13 13u freq 191.95 wavelength 1561.83 NO COMMENTS
Channel14 14u freq 192.00 wavelength 1561.42 NO COMMENTS
Channel15 15u freq 192.05 wavelength 1561.01 NO COMMENTS
Channel16 16u freq 192.10 wavelength 1560.61 NO COMMENTS
Channel17 17u freq 192.15 wavelength 1560.20 NO COMMENTS
Channel18 18u freq 192.20 wavelength 1559.79 NO COMMENTS
Channel19 19u freq 192.25 wavelength 1559.39 NO COMMENTS
Channel1 1u freq 191.35 wavelength 1566.72 NO COMMENTS
Channel20 20u freq 192.30 wavelength 1558.98 NO COMMENTS
Channel21 21u freq 192.35 wavelength 1558.58 NO COMMENTS
Channel22 22u freq 192.40 wavelength 1558.17 NO COMMENTS
Channel23 23u freq 192.45 wavelength 1557.77 NO COMMENTS
Channel24 24u freq 192.50 wavelength 1557.36 NO COMMENTS
Channel25 25u freq 192.55 wavelength 1556.96 NO COMMENTS
Channel26 26u freq 192.60 wavelength 1556.55 NO COMMENTS
Channel27 27u freq 192.65 wavelength 1556.15 NO COMMENTS
Channel28 28u freq 192.70 wavelength 1555.75 NO COMMENTS
Channel29 29u freq 192.75 wavelength 1555.34 NO COMMENTS
Channel2 2u freq 191.40 wavelength 1566.31 NO COMMENTS
Channel30 30u freq 192.80 wavelength 1554.94 NO COMMENTS
Channel31 31u freq 192.85 wavelength 1554.54 NO COMMENTS
Channel32 32u freq 192.90 wavelength 1554.13 NO COMMENTS
Channel33 33u freq 192.95 wavelength 1553.73 NO COMMENTS
Channel34 34u freq 193.00 wavelength 1553.33 NO COMMENTS
Channel35 35u freq 193.05 wavelength 1552.93 NO COMMENTS
Channel36 36u freq 193.10 wavelength 1552.52 NO COMMENTS
Channel37 37u freq 193.15 wavelength 1552.12 NO COMMENTS
Channel38 38u freq 193.20 wavelength 1551.72 NO COMMENTS
Channel39 39u freq 193.25 wavelength 1551.32 NO COMMENTS
Channel3 3u freq 191.45 wavelength 1565.90 NO COMMENTS
Channel40 40u freq 193.30 wavelength 1550.92 NO COMMENTS
Channel41 41u freq 193.35 wavelength 1550.52 NO COMMENTS
Channel42 42u freq 193.40 wavelength 1550.12 NO COMMENTS
Channel43 43u freq 193.45 wavelength 1549.72 NO COMMENTS
Channel44 44u freq 193.50 wavelength 1549.32 NO COMMENTS
Channel45 45u freq 193.55 wavelength 1548.91 NO COMMENTS
Channel46 46u freq 193.60 wavelength 1548.51 NO COMMENTS
Channel47 47u freq 193.65 wavelength 1548.11 NO COMMENTS
Channel48 48u freq 193.70 wavelength 1547.72 NO COMMENTS
Channel49 49u freq 193.75 wavelength 1547.32 NO COMMENTS
Channel4 4u freq 191.50 wavelength 1565.50 NO COMMENTS
Channel50 50u freq 193.80 wavelength 1546.92 NO COMMENTS
Channel51 51u freq 193.85 wavelength 1546.52 NO COMMENTS
Channel52 52u freq 193.90 wavelength 1546.12 NO COMMENTS
Channel53 53u freq 193.95 wavelength 1545.72 NO COMMENTS
Channel54 54u freq 194.00 wavelength 1545.32 NO COMMENTS
Channel55 55u freq 194.05 wavelength 1544.92 NO COMMENTS
Channel56 56u freq 194.10 wavelength 1544.53 NO COMMENTS
Channel57 57u freq 194.15 wavelength 1544.13 NO COMMENTS
Channel58 58u freq 194.20 wavelength 1543.73 NO COMMENTS
Channel59 59u freq 194.25 wavelength 1543.33 NO COMMENTS
Channel5 5u freq 191.55 wavelength 1565.09 NO COMMENTS
Channel60 60u freq 194.30 wavelength 1542.94 NO COMMENTS
Channel61 61u freq 194.35 wavelength 1542.54 NO COMMENTS
Channel62 62u freq 194.40 wavelength 1542.14 NO COMMENTS
Channel63 63u freq 194.45 wavelength 1541.75 NO COMMENTS
Channel64 64u freq 194.50 wavelength 1541.35 NO COMMENTS
Channel65 65u freq 194.55 wavelength 1540.95 NO COMMENTS
Channel66 66u freq 194.60 wavelength 1540.56 NO COMMENTS
Channel67 67u freq 194.65 wavelength 1540.16 NO COMMENTS
Channel68 68u freq 194.70 wavelength 1539.77 NO COMMENTS
Channel69 69u freq 194.75 wavelength 1539.37 NO COMMENTS
Channel6 6u freq 191.60 wavelength 1564.68 NO COMMENTS
Channel70 70u freq 194.80 wavelength 1538.98 NO COMMENTS
Channel71 71u freq 194.85 wavelength 1538.58 NO COMMENTS
Channel72 72u freq 194.90 wavelength 1538.19 NO COMMENTS
Channel73 73u freq 194.95 wavelength 1537.79 NO COMMENTS
Channel74 74u freq 195.00 wavelength 1537.40 NO COMMENTS
Channel75 75u freq 195.05 wavelength 1537.00 NO COMMENTS
Channel76 76u freq 195.10 wavelength 1536.61 NO COMMENTS
Channel77 77u freq 195.15 wavelength 1536.22 NO COMMENTS
Channel78 78u freq 195.20 wavelength 1535.82 NO COMMENTS
Channel79 79u freq 195.25 wavelength 1535.43 NO COMMENTS
Channel7 7u freq 191.65 wavelength 1564.27 NO COMMENTS
Channel80 80u freq 195.30 wavelength 1535.04 NO COMMENTS
Channel81 81u freq 195.35 wavelength 1534.64 NO COMMENTS
Channel82 82u freq 195.40 wavelength 1534.25 NO COMMENTS
Channel83 83u freq 195.45 wavelength 1533.86 NO COMMENTS
Channel84 84u freq 195.50 wavelength 1533.47 NO COMMENTS
Channel85 85u freq 195.55 wavelength 1533.07 NO COMMENTS
Channel86 86u freq 195.60 wavelength 1532.68 NO COMMENTS
Channel87 87u freq 195.65 wavelength 1532.29 NO COMMENTS
Channel88 88u freq 195.70 wavelength 1531.90 NO COMMENTS
Channel89 89u freq 195.75 wavelength 1531.51 NO COMMENTS
Channel8 8u freq 191.70 wavelength 1563.86 NO COMMENTS
Channel90 90u freq 195.80 wavelength 1531.12 NO COMMENTS
Channel91 91u freq 195.85 wavelength 1530.72 NO COMMENTS
Channel92 92u freq 195.90 wavelength 1530.33 NO COMMENTS
Channel93 93u freq 195.95 wavelength 1529.94 NO COMMENTS
Channel94 94u freq 196.00 wavelength 1529.55 NO COMMENTS
Channel95 95u freq 196.05 wavelength 1529.16 NO COMMENTS
Channel96 96u freq 196.10 wavelength 1528.77 NO COMMENTS
Channel9 9u freq 191.75 wavelength 1563.45 NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT Channel32(32u) freq 192.90 wavelength 1554.13 NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Bitmask64

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
pc:FcAggrIflcOwn_failed_flag -9223372036854775808ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfautomaxspeed_failed_flag 1024ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfsnmpTrapSt_failed_flag 128ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmaxLinks_failed_flag 137438953472ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfautoNeg_failed_flag 16ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfname_failed_flag 1ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmodTs_failed_flag 2305843009213693952ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfspeed_failed_flag 256ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfminLinks_failed_flag 274877906944ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfdescr_failed_flag 2ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIffcotChannelNumber_failed_flag 32ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfhashDist_failed_flag 33554432ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfconfigStReason_failed_flag 4096ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfpcId_failed_flag 4398046511104ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfid_failed_flag 4ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfswitchingSt_failed_flag 512ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfctrl_failed_flag 524288ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmonPolDn_failed_flag 549755813888ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmtu_failed_flag 64ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmode_failed_flag 8192ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfpcMode_failed_flag 8796093022208ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfadminSt_failed_flag 8ull --- NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Time

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: scalar:UByte

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: nw:IfId
Primitive Type: base:IfIndex

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The first operational port.


Type: pc:HashDist
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The hash distribution type.
adaptive 1 Adaptive Adaptive
fixed 2 Fixed Fixed
DEFAULT adaptive(1) Adaptive Adaptive


Type: nw:IfId
Primitive Type: base:IfIndex

Units: null Encrypted: false Naming Property -- [NAMING RULES] Access: naming Category: TopLevelRegular
An object identifier.


Type: nw:IfId
Primitive Type: base:IfIndex

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The last member added.


Type: pc:Time
Primitive Type: scalar:Time

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time of last member addition.


Type: pc:LastSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The last status.
successful 0 successful Successful
failed 1 failed Failed
DEFAULT 0 --- Last Status


Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The last status cause.


Type: pc:Time
Primitive Type: scalar:Time

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time when the last status was set.


Type: nw:IfId
Primitive Type: base:IfIndex

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The last member removed.


Type: pc:Time
Primitive Type: scalar:Time

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time of last member removal.


Type: mo:Owner
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
local 0 Local NO COMMENTS
policy 1 Policy NO COMMENTS
replica 2 Replica NO COMMENTS
resolveOnBehalf 3 ResolvedOnBehalf NO COMMENTS
implicit 4 Implicit NO COMMENTS


Type: pc:Lif
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
An ELTM-allocated LIF.


Type: pc:Time
Primitive Type: scalar:Time

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time when the first non-fop port came up.


Type: pc:Ltl
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
A PIXM-allocated LTL.


Type: pc:MaxActive
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The maximum of possible active members.


Type: pc:MaxLinks
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The maximum number of links.
defaultValue 16u --- NO COMMENTS


Type: pc:MinLinks
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The minimum number of links in the port channel.
defaultValue 1u --- NO COMMENTS


Type: mo:TStamp
Primitive Type: scalar:Date

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time when this object was last modified.
never 0ull never NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT never(0ull) never NO COMMENTS


Type: l1:Mode
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The BGP Domain mode.
unknown 0 unknown NO COMMENTS
access 1 access NO COMMENTS
trunk 2 trunk NO COMMENTS
fex-fabric 3 fex-fabric NO COMMENTS
qiq-tunnel-edgePort 4 qiq-tunnel-edgePort NO COMMENTS
qiq-tunnel-corePort 5 qiq-tunnel-corePort NO COMMENTS
trunk-doubleEncapPort 6 trunk-doubleEncapPort NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT trunk(2) trunk NO COMMENTS


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The monitoring policy attached to this observable object.


Type: l1:Mtu
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Administrative port mtu
defaultValue 9000u --- NO COMMENTS


Type: naming:Name
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null Encrypted: false Access: admin Category: TopLevelRegular
The name of the object.


Type: pc:fcMode
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The operational mode.
active 2 Active Active port channel
DEFAULT active(2) Active Active port channel


Type: l1:Mode
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The operational port mode.
unknown 0 unknown NO COMMENTS
access 1 access NO COMMENTS
trunk 2 trunk NO COMMENTS
fex-fabric 3 fex-fabric NO COMMENTS
qiq-tunnel-edgePort 4 qiq-tunnel-edgePort NO COMMENTS
qiq-tunnel-corePort 5 qiq-tunnel-corePort NO COMMENTS
trunk-doubleEncapPort 6 trunk-doubleEncapPort NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT trunk(2) trunk NO COMMENTS


Type: l1:FcOperSpeed
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The operational port speed.
unknown 0 Unspecified Speed is unknown
auto 10 Auto Speed is auto
4G 11 4 Gbps Speed is 4 Gbps
8G 12 8 Gbps Speed is 8 Gbps
12G 13 12 Gbps Speed is 12 Gbps
16G 14 16 Gbps Speed is 16 Gbps
20G 15 20 Gbps Speed is 20 Gbps
24G 16 24 Gbps Speed is 24 Gbps
28G 17 28 Gbps Speed is 28 Gbps
32G 18 32 Gbps Speed is 32 Gbps
36G 19 36 Gbps Speed is 36 Gbps
40G 20 40 Gbps Speed is 40 Gbps
44G 21 44 Gbps Speed is 44 Gbps
48G 22 48 Gbps Speed is 48 Gbps
52G 23 52 Gbps Speed is 52 Gbps
56G 24 56 Gbps Speed is 56 Gbps
60G 25 60 Gbps Speed is 60 Gbps
64G 26 64 Gbps Speed is 64 Gbps
72G 27 72 Gbps Speed is 72 Gbps
80G 28 80 Gbps Speed is 80 Gbps
88G 29 88 Gbps Speed is 88 Gbps
96G 30 96 Gbps Speed is 96 Gbps
104G 31 104 Gbps Speed is 104 Gbps
112G 32 112 Gbps Speed is 112 Gbps
120G 33 120 Gbps Speed is 120 Gbps
128G 34 128 Gbps Speed is 128 Gbps
144G 35 144 Gbps Speed is 144 Gbps
160G 36 160 Gbps Speed is 160 Gbps
176G 37 176 Gbps Speed is 176 Gbps
192G 38 192 Gbps Speed is 192 Gbps
208G 39 208 Gbps Speed is 208 Gbps
224G 40 224 Gbps Speed is 224 Gbps
240G 41 240 Gbps Speed is 240 Gbps
256G 42 256 Gbps Speed is 256 Gbps
288G 43 288 Gbps Speed is 288 Gbps
320G 44 320 Gbps Speed is 320 Gbps
352G 45 352 Gbps Speed is 352 Gbps
384G 46 384 Gbps Speed is 384 Gbps
416G 47 416 Gbps Speed is 416 Gbps
448G 48 448 Gbps Speed is 448 Gbps
480G 49 480 Gbps Speed is 480 Gbps
512G 50 512 Gbps Speed is 512 Gbps
DEFAULT auto(10) Auto Speed is auto


Type: fc:FcIfOperSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The runtime state of the object or policy.
un-init 0 Unknown NO COMMENTS
down 2 Down NO COMMENTS
testing 4 Testing NO COMMENTS
trunking 8 Trunking NO COMMENTS
link-up 16 Link Up NO COMMENTS
failed 32 Failed NO COMMENTS


Type: nw:OSSum
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The operational state summary.
failed 0 Failed Failed
initializing 1 Initializing Initializing
resetting 2 Resetting Resetting
degraded 3 Degraded Degraded
ok 4 Ok Ok
DEFAULT ok(4) Ok Ok


Type: pc:PcId
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint16

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The port channel ID.


Type: pc:fcMode
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Channel mode
active 2 Active Active port channel
DEFAULT active(2) Active Active port channel


Type: reference:BinRN

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRn
Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.


Type: pc:RowSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The SNMP row status.


Type: scalar:Bitmask64

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
pc:FcAggrIflcOwn_failed_flag -9223372036854775808ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfautomaxspeed_failed_flag 1024ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfsnmpTrapSt_failed_flag 128ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmaxLinks_failed_flag 137438953472ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfautoNeg_failed_flag 16ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfname_failed_flag 1ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmodTs_failed_flag 2305843009213693952ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfspeed_failed_flag 256ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfminLinks_failed_flag 274877906944ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfdescr_failed_flag 2ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIffcotChannelNumber_failed_flag 32ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfhashDist_failed_flag 33554432ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfconfigStReason_failed_flag 4096ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfpcId_failed_flag 4398046511104ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfid_failed_flag 4ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfswitchingSt_failed_flag 512ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfctrl_failed_flag 524288ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmonPolDn_failed_flag 549755813888ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmtu_failed_flag 64ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfmode_failed_flag 8192ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfpcMode_failed_flag 8796093022208ull --- NO COMMENTS
pc:FcAggrIfadminSt_failed_flag 8ull --- NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Time

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: scalar:UByte

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: l1:SnmpTrapSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Administrative port snmp trap state
enable 1 enable NO COMMENTS
disable 2 disable NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT enable(1) enable NO COMMENTS


Type: l1:Speed
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum16

Units: null Encrypted: false Access: implicit Category: TopLevelRegular
The CPU or port speed.
unknown 0 Unspecified Speed is unknown
100M 1 100 Mbps Speed is 100 Mbps
1G 2 1 Gbps Speed is 1 Gbps
10G 3 10 Gbps Speed is 10 Gbps
25G 4 25 Gbps Speed is 25 Gbps
40G 5 40 Gbps Speed is 40 Gbps
50G 6 50 Gbps Speed is 50 Gbps
100G 7 100 Gbps Speed is 100 Gbps
200G 8 200 Gbps Speed is 200 Gbps
400G 9 400 Gbps Speed is 400 Gbps
auto 10 auto NO COMMENTS
inherit 10 inherit Speed is Inherited
4G 11 4 Gbps NO COMMENTS
8G 12 8 Gbps NO COMMENTS
16G 13 16 Gbps NO COMMENTS
32G 14 32 Gbps NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT inherit(10) inherit Speed is Inherited


Type: mo:ModificationStatus
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
created 2u created In a setter method: specifies that an object should be created. An error is returned if the object already exists.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been created.
modified 4u modified In a setter method: specifies that an object should be modified
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been modified.
deleted 8u deleted In a setter method: specifies that an object should be deleted.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been deleted.
DEFAULT 0 --- This type controls the life cycle of objects passed in the XML API.

When used in a setter method (such as configConfMo), the ModificationStatus specifies whether an object should be created, modified, deleted or removed.
In the return value of a setter method, the ModificationStatus indicates the actual operation that was performed. For example, the ModificationStatus is set to "created" if the object was created. The ModificationStatus is not set if the object was neither created, modified, deleted or removed.

When invoking a setter method, the ModificationStatus is optional:
If a setter method such as configConfMo is invoked and the ModificationStatus is not set, the system automatically determines if the object should be created or modified.


Type: pc:SuspMinlinks
Primitive Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: oper
Category: TopLevelRegular
The port-channel suspended due to min-links.
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: l1:SwitchingSt
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Switching state
disabled 0 disabled NO COMMENTS
enabled 1 enabled NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT disabled(0) disabled NO COMMENTS