Genie Solutions¶
This page contains typical real life problems which network engineers face in their day-to-day activities and how Genie can help with this.
Continous Device Validation¶
Problem #1¶
Verifying device output is one of the most common, yet the most critical task for network engineers in executing their testplan. However, repeating this task for 100+ devices in a scaled topology introduces room for human errors.
Solution #1¶
genie parse
CLI can execute and parse several show-commands on all devices within
a topology using just one linux command! Genie
is capable of executing
all show-commands required as part of a network engineer’s testplan and saving
the state of all devices by parsing the device output into Python datastructures.
These Python datastructures can then be re-generated periodically, and compared
against the first/golden previously validated snapshot
of the devices using
genie diff
has over 500+ parsers available to parse your device output across
several operating systems. Depending on your automation needs, there are many
ways to parse a device output.
The following in an example that demonstrates the solution above:
Step1 Take initial snapshot
# Ensure your Python virtual environment is sourced
# The --replay is needed as we are using our Mocked Device.
# When Genie cli is used with real devices, it should be omitted.
# Execute the required show commands and save the Python datastructures into
# directory 'initial_snapshot'
genie parse "show bgp process vrf all" \
--testbed-file $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/solutions/solution1/testbed.yaml \
--device nx-osv-1 \
--output initial_snapshot \
--replay $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/solutions/solution1/run1
100%|############################################################| 1/1 [00:01<00:00, 1.62s/it]
| Genie Parse Summary for nx-osv-1 |
| Connected to nx-osv-1 |
| - Log: initial_snapshot/connection_nx-osv-1.txt |
| Parsed command 'show bgp process vrf all' |
| - Parsed structure: initial_snapshot/nx-osv-1_show-bgp-process-vrf-all_parsed.txt |
| - Device Console: initial_snapshot/nx-osv-1_show-bgp-process-vrf-all_console.txt |
Step2 Take second snapshot
After some period of time; you can now verify the state of your device based on the previously taken snapshot!
# The --replay is needed as we are using our Mocked Device.
# When Genie cli is used with real devices, it should be omitted.
# Execute the required show commands and save the Python datastructures into
# directory 'current_snapshot'
genie parse "show bgp process vrf all" \
--testbed-file $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/solutions/solution1/testbed.yaml \
--device nx-osv-1 \
--output current_snapshot \
--replay $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/solutions/solution1/run2
100%|############################################################| 1/1 [00:01<00:00, 1.62s/it]
| Genie Parse Summary for nx-osv-1 |
| Connected to nx-osv-1 |
| - Log: current_snapshot/connection_nx-osv-1.txt |
| Parsed command 'show bgp process vrf all' |
| - Parsed structure: current_snapshot/nx-osv-1_show-bgp-process-vrf-all_parsed.txt |
| - Device Console: current_snapshot/nx-osv-1_show-bgp-process-vrf-all_console.txt |
Step3 Compare both snapshots
Execute genie diff
to check the diffs between the first and second set of
device outputs
(genie) bash-4.1$ genie diff current_snapshot initial_snapshot --output sol1_diff
1it [00:01, 1.44s/it]
| Genie Diff Summary between directories current_snapshot/ and initial_snapshot/ |
| File: nx-osv-1_show-bgp-process-vrf-all_parsed.txt |
| - Diff can be found at sol1_diff/diff_nx-osv-1_show-bgp-process-vrf-all_parsed.txt |
(genie) bash-4.1$ more sol1_diff/diff_nx-osv-1_show-bgp-process-vrf-all_parsed.txt
--- current_snapshot/nx-osv-1_show-bgp-process-vrf-all_parsed.txt
+++ initial_snapshot/nx-osv-1_show-bgp-process-vrf-all_parsed.txt
+bgp_protocol_state: running
-bgp_protocol_state: shutdown
The same idea can be done with genie learn.