This section demonstrate how the infrastructure is built. This section goes into quite a bit of details, and is a suplement to help reading the actual source code of Genie.


The infrastructure base classes are setup like this.


The following APIs are used to control the topology of the Testbed.

  1. Base for all Genie objects, contains __init__ and __repr__.

  2. Base for all Genie conf objects. Contains __init__ which is setting all extra kwargs to the object. instantiates the __instances dictionary which contains a weakref to all the Genie objects. testbed property is defined at this level.

  3. Contains build_config and build_unconfig functions which are decorated via @lookup('os', 'context'). This enables abstraction based on device.os and device.context for conf objects when either of these two methods are called

  4. Contains default methods for all future features objects.

  5. Base class for all Device-based feature object. What to when it is added, removed and so on.

  6. Base class for all Interface-based feature object. What to when it is added,removed and so on.

  7. Base class for all Link-based feature object. What to when it is added,removed and so on.

  8. Contains all the APIs to manipulate a link, and to add features to it.

  9. Contains all the APIs to manipulate the testbed, add topology objects to it and also features.

  10. Contains all the APIs to manipulate a device, and to add features to it.

  11. Contains all the APIs to manipulate an interfaces, and to add features to it.

The following APIs are used to control the way the user interact with the objects attributes, and the structured objects.

  1. Base object which allows to inherits attributes from parent object. Overwrites __setattr__, `__getattr__, and __delattr__. Can also verify if a particular attribute is inherited.

  2. Base class fo subattributes classes. It addeds testbed property.

  3. Go through the API doc for this one, cannot be sum up in a few lines.

  4. Implementation of a KeyedSubattributes for a particular devices.

  5. Implementation of a KeyedSubattributes for a particular interfaces.