Class fv:SvcBD (CONCRETE)

Class ID:1888
Class Label: Bridge Domain
Encrypted: false - Exportable: false - Persistent: true - Configurable: false - Subject to Quota: Disabled - Abstraction Layer: Logical Model - APIC NX Processing: Disabled
Read Access: [access-connectivity, admin, fabric-connectivity, nw-svc-policy, tenant-connectivity, tenant-ext-connectivity]
Creatable/Deletable: yes (see Container Mos for details)
Semantic Scope: EPG
Semantic Scope Evaluation Rule: Parent
Monitoring Policy Source: Explicit
Monitoring Flags : [ IsObservable: true, HasStats: true, HasFaults: true, HasHealth: true, HasEventRules: false ]

A service bridge domain.

Naming Rules
RN FORMAT: svcBD-{name}

    [1] PREFIX=svcBD- PROPERTY = name


[1] uni/tn-{name}/svcBD-{name}



Super Mo: fv:ABDPol,
Container Mos: fv:Tenant (deletable:yes),
Contained Mos: fv:Subnet, fv:UnkMacUcastActMod, nd:RaSubnet,
Relations From: vns:BDDef, vns:EPpInfo, vns:REPpInfo,
Relations To: mon:EPGPol, fhs:BDPol, nd:IfPol, netflow:MonitorPol, l3ext:Out, rtctrl:Profile, dhcp:RelayP, vz:Filter, fv:EpRetPol, fv:Ctx, igmp:SnoopPol, mld:SnoopPol, fv:BD,
Relations: fv:RsABDPolMonPol, fv:RsBDToFhs, fv:RsBDToNdP, fv:RsBDToNetflowMonitorPol, fv:RsBDToOut, fv:RsBDToProfile, fv:RsBDToRelayP, fv:RsBdFloodTo, fv:RsBdToEpRet, fv:RsCtx, fv:RsIgmpsn, fv:RsMldsn, fv:RsSvcBDToBDAtt, fv:RtBDDefToBD, fv:RtEPpInfoToBD, fv:RtREPpInfoToBD,

Containers Hierarchies
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] fabric:Topology The root for IFC topology.
[V] fabric:Pod A pod.
[V] fabric:Node The root node for the APIC.
[V] ctx:Local The local Context.
[V] ctx:Application The context application.
[V] pol:Uni Represents policy definition/resolution universe.
[V] fv:Tenant A policy owner in the virtual fabric. A tenant can be either a private or a shared entity. For example, you can create a tenant with contexts and bridge domains shared by other tenants. A shared type of tenant is typically named common, default, or infra.
[V] fv:SvcBD A service bridge domain.
[V] top:Root  This class represents the root element in the object hierarchy. All managed objects in the system are descendants of the Root element.
[V] pol:Uni Represents policy definition/resolution universe.
[V] fv:Tenant A policy owner in the virtual fabric. A tenant can be either a private or a shared entity. For example, you can create a tenant with contexts and bridge domains shared by other tenants. A shared type of tenant is typically named common, default, or infra.
[V] fv:SvcBD A service bridge domain.

Contained Hierarchy
[V] fv:SvcBD A service bridge domain.
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsABDPolMonPol A source relation to the monitoring policy model for the endpoint group semantic scope. This is an internal object.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBDToFhs  Relation to FHS BD policy
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBDToNdP The neighbor discovery policy.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBDToNetflowMonitorPol  Relation to Netflow Monitor policy
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBDToOut A source relation to the policy controlling connectivity to the outside. This is an internal object.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:AInst The label instance, which is contained by the taggable object.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBDToProfile A source relation to external networks that are routed via Layer 3 networks outside the fabric that are reachable by a tenant's applications. This is an internal object.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBDToRelayP A source relation to the DHCP relay profile. This is an internal object.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBdFloodTo A source relation to a filter. A filter is a group of resolvable filter entries. Each filter entry is a combination of network traffic classification properties. This is an internal object.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBdToEpRet A source relation to the endpoint retention policy providing the parameters for the lifecycle of the endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsCtx A source relation to a private layer 3 network context that either belongs to a specific tenant or is shared. This is an internal object.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:AInst The label instance, which is contained by the taggable object.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsIgmpsn A source relation to the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping policy. This is an internal object.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsMldsn  Relation to an MLD Snoop policy
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsSvcBDToBDAtt A source relation to the bridge domain associated to this endpoint group. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtBDDefToBD A target relation to a bridge domain policy. This is an internal object.
[V] fv:RtEPpInfoToBD A target relation to the abstract representation of a bridge domain policy.
[V] fv:RtREPpInfoToBD  Relation to actual BD
[V] fv:Subnet A subnet defines the IP address range that can be used within the bridge domain. While a context defines a unique layer 3 space, that space can consist of multiple subnets. These subnets are defined per bridge domain. A bridge domain can contain multiple subnets, but a subnet is contained within a single bridge domain.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] fv:CepNetCfgPol  Represents Client End Point network configuration policy, Used this information for Microsoft SCVMM/Azure application to create SCVMM static IP pool
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:EpAnycast 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:AInst The label instance, which is contained by the taggable object.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:EpNlb 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:AInst The label instance, which is contained by the taggable object.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:EpReachability 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] ip:NexthopEpP 
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:AInst The label instance, which is contained by the taggable object.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] tag:AInst The label instance, which is contained by the taggable object.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBDSubnetToOut A source relation to the L3 routed outside network.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsBDSubnetToProfile The external networks that are routed via Layer 3 networks outside the fabric that are reachable by a tenant's applications. This is an internal object.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:RsNdPfxPol The neighbor discovery prefix policy.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:AInst The label instance, which is contained by the taggable object.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] fv:UnkMacUcastActMod This is the bridge domain (BD) Policy Modifier for UnkMacUcastAct. In special cases, the BD Policy Modifier can override the desired state of BD.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] fv:RtUnkMacActModAtt A target relation to the bridge domain policy modifier. This is an internal object.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] nd:RaSubnet Neighbor Discovery (ND) uses ICMPv6 messages known as Router advertisement (RA) messages, which have a value of 134 in the Type field of the ICMP packet header, are periodically sent out each configured interface of an IPv6 device. For stateless autoconfiguration to work properly, the advertised prefix length in RA messages must always be 64 bits.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Delegate Exposes internal faults to the user. A fault delegate object can be defined on IFC (for example, for an endpoint group) and when the fault is raised (for example, under an endpoint policy on a switch), a fault delegate object is created on IFC under the specified object. A fault delegate object follows the lifecycle of the original fault instance object, being created, modified, or deleted based on the changes of the original fault.
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] nd:RsRaSubnetToNdPfxPol A source relation to the neighbor discovery prefix policy.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] fault:Counts An immutable object that provides the number of critical, major, minor, and warning faults raised on its parent object and its subtree.
[V] fault:Inst Contains detailed information of a fault. This object is attached as a child of the object on which the fault condition occurred. One instance object is created for each fault condition of the parent object. A fault instance object is identified by a fault code.
[V] aaa:RbacAnnotation  RbacAnnotation is used for capturing rbac properties of any apic object Objects can append rbacannotations as Object->RbacAnnotation which is then checked for domain eligibility
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] health:Inst A base class for a health score instance.(Switch only)
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 
[V] tag:Annotation 
[V] tag:Tag 

[V] naming:NamedObject An abstract base class for an object that contains a name.
[V] pol:Obj Represents a generic policy object.
[V] pol:Def Represents self-contained policy document.
[V] pol:DefRoot Represents the policy definition's subtree root.
[V] fv:Def An abstraction of the fabric virtualization policy definition.
[V] fv:Dom A virtual fabric domain.
[V] fv:L2Dom A private layer 2 domain.
[V] fv:ABD An abstract representation of a private layer 2 network context that belongs to a specific tenant or context, or is shared. This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated.
[V] fv:ABDPol Abstract representation of a bridge domain policy.
[V] fv:SvcBD A service bridge domain.

Stat Counters
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l3:MplsEgrBytes:drop(bytes)
           mpls egress drop bytes
          Comments: Mpls egress drop bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l3:MplsEgrBytes:admit(bytes)
           mpls egress admit bytes
          Comments: Mpls egress admit bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l3:MplsEgrPkts:drop(packets)
           mpls egress drop packets
          Comments: Mpls egress drop packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l3:MplsEgrPkts:admit(packets)
           mpls egress admit packets
          Comments: Mpls egress admit packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l3:MplsIngrBytes:drop(bytes)
           mpls ingress drop bytes
          Comments: Mpls ingress drop bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l3:MplsIngrBytes:admit(bytes)
           mpls ingress admit bytes
          Comments: Mpls ingress admit bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l3:MplsIngrPkts:drop(packets)
           mpls ingress drop packets
          Comments: Mpls ingress drop packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l3:MplsIngrPkts:admit(packets)
           mpls ingress admit packets
          Comments: Mpls ingress admit packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:EgrBytes:multicast(bytes)
           egress multicast bytes
          Comments: Egress multicast bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:EgrBytes:unicast(bytes)
           egress unicast bytes
          Comments: Egress unicast bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:EgrPkts:multicast(packets)
           egress multicast packets
          Comments: Egress multicast packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:EgrPkts:unicast(packets)
           egress unicast packets
          Comments: Egress unicast packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:IngrBytes:drop(bytes)
           ingress drop bytes
          Comments: Ingress drop bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:IngrBytes:flood(bytes)
           ingress flood bytes
          Comments: Ingress flood bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:IngrBytes:multicast(bytes)
           ingress multicast bytes
          Comments: Ingress multicast bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:IngrBytes:unicast(bytes)
           ingress unicast bytes
          Comments: Ingress unicast bytes
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:IngrPkts:drop(packets)
           ingress drop packets
          Comments: Ingress drop packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:IngrPkts:flood(packets)
           ingress flood packets
          Comments: Ingress flood packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:IngrPkts:multicast(packets)
           ingress multicast packets
          Comments: Ingress multicast packets
scalar:Uint64 COUNTER: l2:IngrPkts:unicast(packets)
           ingress unicast packets
          Comments: Ingress unicast packets

[V] fv:SvcBD A service bridge domain.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAg15min Egress byte. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAg1d Egress byte. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAg1h Egress byte. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAg1mo Egress byte. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAg1qtr Egress byte. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAg1w Egress byte. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAg1year Egress byte. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAgHist15min Egress byte. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAgHist1d Egress byte. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAgHist1h Egress byte. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAgHist1mo Egress byte. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAgHist1qtr Egress byte. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAgHist1w Egress byte. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesAgHist1year Egress byte. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPart15min Egress byte. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPart1d Egress byte. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPart1h Egress byte. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPart1mo Egress byte. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPart1qtr Egress byte. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPart1w Egress byte. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPart1year Egress byte. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPart5min Egress byte. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPartHist15min Egress byte. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPartHist1d Egress byte. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPartHist1h Egress byte. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPartHist1mo Egress byte. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPartHist1qtr Egress byte. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPartHist1w Egress byte. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPartHist1year Egress byte. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrBytesPartHist5min Egress byte. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAg15min Egress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAg1d Egress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAg1h Egress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAg1mo Egress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAg1qtr Egress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAg1w Egress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAg1year Egress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAgHist15min Egress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAgHist1d Egress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAgHist1h Egress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAgHist1mo Egress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAgHist1qtr Egress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAgHist1w Egress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsAgHist1year Egress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for egress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPart15min Egress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPart1d Egress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPart1h Egress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPart1mo Egress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPart1qtr Egress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPart1w Egress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPart1year Egress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPart5min Egress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPartHist15min Egress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPartHist1d Egress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPartHist1h Egress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPartHist1mo Egress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPartHist1qtr Egress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPartHist1w Egress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPartHist1year Egress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:EgrPktsPartHist5min Egress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for egress packets in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAg15min A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAg1d A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAg1h A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAg1mo A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAg1qtr A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAg1w A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAg1year A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAgHist15min A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAgHist1d A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAgHist1h A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAgHist1mo A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAgHist1qtr A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAgHist1w A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesAgHist1year A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPart15min A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPart1d A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPart1h A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPart1mo A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPart1qtr A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPart1w A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPart1year A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPart5min A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPartHist15min A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPartHist1d A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPartHist1h A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPartHist1mo A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPartHist1qtr A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPartHist1w A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPartHist1year A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrBytesPartHist5min A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAg15min A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAg1d A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAg1h A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAg1mo A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAg1qtr A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAg1w A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAg1year A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAgHist15min A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAgHist1d A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAgHist1h A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAgHist1mo A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAgHist1qtr A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAgHist1w A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsAgHist1year A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for ingress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPart15min A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPart1d A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPart1h A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPart1mo A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPart1qtr A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPart1w A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPart1year A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPart5min A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPartHist15min A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPartHist1d A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPartHist1h A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPartHist1mo A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPartHist1qtr A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPartHist1w A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPartHist1year A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l2:IngrPktsPartHist5min A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for ingress packets in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAg15min Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAg1d Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAg1h Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAg1mo Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAg1qtr Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAg1w Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAg1year Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAgHist15min Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAgHist1d Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAgHist1h Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAgHist1mo Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAgHist1qtr Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAgHist1w Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesAgHist1year Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPart15min Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPart1d Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPart1h Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPart1mo Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPart1qtr Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPart1w Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPart1year Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPart5min Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPartHist15min Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPartHist1d Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPartHist1h Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPartHist1mo Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPartHist1qtr Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPartHist1w Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPartHist1year Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrBytesPartHist5min Mpls egress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAg15min Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAg1d Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAg1h Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAg1mo Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAg1qtr Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAg1w Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAg1year Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAgHist15min Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAgHist1d Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAgHist1h Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAgHist1mo Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAgHist1qtr Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAgHist1w Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsAgHist1year Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPart15min Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPart1d Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPart1h Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPart1mo Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPart1qtr Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPart1w Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPart1year Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPart5min Mpls egress packets. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPartHist15min Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPartHist1d Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPartHist1h Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPartHist1mo Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPartHist1qtr Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPartHist1w Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPartHist1year Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsEgrPktsPartHist5min Mpls egress packets. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls egress packets in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAg15min Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAg1d Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAg1h Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAg1mo Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAg1qtr Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAg1w Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAg1year Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAgHist15min Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAgHist1d Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAgHist1h Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAgHist1mo Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAgHist1qtr Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAgHist1w Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesAgHist1year Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPart15min Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPart1d Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPart1h Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPart1mo Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPart1qtr Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPart1w Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPart1year Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPart5min Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPartHist15min Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPartHist1d Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPartHist1h Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPartHist1mo Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPartHist1qtr Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPartHist1w Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPartHist1year Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrBytesPartHist5min Mpls ingress bytes. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress bytes in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAg15min Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAg1d Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAg1h Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAg1mo Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAg1qtr Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAg1w Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAg1year Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAgHist15min Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAgHist1d Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAgHist1h Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAgHist1mo Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAgHist1qtr Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAgHist1w Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsAgHist1year Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical aggregated statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPart15min Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPart1d Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPart1h Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPart1mo Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPart1qtr Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPart1w Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPart1year Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPart5min Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents the most current portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPartHist15min Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 15 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 5 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPartHist1d Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 day sampling interval. This class updates every hour.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPartHist1h Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 hour sampling interval. This class updates every 15 minutes.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPartHist1mo Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 month sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPartHist1qtr Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 quarter sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPartHist1w Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 week sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPartHist1year Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 1 year sampling interval. This class updates every day.
[V] l3:MplsIngrPktsPartHist5min Mpls ingress packet. A class that represents historical portion of the statistics for mpls ingress packets in a 5 minute sampling interval. This class updates every 10 seconds.




Properties Summary
Defined in: fv:SvcBD
scalar:Bool isCopySvc  (fv:SvcBD:isCopySvc)
           whether copy service is enabled in this bd
reference:BinRef monPolDn  (fv:SvcBD:monPolDn)
           Monitoring policy attached to this observable object
name  (fv:SvcBD:name)
           Overrides:pol:Obj:name | naming:NamedObject:name
           The name of a service bridge domain.
Defined in: fv:ABD
scalar:Bool OptimizeWanBandwidth  (fv:ABD:OptimizeWanBandwidth)
           OptimizeWanBandwidth flag is enabled between sites
scalar:Bool arpFlood  (fv:ABD:arpFlood)
           A property to specify whether ARP flooding is enabled. If flooding is disabled, unicast routing will be performed on the target IP address.
configIssues  (fv:ABD:configIssues)
           Bitmask representation of the configuration issues found during the endpoint group deployment.
scalar:Bool epClear  (fv:ABD:epClear)
           Represents the parameter used by the node (i.e. Leaf) to clear all EPs in all leaves for this BD.
epMoveDetectMode  (fv:ABD:epMoveDetectMode)
           The End Point move detection option uses the Gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol (GARP). A gratuitous ARP is an ARP broadcast-type of packet that is used to verify that no other device on the network has the same IP address as the sending device.
scalar:Bool intersiteBumTrafficAllow  (fv:ABD:intersiteBumTrafficAllow)
           Control whether BUM traffic is allowed between sites
scalar:Bool intersiteL2Stretch  (fv:ABD:intersiteL2Stretch)
           l2Stretch flag is enabled between sites
scalar:Bool ipLearning  (fv:ABD:ipLearning)
           NO COMMENTS
scalar:Bool ipv6McastAllow  (fv:ABD:ipv6McastAllow)
           Multicast. Flag to indicate if ipv6 multicast is enabled
scalar:Bool limitIpLearnToSubnets  (fv:ABD:limitIpLearnToSubnets)
           Limits IP address learning to the bridge domain subnets only. Every BD can have multiple subnets associated with it. By default, all IPs are learned.
address:Ip llAddr  (fv:ABD:llAddr)
           The override of the system generated IPv6 link-local address.
mac  (fv:ABD:mac)
           The MAC address of the bridge domain (BD) or switched virtual interface (SVI). Every BD by default takes the fabric-wide default MAC address. You can override that address with a different one. By default the BD will take a 00:22:BD:F8:19:FF mac address.
scalar:Bool mcastAllow  (fv:ABD:mcastAllow)
           Multicast. Flag to indicate if multicast is enabled
mtu  (fv:ABD:mtu)
           The layer 2 maximum transmit unit (MTU) size.
multiDstPktAct  (fv:ABD:multiDstPktAct)
           The multiple destination forwarding method for L2 Multicast, Broadcast, and Link Layer traffic types.
pcTag  (fv:ABD:pcTag)
           The default class ID for unknown unicast traffic terminating on this bridge domain.
scope  (fv:ABD:scope)
scalar:Bool unicastRoute  (fv:ABD:unicastRoute)
           The forwarding method based on predefined forwarding criteria (IP or MAC address).
unkMacUcastAct  (fv:ABD:unkMacUcastAct)
           The forwarding method for unknown layer 2 destinations.
unkMcastAct  (fv:ABD:unkMcastAct)
           The parameter used by the node (i.e. a leaf) for forwarding data for an unknown multicast destination.
v6unkMcastAct  (fv:ABD:v6unkMcastAct)
           NO COMMENTS
address:MAC vmac  (fv:ABD:vmac)
           Virtual MAC address of the BD/SVI. This is used when the BD is extended to multiple sites using l2 Outside.
Defined in: fv:L2Dom
bcastP  (fv:L2Dom:bcastP)
           Outer multicast group IP address.
Defined in: fv:Dom
seg  (fv:Dom:seg)
           A LAN domain segment.
Defined in: pol:DefRoot
descr  (pol:DefRoot:descr)
           Specifies a description of the policy definition root.
Defined in: pol:Def
ownerKey  (pol:Def:ownerKey)
           The key for enabling clients to own their data for entity correlation.
ownerTag  (pol:Def:ownerTag)
           A tag for enabling clients to add their own data. For example, to indicate who created this object.
Defined in: naming:NamedObject
nameAlias  (naming:NamedObject:nameAlias)
           NO COMMENTS
Defined in: mo:Resolvable
lcOwn  (mo:Resolvable:lcOwn)
           A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
Defined in: mo:Modifiable
modTs  (mo:Modifiable:modTs)
           The time when this object was last modified.
Defined in: mo:TopProps
childAction  (mo:TopProps:childAction)
           Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
reference:BinRef dn  (mo:TopProps:dn)
           A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.
reference:BinRN rn  (mo:TopProps:rn)
           Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.
status  (mo:TopProps:status)
           The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
Properties Detail


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
OptimizeWanBandwidth flag is enabled between sites
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
A property to specify whether ARP flooding is enabled. If flooding is disabled, unicast routing will be performed on the target IP address.
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: mcast:Group
Primitive Type: address:IPv4

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Outer multicast group IP address.


Type: mo:ModificationChildAction
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelChildAction
Delete or ignore. For internal use only.
deleteAll 16384u deleteAll NO COMMENTS
ignore 4096u ignore NO COMMENTS
deleteNonPresent 8192u deleteNonPresent NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- This type is used to


Type: fv:BDConfIssuesType
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask64

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Bitmask representation of the configuration issues found during the endpoint group deployment.
ok 0ull ok NO COMMENTS
igmp-snoop-disabled-on-multicast-if 0x1ull igmpsnoop disabled on multicast enabled BD NO COMMENTS
FHS-enabled-on-l2-only-bd 0x2ull first hop security enabled on layer 2 only bridge domain NO COMMENTS
l3-mcast-is-enabled-on-vrf-where-bd-has-ip-learn-disable 0x4ull l3-mcast-is-enabled-on-vrf-where-bd-has-ip-learn-disable NO COMMENTS


Type: naming:Descr
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Paths: naming:Described:descr Units: null Encrypted: false Access: admin Category: TopLevelRegular
Specifies a description of the policy definition root.


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelDn
A tag or metadata is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to the fabric module.


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Represents the parameter used by the node (i.e. Leaf) to clear all EPs in all leaves for this BD.
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: l2:EpMoveDetectMode
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Like: l2:BD:epMoveDetectMode
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
The End Point move detection option uses the Gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol (GARP). A gratuitous ARP is an ARP broadcast-type of packet that is used to verify that no other device on the network has the same IP address as the sending device.
garp 1u GARP based detection Detection through GARP
DEFAULT 0 --- Ep move detection mode


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Control whether BUM traffic is allowed between sites
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
l2Stretch flag is enabled between sites
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Bool

Like: l2:BD:ipv6McastAllow
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Multicast. Flag to indicate if ipv6 multicast is enabled
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
whether copy service is enabled in this bd
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: mo:Owner
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
A value that indicates how this object was created. For internal use only.
local 0 Local NO COMMENTS
policy 1 Policy NO COMMENTS
replica 2 Replica NO COMMENTS
resolveOnBehalf 3 ResolvedOnBehalf NO COMMENTS
implicit 4 Implicit NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Limits IP address learning to the bridge domain subnets only. Every BD can have multiple subnets associated with it. By default, all IPs are learned.
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: address:Ip

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
The override of the system generated IPv6 link-local address.


Type: fv:DefaultMAC
Primitive Type: address:MAC

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
The MAC address of the bridge domain (BD) or switched virtual interface (SVI). Every BD by default takes the fabric-wide default MAC address. You can override that address with a different one. By default the BD will take a 00:22:BD:F8:19:FF mac address.
defaultValue 280487012409856ull --- NO COMMENTS


Type: scalar:Bool

Like: l2:BD:mcastAllow
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Multicast. Flag to indicate if multicast is enabled
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: mo:TStamp
Primitive Type: scalar:Date

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The time when this object was last modified.
never 0ull never NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT never(0ull) never NO COMMENTS


Type: reference:BinRef

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
Monitoring policy attached to this observable object


Type: fabric:InheritableMtu
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: bytes
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The layer 2 maximum transmit unit (MTU) size.
inherit 1u inherit NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT inherit(1u) inherit NO COMMENTS


Type: l2:MultiDstPktAct
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Like: l2:BD:multiDstPktAct
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
The multiple destination forwarding method for L2 Multicast, Broadcast, and Link Layer traffic types.
bd-flood 0 Flood in BD BD Flood, flood with all L2 encapsulations in that BD
encap-flood 1 Flood in Encapsulation Flood with the L2 Encapsulation
drop 2 Drop Drop
DEFAULT bd-flood(0) Flood in BD BD Flood, flood with all L2 encapsulations in that BD


Type: naming:Name
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Overrides:pol:Obj:name  |  naming:NamedObject:name
Units: null Encrypted: false Naming Property -- [NAMING RULES] Access: naming Category: TopLevelRegular
The name of a service bridge domain.


Type: naming:NameAlias
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular


Type: naming:Descr
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
The key for enabling clients to own their data for entity correlation.


Type: naming:Descr
Primitive Type: string:Basic

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
A tag for enabling clients to add their own data. For example, to indicate who created this object.


Type: vz:GPCTag
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
The default class ID for unknown unicast traffic terminating on this bridge domain.
any 0u any NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT 0 --- A shorthand for GroupPolicyClassTag: A tag that is used to identify and classify a particular group of resources/end-points for policy enforcement purposes


Type: reference:BinRN

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRn
Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names.


Type: fv:ScopeId
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
defaultValue 0u --- NO COMMENTS


Type: fv:Seg
Primitive Type: scalar:Uint32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelRegular
A LAN domain segment.


Type: mo:ModificationStatus
Primitive Type: scalar:Bitmask32

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: implicit
Category: TopLevelStatus
The upgrade status. This property is for internal use only.
created 2u created In a setter method: specifies that an object should be created. An error is returned if the object already exists.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been created.
modified 4u modified In a setter method: specifies that an object should be modified
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been modified.
deleted 8u deleted In a setter method: specifies that an object should be deleted.
In the return value of a setter method: indicates that an object has been deleted.
DEFAULT 0 --- This type controls the life cycle of objects passed in the XML API.

When used in a setter method (such as configConfMo), the ModificationStatus specifies whether an object should be created, modified, deleted or removed.
In the return value of a setter method, the ModificationStatus indicates the actual operation that was performed. For example, the ModificationStatus is set to "created" if the object was created. The ModificationStatus is not set if the object was neither created, modified, deleted or removed.

When invoking a setter method, the ModificationStatus is optional:
If a setter method such as configConfMo is invoked and the ModificationStatus is not set, the system automatically determines if the object should be created or modified.


Type: scalar:Bool

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
The forwarding method based on predefined forwarding criteria (IP or MAC address).
no false --- NO COMMENTS
yes true --- NO COMMENTS


Type: l2:UnkMacUcastAct
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Like: l2:BD:unkMacUcastAct
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
The forwarding method for unknown layer 2 destinations.
flood 0 Flood Flooding
proxy 1 Hardware Proxy Proxy
DEFAULT proxy(1) Hardware Proxy Proxy


Type: l2:UnkMcastAct
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Like: l2:BD:unkMcastAct
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
The parameter used by the node (i.e. a leaf) for forwarding data for an unknown multicast destination.
flood 0 Flood Flooding
opt-flood 1 Optimized Flood Optimized flooding
DEFAULT flood(0) Flood Flooding


Type: l2:UnkMcastAct
Primitive Type: scalar:Enum8

Like: l2:BD:v6unkMcastAct
Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
flood 0 Flood Flooding
opt-flood 1 Optimized Flood Optimized flooding
DEFAULT flood(0) Flood Flooding


Type: address:MAC

Units: null
Encrypted: false
Access: admin
Category: TopLevelRegular
Virtual MAC address of the BD/SVI. This is used when the BD is extended to multiple sites using l2 Outside.
not-applicable 0ull Not Configured NO COMMENTS
DEFAULT not-applicable(0ull) Not Configured NO COMMENTS