Getting Ready


This page is the same as Getting Ready from the Quick Start section. You can skip this if you have already read it.

pyATS and Genie installed (latest version)

The latest version will contain all the released features and will be the most stable.

Testbed YAML File

For the purpose of this guide, the below testbed file will be used. For you to run the example, replace this testbed file with one of your own and make any modifications that are highlighted throughout this guide. Also ensure you replace PE1 references with your own device.

For starters, we need to specify both os and platform for each device in the testbed. We also need to add the abstraction block under the custom key to help pyATS Clean choose the correct stage implementations.


Refer to the Supported Platforms and PowerCyclers document to determine what the correct values for os and platform are.

 2    PE1:
 3        os: nxos
 4        platform: n9k
 5        custom:
 6            abstraction:
 7                order: [os, platform]
 8        connections:
 9            cli:
10                protocol: telnet
11                ip:

Clean YAML File

To start, lets create an empty yaml file. This file can be named anything you like but for the purpose of this guide, we will name it clean.yaml.

This file will contain all the information required to drive the clean. In the next sections we will focus on adding content to this file.