
Reporter is a package for collecting and generating test reports in YAML format. This results file contains all the details about execution (section hierarchy, time, results, etc.)

The results.json report contains hierarchical information about the pyATS job executed. The top level is the TestSuite which contains information about the job as a whole. Under the TestSuite are all of the Task’s that were executed as a part of the job. Each Task then has the various sections of testing underneath for CommonSetup, CommonCleanup, and Testcase’s. These then have child sections which can be TestSection, SetupSection, CleanupSection, and Subsection. The children of these would be Step, which can be nested with their own children Step’s.

Each level of the report contains different information relevent to that section. This table shows the possible fields for each section of the report. Any information that falls outside of these fields will be included in the extra mapping.

Report structure

| Section       | Field           | Description                              |
| TestSuite     | type            | Identifier that this section is the root |
|               |                 |  TestSuite                               |
|               | id              | Unique ID for this job execution         |
|               | name            | Name from jobfile                        |
|               | starttime       | Timestamp when job execution began       |
|               | stoptime        | Timestamp when job execution ended       |
|               | runtime         | Duration of execution                    |
|               | cli             | Command that started Easypy              |
|               | jobfile         | Location of jobfile                      |
|               | jobfile_hash    | SHA256 hash of the jobfile contents      |
|               | pyatspath       | Python environment executing pyATS       |
|               | pyatsversion    | Version of pyATS installed               |
|               | host            | Name of host machine                     |
|               | submitter       | User that started execution              |
|               | archivefile     | Path to generated archive file           |
|               | summary         | Combined summary of all Tasks            |
|               | details         | Details about any exceptions or errors   |
|               | extra           | Map of extra info about the TestSuite    |
|               | tasks           | List of child Tasks                      |
| Task          | type            | Identifier that this section is a Task   |
|               | id              | Unique ID for this Task                  |
|               | name            | Name of TestScript                       |
|               | starttime       | Timestamp when execution began           |
|               | stoptime        | Timestamp when execution ended           |
|               | runtime         | Duration of execution                    |
|               | description     | Description of TestScript                |
|               | logfile         | Path to logfile for this Task            |
|               | testscript      | Path to testscript                       |
|               | testscript_hash | SHA256 hash of the testscript contents   |
|               | datafile        | Path to the data file                    |
|               | datafile_hash   | SHA256 hash of the data file contents    |
|               | parameters      | Any parameters passed to this Task       |
|               | summary         | Summary of results                       |
|               | details         | Details about any exceptions or errors   |
|               | extra           | Map of extra info about the Task         |
|               | sections        | List of child Sections                   |
| Section       | type            | Specific type of section being           |
|               |                 |  represented                             |
|               | id              | Unique ID for this Section               |
|               | name            | Name of this Section                     |
|               | starttime       | Timestamp when this Section began        |
|               | stoptime        | Timestamp when this Section ended        |
|               | runtime         | Duration of execution                    |
|               | description     | Description of this Section              |
|               | xref            | XReference to the code defining this     |
|               |                 |  Section                                 |
|               |   source_hash   | SHA256 hash of the source code for       |
|               |                 |   this Section                           |
|               | data_hash       | SHA256 hash of the data file input       |
|               | logs            | Path to logfile showing execution of     |
|               |                 |  this Section, as well as the beginning  |
|               |                 |  byte and size in bytes                  |
|               | parameters      | Any parameters passed to this Section    |
|               | processors      | Lists of processors that ran for this    |
|               |                 |  section, both before and after          |
|               | result          | The test result of this Section          |
|               | details         | Details about any exceptions or errors   |
|               | extra           | Map of extra info about this Section     |
|               | sections        | Any child sections of this section       |
|               |                 |  (Testcases have TestSections, which can |
|               |                 |   have Steps, etc.)                      |

Everything under TestScript is considered a Section as the information gathered is largely the same. The minimal uniqe data (such as index for Step) is kept under extra. The type denotes what the type each Section is. A sample results.yaml file looks like this:

version: '2'
  type: TestSuite
  id: example_job.2019Sep19_19:56:06.569499
  name: example_job
  starttime: 2019-09-19 19:56:07.603283
  stoptime: 2019-09-19 19:56:19.951458
  runtime: 12.35
  cli: pyats run job job/example_job.py --testbed-file etc/example_testbed.yaml
  jobfile: /Users/user/examples/comprehensive/job/example_job.py
  jobfile_hash: 2a452a8683f4f5e5c146d62c78a9a5253198e19c3fb6c8c1771bdf0eea622086
  pyatspath: /Users/user/env
  pyatsversion: '19.11'
  host: HOSTNAME
  submitter: user
  archivefile: /Users/user/env/users/user/archive/19-09/example_job.2019Sep19_19:56:06.569499.zip
    passed: 13
    passx: 0
    failed: 1
    errored: 12
    aborted: 0
    blocked: 4
    skipped: 0
    total: 30
    success_rate: 43.33
    testbed: example_testbed
    - type: Task
      id: Task-1
      name: base_example
      starttime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.432390
      stoptime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.617640
      runtime: 0.19
      description: |+

        This is a comprehensive example base script that walks users through AEtest
        infrastructure features, what they are for, how they are used, how it impacts
        their testing, etc.

      logfile: TaskLog.Task-1
      testscript: /Users/user/examples/comprehensive/base_example.py
      testscript_hash: 2938f2d2efbf9be144a9fe68667dd1c12753b84017a56e7d04caefe46edc0602
        labels: {}
        links: []
        parameter_A: jobfile value A
        routers: []
        testbed: <pyats.topology.testbed.Testbed object at 0x106da92b0>
        tgns: []
        passed: 3
        passx: 0
        failed: 0
        errored: 3
        aborted: 0
        blocked: 0
        skipped: 0
        total: 6
        success_rate: 50.0
        - type: CommonSetup
          id: common_setup
          name: common_setup
          starttime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.434411
          stoptime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.458939
          runtime: 0.02
          description: |+
            Common Setup Section

                This is the docstring for your common setup section. Users should document
                the number of common setup subsections so that by reading this block of
                comments, it gives a generic feeling as to how CommonSetup is built and run.

            file: /Users/user/examples/comprehensive/base_example.py
            line: 191
            source_hash: c366a269e45838deb9bed54d28fef648b921c4f19a1753fc1e46e4c9ba3f9264
            begin: 0
            file: TaskLog.Task-1
            size: 4317
            labels: {}
            links: []
            parameter_A: jobfile value A
            parameter_B: value B
            routers: []
            testbed: <pyats.topology.testbed.Testbed object at 0x105ea92b0>
            tgns: []
            value: passed
            - type: Subsection
              id: a_simple_subsection
              name: a_simple_subsection
              starttime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.435632
              stoptime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.437292
              runtime: 0.0
              description: |
                A Simple Subsection

                        Use this docstring section to describe what is being done in this

                            this subsection is empty and doing just about nothing. probably not
                            a good idea to submit to code reviews, sanity/regression.
                file: /Users/user/examples/comprehensive/base_example.py
                line: 249
                source_hash: ef801e370c14aacdb508536a357af11cd675e0e04025c06dde3080477cbd310d
                begin: 106
                file: TaskLog.Task-1
                size: 419
                value: passed
            - ...
        - type: Testcase
          id: ExampleTestcase
          name: ExampleTestcase
          starttime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.459497
          stoptime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.488919
          runtime: 0.03
          description: An alternative description for this ExampleTestcase
            file: /Users/user/examples/comprehensive/base_example.py
            line: 492
            source_hash: 196c823f82685246c1fd8ce040a81622e3eb48294d457622cb4fa03788d0b220
            begin: 4317
            file: TaskLog.Task-1
            size: 7179
            labels: {}
            links: []
            local_A: default value A
            local_B: default value B
            parameter_A: jobfile value A
            parameter_B: value B
            routers: []
            testbed: <pyats.topology.testbed.Testbed object at 0x115da92b0>
            tgns: []
              - type: Pre-processor
                name: get_env_info
                starttime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.459518
                stoptime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.459733
                runtime: 0.00
                  begin: 4325
                  file: TaskLog.Task-1
                  size: 264
                    key1: val1
                    key2: val2
            value: errored
            - type: SetupSection
              id: setup
              name: setup
              starttime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.460460
              stoptime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.462070
              runtime: 0.0
              description: |
                Testcase Setup

                        This is where configuration specific to this testcase is carried out. In
                        addition, this section can also be used to verify that the test targets'
                        states are suitable for this testcase to be carried out
                file: /Users/user/examples/comprehensive/base_example.py
                line: 633
                source_hash: deed3e44969da0e87c94c7e64fe34f9f92672c520ac1a5eb11cfd1bd04ccf57e
                begin: 4436
                file: TaskLog.Task-1
                size: 345
                value: passed
            - type: TestSection
              id: a_simple_test
              name: a_simple_test
              starttime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.462577
              stoptime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.464354
              runtime: 0.0
              description: |
                A simple Test

                        The simplest test section is simply a class method with @aetest.test

                        No result APIs are called within this test section, and thus, as it
                        exits without error, it will be defaulted to Passed.
                file: /Users/user/examples/comprehensive/base_example.py
                line: 664
                source_hash: 6c4cacbd8233299d4d99361ba2518e06005551e1696fe97116d7325a1bb1e876
                begin: 4781
                file: TaskLog.Task-1
                size: 460
                value: passed
            - ...
            - type: CleanupSection
              id: cleanup
              name: cleanup
              starttime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.487027
              stoptime: 2019-09-19 19:56:08.488175
              runtime: 0.0
              description: |+
                Testcase Cleanup

                        Testcase cleanup is always called as a last resort to cleanup the
                        test target of any changes made by this testcase. It should be written
                        in such a way that it always cleans up what's potentially left behind.

                        cleanup section is optional in each testcase.

                file: /Users/user/examples/comprehensive/base_example.py
                line: 773
                source_hash: b30a1bb819fa0fec0acf1028c75b8d3668b46ffe867d06b2982bf4e25c5f2308
                begin: 11120
                file: TaskLog.Task-1
                size: 238
                value: passed
        - ...

Reporter uses a unix-socket client-server model to collect information about each section of a job run. Clients make API calls to signal the start and end of sections (testscripts, testcases, test methods, etc) with all of the relevant information about that section of the job.

In addition to the results.yaml file, the reporter also produces TRADe-compatible xml files ResultsDetails.xml and ResultsSummary.xml from the aggregated results.

Reporter uses contexual reporters that share the hierarchy of the testable sections instead of a single global reporter.

Git info

By default, git information is collected and added to the report. This can be disabled by adding report.git_info = False to the pyats configuration file. For more info see Configuration.

Git information on repo, file, branch, commit will be added if available. If the file has been modified, modified: True will be added as well.

testscript: /Users/user/code/examples/basic/basic_example_script.py
testscript_hash: bd401d291aaf06f3d6b1969e93fc20dcfad675d8be36df52c24dde61752ed8ff
    branch: master
    commit: 8140cb8fc0766338d1d98112624e277d27fe3b84
    file: basic/basic_example_script.py
    repo: github.com/CiscoTestAutomation/examples

To disable git info collection, set git_info to False under report section in the configuration file.

# configuration related to the report
# Collect git info, default is True.
git_info = False

Section author: Ben Astell <bastell@cisco.com>