
This page provides details about the customizable argument in Genie. Please visit the Getting started guide if you are new to Genie harness.


Genie is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet your testing specifications and requirements. All arguments can either be provided in the job file as an argument to gRun or as a - argument to easypy.

All arguments are optionals.

Genie Standard Arguments




List of features to execute PTS on


Full path/name to previously verified PTS file


Specifies the list of verifications uids to run (list or logic expression)


Specifies the list of verifications groups to run (logic expression)


Specifies the list of triggers uids to run (list or logic expression)


Specifies the list of triggers groups to run (logic expression)


List of devices to connect to (in case of no mapping datafile)


Full path/name or URL to the common_(setup/cleanup) subsection datafile


Full path/name or URL to the mapping datafile


Full path/name or URL to the verification datafile


Full path/name or URL to the trigger datafile


Full path/name or URL to the config datafile


Full path/name or URL to the PTS datafile


Full path/name to the debug plugin (N7k)


flag to enable trigger randomization


testcase randomization seed


These arguments work on top of all existing easypy_ and aetest_ arguments.

Below you will find additional information on each of those arguments:


Which feature to profile the system. More info on PTS can be found here.

--pts-features 'ospf bgp'

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file
gRun(pts_features=['ospf', 'bgp'])


Specifies the location of the PTS golden configuration file. More information on the pts-golden-config can be found here


If golden pts file is different for every run (ex: different per branch), user will need to create a directory per branch and place pts file inside it named as golden_pts then pass the directory path as an genie run argument or inside a job file.

Example: User has two different golden_pts files per branch (hamilton, greensboro).

User now needs to create two directories named hamilton and greensboro and place the golden_pts file under the corresponding directory then provide the directories’ path (path holding the created directories) as below.

genie run /path/to/ --pts-golden-config /path/pts


genie run /path/to/ --pts-golden-config <path to the directory>

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file


gRun(pts_golden_config='<path to the directory>')


Specifies the list of verifications uids to be executed. This argument accepts a string in which each verification-uid is separated by space. Also, it supports logical callable that determines which verifications to execute by matching the verification uids to the pattern provided as input to the callable.

A valid python syntax input is necessary whenever this argument in used in command line so that Logic String Inputs may evaluate it.

--verification-uids "Verify_IpOspfNeighborDetail_vrf_all Verify_IpRoute_protocol_bgp"


--verification-uids "Or('Verify_IpOspfNeighborDetail_vrf_all', 'Verify_IpRoute_protocol_bgp')"

Or inside a job file, define the verifications to be executed as a list or logical callable

# Inside a job file using list

gRun(verification_uids=['Verify_IpOspfNeighborDetail_vrf_all', 'Verify_IpRoute_protocol_bgp'])


# Inside a job file using logic expression

from pyats.datastructures.logic import Or

gRun(verification_uids=Or('Verify_IpOspfNeighborDetail_vrf_all', 'Verify_IpRoute_protocol_bgp'))


The verification name is the name of a verification as seen in the verifications datafile.


Specify the group(s) of verifications to execute. This argument accepts a logical callable that determines which verifications to execute by matching the verification groups to the pattern provided as input to the callable.

A valid python syntax input is necessary whenever this argument in used in command line so that Logic String Inputs may evaluate it.

genie run /path/to/ --verification-groups="And(Or('group1','group2'), 'group3')"
# aetest.main() example using datastructure logic
from pyats.datastructures.logic import Or, And
gRun(verification_groups=And(Or('group1','group2'), 'group3'))


A verification can be associated to a particular group in the verification_datafile. With this association, Genie can filter execution of verifications based on which groups they are associated with. A verification can have many groups associated with it.


Specifies the list of triggers to be executed. This argument accepts a string in which each trigger-uid is separated by space. Also, it supports pattern matching by logical callable, that is, it determines which triggers to execute by matching the triggers uids to the pattern provided as input to the callable

A valid python syntax input is necessary whenever this argument is used in command line so that Logic String Inputs may evaluate it.

genie run /path/to/ --trigger-uids "TriggerUnconfigConfigBgp TriggerShutNoShutEthernetInterface"


genie run /path/to/ --trigger-uids "Or('TriggerUnconfigConfigBgp', 'TriggerShutNoShutEthernetInterface')"

Or inside a job file, define the triggers to be executed as a list or logical callable

# Inside a job file using list

gRun(trigger_uids=['TriggerUnconfigConfigBgp', 'TriggerShutNoShutEthernetInterface'])


# Inside a job file using logic expressions

from pyats.datastructures.logic import Or

gRun(trigger_uids=Or('TriggerUnconfigConfigBgp', 'TriggerShutNoShutEthernetInterface'))


uid is the name of a trigger as seen in the triggers datafile.


Specifies the group(s) of triggers to execute. This argument accepts a logical callable that determines which triggers to execute by matching the triggers’ groups to the pattern provided as input to the callable

A valid python syntax input is necessary whenever this argument in used in command line so that Logic String Inputs may evaluate it.

genie run /path/to/ --trigger-groups="And(Or('group1','group2'), 'group3')"
# aetest.main() example using datastructure logic
from pyats.datastructures.logic import Or, And
gRun(trigger_groups=And(Or('group1','group2'), 'group3'))


A trigger can be associated with a particular group in the trigger_datafile. This association allows Genie to filter execution of triggers based on the groups they are associated with. A trigger can have many groups associated with it.


Specifies the location of the mapping configuration file. This argument is optional to run Genie.

More details on the syntax of the datafile can be found in the datafile section. URL with token can be given like below example.

--mapping-datafile /path/mapping.pts
--mapping-datafile "http://<url>/mapping.pts"
--mapping-datafile "http://<token>@<url>/mapping.pts"

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file


This argument is optional. Genie will connect to all devices by default if no mapping datafile is provided


Specifies the location of the verification datafile. More details on the syntax for the file can be found in the datafile section. URL with token can be given like below example.

--verification-datafile /path/verificationdatafile.yaml
--verification-datafile "http://<url>/verificationdatafile.yaml"
--verification-datafile "http://<token>@<url>/verificationdatafile.yaml"

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file


By default Genie uses $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python<version>/site-packages/genie/libs/sdk/genie_yamls/<uut os>/verification_datafile_<uut os>.yaml


Specifies the location of the trigger datafile. More details on the syntax for the file can be found in the datafile section. URL with token can be given like below example.

pyats run job --trigger-datafile /path/triggerdatafile.yaml
pyats run job --trigger-datafile "http://<url>/triggerdatafile.yaml"
pyats run job --trigger-datafile "http://<token>@<url>/triggerdatafile.yaml"

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file


By default Genie uses $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python<version>/site-packages/genie/libs/sdk/genie_yamls/<uut os>/trigger_datafile_<uut os>.yaml


Specifies the location of the configuration datafile. Configuration datafile contains the path of configuration file to apply on the device.

More details on the syntax for the file can be found in the datafile section. URL with token can be given like below example.

--config-datafile /path/config_datafile.yaml
--config-datafile "http://<url>/config_datafile.yaml"
--config-datafile "http://<token>@<url>/config_datafile.yaml"

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file


Specifies the location of the CommonSetup/CommonCleanup subsection datafile.

More details on the syntax for the CommonSetup/CommonCleanup subsection datafile can be found in the datafile section. URL with token can be given like below example.

pyats run job /path/to/ --subsection-datafile /path/subsection_datafile.yaml
pyats run job /path/to/ --subsection-datafile "http://<url>/subsection_datafile.yaml"
pyats run job /path/to/ --subsection-datafile "http://<token>@<url>/subsection_datafile.yaml"

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file


If no subsection_datafile is provided, it will use the default Genie one which includes connect, config check_config.


Specifies the location of the PTS datafile.

More details on the syntax for the PTS datafile can be found in the datafile section. URL with token can be given like below example.

pyats run job /path/to/ --pts-datafile /path/pts_datafile.yaml
pyats run job /path/to/ --pts-datafile "http://<url>/pts_datafile.yaml"
pyats run job /path/to/ --pts-datafile "http://<token>@<url>/pts_datafile.yaml"

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file


Specifies the location of the debug plugin

# In case of single debug plugin in the run
 genie run /path/to/ --debug-plugin /path/debug_plugin

# In case of multiple debug plugins in the run (differnet device types)
 genie run /path/to/ --debug-plugin /path/

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file
# In case of single debug plugin in the run

# Inside a job file
# In case of multiple debug plugins in the run (differnet device types)


In case of multiple debug plugins, user needs to pass the debug plugin itself in the testbed yaml file under the corresponding device under custom section as below;


debug_plugin: n7700-s2-debug-sh.8.4.1.gbin


List of devices to connect to in case of no mapping datafile is passed to Genie and user wants to connect to multiple devices.

If not provided and no mapping datafile provided, Genie will connect all the devices in the testbed yaml file

genie run /path/to/ --devices ['N95_1', 'N95_2']

Or inside a job file

# Inside a job file
gRun(devices=['N95_1', 'N95_2'])


flag to enable triggers randomization, allowing a script’s testcase orders to be randomly shuffled before execution. To learn more about testcase randomization, refer to Testcase Randomization.

gRun(pts_features=['platform', 'bgp', 'interface'],
     verification_uids=['Verify_IpInterfaceBrief', 'Verify_IpRoute_vrf_all'],
     trigger_uids=['TriggerUnconfigConfigBgp.uut', 'TriggerShutNoShutBgpNeighbors', 'TriggerModifyLoopbackInterfaceIp.uut', 'TriggerShutNoShutEthernetInterface'],


randomization seed integer, used to fix the randomizer and re-generate the same triggers sequence, useful for debugging purposes. Requires triggers randomization to be turned on first.

The seed can be found in the log Testcase randomization is enabled, seed: 1868797651672894108

gRun(pts_features=['platform', 'bgp', 'interface'],
     verification_uids=['Verify_IpInterfaceBrief', 'Verify_IpRoute_vrf_all'],
     trigger_uids=['TriggerUnconfigConfigBgp.uut', 'TriggerShutNoShutBgpNeighbors', 'TriggerModifyLoopbackInterfaceIp.uut', 'TriggerShutNoShutEthernetInterface'],
     random=True, randomize_seed=1868797651672894108)