Installing Cisco ATS TCL Tree

1. Follow the steps listed on this wiki page for installing a Cisco ATS TCL tree from scratch.


  • Follow steps for “TAR Ball Installation Steps”

  • Under Tarball, follow steps for “Standalone Installation”

2. Follow the steps listed on this wiki page for upgrading your newly installed Cisco ATS TCL tree to the C3 patch.


  • Follow steps for “Tar Ball Tree Upgrade Process”

  1. Create symbolic links for the following:

ln -s install/atsc.csh atsc.csh
ln -s install/
ln -s install/env.csh env.csh
ln -s install/
  1. Get xBU-shared libraries:

cd $AUTOTEST/lib
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co xBU-shared/pkgIndex.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co xBU-shared/caas-libs
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co xBU-shared/caas-pkgs
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co xBU-shared/ats-shared
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co xBU-shared/libs
cd xBU-shared
git clone asg-git-best@asg-git-host:/git/psat-ng.git
  1. Get cisco-shared libraries:

cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co cisco-shared/
  1. Get ena-tests libraries:

cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/psat/psat_db_lib.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/psat/psat_lib.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/psat/psat_cfg.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/psat/psat_tgn.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/psat/psat_triggers.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/psat/psat_verifications.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/psat/psat_verifications_cfg.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/psat/psat_xml_lib.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/lib
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/hfr-mpls/lib
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/multicast/mrib
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/multicast/lib
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/template
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/tools/instaGTO
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/tools/mem-leak
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/tools/mem-profile.lib
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/tools/mem-profiler
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ena-tests/tools/TgnSsnLbl
  1. Get ngxr-tests libraries:

cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  ngxr-tests/lib
cd $AUTOTEST/ats_easy
ln -s ../ngxr-tests ngxr-tests
  1. Get regression libraries:

cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co regression/lib/mid_range_routing/mrrUtils
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co regression/lib/contrib
cd $AUTOTEST/local/lib
ln -s ../../regression/lib/contrib/ contrib
  1. Get contrib libraries:

cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  contrib/pkgIndex.tcl
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  contrib/tbmap
cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  contrib/common
  1. Get DC3 libraries:

cvs -d /auto/autons/CVSROOT co  dc3/lib
cd $AUTOTEST/lib
ln -s ../dc3/lib dc3_utils

# Go to the pkgIndex file
cd $AUTOTEST/dc3/lib/
vim pkgIndex.tcl

# Edit the pkgIndex of dc3_utils to remove/comment out the following lines:
# package ifneeded AgtClient 1.1 [list source [file join $dir agilent AgilentN2X AgtClient.tcl]]
# package ifneeded AgtCommon 0.1 [list source [file join $dir agilent AgilentN2X AgtCommon.tcl]]
# package ifneeded AgtScriptControl 1.0 [list source [file join $dir agilent AgilentN2X AgtScriptControl.tcl]]
# package ifneeded AtoTest 0.1 [list source [file join $dir agilent AgilentN2X AtoTest.tcl]]
# package ifneeded AgtTsu 15.14 [list source [file join $dir agilent AgtTsu AgtTsuLib.tcl]]