
In this section, users will learn how to add and configure a Feature in the Genie topology.


Genie conf represents features via Python object. Those objects allow to configure the feature through object attributes. The Feature object can be added on a Device, an Interface, or a Link. Whenever a Feature is added on a Link, the Feature is configured on all Devices and Interfaces connected to this Link.


Before continuing with this section, user is encouraged to review and understand the Developer’s Guide, which may be found at Conf developer guide.

A Feature class has at least two functions: build_config and build_unconfig, both of which will configure or unconfigure a Feature on a Device. The configurations applied on the Device depend on the attributes of the Feature object.

Both of these functions, build_config and build_unconfig, accept an argument called attributes which restrict which attributes to configure, by default all attributes are configured.

managedattribute enhances the attributes to the object by, quite simply, giving additional powers to the attributes . For example, a managedattribute can a limited type, or make a variable read-only and so on. This helps with the standardization of the class. Please refer to managed attributes documentation for more information about the ways a managedattribute may enhance the attributes to an object.

Users can apply a single Genie Feature object to configure a single Device or multiple Devices. What’s more, is that the configuration for each Device may be identical, or different, depending on the user’s needs. This is controlled with the device_attr, which is always the first level of any Conf object.

Genie’s Feature object has a layering mechanism, which creates a hierarchy, allowing each Device to be configured separately. It can also create a system of hierarchy which is similar to how a Feature is actually configured. The feature hierarchy can have as many layers as the user desires.

Feature hierarchies are achieved with the help of ref:attribute_helper. This is an important subject and users should review this documentation carefully to fully undestand how to use these objects.


This section will discuss how to use Feature objects and how to interconnect them with Genie topology objects.

First, the Feature object must be imported, and then an instance must be created.

Below users will find an example for the feature Rip.


The genie_libs code can change, so these examples may no longer run

at the time you are reading this. However, the idea and its application will remain the same.

from genie.libs.conf.rip.rip import Rip
rip = Rip()
rip.distance = 10
rip.maximum_paths = 15

Once created, the Feature object can be added on a Device or a Link object. Whenever the Feature object is added to a Link, it can quickly propagate similar configurations throughout the topology. For example, configuring a Feature on a Link, will configure all Interfaces and Devices on and apart of the Link. However, if the Feature object is added to a Device, the configuration is localized only to the particular Device.

Following the example above, but this time using a Device:

# assuming two devices already exists,
# adding the feature on the device
>>> dev1.add_feature(rip)
>>> dev2.add_feature(rip)

And this time, using a Link:

# assuming two devices already exists,
# and connected via a link
>>> link1.add_feature(rip)

This section has showcased how a Feature is applied in the Genie topology. Please refer to the Conf developer guide for further details.