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Class finesse.restservices.DialogBase

Extends finesse.restservices.RestBase.
A DialogBase is an attempted connection between or among multiple participants, for example, a regular phone call, a chat, or an email. This object is typically extended into individual REST Objects (like Dialog, MediaDialog, etc...), and shouldn't be used directly.
Defined in: finesse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class finesse.restservices.RestBase:
ajaxRequestTimeout, restResponseStatus
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Getter for the callType.
Retrieves a list of media properties from the dialog object.
Getter for the media type.
Retrieves a list of participants within the Dialog object.
This method retrieves the participant timer counters
Getter for the Dialog state.
updateCallVariables(call, options)
Updates this dialog's call variables.
Methods borrowed from class finesse.restservices.RestBase:
addHandler, getBaseRestUrl, getData, getId, getProperty, getRestUrlAdditionalParameters, hasProperty, isLoaded, refresh, removeHandler
Class Detail
Method Detail
{String} getCallType()
Getter for the callType.
Use getMediaProperties().callType instead.
{String} The callType.

{Object} getMediaProperties()
Retrieves a list of media properties from the dialog object.
{Object} Map of call variables; names mapped to values. Variables may include the following:
  • dialedNumber: The number dialed.
  • callType: The type of call. Call types include:
    • ACD_IN
    • OTHER_IN
    • OUT
  • DNIS: The DNIS provided. For routed calls, this is the route point.
  • wrapUpReason: A description of the call.
  • queueNumber: Number of the agent Skill Group the call is attributed to.
  • queueName: Name of the agent Skill Group the call is attributed to.
  • callKeyCallId: unique number of the call routed on a particular day.
  • callKeyPrefix: represents the day when the call is routed.
  • callKeySequenceNum: represents the sequence number of call.
  • Call Variables, by name. The name indicates whether it is a call variable or ECC variable. Call variable names start with callVariable#, where # is 1-10. ECC variable names (both scalar and array) are prepended with "user". ECC variable arrays include an index enclosed within square brackets located at the end of the ECC array name.
  • The following call variables provide additional details about an Outbound Option call:
    • BACampaign
    • BAAccountNumber
    • BAResponse
    • BAStatus
      • PREDICTIVE_OUTBOUND: A predictive outbound call.
      • PROGRESSIVE_OUTBOUND: A progressive outbound call.
      • PREVIEW_OUTBOUND_RESERVATION: Agent is reserved for a preview outbound call.
      • PREVIEW_OUTBOUND: Agent is on a preview outbound call.
    • BADialedListID
    • BATimeZone
    • BABuddyName

{String} getMediaType()
Getter for the media type.
{String} The media type.

{Object} getParticipants()
Retrieves a list of participants within the Dialog object.
{Object} Array list of participants. Participant entity properties are as follows:
  • state - The state of the Participant.
  • stateCause - The state cause of the Participant.
  • mediaAddress - The media address of the Participant.
  • startTime - The start Time of the Participant.
  • stateChangeTime - The time when participant state has changed.
  • actions - These are the actions that a Participant can perform

{Object} getParticipantTimerCounters(participantExt)
This method retrieves the participant timer counters
{String} participantExt
Extension of participant.
{Object} Array of Participants which contains properties :
  • state - The state of the Participant.
  • startTime - The start Time of the Participant.
  • stateChangeTime - The time when participant state has changed.

{String} getState()
Getter for the Dialog state.
{String} The Dialog state.

updateCallVariables(call, options)
Updates this dialog's call variables. This function will not do any call variable validation, caller should take care validations before calling this function.
{Object} call
variables to modify. Ex: {"callVariable1": "value1", "callVariable2": "value2"}
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} options
An object containing the handlers for the request

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