
pyATS allows you to set various component/feature configuration and defaults in a standard INI style config file.

  • on Linux/Mac the default server-wide configuration file is /etc/pyats.conf

  • inside a virtual environment, the file is $VIRTUAL_ENV/pyats.conf

  • the per-user configuration file is $HOME/.pyats/pyats.conf

  • Setting environment variable export PYATS_CONFIGURATION=path/to/pyats.conf

  • The cli argument --pyats-configuration can be used to specify a configuration file

If multiple configuration files are found, then they are combined in the following order:

  1. the server-wide file is read

  2. the virtual-environment specific file is read

  3. the per-user file is read

  4. the file specified by environment variable PYATS_CONFIGURATION is read

  5. the file specified by cli argument ``–pyats-configuration` is read

Each file read overrides any values read from previous files.

# Example
# -------
#   pyATS configuration file

[email] =
smtp.port = 25
default_domain =

Each INI file content is standardized to use:

  • [] to denote sections

  • = as key/value delimiter

  • # for comments.


do not use quotes around strings in INI files - see supported INI file structures for details.

Configurable Fields

The following fields are currently open for user to customize.

# Configurable Fields
# -------------------

# configuration related to sending emails

# smtp host url/ip and port = <value>
smtp.port = <port>

# smtp to use TLS/ssl
smtp.ssl = <True/False>

# smtp connection timeout (default to 30s)
smtp.timeout = <timeout in seconds>

# smtp username/password for authentication
smtp.username = <username>
smtp.password = <password>

# default domain name
# (use this to enable setting recipients to just ID without
default_domain = <>

# subject to use for report email
# formatted with the easypy runtime object before sending
subject = <email subject template>

# configuration related to log viewing
[logs] = <host interface/ip to start log server on>
server.port = <port to start server on>
browser = <path to browser executable to open>

# configuration related to easypy execution

# archive storage directory
# (use this to specify where you want pyATS archive zip file to be saved)
runinfo.archive = <path>

# runinfo directory
# (specifies the location where the runtime dir is created during execution) = <path to runinfo folder>

# configuration related to aetest

# Value of steps continue_ when not explicitly set. Default is False.
# Steps continue_ determines whether a section should continue execution
# after a step fails, or immediately exit that section.
steps.continue = <True/False>

# Enable/disable banners around "Starting Section" log entries
logging.banners = <True/False>

# Enable/disable reporting for all processors. Using the report or noreport
# decorators takes priority over this option. = <True/False>

# configuration related to the report
# Format of the report file generated at the end of execution.
# Default is JSON.
format = <json/yaml>
# Collect git info, default is True.
git_info = <True/False>
# section reporting, default is "SubSection SetupSection CleanupSection TestSection"
sections = SubSection SetupSection CleanupSection TestSection

# configuration related to timestamps
# When True, all timestamps are created with UTC time instead of local time
utc = <True/False>

# configuration related to topology for testbed loading

# import paths for replacing any topology classes.
# must be subclasses of original topology classes.
# these will be overwritten by any specified class in the testbed yaml file.
class.testbed = <new.testbed.class>
class.device = <new.device.class> = <>
class.interface = <new.interface.class>

# configuration related to interaction calls

# Address to bind server to = <address>
server.port = <value>

email.disable = <True/False>

# May require authentication for SMTP
email.from = <address> = <address>

# This is formatted by jinja2. section_name is one argument that will be
# populated in a template format.
email.subject = <subjectline>

# Set this to one of the possible section results
timeout.result = <errored/failed/blocked/etc...>

# This can be inf, for no timeout, otherwise specify a number of seconds.
timeout.time = <value>

# Maximum seconds to wait for a response when loading a YAML file from a URL
max_wait_time = <value>

# configuration related to file transfer server

# Subnet for devices in testbed to identify correct IP address on execution
# host to use as the file transfer server address
subnet = <subnet_string>

# Default server protocol, defaults to ftp
protocol = <ftp/tftp/scp>

# configuration related to secrets

# This class defines how a secret string is to be encoded and decoded
# and how keys (if required) are to be generated.
# (Optional)
# If not specified, defaults to a class representing a secret string
# as a non-cryptographically secure cipher.
# Users must ensure the specified module's directory may be imported
# by setting their $PYTHONPATH appropriately.
string.representer = module.class_name

# This key is used to convert a secret string to plaintext.
# Some representers may require a key to be set, others may default
# the key if it is not set.
# Users are encouraged to secure configuration files containing this key
# with appropriate permissions.
string.key = <my secret string key>

# Set this pattern when using 'pyats run job' to select which environment
# variables are hidden (encoded as secret strings) prior to being dumped
# into env.txt.  Environment variables whose names match this pattern are
# written as ENC(xyz123) and may be decoded via
# 'pyats secret decode xyz123'.
env.hide_pattern = .*PASSWORD.*


See Secret Strings for more details on how pyATS handles private strings (such as passwords).


More configurable fields to come!