Uses of Package
Packages that use com.tailf.conf
Package with methods for connecting to the configuration database.
Data types and utilities for communication with the server.
Data provider API package, for implementation of callbacks for validations, actions, transformation etc.
Annotations and proxy helper classes for callbacks.
Service callback specific context and utilities.
Package for setup and control of High Availability cluster nodes.
MAAPI is an API which provides full access to the systems internal
transaction engine.
NAVU (Navigation Utilities) is an API which provides increased
accessibility to the ConfD/NCS populated data model tree:
NCS Java machine management and control of Services, Neds,
callbacks and Applications
The Common Alarm Management package contains common definitions that are
used within the alarm manager.
The Alarm Manager consumer package provides support for subscription to
alarms in the NCS Alarm list.
The Alarm Manager producer package provides support for injection of
alarms into the NCS Alarm list.
This package comprises name-space classes generated from the NCS YANG models.
NCS snmp4j support package
Network Equipment Drivers package
Package for subscription to asynchronous events.
Utility classes for representing compiled ConfNamespaces.
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.cdbClassDescriptionClass Representing a KeyPath path.Exception base class.The subinterfaces to this interfaces is used as parameter to various
methods.Base class of the ConfNamespace objects.Base class of the Conf data type classes.Class Representing an KeyPath path.Internal Class.Base class of the DATA_CONTAINERConf<datatype>
classes.Represents the base class of a flat XML structure.Enumeration flags us byCdbSubscription.diffIterate(int,CdbDiffIterate,EnumSet,Object)
to control the behavior of iterate over changes made in CDB data.The modification flags supplied by the library toCdbDiffIterate
user implementation of theCdbDiffIterate.iterate(com.tailf.conf.ConfObject[], DiffIterateOperFlag,com.tailf.conf.ConfObject,com.tailf.conf.ConfObject, Object)
andMaapiDiffIterate.iterate(com.tailf.conf.ConfObject[], DiffIterateOperFlag,com.tailf.conf.ConfObject, com.tailf.conf.ConfObject,Object)
.flags us by DiffIterate interface The iterate() method should return any of the following constantsError codes for all errors delivered over the protocol. -
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.confClassDescriptionEnumeration of attribute typesClass that represents an attribute value for an element in a model.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:hex-list and tailf:octet-list.DATA_CONTAINER - This is the superclass for all bits types i.e.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG boolean type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG string type.Class Representing a KeyPath path.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:date type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG date-and-time type.Class representing value of type J_DEFAULT.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG dotted-quad type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:double type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:duration type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG Enumeration type.Exception base class.Enum used in findNext calls to determine if the element extraction should start at indicated element or the element after thatDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:float type.ConfHaNode represents a HA node by identity and IP addressDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG
type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG identityRef type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG int32 type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG int64 type.DATA_CONTAINER - Base class for ConfIPv4 and ConfIPv6 containersDATA_CONTAINER - Base class for ConfIPv4AndPrefixLen and ConfIPv6AndPrefixLen containersDATA_CONTAINER - Base class for ConfIPv4Prefix and ConfIPv6Prefix containersDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG inet:ipv4-address type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:ipv4-address-and-prefix-length type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG inet:ipv4-prefix type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG inet:ipv6-address type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:ipv6-address-and-prefix-length type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG inet:ipv6-prefix type.The subinterfaces to this interfaces is used as parameter to variousdiffIterate
methods.Enumeration flags us byCdbSubscription.diffIterate(int,CdbDiffIterate,EnumSet,Object)
to control the behavior of iterate over changes made in CDB data.flags us by DiffIterate interface The iterate() method should return any of the following constantsThis class represents a list key or a leaf-list element.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG leaf-list.Base class of the ConfNamespace objects.Class representing value of type J_NOEXISTS.Base class of the Conf data type classes.Corresponds to the YANG instance-identifier typeDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:oid type.Class Representing an KeyPath path.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:qName type.Internal Class.Class representing an element in a model.Class representing an element in a model.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:time type.Conf value type descriptor.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG uint32 typeDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG uint64 typeBase class of the DATA_CONTAINERConf<datatype>
classes.Warning messages container.Represents the base class of a flat XML structure.Identifies a starting point in the model from which other parameters are relatively defined.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec XML Tag.Enumeration flags us byCdbSubscription.diffIterate(int,CdbDiffIterate,EnumSet,Object)
to control the behavior of iterate over changes made in CDB data.The modification flags supplied by the library toCdbDiffIterate
user implementation of theCdbDiffIterate.iterate(com.tailf.conf.ConfObject[], DiffIterateOperFlag,com.tailf.conf.ConfObject,com.tailf.conf.ConfObject, Object)
andMaapiDiffIterate.iterate(com.tailf.conf.ConfObject[], DiffIterateOperFlag,com.tailf.conf.ConfObject, com.tailf.conf.ConfObject,Object)
.flags us by DiffIterate interface The iterate() method should return any of the following constantsError codes for all errors delivered over the protocol.verbosity levels for reported errorsClass Representing an path.Interface for user defined creation of sockets, towards NCS/ConfdEnum identifying type of ConfXMLParam subclass. -
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.dpClassDescriptionClass that represents an attribute value for an element in a model.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG date-and-time type.Exception base class.Enum used in findNext calls to determine if the element extraction should start at indicated element or the element after thatDATA_CONTAINER - Base class for ConfIPv4 and ConfIPv6 containersThis class represents a list key or a leaf-list element.Base class of the ConfNamespace objects.Base class of the Conf data type classes.Class Representing an KeyPath path.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:qName type.Internal Class.Class representing an element in a model.Base class of the DATA_CONTAINER
classes.Represents the base class of a flat XML structure.Error codes for all errors delivered over the protocol.verbosity levels for reported errorsThe SnmpVarbind is a data structure for holding an SNMP variable binding which is on either of the forms: Variable - Value OID - Value Column - RowIndex - Value -
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.dp.annotationsClassDescriptionClass that represents an attribute value for an element in a model.Enum used in findNext calls to determine if the element extraction should start at indicated element or the element after thatThis class represents a list key or a leaf-list element.Base class of the Conf data type classes.Class Representing an KeyPath path.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the confspec xs:qName type.Class representing an element in a model.Base class of the DATA_CONTAINER
classes.Represents the base class of a flat XML structure. -
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.dp.servicesClassDescriptionException base class.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG identityRef type.Class Representing an KeyPath path.
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.haClassDescriptionException base class.ConfHaNode represents a HA node by identity and IP addressInternal Class.Base class of the DATA_CONTAINER
classes.Error codes for all errors delivered over the protocol. -
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.maapiClassDescriptionEnumeration of attribute typesClass that represents an attribute value for an element in a model.Exception base class.Enum used in findNext calls to determine if the element extraction should start at indicated element or the element after thatThe subinterfaces to this interfaces is used as parameter to various
methods.Enumeration flags us byCdbSubscription.diffIterate(int,CdbDiffIterate,EnumSet,Object)
to control the behavior of iterate over changes made in CDB data.flags us by DiffIterate interface The iterate() method should return any of the following constantsThis class represents a list key or a leaf-list element.Base class of the ConfNamespace objects.Base class of the Conf data type classes.Class Representing an KeyPath path.Internal Class.Class representing an element in a model.Base class of the DATA_CONTAINERConf<datatype>
classes.Warning messages container.Represents the base class of a flat XML structure.Enumeration flags us byCdbSubscription.diffIterate(int,CdbDiffIterate,EnumSet,Object)
to control the behavior of iterate over changes made in CDB data.The modification flags supplied by the library toCdbDiffIterate
user implementation of theCdbDiffIterate.iterate(com.tailf.conf.ConfObject[], DiffIterateOperFlag,com.tailf.conf.ConfObject,com.tailf.conf.ConfObject, Object)
andMaapiDiffIterate.iterate(com.tailf.conf.ConfObject[], DiffIterateOperFlag,com.tailf.conf.ConfObject, com.tailf.conf.ConfObject,Object)
.flags us by DiffIterate interface The iterate() method should return any of the following constantsError codes for all errors delivered over the protocol.The SnmpVarbind is a data structure for holding an SNMP variable binding which is on either of the forms: Variable - Value OID - Value Column - RowIndex - Value -
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.ncsClassDescriptionException base class.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG identityRef type.Corresponds to the YANG instance-identifier typeError codes for all errors delivered over the protocol.
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.ncs.alarmman.commonClassDescriptionDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG string type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG date-and-time type.Exception base class.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG identityRef type.Base class of the ConfNamespace objects.Corresponds to the YANG instance-identifier typeDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG tailf:oid type.Class Representing an KeyPath path.Base class of the DATA_CONTAINER
classes. -
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.ncs.alarmman.consumer
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.ncs.alarmman.producerClassDescriptionDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG string type.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG date-and-time type.Exception base class.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG identityRef type.
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.ncs.ns
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.ncs.snmp.snmp4j
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.ncs.template
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.nedClassDescriptionException base class.Base class of the Conf data type classes.Class Representing an KeyPath path.Class representing an element in a model.Represents the base class of a flat XML structure.verbosity levels for reported errors
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.notifClassDescriptionDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG date-and-time type.Exception base class.ConfHaNode represents a HA node by identity and IP addressDATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG leaf-list.Base class of the Conf data type classes.Internal Class.DATA_CONTAINER - Corresponds to the YANG uint64 typeBase class of the DATA_CONTAINER
classes.Represents the base class of a flat XML structure.Error codes for all errors delivered over the protocol. -
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.progress
Classes in com.tailf.conf used by com.tailf.utilClassDescriptionException base class.Class Representing an KeyPath path.Represents the base class of a flat XML structure.