Attributes helper

This section continues the evolution of our Genie configurable object, and add AttributesHelper which make the Feature objects much more powerful.


AttributesHelper replaces the boilerplate coding requirement for each feature to deal with the attributes. It also takes care of requirement 1 and 2 from the previous section.

  1. Attributes of the Feature drive the configuration, unless argument attributes is passed to the method. Then attributes control what get configured.

  2. The same feature object can be associated with multiple objects, such as device, address families, this association allows any attributes set at the feature, or any level, to also propagate to the object the feature were associated with.

The next example shows that AttributesHelper can do everything that was possible in the previous section, while removing some extra code.

#### Imports ####
from genie.conf import Genie
from genie.conf.base import Device
from genie.conf.base import Testbed
from genie.conf.base.base import DeviceFeature
from genie.conf.base.attributes import AttributesHelper

#### Vrf class ####
class Vrf(DeviceFeature):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def build_config(self, devices=None, apply=True):
        # Allow to pass a list of Devices,
        # then only those devices will be configured
        # Requirement 4
        if devices is None:
            devices = self.devices
        # New attribute helper
        attributes = AttributesHelper(self)
        # Make sure we remove duplicate device (in case)
        devices = set(devices)
        # Hold the configuration for each device in a separate key of the
        # dictionary.
        cfgs = {}
        for device in devices:
            # List containing configuration for this loop
            # will be added to cfg
            cfg = []
            # Configure vrf on the device
            cfg.append('vrf {name}'.format(name=attributes.value('name')))
            # Requirement 1
            # Let the configurable_attributes drive the configuration
            if attributes.value('description'):
                # Configure description on the device
                # with an indendation for the config
                cfg.append(' description {description}'.
            if attributes.value('rd'):
                # Configure rd on the device
                # with an indendation for the config
                cfg.append(' rd {rd}'.
            cfgs[] = cfg
        # Requirement 3
        if apply:
            for device in devices:
                if cfgs[]:
            return cfgs

#### Main section ####
# Set Genie Tb
testbed = Testbed()
Genie.testbed = testbed
dev1 = Device(name='pe1', testbed=testbed, os='nxos')
vrf1 = Vrf(name='blue')
print(vrf1.build_config(devices=[dev1], apply=False))
# {'pe1': ['vrf blue']}

# Let's add a description
vrf1.description = 'blue_vrf'
vrf1.rd = '800:1'
print(vrf1.build_config(devices=[dev1], apply=False))
# {'pe1': ['vrf blue', ' description blue_vrf', ' rd 800:1']}

The above code is similar as the previous example with some logic was removed, we’ve kept what we had so far. Let’s now tackle our the second half of the first requirement (in bold) with our new AttributesHelper.

  1. Attributes of the Feature drive the configuration, unless argument `attributes` is passed to the method. Then `attributes` control what get configured.

#### Imports ####
from genie.conf import Genie
from genie.conf.base import Device
from genie.conf.base import Testbed
from genie.conf.base.base import DeviceFeature
from genie.conf.base.attributes import AttributesHelper

#### Vrf class ####
class Vrf(DeviceFeature):
    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): = name
    def build_config(self, devices=None, attributes=None, apply=True):
        # Allow to pass a list of Devices,
        # then only those devices will be configured
        # Requirement 4
        if devices is None:
            devices = self.devices
        # New attribute helper
        attributes = AttributesHelper(self, attributes)
        # Make sure we remove duplicate device (in case)
        devices = set(devices)
        # Hold the configuration for each device in a separate key of the
        # dictionary.
        cfgs = {}
        for device in devices:
            # List containing configuration for this loop
            # will be added to cfg
            cfg = []
            # Configure vrf on the device
            cfg.append('vrf {name}'.format(name=attributes.value('name')))
            # Requirement 1
            # Let the configurable_attributes drive the configuration
            if attributes.value('description'):
                # Configure description on the device
                # with an indendation for the config
                cfg.append(' description {description}'.
            if attributes.value('rd'):
                # Configure rd on the device
                # with an indendation for the config
                cfg.append(' rd {rd}'.
            cfgs[] = cfg
        # Requirement 3
        if apply:
            for device in devices:
                if cfgs[]:
            return cfgs

#### Main section ####
# Set Genie Tb
testbed = Testbed()
Genie.testbed = testbed
dev1 = Device(name='pe1', testbed=testbed, os='nxos')
vrf1 = Vrf(name='blue', description = 'blue_vrf', rd='800:1')
print(vrf1.build_config(devices=[dev1], apply=False))
# {'pe1': ['vrf blue', ' description blue_vrf', ' rd 800:1']}

# let's modify the description and re-apply only this section
vrf1.description = 'blue_vrf_ver2'
print(vrf1.build_config(devices=[dev1], apply=False,
# {'pe1': ['vrf blue', ' description blue_vrf_ver2']}

AttributesHelpers does all the heavy work for us, all it took was adding one argument to it and using it with AttributesHelper.

def build_config(self, devices=None, attributes=None, apply=True):
    attributes = AttributesHelper(self, attributes)

We’ve added an argument named attributes, and passed it to AttributesHelper. In the above example, description was modified, and only this specific section was re-configured for this particular vrf.


More to come… I recommend to go get some MORE coffee and take a break… (I know I needed it in order to write on)

KeyedSubAttributes and SubAttributes

A Feature in a Device is configured following a certain level of hierarchy, mandating the attributes to be set in a certain fashion. Thus a hierarchy of attributes is required. For example, some configuration is only available when other configuration is present or when inside other block of configuration.

router rip1
 address-family ipv4 unicast
  default-metric 1

address-family ipv4 unicast is only available inside router rip1.

default-metric 1 is only available inside address-family ipv4 unicast.

This is what requirement 2 is all about.

  1. The same feature object can be associated with multiple objects, such as device, address families, this association allows any attributes set at the feature, or any level, to also propagate to the object the feature were associated with.

Let’s take the following configuration that we want on two devices.

 vrf Blue
  description PE1_blue_vrf
  rd 800:1
  address familly ipv4
   route-target import 1:1
  address familly ipv6
   route-target import 1:2

 vrf Blue
  description PE2_blue_vrf
  rd 800:1
  address familly ipv4
   route-target import 1:1
  address familly ipv6
   route-target import 1:2

Let’s list the requirements.

  • Vrf Blue on both Device

  • Different description on both device

  • Same RD for both device

  • Ipv4 and ipv6 configuration on both device

  • A different ip address for each address familly and for each device

The idea to solve this is quite intuitive. Let’s have a dictionary, where the key represents a unique identifier, and the value is another object holding the attributes for this object.

For example, the unique identifier could be the Device object, containing a an device_attr object. Then this device_attr contains another dictionary with ipv4 key.

You can find below the structure that the object needs to hold to keep all the information of the configuration.

# Object structure
VRF Feature
 rd 800:1
  description PE1_blue_vrf
   route-target import 1:1
   route-target import 1:2

  description PE2_blue_vrf
   route-target import 1:1
   route-target import 1:2
# How to use it
vrf1 = Vrf()
# Attributes which is similar for all Vrf can be set at this level
vrf1.rd = '800:1'

# Dev1 Device attributes
vrf1.device_attr[].description = 'PE1_blue_vrf'
# Dev1 Ipv4 attributes
vrf1.device_attr[].address_family['ipv4'].route_target = '1:1'
# Dev1 Ipv6 attributes
vrf1.device_attr[].address_family['ipv6'].ip = '1:2'

# Dev2 Device attributes
vrf1.device_attr[].description = 'PE2_blue vrf'
# Dev2 Ipv4 attributes
vrf1.device_attr[].address_family['ipv4'].route_target ='1:1'
# Dev2 Ipv6 attributes
vrf1.device_attr[].address_family['ipv6'].route_target = '1:2'

In the above example, we needed some object to hold these block of attributes, we also needed a dictionary and a mechanism to propagate attributes to children level. KeyedSubAttributes represent those objects, and KeyedSubAttributes is the dictionary that ties everything together.

KeyedSubAttributes is a base class to hold the blocks of the above section. This base class should be inherited and your own implementation should be created from it. Inside the infrastructure of Genie we are also providing two KeyedSubAttributes for script usage, DeviceSubAttributes and InterfaceSubAttributes. An example of using DeviceSubAttributes can be found below.

The next question is how do we all tie this back to the feature ? SubAttributesDict comes to the rescue! It is a special dictionary that holds multiple blocks of object. It basically works like this; when a key is requested, it verify if it exists, if it does it returns the value, otherwise it instantiate an object inherited from KeyedSubAttributes and stores it as a value of this key. SubAttributesDict has a few more powers, but let’s focus on the base and the most important idea for now.

Let’s jump into an example to demonstrate how all of these new concepts work. We will modify our previous example to support configuration for multiple Device in the same Feature.

Here are the changes that are needed :

  • Import DeviceSubAttributes and SubAttributesDict

  • Create a new DeviceAttributes Class which inherits from DeviceSubAttributes

  • Add to the __init__ of Vrf SubAttributesDict

  • Add build_config and build_unconfig to loop each Device to configure.

  • To loop over each Device, attributes.mapping_items is used. It’s a new from AttributesHelper, which allow to loop over the dictionary and has a few extra functionality.


All code in those examples are executable. This allows you to play with the code as you read. When the code is too long to be posted on the website, a download location is provided.


To execute those example, source your virtual environment, type python, and paste the code in there.

#### Imports ####
from genie.conf import Genie
from genie.conf.base import Device
from genie.conf.base import Testbed
from genie.conf.base.attributes import DeviceSubAttributes,\
from genie.conf.base.base import DeviceFeature

#### Vrf class ####
class Vrf(DeviceFeature):
    class DeviceAttributes(DeviceSubAttributes):
        def build_config(self, devices=None, apply=True, attributes=None):
            # List containing configuration for this loop
            # will be added to cfgs
            cfg = []
            # Configure vrf on the device
            cfg.append('vrf {name}'.format(
            # Requirement 1
            # Let the configurable_attributes drive the configuration
            if attributes.value('description'):
                # Configure description on the device
                # with an indendation for the config
                cfg.append(' description {description}'.
            if attributes.value('rd'):
                # Configure rd on the device
                # with an indendation for the config
                cfg.append(' rd {rd}'.
            return cfg
    # __init__ of Vrf
    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        self.device_attr = SubAttributesDict(self.DeviceAttributes,
                                             parent=self) = name
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    # Adding a new build_config, to call
    def build_config(self, devices=None, apply=True, attributes=None):
        cfgs = {}
        attributes = AttributesHelper(self, attributes)
        if devices is None:
            devices = self.devices
        #devices = set( for dev in devices)
        devices = set(devices)
        # Loop over all the items of 'self.device_attr', sort them,
        # and only care about the keys which are in keys.
        for key, sub, attributes2 in attributes.mapping_items(
                keys=devices, sort=True):
            # For each, call their build_config with attributes as an argument.
            # attributes2 is only the attributes related to this particular
            # device, and its parent attributes. (To allow parent default
            # values)
            cfgs[key] = sub.build_config(apply=False, attributes=attributes2)
        if apply:
            for device_name, cfg in sorted(cfgs.items()):
                if cfg:
                    device = self.testbed.devices_map[device_name]
            return cfgs

#### Main section ####
# Set Genie Tb
from genie.conf import Genie
testbed = Testbed()
Genie.testbed = Testbed()
dev1 = Device(name='pe1', testbed=testbed, os='nxos')
dev2 = Device(name='pe2', testbed=testbed, os='nxos')
vrf1 = Vrf(name='blue')
print(vrf1.build_config(devices=[dev1, dev2], apply=False))
# {'pe1': ['vrf blue'],
#  'pe2': ['vrf blue']}

# Let's add a different description for both device
vrf1.device_attr[dev1].description = 'PE1_blue_vrf'
vrf1.device_attr[dev2].description = 'PE2_blue_vrf'
# And same RD for both, we can set it at the parent level as we want it
# to be of the same value
vrf1.rd = '800:1'
print(vrf1.build_config(devices=[dev1, dev2], apply=False))
# {'pe1': ['vrf blue', ' description PE1_blue_vrf', ' rd 800:1'],
#  'pe2': ['vrf blue', ' description PE2_blue_vrf', ' rd 800:1']}

All the above concepts scale, and can create many levels of structure. For example, we could’ve put AdressFamilyAttributes as another level in our Vrf example , which would have been placed under DeviceAttributes.

In the next section, we will demonstrate how configuration is created in a scalable fashion.