Save with No filter

Below you can find examples of how to save the entire output to a variable name and/or a file.

# Description: Saving the entire output of an execute action into a variable
# The type of output is string

- Execute:
    device:  '%{testbed.devices.uut.alias}'
    command: show platform
      - variable_name: execute_output
# Description: Saving the entire output of a parse action into a variable
# The type of output is dictionary/JSON data.

- parse:
    device:  '%{testbed.devices.uut.alias}'
    command: show platform
      - variable_name: execute_output

In the example below, the same action output is saved to a file. All you need to do is provide the file name using the argument file_name.

# Description: Saving the entire output of an execute action into a file
# The type of output is dictionary/JSON data.

- parse:
    device:  '%{testbed.devices.uut.alias}'
    command: show platform
      - file_name: testfile.txt

Save with Dq filter

Below you can see an example of Dq filter.

# **Description: Applying a dq query and save the outcome into the variable parse_output.**
# Later on checking if that value exist in action execute output.
# Dq query only works on outputs that are dictionary

- apply_configuration:
      - parse:
          command: show module
          device: PE2
            - variable_name: parse_output
              filter: contains('ok').get_values('lc', index=2)
              # The output is '4'
      - execute:
          device: PE1
          command: show version
            - "w"
            # check if '4' exists within the result of this action
            - "%VARIABLES{parse_output}"

Save with Regex filter

Below you can see an example of regex filter.

# first saving values from execute action output
# later on printing those values

- execute:
    device: N93_3
    command: show version
    - filter: BIOS:\s+version\s+(?P<bios>[0-9A-Za-z()./]+).*                        # bios version is 07.33
      regex: true
    - filter: bootflash:\s+(?P<bootflash>[0-9A-Za-z()./]+)\s+(?P<measure>\w+).*     # bootflash is  51496280 and measure is KB
      regex: true
- print:
      value: "The bios version is %VARIABLES{bios}"
      value: "The bootflash is %VARIABLES{bootflash} and %VARIABLES{measure}"

Save with Regex findall filter

Below you can see an example of regex_findall. In this example, execute_output would contain a list of strings such as: [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’]

# saves a list of values from execute action output

- execute:
    device: PE1
    command: show ip interface brief
    - variable_name: execute_output
      regex_findall: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)   # returns a list of IP addresses

Save with List filter

For actions that has list outputs you can get an index or a part of a list and save it into a list with a desired variable_name. You can also specify a regex value and match it against all the items within that list, and get a list of all the matched items.

Below you can see an example of list filter.

# saves various items of a list with a variable

- api:
    device: PE1
    function: get_list_items
        name: [{'a': 1}, {'d': {'c': 'name1'}}, [1,2,34], {'e': ['a', 'b', 'c']}]
        index: 0
        index_end: 5
        - variable_name: list_int5          # the output is [{'a': 1}, {'d': {'c': 'name1'}}, [1,2,34], {'e': ['a', 'b', 'c']}]
          list_index: "[0:2]"               # saves items 0,1 from the above array of itmes => [{'a': 1}, {'d': {'c': 'name1'}}]
                                            # into a list named list_int5

        - variable_name: list_int7          # saves item #2 in the array =>[[1,2,34]] into a list name list_int7
          list_index: 2

        - variable_name: list_int8          # saves the entire array in a list named list_int8

- api:
    device: PE1
    function: get_platform_logging
        # apply regex filter to items and save a list of matches
        - variable_name: platform_log                                   # The output to save value from is a list of platform logs
          filter: Oct\s+15[\S\s]+Configured from console by console$    # checks if any item in the list matches this filter and
                                                                        # save it in a list named platform_log