Advanced Usage¶
MetaParser is the base class for all back-end parser objects. It is available
in genie.metaparser
package. MetaParser does not enforce the back-end parsing
machineries, but provides a mechanism to ensure whatever the back-end parser is
(cli, xml, yang), the front-end to the script is always the same.It offers a
simple and straight-forward way for users to define, execute and debug subclass
parser objects.
All subclass parsers (e.g.: ShowVersion
) are inherited from MetaParser class.
Each parser contains three parsing methods (cli(), xml(), yang()) to handle the
specific parsing functionality. Subclass parsers follow community-driven development
model contributing to Cisco parser
MetaParser class instance arguments¶
device: device object which the parser function will be applied to.
context: a keyword-only argument, acting as a string format selector for user to choose which parsing mechanism will be used to current parsing task. Choices of: ‘cli’, ‘xml’, ‘yang’, default value is ‘cli’.
kwargs: argument dictionary provides the user ability to assign extra attributes while instantiating the parser object.
Example to instantiate MetaParser object:
# Assume subclass parser ShowVersion is inherits from MetaParser
from genie.libs.parser.iosxe.show_platform import ShowVersion
parser = ShowVersion(device=uut, context='yang')
MetaParser class variables¶
key_traceable: enable the parser output key usage tracing functionality. Visit MetaParser Key Usage Traceability section for details on this feature.
CONTEXT_LIST - static variable defines valid contexts. Default value:
('cli', 'xml', 'yang')
schema - defines the common data structure among all types of device output (cli, xml, yang) the current parser class supports. Each parsing mechanism implemented in a same parser class has to follow the same
definition to ensure that any management type (cli, xml, yang) used, will return the same results to the calling script”. For detail info aboutschema
, please visit Schema Engine.In
base class, default value ofschema
to allow subclass parser objects to overwrite. Here is an example:
# Example of schema (show version) - nested dict
# ----------------------------------------------
from genie.metaparser.util.schemaengine import Any
schema = {'cmp': {
'module': {
Any(): {
'bios_compile_time': str,
'bios_version': str,
'image_compile_time': str,
'image_version': str,
'status': str},}},
'hardware': {
'bootflash': str,
'chassis': str,
'cpu': str,
'device_name': str,
'memory': str,
'model': str,
'processor_board_id': str,
'slots': str,
Any(): Any(),},}
Any() in schema acting like a wildcard character in text. Any() is used to presenting the variable keys within the dictionary.
MetaParser Key Usage Traceability¶
With majority of parsers the output of the show command is parsed into a data structure (array, keylist, dictionary, etc..) returned to the script. Scripts using the parsers may refer to one/more of the attributes/keys in that parser. There is no mechanism to track what keys are used by each script, making it difficult to change/enhance/optimize the parser if needed.
MetaParser key traceability feature, tracks every reference to the parser keys
throughout the execution of the script. This feature allows parsers developers
build accurate schema
for the additional models (XML/CLI/YANG) based on tracked
key usage from the existing one. Schema is the foundation for implementing
various parsing mechanisms (cli, xml, yang) within a same parser object, or can
be shared as a common structure to build a os/platform agnostic parser solution.
Enable Key-usage Traceability
By default, global key usage traceability feature is disabled in metaparser. Feature can be enabled in two way:
globally within the user script by enabling the key_traceable flag
dynamically through pyATS pre/post processing functions
Once feature is enabled, the parsing output data type is collected and available in Traceable Dictionary.
Below example shows how to enable the key traceability and display the tracing information within the user’s script. The method provides parser developers a easy quick way to get key usage output for debugging or diagnosing purposes:
# import related modules
from genie.libs.parser.nxos.show_platform import ShowVersion
from genie.metaparser import MetaParser
# enable global wise the key-traceability
# create subclass parser object
parser = ShowVersion(device=uut)
# parsing the output
# now all keys/nestedkeys within 'output' will be traced
output = parser.parse()
# accessing a key from the output
# display the key usage from the MetaParser class
{'ShowVersion': {('hardware', 'chassis')}}
To avoid changing user script from run to run to enable and display the key
usage tracing information, MetaParser also provides pyATS
pre/post processor functions to dynamically enable the traceability in script
section, and log the trace info in the common_cleanup
The example below shows three steps to achieve this:
MetaParser Abstraction¶
It is very easy to achieve the abstraction among MetaParser objects by
leveraging the Genie extention package - genie.abstract
. This package allows
sub-parser developers to declare the parser abstraction package, register
‘tokens’ (os, series, type, etc) for the parser modules. Therefore, user scripts
have no need to hard-coded the specific parser object imports. The correct
parser modules will be dynamically loaded during the script run-time.
Step1: declare the parser abstraction package.
Include the below code in the parser package which you want to enable the abstraction. In our case, the location will be: parser/
Step2: declare the token within the abstraction enabled package.
Put the below one liner in the parser modules which you want to register the abstraction token. In our case, the location will be: parser/nxos/, parser/iosxr/, parser/iosxe/, or any new types of platforms in the future.
__import__('abstract'). declare_token(__name__)
Step3: use parser object in user script.
import abstract # correct parser object lookup # uut.os will be learned via yaml file. parser = abstract.Lookup(uut.os) p = genie.libs.parser.parser.show_interface.ShowInterfaces(device=uut) output = p.parse()
For more detail abstraction info, refer cisco_shared abstract package.
MetaParser Usage Example¶
Each parser object is imported into Python using the standard import
mechanism, or use abstract
package dynamic import function described in
previous section. To run, simply call parse
- Execution flow of the parse function:
Based on the “context” input (from job or from execution environment args), a specific management model parsing mechanism (cli/xml/yang) is called. The parsing mechanism defined in subclass parser does the following:
Get the output from the device
Call back-end parsing API or run self implemented parser with the output
Transform the output into ‘schema’ compatible dictionary and return. For detailed steps to implement parsing mechanism refers to Template Documentation.
Schema checking to ensure the returned data structure by the parsing mechanism meets the schema requirement.
Apply user defined filter on output, then only selected key-value pairs will be returned as the original format from the output.
The following example shows the usage of the MetaParser with the abstraction ( typical scenario for pyats scripts):
# User Script Example
# -------------------
import abstract
parser = abstract.Lookup(uut.os)
p = genie.libs.parser.parser.show_version.ShowVersion(device=uut)
# get the entire output
output_all = p.parse()
# Get the output only contains specific keys selected by users.
# Note: all keys in list have to be exist.
# Here 'r' in front of the key string indicates the 'raw string literal'
# used as the Python regexp pattern.
selected_keys = [['hardware', 'bootflash'],
[r'.*', 'kickstart'],
[r'^kernel', r'.*']]
output = p.parse(selected_keys = selected_keys)
# output
{'hardware': {'bootflash': '2048256'},
'kernel_uptime': {'days': '113',
'hours': '2',
'minutes': '42',
'seconds': '5'},
'reason': 'Unknown',
'software': {'kickstart': 'version 6.2(6)',
'kickstart_compile_time': '12/5/2013',
'kickstart_image_file': 'bootflash:///kickstart.6.2.bin'}}
Below is an example to call MetaParser object without abstraction (applied when no abstraction needed or abstraction had been done in the upper caller layers, for example: Genie objects):
# User Script Example
# -------------------
from genie.libs.parser.nxos.show_platform import ShowVersion
# instantiate parser object
p = ShowVersion(device=uut)
# get the entire output
output_all = parser.parse()
MetaParser Fallback Mechanism¶
- User can provide context in two forms:
A string of the context. (EX: ‘cli’)
A list of strings of contexts. (EX:
['cli', 'yang', 'xml']
Fallback mecahnism will only work when a list of contexts have been provided.
The first item in the list is the main context and the subsequent ones are complemepantry. Means that if any key value in one of the subsequenet contexts is different than that of the main context, the key value of the main one will be the dominant one.
will parse using the first context in the list ( in the above example ‘cli’). If the parsed output is missing any mandatory schema key (not optionalschema
will go fetch the missing keys (viaselected_keys
) using the following context in the list.- Fallback mecahnism will only stop in two cases:
All the missing
keys have been successfully parsed.The context list last item has been reached.
context: a keyword-only argument, acting as a string format selector for user to choose which parsing mechanism will be used to current parsing task. Choices of: ‘cli’, ‘xml’, ‘yang’, default value is ‘cli’.
kwargs: argument dictionary provides the user ability to assign extra attributes while instantiating the parser object.
Example to pass multiple contexts:
# Assume subclass parser ShowIpOspf inherits from MetaParser
# Provide all the contexts available for that specific parser
parser = ShowIpOspfSchema(device=uut, context=context)
# Parsing will start with 'cli' then 'xml' and lastly 'yang' in case
# 'cli' & 'xml' did not cover all the mnadatory schema keys.
parsed_output = parser.parse()
MetaParser General Mechanism¶
The following mechanism have been added to Metaparser to make it more effective. Users can provide static device output to the parser class via variable
.(This is useful for unitesting and reproducing failures) All show commands are supportedcli_command
,… as parser class variable.- Summary:
Parsers now have support to directly parse static output provided to the parser class, without interacting with the device
All new parsers must contain class variable “cli_command” denoting the show command string and “xml_command” denoting the xml command string
All dynamic keys which are provided as kwargs in that parser must have the same name as the one in
A list can be provided in the
if the parser parses multiple commands
Example to pass output
and cli_command
class ShowIpPimRpMapping(ShowIpPimRpMappingSchema):
# Passing cli_command as class variable and defining dynamic keys as {}
# the dynamic key name must be the same as cli key name
cli_command = ['show ip pim vrf {vrf} rp mapping', 'show ip pim rp mapping']
# Passing output as cli key
def cli(self, vrf='', output=None):
if output is None:
# set vrf infomation
if vrf:
cmd = self.cli_command[0].format(vrf=vrf)
cmd = self.cli_command[1]
out = self.device.execute(cmd)
out = output