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Class finesse.restservices.TeamResource

Defined in: finesse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
JavaScript representation of a TeamResource object.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
getReasonCodesByType(handlers, includeSystemCode, includeSystemCode)
Get the reason code by category from reason code cache.
lookupReasonCode(handlers, reasonCodeValue, reasonCodeCategory)
Get reason codes cache from cache.
Class Detail
JavaScript representation of a TeamResource object. Also exposes methods to operate on the object against the server.
{Object} options
An object with the following properties:
  • teamId: teamId of the user
Method Detail
getReasonCodesByType(handlers, includeSystemCode, includeSystemCode)
Get the reason code by category from reason code cache. reason code cache is empty, then fetch all the reason codes Not_READY, LOGOUT and System Reason codes from server adn cache it in the local memory. * @param {String} type, The reason code type "NOT_READY" and "LOGOUT"
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request
{boolean} includeSystemCode
should return system code also.


lookupReasonCode(handlers, reasonCodeValue, reasonCodeCategory)
Get reason codes cache from cache. If reason code does not exists in the reason codes cache, then fetch it from Finesse server, for looking up the reason code with its reason code value, and category. Note that there is no return value; use the success handler to process a valid return.
     new finesse.restservices.TeamResource().lookupReasonCode({
                                             success: _handleReasonCodeGet,
                                             error: _handleReasonCodeGetError
                                             }, '32762', 'NOT_READY');
     _handleReasonCodeGet(_reasonCode) {
         var id =;
         var uri = _reasonCode.uri;
         var label = _reasonCode.label;
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request
{String} reasonCodeValue
The code for the reason code to lookup
{String} reasonCodeCategory
The category for the reason code to lookup. The possible values are "NOT_READY" and "LOGOUT".

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Thu Jan 02 2020 09:55:47 GMT-0500 (EST)