Run Stages Inside a Testscript

All genie device objects have a <device_object>.api attribute. This attribute traditionally allows access to any APIs defined in the API Browser.

The clean package extends upon it to add the <device_object>.api.clean sub-attribute. This new attribute allows quick access to any stage found in the Clean Stages Browser using the following syntax.



For this example the IOSXE implementation of the install_image stage will be used. Below is a snapshot of the docstring found in the Clean Stages Browser. Any key/value pairs in the schema are the possible arguments to be passed.

This stage installs a provided image onto the device using the install
CLI. It also handles the automatic reloading of your device after the
install is complete.

Stage Schema
    images (list): Image to install

    save_system_config (bool, optional): Whether or not to save the system
        config if it was modified. Defaults to False.

    install_timeout (int, optional): Maximum time in seconds to wait for install
        process to finish. Defaults to 500.

    reload_timeout (int, optional): Maximum time in seconds to wait for reload
        process to finish. Defaults to 800.

      - /auto/some-location/that-this/image/stay-isr-image.bin
    save_system_config: True
    install_timeout: 1000
    reload_timeout: 1000

Get the device object that the clean stage will run on. Call the stage using the following method while passing any arguments as needed: <device_object>.api.clean.install_image

 1from pyats import aetest
 3class MyTestcase(aetest.Testcase):
 5    @aetest.test
 6    def my_test(self, steps, testbed):
 8        device = testbed.devices['uut']
 9        device.connect()
11        device.api.clean.install_image(
12            images=['bootflash:/image.bin'],
13            save_system_config=True)

When running the script you will see the steps of the clean stage being logged to console.

%EASYPY-INFO: Starting task execution: Task-1
%EASYPY-INFO:     test harness = pyats.aetest
%EASYPY-INFO:     testscript   = /Users/pyATS/
%AETEST-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%AETEST-INFO: |                           Starting testcase Test                           |
%AETEST-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%AETEST-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%AETEST-INFO: |                        Starting section my_section                         |
%AETEST-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%AETEST-INFO: +..................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 1: Delete all boot variables    :
%AETEST-INFO: +..................................................+


%AETEST-INFO: +..........................................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 2: Configure system boot variable for 'install mode'    :
%AETEST-INFO: +..........................................................................+


%AETEST-INFO: +......................................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 3: Save the running config to the startup config    :
%AETEST-INFO: +......................................................................+


%AETEST-INFO: +............................................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 4: Verify next reload boot variables are correctly set    :
%AETEST-INFO: +............................................................................+


%AETEST-INFO: +................................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 5: Installing image 'bootflash:/image.bin'    :
%AETEST-INFO: +................................................................+


%AETEST-ERROR: Failed reason: Failed to install the image.
%AETEST-INFO: The result of STEP 5: Installing image 'bootflash:/image.bin' is => FAILED
%AETEST-INFO: The result of section my_section is => PASSED
%AETEST-INFO: The result of testcase Test is => PASSED

%EASYPY-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: |                            Task Result Summary                             |
%EASYPY-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: Task-1: testscript.Test                                                 PASSED
%EASYPY-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: |                            Task Result Details                             |
%EASYPY-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: Task-1: testscript
%EASYPY-INFO: `-- Test                                                                PASSED
%EASYPY-INFO:     `-- my_section                                                      PASSED


There are two default but extremely important behaviours to note:

  • Results from the stage do not roll-up to affect the testscript

  • The steps of the stage will not appear in the Task Result Details

Both of these behaviours can be observed in the above snippet.

To enable this roll-up, pass the steps object which is automatically created by the pyATS infrastructure as shown below (nested steps also work).

 1from pyats import aetest
 3class MyTestcase(aetest.Testcase):
 5    @aetest.test
 6    def my_test(self, steps, testbed):
 8        device = testbed.devices['uut']
 9        device.connect()
11        device.api.clean.install_image(
12            steps=steps
13            images=['bootflash:/image.bin'],
14            save_system_config=True)

Now the stage result will affect the testscript result. The steps will also appear in the Task Result Details section. Observe this new behaviour in the below snippet.

%EASYPY-INFO: Starting task execution: Task-1
%EASYPY-INFO:     test harness = pyats.aetest
%EASYPY-INFO:     testscript   = /Users/pyATS/
%AETEST-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%AETEST-INFO: |                           Starting testcase Test                           |
%AETEST-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%AETEST-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%AETEST-INFO: |                        Starting section my_section                         |
%AETEST-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%AETEST-INFO: +..................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 1: Delete all boot variables    :
%AETEST-INFO: +..................................................+


%AETEST-INFO: +..........................................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 2: Configure system boot variable for 'install mode'    :
%AETEST-INFO: +..........................................................................+


%AETEST-INFO: +......................................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 3: Save the running config to the startup config    :
%AETEST-INFO: +......................................................................+


%AETEST-INFO: +............................................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 4: Verify next reload boot variables are correctly set    :
%AETEST-INFO: +............................................................................+


%AETEST-INFO: +................................................................+
%AETEST-INFO: :    Starting STEP 5: Installing image 'bootflash:/image.bin'    :
%AETEST-INFO: +................................................................+


%AETEST-ERROR: Failed reason: Failed to install the image.
%AETEST-INFO: The result of STEP 5: Installing image 'bootflash:/image.bin' is => FAILED
%AETEST-INFO: The result of section my_section is => FAILED
%AETEST-INFO: The result of testcase Test is => FAILED

%EASYPY-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: |                            Task Result Summary                             |
%EASYPY-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: Task-1: testscript.Test                                                 FAILED
%EASYPY-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: |                            Task Result Details                             |
%EASYPY-INFO: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: Task-1: testscript
%EASYPY-INFO: `-- Test                                                                FAILED
%EASYPY-INFO:     `-- my_section                                                      FAILED
%EASYPY-INFO:         `-- STEP 1: Delete all boot variables                           PASSED
%EASYPY-INFO:         `-- STEP 2: Configure system boot variable for 'install  ...    PASSED
%EASYPY-INFO:         `-- STEP 3: Save the running config to the startup conf  ...    PASSED
%EASYPY-INFO:         `-- STEP 4: Verify next reload boot variables are correc ...    PASSED
%EASYPY-INFO:         `-- STEP 5: Installing image 'bootflash:/image.bin'             FAILED