Everything is an Object

As opposed to creating a module where the topology information is stored internally, and asking users to query that information via API calls, pyATS topology module approached the design from a completely different angle:

  • using objects to represent real-world testbed devices

  • using object attributes & properties to store testbed information and meta-data

  • using object relationships (references/pointers to other objects) to represent topology interconnects

  • using object references & python garbage collection to clean up testbed left-overs when objects are no longer referenced.

The text graph below should give a good high-level pictorial view of how topology objects are referenced & interconnected.

| Testbed Object                                                           |
|                                                                          |
| +-----------------------------+          +-----------------------------+ |
| | Device Object - myRouterA   |          | Device Object - myRouterB   | |
| |                             |          |                             | |
| |         device interfaces   |          |          device interfaces  | |
| | +----------+ +----------+   |          |   +----------+ +----------+ | |
| | | intf Obj | | intf Obj |   |          |   |  intf Obj| | intf Obj | | |
| | | Eth1/1   | | Eth1/2 *-----------*----------*  Eth1/1| | Eth1/2   | | |
| | +----------+ + ---------+   |     |    |   +----------+ +----------+ | |
| +-----------------------------+     |    +-----------------------------+ |
|                                     |                                    |
|                               +-----*----+                               |
|                               | Link Obj |                               |
|                               |rtrA-rtrB |                               |
|                               +----------+                               |

Testbed Object

Testbed object is the top container object, containing all testbed devices and all subsequent information that is generic to the testbed.

  • within a testbed, links & device names must be unique

| Testbed object                                                           |
| attributes    | description                                              |
| name          | testbed name, should be unique                           |
| alias         | testbed alias, defaults to testbed name                  |
| devices       | dict of testbed device (name:Device)                     |
| tacacs        | dict of TACACS information common to the testbed         |
| passwords     | dict of password information common to the testbed       |
| credentials   | dict of credentials common to the testbed                |
| servers       | dict of testbed server (name:dict). testbed servers are  |
|               | those that services the entire testbed, such as ftp,     |
|               | tftp and ntp servers.                                    |
| clean         | dict of clean parameters (name:value). clean parameters  |
|               | are those used to clean up (reload) testbed devices      |
| custom        | dict of custom fields (name:value), non-standard testbed |
|               | object meta-data goes here.                              |
| testbed_file  | full path and name of the testbed file used to create    |
|               | this testbed object (only available through YAML load)   |
| properties    | description                                              |
| links         | returns the set of unique Link objects connected to this |
|               | testbed's device interfaces                              |
| methods       | description                                              |
| add_device    | adds a device (Device object) to this testbed            |
| remove_device | removes a device (Device object) from this testbed       |
| squeeze       | removes all unwanted devices, interfaces and links       |
|               | from this testbed                                        |
| connect       | connects to all or multiple devices in the testbed       |
|               | in parallel together                                     |
| disconnect    | disconnects all or multiple devices in the testbed       |
|               | in parallel together                                     |
| destroy       | destroys all or multiple device connections in the       |
|               | testbed in parallel together                             |
| execute       | executes commands against all or multiple devices in the |
|               | testbed in parallel together                             |
| configure     | configures commands against all or multiple devices in   |
|               | the testbed in parallel together                         |
| parse         | parse commands against all or multiple devices in the    |
|               | testbed in parallel together                             |
# Example
# -------
#   creating testbed objects

from pyats.topology import Testbed, Device

# create some device objects for demonstration's sake
device_a = Device('A')
device_b = Device('B')
device_c = Device('C')
device_d = Device('D')

# creating an empty testbed
testbed_a = Testbed(name = 'emptyTestbed')

# creating a testbed with an alias
testbed_b = Testbed(name = 'myTestbed',
                    alias = 'yetAnotherTestbed')

# creating a testbed with devices
testbed_c = Testbed(name = 'testbedWithDevicesFromStart',
                    devices = [device_a, device_b])

# adding devices into testbeds
testbed_d = Testbed(name = 'testbedToReceiveDevices')

# removing devices from a testbed
testbed_e = Testbed(name = 'testbedToRemoveDevices',
                    devices = [device_d])

# squeezing a testbed to keep only wanted devices
testbed_e = Testbed(name = 'testbedToSqueeze',
                    devices = [device_a, device_b, device_c])
testbed_e.squeeze(device_b.name, device_c.name)

# connect to all devices in this testbed in parallel

# connect to specific devices in this testbed in parallel
# and optionally, use specific via paths
testbed_e.connect(device_a, device_b,
                  via = {device_a.name: 'vty',
                         device_b.name: 'mgmt'})

# testing whether testbed contains a device
# use the "in" operator
assert device_d not in testbed_e
assert device_c in testbed_d

# looping over a testbed's devices
for device in testbed_c:

# Setting default credentials on a testbed
# Note that, once set, credentials may be accessed via dot notation.
testbed_a.credentials['default'] = dict(username='defaultuser', password='defaultpw')
assert testbed_a.credentials.default.username == 'defaultuser'

# Setting credentials on a testbed
# Note that, once set, credentials may be accessed via dot notation.
testbed_a.credentials['tbcreds'] = dict(username='tbuser', password='tbpw')
assert testbed_a.credentials.tbcreds.username == 'tbuser'

# execute commands against all devices in parallel
testbed.execute('show version')

# configure all devices in the testbed in parallel
testbed.configure('no logging console')

# configure some devices in parallel
# Note: devices is a list of Device objects
devices = testbed.devices[dev] for dev in testbed.devices \
                if testbed.devices[dev].os=='iosxe']
testbed.configure('no logging console', devices=devices)

# parse commands from all devices in the testbed in parallel
testbed.parse('show version')


Please see Secret Strings for more details on how pyATS models credential passwords.


Please see Credential Password Modeling for details on how credential passwords are modelled in the topology schema.

Device Objects

Device objects represent any piece of physical and/or virtual hardware that constitutes an important part of a testbed topology.

  • each device may belong to a testbed (added to a Testbed object)

  • each device may host arbitrary number of interfaces (Interface objects)

  • interface names must be unique within a device

| Device object                                                            |
| attributes        | description                                          |
| name              | device name (a.k.a hostname)                         |
| alias             | device alias, defaults to device name                |
| os                | device os such as iosxe, iosxr, nxos and etc
| type              | device type (string)                                 |
| testbed           | parent testbed object. internally this is a weakref  |
| interfaces        | dict of device interfaces (name:Interface)           |
| tacacs            | dict of TACACS information unique to this device     |
| passwords         | dict of password information unique to the device    |
| credentials       | dict of credentials for the device                   |
| connections       | dict of connection descriptions (name:dict). this is |
|                   | a description of connection methods to this device   |
|                   | (eg: telnet, ssh, netconf & etc)                     |
| connectionmgr     | connection manager (ConnectionManager obj), manages  |
|                   | all the connections to this device                   |
| clean             | dict of clean parameters (name:value). clean params  |
|                   | are those used to clean up (reload) this device      |
| custom            | dict of custom fields (name:value), non-standard     |
|                   | device object meta-data goes here.                   |
| properties        | description                                          |
| links             | returns the set of unique Link objects connected to  |
|                   | this device's interfaces                             |
| remote_devices    | returns the set of unique devices connected to this  |
|                   | device via its interface links                       |
| remote_interfaces | returns the set of unique interfaces connected to    |
|                   | this device's interfaces via interface links         |
| methods           | description                                          |
| add_interface     | adds an interface (Interface object) to this device  |
| remove_interface  | removes an interface (Interface object) from this    |
|                   | device                                               |
| find_links        | find and return a set of links connected to the      |
|                   | provided destination object (Device/Interface)       |
# Example
# -------
#   creating device objects

from pyats.topology import Testbed, Device, Interface

# create some interfaces for adding to devices
intf_a = Interface('Eth1/1', 'ethernet')
intf_b = Interface('Eth2/1', 'ethernet')

# creating a testbed for demonstration's sake
testbed = Testbed('exampleTestbed')

# creating an empty device
device_a = Device('emptyDevice')

# giving device a different alias
device_a.alias = 'newAlias'

# set device os
device_a.os = 'iosxe'

# creating a device with connection parameters
device_b = Device('deviceThatCanBeConnected',
                      'mgmt': {
                          'protocol': 'telnet',
                          'ip': ''

# adding interface to device objects

# creating device with interfaces
device_c = Device('deviceCreatedWithIntfs',
                  interfaces = [intf_b])

# associating a device to a testbed can be done either by performing
# a testbed.add_device() call, or directly by setting a device's testbed
# attribute, which automatically performs the parent add_device() call
device_c.testbed = testbed

# checking if an intf object belongs to a device can be done
# using the in operator
assert intf_b in device_c

# loop through interfaces on a device
for intf in device_c:

# Setting credentials on a device
# Testbed credentials may be read via device credentials
# if they have not been defined at a device level and the device has
# an assigned testbed.
# Once set, credentials may be accessed via dot notation.
testbed.credentials['default'] = dict(username='defaultuser', password='defaultpw')
assert testbed.credentials.default.username == 'defaultuser'

testbed.credentials['tbcreds'] = dict(username='tbuser', password='tbpw')
device_c.credentials['devcreds'] = dict(username='devuser', password='devpw')
assert 'tbcreds' in device_c.credentials
assert 'devcreds' in device_c.credentials

# Missing credentials fall back to default credential if present
assert testbed.credentials.unknowncred.username == 'defaultuser'

# Although credential passwords are encoded and not directly readable
# once set, it is possible to convert them back to plaintext.
from pyats.utils.secret_strings import to_plaintext
assert to_plaintext(device_c.credentials.devcreds.password) == 'devpw'

# Setting credentials on a connection
# Device credentials may be read via connection credentials
# if they have not been defined at a connection level.
# Testbed credentials may also be read via connection credentials
# if they have not been defined at a device level and the device has an
# assigned testbed.
# Once set, credentials may be accessed via dot notation.
con = device_b.connections.mgmt
device_b.testbed = testbed
con.credentials['concreds'] = dict(username='connuser', password='conpw')
assert 'tbcreds' in con.credentials
assert 'concreds' in con.credentials

# Provide a connection-level default credential
con.credentials['default'] = dict(username='condefun', password='condefpw')


Please see Secret Strings for more details on how pyATS models credential passwords.


Please see Credential Password Modeling for details on how credential passwords are modelled in the topology schema.

Interface Objects

Interface objects represent any piece of physical/virtual interface/port that connects to a link of some sort. Eg: Ethernet, ATM, Loopback.

  • each interface connects to a single link (Link object)

  • each interface should belong to a parent device (Device object)

  • within a parent device, each interface name needs to be unique

| Interface object                                                         |
| attributes        | description                                          |
| name              | interface name                                       |
| alias             | interface alias, defaults to interface name          |
| type              | interface type (string)                              |
| device            | parent device object. internally this is a weakref   |
| link              | link this interface is connected to (Link obj)       |
| ipv4              | ipv4 address information (ipaddress.IPv4Interface)   |
| ipv6              | ipv6 address information (ipaddress.IPv6Interface    |
|                   | or a list of ipaddress.IPv6Interface)                |
| properties        | description                                          |
| remote_devices    | returns the set of unique devices connected to this  |
|                   | interface via its connected link                     |
| remote_interfaces | returns the set of unique interfaces connected to    |
|                   | this interface via its connected link                |
# Example
# -------
#   creating interface objects

from pyats.topology import Device, Link
# creating some objects to be used in demonstration
device = Device('myDevice')
link = Link('newlink')

# create a simple interface
interface_a = Interface('Ethernet1/1', type = 'ethernet')

# create an interface that belongs to a device
interface_b = Interface('Ethernet1/1',
                        type = 'ethernet',
                        device = device)

# create another interface that belongs to another device
# and also connected to a link
interface_c = Interface('Ethernet2/1',
                        type = 'ethernet',
                        alias = 'myinterface',
                        link = link,
                        device = device)

# manually connecting a link to an interface
interface_b.link = link

# manually assigning an interface to a device. this automatically
# invokes device.add_interface() to keep the relationship consistent
interface_a.device = device