
Semaphores are abstract data types used for controlling access, by multiple processes, to a common resource. There is no “silver bullet” to when it comes to resource sharing: Python multiprocessing module provides all the necessary tools, and users are expected to create their own semaphore implementations.

However, mutexes, especially reentrant mutexes, are a special type of binary semaphore that are more commonly modelled. Therefore, this section focuses on particular implementations of reentrant mutexes that users can leverage and inherit.


async.synchronize.Lockable is a class featured in the Async module that users can inherit directly from. It contains a built-in Reentrant Mutex multiprocessing.RLock(), allowing its subclass instances to be multiprocessing-safe, eg, its method calls protected from multiprocessing race condition, where only one process and/or thread can make a call at any given moment (eg, code-based locking).

The intention of this class is to facilitate the user in creating classes and methods modeling resources that can be shared between multiple processes and threads, without having to worry about internal implementation details. To take advantage of it, simply inherit, and decorate all your “shared” methods using @Lockable.locked decorator.

# Example
# -------
#   async.synchronize.Lockable example

from pyats.async_.synchronize import Lockable

class MySharableClass(Lockable):

    def __init__(self):
        # make sure to always call Lockable class's __init__
        # (eg, via super)

    def do_work_one(self):

    def do_work_two(self):

@Lockable.locked automatically adds method locking & unlocking to the decorated method: locks the instance when it is called, and unlocks after it returns. As the internal locking mechaism is based on RLock(), a locked method can call another locked method internally (eg, do_work_one() calling do_work_two() in the above example) sans issues.

In addition to the decorator, this class also comes with two public methods:

Lockable.acquire(blocking=True, timeout=None)

manually acquires the lock on this class instance. Instead of the decorator, users can call this api manually/directly within their implementations to create a locking effect.

blocking: controls whether to block until the lock is acquired, defaulting to True.

timeout: controls the amount of time to wait for if blocking=True, defaulting to None (eg, indefinitly)

Returns True/False based on whether lock was acquired or not.


Release lock. Only the current lock owner (process/thread) can call this method. Others receive an AssertionError.

Note that if acquire() was called multiple times due to recursion, release() need to be called in the exact reverse order.


keep in mind that this class only provides a locking capability to your class methods. If the class instance also contains live information such as resource states, those state attributes must be also shared (using things like multiprocessing.Values).