Script termination on failureΒΆ

By default blitz actions and sections continue to work even after a failure. However, users can manually adjust their testscripts so the script stop upon failure. Below example shows how to achieve that.

- test_sections:
    - apply_configuration:
        - continue: False
        - configure:
            command: router bgp 6500
            device: PE2
    - confirm_actions:
        - execute:
            continue: False
            command: show interface
            device: PE2
        - execute:
            command: show module
            device: P2

In the section apply_configuration in action level - continue: False is set, so if the result of the section is a failure the script stops the run of the rest of the sections in the testscript.

In the section confirm_actions, in the first action execute a keyword continue is added with value False. That would send the signal that upon failure of an action the rest of the actions in that section should not be running.


Due to limitation on some of the pyATS libraries that Blitz uses, currently it is not possible to set continue: False under parallel keyword and terminate the section upon failure.