
Unicon is a framework for developing device control libraries for routers, switches and servers. It is developed purely in Python.

One of the main design goals of Unicon is D.R.Y. (Do not Repeat Yourself). Hence, to avoid the nuisance/boiler-plate code copy/pasted everywhere, the infrastructure is broken down into implementation tiers, where the higher ups handles common stuff which are applicable to all platforms, and the lower implementation details are specific to target devices - eg, developers will be required to only implement what’s different between devices/platforms.

Unicon is broken down into two components:


the core of Unicon is developed and maintained by Cisco DevX engineering team. It focuses on things such as dialog processing, state-machine flow, pattern matchers, buffer and generic terminal handling. This comes in the form of unicon PyPI package.


all specific platform details, services and command-line patterns are implemented in this open-source plugin layer, the unicon.plugins package.


Though Unicon is broken down into two separate packages:

  • unicon: the core framework

  • unicon.plugins: plugins and libraries

the whole solution can be installed using pip all in one shot:

bash$ pip install unicon

You can however, upgrade individual packages if you wish:

bash$ pip install --upgrade unicon
bash$ pip install --upgrade unicon.plugins

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See!license-support page for details.