Each Blitz testcase consists of various sections and each section itself contains various actions. Actions are blocks of command that each perform a task as part of the testcase and report the results, as Passed, Failed, Errored etc. Each section and action will run in the order given within the testcase.
Blitz yaml¶
To create a Blitz testcase, go to your Trigger datafile, or create a new yaml file if you dont have one, and add below example into it. This example is a BGP ShutNoShut Testcase. The yaml is commented out explaining what each section does. See example below.
# Name of the testcase
# Location of the blitz trigger - always this same location for all blitz trigger
pkg: genie.libs.sdk
class: triggers.blitz.blitz.Blitz
# Devices to run on - Default is uut
devices: ['uut']
# Field containing all the Testcase sections
# Section name - Can be any name, it will show as the first section of
# the testcase
- apply_configuration:
# List of actions
- configure:
device: R3_nx
command: |
router bgp 65000
- sleep:
sleep_time: 5
# Second section name
- verify_configuration:
# Action #1
# Send show command to the device and verify if part
# of a string is in the output or not
- execute:
device: R3_nx
command: show bgp process vrf all
# Verify Shutdown is within the show run output
- 'Shutdown'
# Verify Running is not within the show run output
- 'Running'
# Action #2
# Send show command and use our available parsers to make sure
# the bgp protocol state is shutdown
- parse:
device: R3_nx
# All action supports banner field to add to the log
banner: Verify bgp process is shutdown
command: show bgp process vrf all
- get_values('shutdown')
- not_contains('running')
- Revert_configuration:
# Configure action, which accepts command as an argument
- configure:
device: R3_nx
banner: Un-Shutting down bgp 65000
command: |
router bgp 65000
no shutdown
- verify_revert:
# Send show command and verify if part of a string is in the output or not
- execute:
device: R3_nx
command: show bgp process vrf all
# Verify Running is within the show run output
- 'Running'
# Verify Shutdown is not within the show run output
- 'Shutdown'
# Send show command and use our available parsers to make sure
# it is the bgp protocol state which is running
- parse:
device: R3_nx
command: show bgp process vrf all
Make sure you read the comments above! After this all will make sense!
An action is a reserved keyword that maps to code executed by the pyATS libraries. An action block starts with a section name and a list of keywords with their arguments. The section is the title of the test section and can be any string (including spaces) that describes the section in a few words These actions are to be placed at this level:
# Name of the testcase
# Leave this as is for most use cases
pkg: genie.libs.sdk
class: triggers.blitz.blitz.Blitz
# Field containing all the sections
# Section name - Can be any name, it will show as the first section
# of the testcase
- section_one:
- ">>>> <ACTION> <<<<"
- ">>>> <ACTION> <<<<"
- ">>>> <ACTION> <<<<"
- section_two:
- ">>>> <ACTION> <<<<"
- ">>>> <ACTION> <<<<"
In this link you can find all the information about supported actions in blitz
- List of blitz actions
- Save action outputs
- Re-use variables
- Save variables in testscript level
- Save action outputs to files
- Save action outputs as dictionary
- Verifying actions output
- Advanced Actions
- Customizing Blitz
- Negative testing
- Script termination on failure
- Replying to the prompt dialogue
- Changing the result status
- Trigger timeout/interval ratio adjustments
- Customizing steps log messages
- Useful tips and tricks in Blitz