All Classes and Interfaces

Annotation class for Action Callbacks Attributes are callPoint and callType
Callback proxy for Action Callbacks.
Enumeration of Action callback methods
AES algorithm encryption/decryption utility class
This class is used to represent an alarm instance of an entry in /al:alarms/alarm-list/alarm list.
This class represents an alarm attribute.
This class represents the unique identity of an NCS alarm.
The class AlarmSink represents a "sink" where Alarm objects are added in order to be written to the alarm table.
An AlarmSinkCentral represent a central "proxy" for created AlarmSink's.
This is the JMX interface for the AlarmSinkCentral class
This class establishes a listener queue for emitted alarms.
The consuming part of the Alarm API.
This is the JMX interface for the AlarmSourceCentral class
Exception thrown when protocol data is malformed.
User defined Applications should implement this interface that extends Runnable, hence also the run() method has to be implemented.
Represents a successful invocation of the Maapi.applyTransParams(int, boolean, CommitParams) method.
Tools for array manipulation.
Base class for attributes.
Attributes class is used to create, and manipulate progress trace attributes.
Data structure for audit network notifications.
Data structure for Audit events
Annotation class for Auth Callbacks Attribute are callType
Callback proxy for Authorization Callbacks.
Enumeration of Auth callback methods
Annotation class for Authorization Callbacks Attribute are callType
Callback proxy for Authorization Callbacks.
Enumeration of Authorization callback methods
AuthorizationOperCheck used as argument to authorization callbacks.
Enum for returning authorization result from authorization callbacks
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
A Base64.InputStream will read data from another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Events generated for NETCONF Call Home connections.
This class represents a connection to ConfD/NCS built in XML database.
Represents the compaction info for CDB files.
Database file types specified when initiating compaction or retrieving compaction info
Database types specified when setting up CDB sessions
The CdbDiffIterate interface should be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to process or iterate through a set of changes.
Cdb package generic exception
This exception is used by clients of CdbSubscription that needs to report errors.
DB lock type flag for Cdb Sessions which controls locking of sessions.
Subscription notification type retrieved from getLatestNotificationType() method
Represents the start-phase CDB is currently in.
General class for protocol constants
The class CdbSession represents a session against the Cdb database.
Distinguish the different types of subscription notifications
This class provides subscription functionality to CDB.
Distinguish the different types of subscription notifications
Subscription Synchronization type used in sync() method
Subscription type used in subscribe() method
Data structure received from Cdb.getTxId() method.
The class CdbUpgradeSession represents a session against the Cdb database that can be used for accessing data models that are in the process of being deleted by a cdb upgrade.
Result of Maapi.CLICmdToPath(int, String) An object containing two string fields containing the resulting namespace and path
Get CLI Interaction class for interaction with the user via the CLI.
flags for controlling cmd to CLI via CLIInteraction class
Internal snmp4j callback class used by the SnmpNotificationReceiver
Data structure for CommitDiff notifications.
Data structure for failing commit notifications.
Data structure for simple commit notifications.
Data structure for commit progress notifications.
Data structure for commit queue progress notifications.
Represents a successful invocation of the Maapi.applyTransParams(int, boolean, CommitParams) method.
Data structure for compaction notifications.
Reply structure container for completion callbacks.
Default completion reply for callbacks invoked by a tailf:cli-completion-actionpoint or a tailf:cli-custom-range-actionpoint directive.
Reply structure container for completion callbacks invoked by a tailf:cli-custom-range-enumerator directive.
Reply structure container for completion callbacks invoked by a tailf:cli-completion-actionpoint or a tailf:cli-custom-range-actionpoint directive.
General class for static methods and constants used by the ConfD API:s (Maapi, Cdb, Dp, and Notif)
Enumeration of attribute types
Class that represents an attribute value for an element in a model.
Exception thrown when protocol data is malformed.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:hex-list and tailf:octet-list.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG bit32 type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG bit64 type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG bits type, where bit position exceed 63.
DATA_CONTAINER - This is the superclass for all bits types i.e.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG boolean type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG string type.
Class Representing a KeyPath path.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:date type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG date-and-time type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG decimal64 type.
Class representing value of type J_DEFAULT.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG dotted-quad type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:double type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:duration type.
Provides a Java representation of E atoms.
Provides a Java representation of E integral types.
Provides a Java representation of E binaries.
Provides a Java representation of E booleans, which are special cases of atoms with values 'true' and 'false'.
Provides a Java representation of E integral types.
Provides a Java representation of E integral types.
Exception raised when an attempt is made to create an E term by decoding a sequence of bytes that does not represent the type of term that was requested.
Provides a Java representation of E floats and doubles.
Base class for the other Conf E exception classes.
Provides a Java representation of E floats and doubles.
Provides a Java representation of E integral types.
Provides a Java representation of E lists.
Provides a Java representation of E integral types.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG Enumeration type.
Base class of the E data type classes.
Provides a Java representation of E pids.
Exception raised when an attempt is made to create an E term with data that is out of range for the term in question.
Provides a Java representation of E refs.
Provides a Java representation of E integral types.
Provides a Java representation of E strings.
Provides a Java representation of E tuples.
Provides a Java representation of E integral types.
Provides a Java representation of E integral types.
Exception base class.
Provides a collection of constants used when encoding and decoding E terms.
Enum used in findNext calls to determine if the element extraction should start at indicated element or the element after that
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:float type.
ConfHaNode represents a HA node by identity and IP address
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:hex-list type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG hex-string type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG identityRef type.
Provides a stream for decoding E terms from external format.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG int16 type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG int32 type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG int64 type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG int8 type.
This class implements the internal communication API in Java.
DATA_CONTAINER - Base class for ConfIPv4 and ConfIPv6 containers
DATA_CONTAINER - Base class for ConfIPv4AndPrefixLen and ConfIPv6AndPrefixLen containers
DATA_CONTAINER - Base class for ConfIPv4Prefix and ConfIPv6Prefix containers
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG inet:ipv4-address type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:ipv4-address-and-prefix-length type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG inet:ipv4-prefix type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG inet:ipv6-address type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:ipv6-address-and-prefix-length type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG inet:ipv6-prefix type.
Data structure for Confirmed commit notifications.
The subinterfaces to this interfaces is used as parameter to various diffIterate methods.
Enumeration flags us by CdbSubscription.diffIterate(int,CdbDiffIterate,EnumSet,Object) to control the behavior of iterate over changes made in CDB data.
flags us by DiffIterate interface The iterate() method should return any of the following constants
This class represents a list key or a leaf-list element.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG leaf-list.
Base class of the ConfNamespace objects.
A ConfNamespaceStub can be used in place of a real namespace file when accessing removed data models during a cdb upgrade.
Class representing value of type J_NOEXISTS.
Base class of the Conf data type classes.
Corresponds to the YANG instance-identifier type
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:octet-list type.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:oid type.
Provides a stream for encoding E terms to external format, for transmission or storage.
Class Representing an KeyPath path.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:qName type.
Internal Class.
Class representing an element in a model.
Class representing an element in a model.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:time type.
Conf value type descriptor.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG uint16 type
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG uint32 type
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG uint64 type
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG uint8 type
User session information container.
Base class of the DATA_CONTAINER Conf<datatype> classes.
Warning messages container.
Warning exception base class.
Represents the base class of a flat XML structure.
Identifies a starting point in the model from which other parameters are relatively defined (used in CDB).
Identifies a leaf parameter.
Identifies a starting point in the model from which other parameters are relatively defined.
Identifies a starting point in the model for a list item that should be deleted.
Identifies the end point for parameter definitions.
Utility class to transform ConfXMLParam[] which represents a XML-fragment to a equivalent DOM (org.w3c.dom.Document) or to a string XML representation.
Identifies a parameter with its value.
DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec XML Tag.
Class Representing an XPath path.
Annotation class for Data Callbacks Attributes are callPoint and callType.
Callback proxy for Data Callbacks.
Enumeration of Data callback methods
Annotation class for DB Callbacks Attribute are callType
Callback proxy for DB Callbacks.
Enumeration of DB callback methods
DES3 algorithm encryption/decryption utility class
Enumeration flags us by CdbSubscription.diffIterate(int,CdbDiffIterate,EnumSet,Object) to control the behavior of iterate over changes made in CDB data.
flags us by DiffIterate interface The iterate() method should return any of the following constants
This class implements the Data Provider API (DP).
The DpAccumulate object is used for accumulating operations on database from the DpDataCallbacks setElem, create, and remove operations when they return Conf.REPLY_ACCUMULATE.
This interface is used for the user actions callbacks.
The action transaction context.
With this interface we can register a callback with ConfDs AAA subsystem, to be invoked whenever AAA has completed processing of an authentication attempt.
Authentication context class.
We can register two authorization callbacks with ConfD´s AAA subsystem.
Authorization context class.
Exception thrown from inside callbacks to identify problems.
Extended errorcode Exceptions thrown from inside callbacks to identify problems.
Warnings thrown from inside callbacks to identify problems.
This interface is used for the user data callbacks.
Extended Iterator interface used to get findNext functionality.
This interface is used for the user database callbacks.
Database context.
General Dp Exception
Interface for the user of the Dp deamon to handle catched exceptions in the implicit threads started in the method
Annotation class that allows to specify data provider flags to tweak the behaviour of the data provider.
This class represents list filters that may be passed to data providers.
This interface is used for the Nano Service callbacks.
This interface is used for the notifications replay callback.
This class implements the Notification streams thread.
The application can generate notifications that are sent via the northbound protocols.
General class for protocol constants
This interface is used for the service callbacks.
This interface is used for the SNMP notifier callbacks.
The application can send SNMP notifications and inform requests.
DpThread with the ability to log more info about a thread and that uses a Uncaught exception handler.
The customized thread Factory this is used for creating customized threads that uses UncaughtExceptionHandler and for thread that performs debug logging message so we could interpret the thread dumps and error logs.
The transaction context.
This interface is used for the user transaction callbacks.
This interface is used for the user validation callbacks.
The user information.
The validate transaction context.
This interface is used for the user valpoint callbacks.
Dp Thread pool of worker thread.
Represents a successful invocation of the Maapi.applyTransParams(int, boolean, CommitParams) method.
This EmptySpan is used when a span is not created by the ProgressTrace API
Base class for encryption algorithm utility classes
Error codes for all errors delivered over the protocol.
verbosity levels for reported errors
Annotation class for Event Callbacks Attributes are deviceName, SubscriptionName, callType
Callback proxy for annotated NavuEventCallback methods This class is used internally be the NavuEventHandler.registerAnnotatedCallbacks to be able to invoke (by reflection) the annotated callback method
Enumeration of Event callback methods
This interface describes the context for the notification event
EventContext implementation class
Standard filter for sending Acknowledge response to Snmp INFORMs This filter is implemented as a handler in the same way as user defined handlers and the only difference is that it is always registered in the beginning of the handler chain.
Standard filter for suppression of notifications emanating from ip addresses outside defined set of addresses The filter determines the source ip address first from the snmpTrapAddress varbind if this is set, or otherwise from the emanating peer ip address.
Standard filter for suppression of received snmp events which are not TRAP, NOTIFICATION or INFORM This filter is implemented as a handler in the same way as user defined handlers and the only difference is that it is always registered in the beginning of the handler chain.
Data structure for Forward agent events.
Main class for the HA cluster management.
Exception for the HA handling
Response enums controlling the execution of the handler chain
Data structure for High Availability notifications.
enum for the different HA cluster protocol operations Used internally by the api.
This enum describes the different states a HA node can be in.
This class represents a status for an HA node in an HA cluster.
Data structure for HealtCheck notifications.
Data structure for Heartbeat notifications.
Autogenerated namespace class for YANG module ietf-inet-types.yang
Class Representing an path.
Utility class for creating NavuNode from ConfObject array.
The type of comparison or function to employ when the filter type is ListFilterType.CONFD_LF_CMP or ListFilterType.CONFD_LF_EXEC.
Enumeration of list filter types
This class implements the Management Agent API (MAAPI).
To be used in: Maapi.reportProgress(int,Verbosity,String) Maapi.reportProgress(int,Verbosity,String,String) Maapi.reportProgressStart(int,Verbosity,String,String) Maapi.reportNedProgress(Verbosity,String,String,String) Maapi.reportNedProgressStart(Verbosity,String,String,String) Maapi.reportServiceProgress(int,Verbosity,String,ConfPath) Maapi.reportServiceProgress(int,Verbosity,String,String,ConfPath)
Authentication result container.
Data encryption and decryption utility class.
Data encryption and decryption helper class for each supported encryption algorithm.
Whenever we wish to iterate over a set of objects in the XML tree, we must first initialize a cursor.
This interface is used with the diffIterate method in Maapi.
Exception raised from the maapi package
Flags used by Maapi.setFlags(int,EnumSet) method to control read/write sessions.
Represents configuration data input stream used to download configurations.
This interface is used with the Iterate method in Maapi.
Warnings raised from the maapi package
Warnings raised from the maapi package
Configuration data output stream used to upload configurations.
General class for protocol constants
Maapi retryable operation that will be called repeatadly until no transaction conflict occurred (or max number of tries was reached).
Rollback file descriptor class.
This class is used to emulate and replace the classes that was previously loaded manually.
Handles the schema information from the data models loaded.
Enum containing all possible node values.
Utility class for MaapiSchemas This class contains tools for making recursive schema printouts.
User session descriptor class.
flags for defining User Session protocol
Warnings raised from the maapi package
This interface is used with xpathEval method in Maapi.
This interface is used with the xpathEval method in Maapi.
Class representing a device.
The Managed object is the object within a managed device that is a component of an Alarm.
flags us by Maapi.moveOrdered method to control ordered-by user orders
Annotation class for Nano Service Callbacks.
Callback proxy for Nano Service Callbacks.
Enumeration of Nano Service callback methods
The Nano service context object.
This class represents a action modeled in the data model.
This NavuCdbSessionPoolable interface should be implemented by any class whose instance are intended to change the default behavior of how CdbSession object is created and used in NAVU.
This class handles changes on a node.
This class handles YANG presentation and setting of YANG choices.
NavuContainer is a representation of the yang construct container,module and list-entry.
This class controls how NAVU should read/write data to ncs.
This class is the base class for NavuContext.
The enumeration specifies the behavior when a case in a choice is not selected explicitly or implicitly.
The NavuCursor is a helper class used within NAVU to simplify the MAAPI cursor handling.
NavuEventCallback interface is used to implement callback methods to be used my the NavuEventHandler.
This class represents the a running daemon where it provides the means for user callback to react on NCS CDB notification that arrives asynchronously from a device.
Exception raised from the navu package
The NavuLeaf class corresponds to the YANG leaf and leaf-list node types.
NavuLeafList is a representation of the YANG leaf-list.
NavuList is a representation of the YANG list node.
A NavuList holds this representation of a entry as its children or entry set.
NavuNode is the base class for all navigation classes like NavuContainer, NavuList, NavuLeaf etc.
This class contains meta information for a node.
This class is used by NavuNode.xPathSelectIterate(String, NavuNodeSetIterate) The iterate method is called for each node iteration.
XML parser capable of producing an ConfXMLParam[] from an xml snippet.
This implements the NavuTraversalMean for BFS (Breath-first traversal).
This implements the NavuTraversalMean for DFS (Depth-first traversal).
Starting point for both Active and Passive mode traversal
This class contains Node context for a callback iterator implementing NavuNodeSetIterate which is used by NavuNode.xPathSelectIterate(String, NavuNodeSetIterate)
Autogenerated namespace class for YANG module tailf-ncs.yang
Autogenerated namespace class for YANG module tailf-ncs-alarms.yang
Ncs Java VM protocol command representation class
NCS Java vm internal DP dataprovider for stats data etc.
Ncs package generic exception
Helper class implementing a java main() method which will start the Ncs java vm main thread
Main class for Ncs java vm management and control.
This is the JMX interface for the NcsMain class
Autogenerated namespace class for YANG module tailf-ncs-ned.yang
Autogenerated namespace class for YANG module snmp.yang
Autogenerated namespace class for YANG module tailf-ncs-monitoring.yang
NcsThread is a subclass of Thread with the ability to log more info about a thread and implements an UncaughtExceptionHandler.
The customized thread Factory this is used for creating customized threads that uses UncaughtExceptionHandler and for thread that performs debug logging msg so we could interpret the thread dumps and error logs.
NedCapability is used to communicate the capabilities (supported namespace, revision, features and deviations) of a NedConnection (NedGeneric or NedCli).
This class is used for connections between the NCS and CLI based NEDs.
This class implements NED CLI template
A NedCmd represents the command send from the NCS with all parameters.
A NedConnection is the interface used by the NedMux for keeping track of connections to different devices.
NedEditOp represents the edit operations provided to a NedGeneric in the prepare, abort, and revert methods.
Exception raised from the NED package
The result of a expect() method invocation.
This interface must be adhered to by code that talks to a generic device that is modeled in YANG.
The NedMux is used as the interface between NCS and the NedConnections.
Filter used when requesting data from a NED using the showStatsFilter method.
The NedTTL class is used to pass time-to-live information to NCS for the entries in a config=false cache.
The NedWorker is used by the NedMux for running a worker thread for executing NedConnection tasks.
Indicates the mode of Transaction ID supported by the NED.
Autogenerated namespace class for YANG module tailf-netconf-ncs.yang
ArrayList-based implementation of the NextObjectList interface.
This class implements the Notifications API in Java.
Exceptions raised from the notif package
Helper class which holds handler and if applicable the corresponding opaque object for a registered handler
Base class for notification data structures.
Interface that all Handlers must implement to be able to register for the NotificationReceiver
This class mediated the use of Snmp4j for receiving and mapping of incoming snmp notifications.
Enum describing the different notification types available.
Unix "env" environment representation class
Data structure for PackageReload notifications.
Enum representing the possible perceived severities for an alarm
This class represents a plan component with its states.
This class represents a parsed XML-string, optionally with parameterized values.
Data structure for progress notifications.
Progress event type.
ProgressTrace class interacts with ConfD/NCS's progress trace framework over underlying MAAPI.
The purpose of ProgressTraceNed class is to make it easy for a NED to interact with NSO's progress trace framework with the concept of spans.
Helper class for callback proxys
Represent a result from a XPath query.
Represent result entry in a XPath query.
Data structure for ReopenLogs notifications.
Annotation class for Action Callbacks Attributes are callPoint and callType
The NCS resource manager able to create Maapi and Cdb objects connected to the NCS server.
This is the JMX interface for the ResourceManager
ResourceType set by the Ncs ResourceManager
Specifies the result type from XPath query.
XPath Result in keypath format.
XPath Result in keypath and value format.
XPath Result in string format.
XPath Result in ConfXMLParam format.
Scope for resources managed by the Resource Manager
Annotation class for Service Callbacks.
Callback proxy for Service Callbacks.
Enumeration of Service callback methods
The service context object.
This class contains methods to write service log entries.
Internal class implementing the service context for PRE/POST MODIFICATION callbacks.
The service operation type
Data structure SNMP agent notifications.
Class representing a SNMP variable
Class representing trapinfo for a trap
Class representing a varbind for a trap
Annotation class for SnmpInformResponse Callbacks Attributes are callPoint and callType
Callback proxy for SnmpInformResponse Callbacks.
Enumeration of SnmpInformResponse callback methods
The SnmpVarbind is a data structure for holding an SNMP variable binding which is on either of the forms: Variable - Value OID - Value Column - RowIndex - Value
Class for creation and control of sockets, towards NCS/Confd This singleton factory class control all socket connections.
Interface for user defined creation of sockets, towards NCS/Confd
Class for Span information.
The SSH CLI session interface.
SSHCLient file transfer interface
SSHCLient subsystem interface
Class implementing the SSHClient.CliSession interface using the net.schmizz.sshj framework.
A SSH transport.
Exception raised from the SSH Session
Class representing a status change attribute.
Data structure for Stream notifications.
Data structure for subagent notifications.
Data structure for syslog notifications.
A telnet transport.
Template represents an NCS template, that is a template loaded from the directory templates of the package.
TemplateVariables holds a set of defined XPath variables
Annotation class for Trans Callbacks Attribute is callType
Callback proxy for Trans Callbacks.
Enumeration of Trans callback methods
Annotation class for TransValidate Callbacks Attribute is callType
Callback proxy for TransValidate Callbacks.
Enumeration of TransValidate callback methods
Data structure for upgrade notifications.
Data structure for user session start/stop notifications.
Annotation class for Validate Callbacks Attribute is callPoint
Callback proxy for Validation Callbacks.
Enumeration of Validate callback methods
Enum identifying type of ConfXMLParam subclass.
Convenience utility class for transformation from a XML String to a ConfXMLParam[] structure.
The result(ConfObject[],ConfValue,Object) method should return any of the following two constants
Autogenerated namespace class for YANG module ietf-yang-types.yang