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Class finesse.restservices.Team

Extends finesse.restservices.RestBase.
JavaScript representation of a Team object. Also exposes methods to operate on the object against the server.
Defined in: finesse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class finesse.restservices.RestBase:
ajaxRequestTimeout, restResponseStatus
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Getter for the team id.
Getter for the team name.
Constructs and returns a collection of Users.
Methods borrowed from class finesse.restservices.RestBase:
addHandler, getBaseRestUrl, getData, getProperty, getRestUrlAdditionalParameters, hasProperty, isLoaded, refresh, removeHandler
Class Detail
     _team = new finesse.restservices.Team({
                     id: _id,
                     onLoad : _handleTeamLoad(team),
                     onChange : _handleTeamChange(team)
{Object} options
An object with the following properties:
  • id: The id of the object being constructed
  • onLoad(this): (optional) when the object is successfully loaded from the server
  • onChange(this): (optional) when an update notification of the object is received
  • onAdd(this): (optional) when a notification that the object is created is received
  • onDelete(this): (optional) when a notification that the object is deleted is received
  • onError(rsp): (optional) if loading of the object fails, invoked with the error response object:
    • status: {Number} The HTTP status code returned
    • content: {String} Raw string of response
    • object: {Object} Parsed object of response
    • error: {Object} Wrapped exception that was caught:
      • errorType: {String} Type of error that was caught
      • errorMessage: {String} Message associated with error
  • parentObj: (optional) The parent object
Method Detail
{String} getId()
Getter for the team id.
{String} The team id.

{String} getName()
Getter for the team name.
{String} The team name

{finesse.restservices.Users} getUsers(options)
Constructs and returns a collection of Users.
{Object} options
that sets callback handlers. An object with the following properties:
  • onLoad(users): (optional) when the object is successfully loaded from the server
  • onError(): (optional) if loading of the object fails, invoked with the error response object
{finesse.restservices.Users} Users collection of User objects.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Thu Jan 02 2020 09:55:47 GMT-0500 (EST)