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Class finesse.containerservices.PopoverSchema

Finesse Voice component and Gadget(s) hosting digital services require the finesse.containerservices.PopoverService to display a popup for incoming call and chat events.
This API provides the schema that is used in finesse.containerservices.PopoverService for managing various operations in the popup. This schema has been defined as per
Defined in: finesse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Class Detail
Method Detail

Example JSON for ActionData:
    "dismissible": true, // or "false"
    "clientIdentifier" : 'popup1', // A string to uniquely identify a specific popover
    "requiredActionText": "Please answer the call from your phone",
    "buttons": // Optional. Max 2  
            "id": "No",
            "label": "Decline",
            "type": "Decline",
            "hoverText": "",
            "confirmButtons": [ // confirmButtons is an optional property in actionData
                    "id": "Yes",
                    "label": "Reject - Return to campaign",
                    "hoverText": ""
                    "id": "No",
                    "label": "Close - Remove from campaign",
                    "hoverText": ""
Schema for the validation of the below JSON definition
dismissiblebooleantrueTrue if button definition is optional. Flase if button definition is mandatory.
clientIdentifierstringpopover1A unique identifier across all popovers. This is used in the callback for popover events
requiredActionText [Optional]StringPlease answer the call from your phoneThis text is at the bottom of the popover to inform what action the user has to take.
buttons [Optional]ArrayButtons displayed in the popover. Maximum 2 buttons. It can be defined as below:
idstringok1 A unique ID that represents a button
labelstringAcceptThe display text of the action button
typeenumAffirmAffirm for green button. Decline for red button
hoverText [Optional]StringClick here to accept chatThe tooltip that is displayed on mouse hover
confirmButtons [Optional]ObjectAn additional confirmation message with the buttons to be displayed when the user clicks on the above action button. It can be defined as below:
idstringidId of the confirmation button
labelstringReject - Return to campaignLabel to displayed on the button
hoverTextstringClick here to rejectTooltip message on the button


Example JSON for BannerData:
    "icon": { // Mandatory
        "type": "collab-icon",
        "value": "chat"
    "content": [ // Optional. first 6 name/value pairs is shown in popover
            "name": "Customer Name",
            "value": "Michael Littlefoot"
            "name": "Phone Number",
            "value": "+1-408-567-789"
            "name": "Account Number",
            "value": "23874567923"
            "name": "Issue", // For the below one, tool tip is displayed
            "value": "a very long text. a very long text.a very long text.a very long text.a very long text."
    "headerContent" : {
        "maxHeaderTitle" : "Popover maximised title",
        "minHeaderTitle" : "Popover minimized title"
Schema for the validation of the below JSON definition
iconObjectA icon that should be displayed in the Popover. It should be defined as below:
typeEnumcollab-icon Takes either collab-icon or url as a value.
collab-icon applies a stock icon
url applies a custom icon supplied by gadget. The icon could be located as part of gadget files in Finesse.
valueStringChatThe name of the stock icon or the url of the custom icon
content [Optional]ArrayFirst six name/value pairs is shown in popover. A single property should be defined as below:
nameStringCustomer NameThe property name that is displayed on the left
valueStringMichael LittlefootThe corresponding property value that is displayed on the right.
Note: For long property values, a tooltip is displayed.
headerContentObjectThe title of popover when it is shown or minimized. It should be defined as below
maxHeaderTitleStringChat from firstName lastNamePopover title when it is not minimized
minHeaderTitleStringfirstNamePopover title when it is minimized


Example JSON for TimerData:
    "displayTimeoutInSecs": 30, // mandatory. minimum is 3 and maximum is 3600. -1 indicates no upper limit
    "display": true, // false means no displayable UI for timer
    "counterType": COUNT_UP or COUNT_DOWN,
displayTimeoutInSecs [Mandatory]Integer30Minimum is 3 and maximum is 3600. -1 indicates no upper limit
displaybooleantruefalse indicates not to display any timer
counterTypeenumCOUNT_UPTakes value COUNT_UP or COUNT_DOWN. For scenarios like how long the chat has been active would require a COUNT_UP timer. On the other hand before chat is autoclosed for a agent RONA, it would be apt to use a COUNT_DOWN timer.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Thu Jan 02 2020 09:55:47 GMT-0500 (EST)