How to write a new Service

Let us divide this task into 3 topics.

  1. Steps involved in service implementation.

  2. Writing a sample service.

  3. How to attach a service to connection object.

Steps involved in service implementation

We shall divide this implementation into 4 steps steps, which includes.

1. What are pre-requisites I need to take care before running the service. we call it as ‘pre_service’. One of them will be if connection is established, before try to execute a service on the connection. Change the state of the device to initial state for the service to be in.

Before start coding pre_service, let us go through __init__ of BaseService Class.
  • connection : Device connection object

  • context : Context info from user (more details we can get it from connection class)

  • timeout_pattern : Will have list of timeout patterns, I would like to match in device response after service execution.

  • error_pattern : Will have list of error patterns, I would like to match in device response after service execution.

  • start_state : Which state, device should be in before executing the service.

  • end_state : Which state, device should be after executing the service.

  • result : result attribute will have return response from device after service execution. Which will be used to evaluate the service result.

def __init__(self,  connection,  context, **kwargs):
  self.connection = connection
  self.context = context
  self.timeout_pattern = ['Timeout occurred', ]
  self.error_pattern = ["my command error"]
  self.start_state = 'enable'
  self.end_state = 'enable'
  self.result = None

def pre_service(self, *args, **kwargs):
  # Check if connection is established. If reconnect option is enabled
  # then reconnect and execute the command, or raise error.

  if self.connection.is_connected:
  elif self.connection.reconnect:
      raise ConnectionError("Connection is not established to device")

  # Bring the device to required state to issue a command.

  1. Actual service implementation goes here, we call it ‘call_service’.

def call_service(self, command, dialog=Dialog([]) *args, **kwargs):
     # Command to issue on device is `command`
     con = self.connection
     con.log.debug("+++ run_command +++ ")
     # self.result attribute will be used at result validation.
     self.result = con.spawn.expect(.*#?)


Any input object sent by the user calling your service, if not passed directly to the send or sendline spawn method, must be properly converted to a string form. Users are allowed to specify non-string objects as input.

Also, if your service accepts lists of objects, make sure you also accept list-like objects that are instances of collections.Sequence.

3. ‘post_service’ includes reverting the device to earlier state. One of them will be bringing the device to end state of that service after service execution. for example after reload service device must be in enable state.

def post_service(self, *args, **kwargs):
  # Bring the device back to end state.

4. Final step will be ‘get_service_result’ will verify the self.result (response of each service) with service error_pattern and timeout_pattern. If self.result doesn’t match any of the above pattern, service result will be considered pass or it raises SubCommandFailure exception.

def get_service_result(self):
  #  return True is self.result has <xyz> string in it or raise exception.

  if"xvy", self.result):
    self.result = True
    return self.result
  else :
      raise SubcommandFailure("xyz is not found in device response")

Writing a sample service

For example I wanted to implement a service which issue given command in enable mode and device and get the return response from device. Then return the device back in disable mode.

Also, if the command we are trying to run will prompt a dialog/take additional input, Use ‘Dialog’ (list of Statements) which are expected to prompt.

# Import BaseService

  from import BaseService
  from unicon.eal.dialogs import Dialog

  class RunCommand(BaseService):
    def __init__(self,  connection,  context, **kwargs):
        self.connection = connection
        self.context = context
        self.timeout_pattern = ['Timeout', "Timed Out" ]
        self.error_pattern = ["error", "abort"]
        self.start_state = 'enable'
        self.end_state = 'disable'
        self.result = None

    def pre_service(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Check if connection is established
        if self.connection.is_connected:
        elif self.connection.reconnect:
            raise ConnectionError("Connection is not established to device")

        # Bring the device to required state to issue a command.

    def call_service(self, command,
                     *args, **kwargs):
        # Command to issue on device is `command`
        con = self.connection
        con.log.debug("+++ run_command +++ ")
        if dialog is None:
          # Run command
          # self.result attribute will be used at result validation.
          self.result = con.spawn.expect(.*#?)
          self.result = dialog.process(con.spawn, timeout=timeout)

    def post_service(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Bring the device back to end state which is disable

    def get_service_result(self):
        # Base class get_service will verify error and timeout pattern and return
        # self.result content if no error found.

How to attach a service to connection object

Make an entry in the service list and pass on the service list to Connection class.

from import ServiceList, HAServiceList
 from .*. import implementation RunCommand

class NxosServiceList(ServiceList):
  def __init__(self):
      # Add the command defined to existing service list
      self.run_command = RunCommand

class NXOSConnection(BaseDualRpConnection):
      os = 'nxos'
      platform = None
      chassis_type = 'dual_rp
      state_machine_class = IosDualRpStateMachine
      connection_provider_class = IosDualRpConnectionProvider
      subcommand_list = NxosServiceList ; < update subcommand_list with new list defined
      settings = IosConnectionSettings()

Implementing prompt_recovery feature in service

To add prompt_recovery feature in plugin service, plugin developers can use prompt_recovery argument with Dialog.process() and go_to(). prompt_recovery attribute for the service is set at the time of pre_service function. If pre_service is implemented as part of service implementation then super() need to use in pre_service.

Prompt recovery configuration

Prompt recovery can configure using below three settings:

  • PROMPT_RECOVERY_COMMANDS : List of command which need to send after normal dialog timeout. It should be a list. Plugin developers can set or append values. New commands can be appended to PROMPT_RECOVERY_COMMANDS or can be overwritten with new value.

  • PROMPT_RECOVERY_INTERVAL : Timeout period after sending each prompt recovery command, in secs. Type is int. Default value: 10 secs

  • PROMPT_RECOVERY_RETRIES : Number of prompt recovery retires to perform. Type is int. Default value: 1

These settings should go in plugin settings file, so that platform specific values utilize.