
The below 11 examples demonstrate the flow of Genie and how it can be used in testing different features and frameworks.

Examples can be cloned_ from: https://github.com/CiscoTestAutomation/examples/tree/master/libraries.


  • If you are running examples as a devnet user, add the argument --html-logs at the end of the run command and this will generate an HTML formatted, user-friendly run log file inside the job results folder.

  • All Genie examples now don’t require real devices to run, thanks to the playback feature recently added by Genie team under Unicon.

  • Each examples contains README.md file, which explain how to use the playback feature

How to bring up Virtual testbed

All the below examples can be run on virtual devices. We will refer to the already brought up VIRL topology as virl.yaml.

You can bring up a virtual topology by following one of the below two options;

1- Use Cisco DevNet Sandbox Remote labs;

2- Refer to VIRL for detailed steps to bring up VIRL topology.

Example 1

This example is an introduction to Genie.

It does the following:

  • Connect to the devices defined in the testbed file.

  • Execute a Sleep Trigger. Will sleep for 5 seconds.

  • Terminate the run

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/harness_simple/

pyats run job demo1_harness_simple_job.py --testbed-file virl.yaml


Full log can be accessed from here TaskLog_demo1.html.

Example 2

This script demonstrates the Triggers and Verifications concept in Genie. Triggers and verifications are plug and play Testcase to create any combination of tests. It does the following:

  • Connect to the devices defined in the testbed file.

  • Execute the first round of verifications. These verifications take a snapshot of the state of these commands. Future round of verifications is compared with these initial snapshot.

  • Execute the first trigger TriggerClearCountersInterfaceAll.

  • Execute the second round of verifications. Those are compared with the first round.

  • Execute the second trigger TriggerShutNoShutBgpNeighbors.

  • Repeat until all triggers are executed.

  • Terminate the run

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/harness_triggers/

pyats run job demo2_harness_triggers_job.py --testbed-file virl.yaml


Full log can be accessed from here TaskLog_demo2.html.

Example 3

This script demonstrates the Triggers and Verifications with Healthcheck. The Healthcheck is called Genie Telemetry. It allows to collect any kind of information in the execution, act on it and create a report at the end of the run. For example, verify if any core was created after each trigger, verify cpu usage, traceback, etc.

It does the following:

The execution flow will be the same as demo2_harness_triggers, with the following addition:

  • At the end of CommonSetup, all Triggers and at the begining of CommonCleanup, it is verified if there is any core on the device and any traceback.

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/harness_telemetry/

pyats run job demo3_harness_telemetry_job.py --testbed-file virl.yaml --genietelemetry telemetry.yaml


Full log can be accessed from here TaskLog_demo3.html.

Example 4

This script demonstrates how to add your own Trigger to execute with existing triggers. A trigger is a pyATS testcase which tests some specific action. Look inside the file $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/harness_custom_trigger/trigger.py. Once created, the python path of the trigger must be added to the $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/harness_custom_trigger/trigger_datafile_demo.yaml. Lastly, the demo4_harness_custom_trigger_job.py was modified to add the new trigger to the trigger_uids.

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/harness_custom_trigger/

pyats run job demo4_harness_custom_trigger_job.py --testbed-file virl.yaml


Full log can be accessed from here TaskLog_demo4.html.

Example 5

RobotFramework is an opensource test automation framework which provides automation, without having to write code. It is Keyword driven. Libraries provide Keywords to interact. Genie and pyATS provide keywords, to execute Triggers and Testcases, parse commands, learn device features and many more. It also uses Genie Operational object, to verify if we have a right amount of Routes, up interfaces, etc.


  1. Make sure you have robotframework installed.

  2. Open the $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/robot/demo5.robot file, and modify the testbed variable to point to your testbed file.

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/robot/

robot demo5.robot

Example 6

Genie uses Configuration and Operational objects to drive its configuration and operation state. The configuraiton object, conf, are object that once some variable are set, configuration is build and apply on the device. Those objects follow Models (IETF, OpenConfig, Cisco Native Models) to make them OS agnostic.

It does the following:

  • Connect to a list of devices

  • Retrieve the operational state for each device

  • Apply Ospf configuration

  • Retrieve the operational state for each device and compare with step 2

  • Unconfig Ospf configuration

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/config_ops/

python demo6_config_ops.py -testbed_file virl.yaml

Example 7

This script demonstrates how to include any Genie Triggers and Verifications within any existing pyATS script. Triggers and verifications are pyATS Testcase.

More details

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/trigger_within_pyats/

pyats run job job/demo7_trigger_within_pyats_job.py --testbed-file virl.yaml


Full log can be accessed from here TaskLog_demo7.html.

Example 8

This script carries the knowledge of demo6. This time, it is uses within a pyATS script. This script is a pyATS scripts, which uses those objects to configuration and make sure the devices are configured correctly. This script works on all platform.


This scripts requires the device to not be configured, as the configuration is done by the script. Make sure you are using the unconfigured virl devices here example_testbed_empty.virl.

Here’s how to add them to any pyATS script:

  • Import the Trigger/Verification

  • Create a class which inherits from this Triggers/Verification

  • Add the decorator

  • If its a verification, add an uid which is not used yet, and child variable like in the example.

  • Add to the datafile information about this trigger. This information can be found in the Trigger datafile ($VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python<version>/site-packages/genie/libs/sdk/genie_yamls/<uut os>/trigger_datafile_<uut os>.yaml)

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/pyats_conf_ops/

pyats run job job/demo8_pyats_conf_ops_job.py --testbed-file virl.yaml --datafile datafile.yaml

Example 9

This script demonstrates how to compare show commands information between two contexts (cli/xml). It first sends a show command with cli, then do the same with xml, and compares the fields to make sure they are equal.


This scripts requires the device to not be configured, as the configuration is done by the script. Make sure you are using the unconfigured virl devices.

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/context_comparator/

pyats run job job/demo9_context_comparator_job.py --testbed-file virl.yaml


Converting pyats objects to Genie objects should always happen before connection.

  1. convert

    from genie import testbed testbed = testbed.load(testbed)

  2. Get the device (below assumes device alias in yaml is uut)

    uut = testbed.devices[‘uut’]

  3. Now connect


  4. Overwrite the testbed parameters

    self.parameters[‘testbed’] = testbed


The device under testing must have an alias uut in the testbed yaml file.


alias: ‘uut’


Full log can be accessed from here TaskLog_demo9.html.

Example 10

Example to demonstrates more Advanced functionality of Robot.

Example 11

This script demonstrate how to run multiple triggers and verifications within 1 trigger; a Cluster trigger.

cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/examples/libraries/harness_cluster/

pyats run job demo11_harness_cluster_job.py --testbed-file virl.yaml --replay mock_device


Full log can be accessed from here TaskLog_demo11.html.

More details