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Class finesse.restservices.Dialog

Extends finesse.restservices.DialogBase.
A Dialog is an attempted connection between or among multiple participants, for example, a regular phone call, a conference, or a silent monitor session.
Defined in: finesse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The requestId reaper timeout in ms
Fields borrowed from class finesse.restservices.RestBase:
ajaxRequestTimeout, restResponseStatus
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
cancelCallback(mediaAddress, handlers)
Invoke a request to server to cancel a callback.
dropParticipant(targetMediaAddress, handlers)
Wrapper around "requestAction" to request PARTICIPANT_DROP action.
Retrieves information about the currently scheduled callback, if any.
Getter for the callback number without prefix.
Determines the droppable participants.
Getter for the from address.
gets the participant timer counters
Getter for the secondaryId of a dialog.
Getter for the to address.
initiateDirectTransfer(mediaAddress, toAddress, handlers)
Invoke a single step transfer request.
Is the participant droppable
makeConsultCall(mediaAddress, toAddress, handlers)
Invoke a consult call out to a destination.
reclassifyCall(mediaAddress, classification, handlers)
Invoke a request to server to reclassify the call type.
requestAction(mediaAddress, action, handlers)
Invoke a request to server based on the action given.
sendDTMFRequest(mediaAddress, handlers, digit)
Invoke a request to server to send DTMF digit tones.
updateCallbackNumber(mediaAddress, callbackNumber, handlers)
Invoke a request to server to set the number for a callback.
updateCallbackTime(mediaAddress, callbackTime, handlers)
Invoke a request to server to set the time for a callback.
updateWrapUpReason(wrapUpReason, handlers)
Update this dialog's wrap-up reason.
Methods borrowed from class finesse.restservices.DialogBase:
getCallType, getMediaProperties, getMediaType, getParticipants, getState, updateCallVariables
Methods borrowed from class finesse.restservices.RestBase:
addHandler, getBaseRestUrl, getData, getId, getProperty, getRestUrlAdditionalParameters, hasProperty, isLoaded, refresh, removeHandler
Class Detail
Field Detail
The requestId reaper timeout in ms
Method Detail
cancelCallback(mediaAddress, handlers)
Invoke a request to server to cancel a callback.
{String} mediaAddress
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request

dropParticipant(targetMediaAddress, handlers)
Wrapper around "requestAction" to request PARTICIPANT_DROP action.
is the address to drop
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request

{Object} getCallbackInfo()
Retrieves information about the currently scheduled callback, if any.
{Object} If no callback has been set, will return undefined. If a callback has been set, it will return a map with one or more of the following entries, depending on what values have been set. callbackTime - the callback time, if it has been set. callbackNumber - the callback number, if it has been set.

{String} getCallbackNumber()
Getter for the callback number without prefix. This is required to schedule a callback if there is any dialer prefix added for direct_preview outbound calls
{String} The callback number.undefined if callbackNumber is not available

{Object} getDroppableParticipants(filterExtension)
Determines the droppable participants. A droppable participant is a participant that is an agent extension. (It is not a CTI Route Point, IVR Port, or the caller)
{String} filterExtension
used to remove a single extension from the list
{Object} Array of Participants that can be dropped. Participant entity properties are as follows:
  • state - The state of the Participant.
  • stateCause - The state cause of the Participant.
  • mediaAddress - The media address of the Participant.
  • startTime - The start Time of the Participant.
  • stateChangeTime - The time when participant state has changed.
  • actions - These are the actions that a Participant can perform

{String} getFromAddress()
Getter for the from address.
{String} The from address.

{Object} getParticipantTimerCounters(participantExt)
gets the participant timer counters
{String} participantExt
Extension of participant.
{Object} Array of Participants which contains properties :
  • state - The state of the Participant.
  • startTime - The start Time of the Participant.
  • stateChangeTime - The time when participant state has changed.

{String} getSecondaryId()
Getter for the secondaryId of a dialog. A CONSULT call has two call legs (primary leg and a consult leg). As the CONSULT call is completed (either with TRANSFER or CONFERENCE), call legs would be merged. The surviving call's Dialog will contain the dropped call's Dialog Id in secondaryId field. For CCE deployments, DIRECT_TRANSFER also have the secondaryId populated as mentioned above.
11.6(1)-ES1 onwards
{String} The id of the secondary dialog.

{String} getToAddress()
Getter for the to address.
{String} The to address.

initiateDirectTransfer(mediaAddress, toAddress, handlers)
Invoke a single step transfer request.
{String} mediaAddress
The media address of the user performing the single step transfer.
{String} toAddress
The destination address of the single step transfer.
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request

{Boolean} isParticipantDroppable(participantExt)
Is the participant droppable
{String} participantExt
Extension of participant.
{Boolean} True is droppable.

makeConsultCall(mediaAddress, toAddress, handlers)
Invoke a consult call out to a destination.
{String} mediaAddress
The media address of the user performing the consult call.
{String} toAddress
The destination address of the consult call.
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request

reclassifyCall(mediaAddress, classification, handlers)
Invoke a request to server to reclassify the call type.
{String} mediaAddress
The media address of the user performing the consult call.
{String} classification
The classification to assign to the call. Valid values are "VOICE", "FAX", "ANS_MACHINE", "INVALID", "BUSY" (CCX only), and "DO_NOT_CALL".
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request

requestAction(mediaAddress, action, handlers)
Invoke a request to server based on the action given.
{String} mediaAddress
The media address of the user performing the action.
{finesse.restservices.Dialog.Actions} action
The action string indicating the action to invoke on dialog.
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request

sendDTMFRequest(mediaAddress, handlers, digit)
Invoke a request to server to send DTMF digit tones.
{String} mediaAddress
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request
{String} digit
The digit which causes invocation of an action on the dialog.

updateCallbackNumber(mediaAddress, callbackNumber, handlers)
Invoke a request to server to set the number for a callback.
{String} mediaAddress
{String} callbackNumber
The requested number to call for the callback
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request

updateCallbackTime(mediaAddress, callbackTime, handlers)
Invoke a request to server to set the time for a callback.
{String} mediaAddress
{String} callbackTime
The requested time for the callback, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM format (ex: 2013-12-24T23:59)
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request

updateWrapUpReason(wrapUpReason, handlers)
Update this dialog's wrap-up reason.
{String} wrapUpReason
The new wrap-up reason for this dialog
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Thu Jan 02 2020 09:55:47 GMT-0500 (EST)