Style Guide

Test automation developed under pyATS ecosystem shall follow the basic coding style and conventions outlined in PEP 8. This section below only provides a brief highlight. For full details and rationales, refer to: All users are expected to know PEP 8 guidelines.

Code Layouts

  • Use 4 spaces per indentation level. Do NOT use tabs. Be consistent with the amount used.


for x in my_list:


for x in my_list:
  • Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters, unless it makes the logic harder to understand.

  • Continuation lines should align wrapped elements vertically using Python’s implicit line joining inside parenthesis, brackets and braces.

    # Wrong
    p2 = re.compile(r'^\s*BGP +table +version +is'
            r' +(?P<bgp_table_version>[0-9]+), +[Ll]ocal +[Rr]outer'
            r' +ID +is +(?P<local_router_id>(\S+))$')
    # Correct
    p2 = re.compile(r'^\s*BGP +table +version +is'
                    r' +(?P<bgp_table_version>[0-9]+), +[Ll]ocal +[Rr]outer'
                    r' +ID +is +(?P<local_router_id>(\S+))$')
  • Separate logic blocks using white lines, with two lines between major function/class definitions.

  • All import statements should occur at the top of the file, with one module per import.

  • All import statements shall be either absolute, or relative to the current module. Never do import * , this makes debugging very hard as you cannot know where the library comes from

    # Wrong
    from x.y import *
    # Correct
    from x.y import Z
    from . import x
    from .. import y

Comments and Docstrings

  • Comments should be complete sentences in plain, readable English.

    # Wrong
    # dict check
    if arg in jsons_dict:
        mod_path = jsons_dict[arg]['module']
        file_name = jsons_dict[arg]['file']
    # Correct
    # Look up module's path and file's name in the dictionary
    if arg in jsons_dict:
        mod_path = jsons_dict[arg]['module']
        file_name = jsons_dict[arg]['file']
  • Use inline comments sparingly, and only if the line (including comments) is less than 79 characters.

# Not Recommended
x = 5 ; # Setting 5 to value x
# Correct
# Setting 5 to value x
x = 5
  • Write proper, useful docstrings for all modules, functions, classes and methods, following PEP 257. Refer to Sphinx documentation requirements if library is to be auto-documented using Sphinx.

# Wrong
def configure_cdp(device, interfaces=None):
    '''cdp configuration'''
# Correct
def configure_cdp(device, interfaces=None):
    """ Enables cdp on target device
            device ('obj'): Device object
            interfaces ('list'): List of interfaces to configure cdp on
  • Docstrings should be in a Sphinx-friendly format in order to allow for auto-generated API documentation, eg, Sphinx REST.

Naming Conventions

  • Short, all lowercase names for modules.

    # Wrong
    # Correct
  • CapWordCamelBack for class names

    # Wrong
    class mycustomclass():
    # Correct
    class MyCustomClass():
  • Suffix Error for all exception classes.

# Wrong
class BadName(Exception):
# Correct
class MyError(Exception):
  • All lowercase for function names, use underscore only if it improves readability

    # Wrong
    def LoadAttribute(pkg, attr_name, device=None):
    # Correct
    def load_attribute(pkg, attr_name, device=None):
  • Always use self for the first argument to instance methods

# Wrong
class MyClass():
    def my_function(this):
# Correct
class MyClass():
    def my_function(self):
  • Always use cls for first argument to class methods

# Wrong
class MyClass():
    def my_function(self):
# Correct
class MyClass():
    def my_function(cls):
  • Use CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES for constants