pyats.aereport package¶
- Module:
- Authors:
Ahmad Barghout (abarghou), CSG Test - Ottawa Jean-Benoit Aubin (jeaubin), CSG Test - Ottawa
- Description:
This module provide a mechanism to record logical test events, data, and results for storing and serialization into XML.
In Python ATS infrastructure, XML-RPC server infrastructure is used to allow multiple users, runs in parallel or testcase in parallel.
- class pyats.aereport.LoggingMode¶
Provide the available modes for logging.
- FilePerTestcase = 1¶
- SingleFile = 0¶
- pyats.aereport.exceptions package
- pyats.aereport.initinfo package
- pyats.aereport.iou package
- pyats.aereport.logview package
- pyats.aereport.results package
- pyats.aereport.runinfo package
- pyats.aereport.testscript package
- pyats.aereport.testscriptinitinfo package
- pyats.aereport.testsuite package
- pyats.aereport.tims package
- pyats.aereport.toplevel package
- pyats.aereport.tsinitinfo package
- pyats.aereport.utils package
– Aerunner¶
This module implements AERunner Class which intercepts easypy calls and invoke creation or setting of the corresponding AEReport elements/attributes.
- class pyats.aereport.aerunner.AERunner(logsdir, logfilename, verbose=False, hostname='', port=0)¶
This class receives calls from easypy, and other engines for starting and populating execution contexts (testsuite, testcase, subtest, etc) and their children. It determines the current context, validate the call, and invoke the corresponding API on the targeted element.
- _aereport¶
The object containing all elements of the ResultsDetails.xml file
- Type
- _clients¶
A tree structure to keep track of connected clients and their hierarchy
- Type
- _hierarchy¶
An ordered list of the main execution contexts in the order of hierarchy (testsuite, testscript, testcase, etc)
- Type
- _log¶
Logger object
- Type
- _logsdir¶
Full path to a directory where AERunner can create log files (and other files as needed)
- Type
- _strictness¶
Tolerance level of AERunner to invalid calls and operations. Can be Strict or Lenient
- Type
- class Mode¶
Nested Enumeration of the different modes of execution in AERunner.
Strict mode: is a mode that does not tolerate invalid calls, and throws exceptions when they occur
Lenient mode: is a more tolerant mode that just logs warnings in case of invalid calls
- Lenient = 0¶
- Strict = 1¶
- abort(kwargs)¶
Make sure the context contains runinfo, then add an abort
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context contains runinfo >>> aerunner.abort(abortfile='/path/to/abort/file1', >>> condition='acondition1')
- abort_testsuite(kwargs)¶
Make sure the context is testsuite, then add an abort if it doesnt already exists
- Parameters
time – str Time/date of script abort
type – str Signal number received by signal handler
pid – str Process ID for the client child
>>> # Make sure current context contains runinfo >>> aerunner.abort_testsuite(time='aTime', >>> type='error')
- Returns
- Exception or None
If mode is strict and an issue is seen, an Exception will be raised. Else None in all other cases
- add_ats_packages(kwargs)¶
Make sure the context is Testsuite Add ats packages in tuple forms: (package,version)
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context contains testsuite >>> aerunner.add_ats_packages([('Csccon', '1.1'), ('aetest', '1.2')])
- add_checkpoint(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is TestSection. If yes, add a checkpoint
- Parameters
# Make sure current context is testsection >>> aerunner.add_checkpoint(name=’aTestcaseaCheckpoint’, result=’Pass’)
- add_testscript_aehandler(kwargs)¶
Adds an aehandler section in testscript.
- Parameters
name (str) – handler proc name
clienthost (str) – Name of the host machine the client is running on
pid (str) – Process ID of the client
condition (str) – Regexp condition for which the handler should be invoked such as fail, error, etc
type (str) – Default value = ‘testcase’. Possible values are: testcase (used for testcase/subtest) and section
>>> # Make sure current context is testscript >>> aerunner.add_testscript_aehandler('testscriptaehandler', 'acriteria', 'section')
- add_userdef(kwargs)¶
Make sure the context contains runinfo, then add an userdef
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context contains runinfo >>> aerunner.add_userdef(name='aUserDefName', >>> value='aSuperValue')
- disable_alignment(kwargs)¶
Disable alignment
>>> disable_alignment()
- disable_count_common_result_summary(kwargs)¶
Disable common summary countEnable traceback
>>> disable_count_common_result_summary
- disable_outofrange(kwargs)¶
Disable outofrange
>>> disable_outofrange()
- disable_rerun(kwargs)¶
Disable rerun
>>> disable_rerun()
- disable_sort(kwargs)¶
Disable sort
>>> disable_sort()
- disable_traceback(kwargs)¶
Disable traceback
>>> disable_traceback()
- disable_uniquesuites(kwargs)¶
Disable uniquesuites
>>> disable_uniquesuites()
- disable_uniquetid(kwargs)¶
Disable uniquetid
>>> disable_uniquetid()
- enable_alignment(kwargs)¶
Enable alignment
>>> enable_alignment()
- enable_outofrange(kwargs)¶
Enable outofrange
>>> enable_outofrange()
- enable_rerun(kwargs)¶
Enable rerun
>>> enable_rerun()
- enable_sort(kwargs)¶
Enable sort
>>> enable_sort()
- enable_traceback(kwargs)¶
Enable traceback
>>> enable_traceback()
- enable_uniquesuites(kwargs)¶
Enable uniquesuites
>>> enable_uniquesuites()
- enable_uniquetid(kwargs)¶
Enable uniquetid
>>> enable_uniquetid()
- generate_diagnostics_report(kwargs)¶
Generates diagnostics report for easypy. Makes sure that cur_ctx is Testsuite, if yes generates a report.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.generate_diagnostics_report()
- Returns
Dict of diags-report or None,
If there is data to create diagnostics report, it will return
a dictionary that has 2 key words (‘suite’, ‘jobexecution’.)
- Information related to suite level is under ‘suite’ key which – is also a dictionary.
- Information about the script and testcases is under – jobexecution list. Each element of this list represents a testscript.
{‘jobexecution’ ([{‘path’: PATH, ‘version’: VERSION, ‘testcases’: [{‘result’: ‘RESULT’, ‘tag’: ‘TAG’ ‘sections’: [{‘result’: ‘RESULT’, ‘pauses’: [], ‘diags’: [], ‘errors’: [], ‘name’: ‘NAME’, ‘comments’: []}], ‘swversion’: SWVERSION, ‘starttime’: ‘TIME’, ‘description’: ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘hwversion’: HWVERSION, ‘name’: ‘NAME’, ‘fwversion’: FWVERSION, ‘stoptime’: ‘TIME’}], ‘name’: ‘NAME’, ‘pargs’: ‘ARGS’, ‘logfile’: ‘LOGFILE’}], ‘suite’: {‘image’: ‘IMAGE’, ‘release’: ‘RELEASE’, ‘params’: ‘PARAMS’, ‘testbed’: ‘TESTBED’, ‘name’: ‘NAME’}})
If there is a problem or there isn’t enough information it will
return None
- generate_html_logs(kwargs)¶
- generate_resultsdetails(pid)¶
Returns xml string for ResultsDetails.xml report
- generate_resultsdetails_dom(pid)¶
Returns the dom for aereport
- generate_resultssummary()¶
Returns xml string for ResultsSummary report
- generate_script_report(kwargs)¶
- generate_tims_report(kwargs={})¶
generates tims results file. By default, it writes the files to directory given by the user
- Parameters
clienthost (str) – Name of the host machine the client is running on
pid (str) – Process ID of the client
tims (dict) – A dict that holds tims importer options. If this dict is present, then tims uploaded is attempted. If not, only the xml reports are generated. The keys of this dictionary are the arguments used for
method. They are: - filename (str): the prefix for the file name to be generated. (It will be appended with .results). If not provided, the default is ‘tims’, so generated file name is tims.results - dns (str): dns of the tims database (unique string) - Usually in form ‘tims/<id>’ e.g. ‘tims/Tvm1p’. If not provided, the default is taken from testsuite.tims.dnsname - tims_user (str): user submitting this job (optional). If not provided, the default is taken from testsuite.initinfo.submitter - config_id (str): TIMS global attribute config_id, maps to Configuration ID, Related Config or logical identifier. - ios_commands_file (str): path and file of ios commands (optional) - folder (str): folder name in the tims database (optional) - kwargs (str): other keyword arguments. All arguments in this dict will be converted to this format: -key <value> and fed as args to the importer - post if we should post the data or just create the file
>>> # Make sure all execution is over, >>> # and all contexts are closed/stopped >>> # If calling from aerunner >>> aerunner.generate_tims_report({tims={'filename': 'mytims', >>> 'dns': 'tims/Tvm1p', >>> 'user': 'abarghou'}}) >>> # If calling from aeclient >>> clt.generate_tims_report(tims={'filename': 'mytims', >>> 'dns': 'tims/Tvm1p', >>> 'user': 'abarghou'})
- generate_tims_results()¶
- generate_xml_reports(kwargs)¶
Gets the xml strings for ResultsDetails report and ResultsSummary report, and dumps them into xml files.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure all execution is over, >>> # and all contexts are closed/stopped >>> # If calling from aerunner >>> aerunner.generate_xml_reports({tims={'filename': 'mytims', >>> 'dns': 'tims/Tvm1p', >>> 'user': 'abarghou'}}) >>> # If calling from aeclient >>> clt.generate_xml_reports(tims={'filename': 'mytims', >>> 'dns': 'tims/Tvm1p', >>> 'user': 'abarghou'})
- Returns
- Return type
- generate_xunit(kwargs=None)¶
Generate xunit xml and report. NEW: generates for testscript, and container commonSetup/Cleanup only. Will generate only if self.xunit is set to True. All sorting is no longer required since they’re being displayed in order of execution.
Here is the format followed : Format :
- Parameters
None –
- Returns
- Return type
xml for xunit
- get_rerun_info(kwargs)¶
- get_results(kwargs)¶
Return a dictionary containing the results of all testcases and subtests in each testscript. A typical results dict looks like:
{Task-id1 : {'sample_abstract_testcase' : 'passed', 'sample_testcase_with_subtests.subtest_one' : 'passed', sample_testcase_with_subtests.subtest_two : 'failed', ........}, Task-id2 : { .......}, }
- Returns
results – A dict the contains results of testcases and subtests for each testscript
- Return type
- get_stack_size(kwargs)¶
- get_subtc_result(kwargs)¶
Call this api to get the result of a specific subtest identified by its id (subtcid). If found, return its result; else, raise an exception
- Parameters
subtcid (str) – The ID of the testcase whose result is requested.
- Returns
The result of the testcase
- Return type
- Raises
SubTestNotFound – Raised if the subtest with the given ID could not be found within the container testscript
- get_summary(kwargs)¶
Return dict of cur_ctx.summary
- get_summary_detail(kwargs)¶
Return dict of cur_ctx.summary
- get_summary_test(kwargs)¶
Return dict of test including important information
- get_tc_result(kwargs)¶
Call this api to get the result of a specific testcase identified by its id (tcid). If found, return its result; else, raise an exception
- Parameters
tcid (str) – The ID of the testcase whose result is requested.
- Returns
The result of the testcase
- Return type
- Raises
TestcaseNotFound – Raised if the testcase with the given ID could not be found within the container testscript
- get_testsuite_info(kwargs)¶
Call this api to query general information about the testsuite being executed.
- get_tims_resultrecord(test)¶
- property host¶
- log_file_contains(kwargs)¶
Verify if log file contains a certain message
- Returns
ret – Bool
- Return type
- pause(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is Runinfo, TestSection, TestScript,BaseTestResult. If yes, add pause
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context contains runinfo >>> aerunner.pause(pausefile='/path/to/pause/file2', >>> condition='acondition2')
- property pid¶
- property port¶
- print_client_tree(kwargs)¶
Print the client tree
- register_client(clienthost, pid, parenthost, parentpid)¶
This is the first API that should be called by a client. It adds the client to the _clients tree.
- Parameters
- Returns
clt – The created node (if created successfully)
- Return type
- Raises
UnknownParentClientError – Raised if the parent of this client is not found in the tree
- run_server()¶
Starts a simple XMLRPC server on the localhost and registers the methods in AERunner class. It uses the current assigned port, or gets a new port if not assigned.
- set_ancestor_initinfo(kwargs)¶
Sets various elements in initinfo section of ancestor contexts. Same as set_initinfo but only difference is, parent context is used instead of current context. If generations parameter is provided then instead of parent context, the ancestor context on the provided level will be used.
- Parameters
>>> aerunner.set_parent_initinfo(generations = 1, script='aScript', >>> pargs='pargs')
- set_ats(kwargs)¶
Make sure the context is Testsuite Sets ats information for the testsuite.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.set_ats(path= '/aPath/', >>> version= '5.3.0', >>> package={'name':'aPackage', >>> 'version':'1.0'})
- set_attribute(kwargs)¶
- This API is used to set various elements/attributes
that are not handled by set_initinfo, set_runinfo, and set_result of the current context
- Parameters
mailAttachments (list) – Only in TestSuite context
archivefile (str) – Only in TestSuite context
xref (dict) – Only in TestSection and CommonSubSection contexts
id (dict) – Only in CommonSubSection context
description (str) – Only in CommonSubSection context
clienthost (str) – Name of the host machine the client is running on
pid (str) – Process ID of the client
>>> aerunner.set_attribute(mailattachments=['/aMail/Attachment/','/More/Mail'], >>> archivefile='anArchiveFile')
- set_initinfo(kwargs)¶
Sets various elements in initinfo section
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context contains initinfo >>> aerunner.set_initinfo(script='aScript', >>> pargs='pargs')
- set_max(kwargs)¶
Set max value for jobs and errors
>>> aerunner.set_max(errors=5, jobs=4)
- Returns
- Return type
- set_mode(kwargs)¶
Set the strictness mode for AERunner. Strict : Will terminate as soon as an error happens Lenient : Will try its best to continue even if error
>>> aerunner = AERunner() >>> # Start testsuite from no context. >>> aerunner.set_mode(**{'mode': 'strict'})
- set_result(kwargs)¶
If the current context has a result element, set it
It also automatically sets the result into summary is needed for the context.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context contains result variable >>> aerunner.set_result(result={'mode':'override','value':'passed'})
- Returns
- Return type
- set_runinfo(kwargs)¶
Sets various elements in a runinfo section
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context contains runinfo >>> aerunner.set_runinfo(comment='This runinfo must be in testsuite', >>> pause={'pausefile':'/path/to/pause/file', >>> 'condition':'acondition'}, >>> diag='Testsuite comment', >>> )
- set_sectiontype(kwargs)¶
Let aereport knows that this testscript is of unittest type
- set_summary(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is TestSuite or TestScript. If yes, set the number of passed, failed, aborted, blocked, skipped, errored, and unknown testcases.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite or testscript >>> aerunner.set_summary(**summary_results)
- set_tims(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is TestSuite . If yes, set the tims information
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.set_tims(dnsname='aDnsName', >>> post={'status':'aStatus', >>> 'cmd':'aCmd'}, >>> bgPost=False, >>> attributes=[{'name':'aName', >>> 'value':'aSuperValue'}, >>> {'name':'secondName', >>> 'value':'superValue2'}], >>> )
- set_timsextra(kwargs)¶
Make sure that the current context is Testcase or Subtest. If yes, set tims custom attributes. It receives kwargs as free key/value pairs for these tims attributes which are converted to uppercase.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- Raises
>>> # Make sure current context is testcase or subtest >>> aerunner.set_timsextra(input_a='a', input_b='b')
- start_aehandler(kwargs)¶
Starts an aehandler section in basetestresult (testcase/subtest), or testsection.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is basetestresult >>> # or testsection >>> aerunner.start_aehandler('subtestaehandler', 'no condition')
- start_clean(kwargs)¶
Start clean. Only 1 clean is permitted by testsuite
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.start_clean()
- start_commoncleanup(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a testscript (TestScript). If yes, add a section to the list commoncleanup And push this section to the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testscript >>> aerunner.start_commoncleanup(logfilepath='/tmp/logfile.log', >>> xref={'file':'/init/info/file', >>> 'line':'30'})
- start_commonmodify(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a testscript (TestScript). If yes, add a section to the list commonverify And push this section to the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testscript >>> aerunner.start_commonModify(logfilepath='/tmp/logfile.log', >>> xref={'file':'/init/info/file', >>> 'line':'30'})
- start_commonsetup(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a testscript (TestScript). If yes, add a section to the list commonsetup And push this section to the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testscript >>> aerunner.start_commonsetup(logfilepath='/tmp/logfile.log', >>> xref={'file':'/init/info/file', >>> 'line':'30'})
- start_commonsubsection(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is TestSection. Also make sure that the current context tag is commonsetup, commonverify, or commoncleanup. If conditions met, add a commonsubsection to the list of commonsubsections in that TestSection, and push this commonsubsection to the context stack.
- Parameters
clienthost (str) – Name of the host machine the client is running on
pid (str) – Process ID of the client
logfilepath (str) – Optional - Path to the log file
variance (str) – Optional - Variance id is the same as TIMS config id. There cannot be a variance id at testcase level if it contains subtests. In such case the variance id will be part of subtest.
name (str) – Name of the commonsubsection
xref (dict) – Optional
id (dict) – Optional
>>> # Make sure current context is commonSetup, commonModify >>> # commonVerify or commonCleanup/ >>> clt.start_commonsubsection(name='comsubsec1')
- start_commonverify(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a testscript (TestScript). If yes, add a section to the list commonverify And push this section to the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testscript >>> aerunner.start_commonverify(logfilepath='/tmp/logfile.log', >>> xref={'file':'/init/info/file', >>> 'line':'30'})
- start_jobexecution(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is TestSuite. If yes, start a JobExecution context, and add it to the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Be inside testsuite context >>> aerunner.start_jobexecution()
- Returns
- Return type
- start_postrunhandler(kwargs)¶
Starts a postrunhandler section in testsuite
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.start_postrunhandler('firstpostrunhandler')
- start_posttestcasehandler(kwargs)¶
Starts a posttestcasehandler section in testresult(testcase)
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testresult >>> aerunner.start_posttestcasehandler('aposttestcasehandler')
- start_posttesthandler(kwargs)¶
Starts a posttesthandler section in testscript
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsection >>> aerunner.start_posttesthandler('aposttesthandler')
- start_prerunhandler(kwargs)¶
Starts a prerunhandler section in testsuite
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.start_prerunhandler('firstprerunhandler')
- start_pretestcasehandler(kwargs)¶
Starts a pretestcasehandler section in testresult(testcase)
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testresult >>> aerunner.start_pretestcasehandler('apretestcasehandler')
- start_pretesthandler(kwargs)¶
Starts a pretesthandler section in testscript
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testscript >>> aerunner.start_pretesthandler('apretesthandler')
- start_reporthandler(kwargs)¶
Starts a postrunhandler section in testsuite
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsection >>> aerunner.start_reporthandler('thereporthandler')
- start_server()¶
Start the xml rpc server. It verifies if a logsdir was given/exists Get a free port, then start a new process for the server itself. The new server process is expected to write a file giving the “ready” signal, so this method keeps polling for this file (20 attempts with 0.2 sec delay between each). Once the server is ready, it returns its info (pid, hostname, port). If the server could be started, it returns 0, 0, 0
- Parameters
>>> AERunner(logsdir='/bla/bla', logfilename='test').start_server()
- Returns
pid (str) – The process ID of the server process. If server could not be started, pid = ‘0’
port (str) – The server port. If server could not be started, port = ‘0’
hostname (str) – The hostname of the machine the server runs on. If server could not be started, hostname = ‘0’
- Raises
ServerNotStarted – Raised if the server could not be started.
- start_setuphandler(kwargs)¶
Starts a setuphandler section in testsuite
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.start_setuphandler('firstsetuphandler')
- start_subtest(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a testcase (TestResult). If yes, add a subtest to the list of subtests in that testcase, and push this subtest to the context stack.
- Parameters
clienthost (str) – Name of the host machine the client is running on
pid (str) – Process ID of the client
subtcid (str) – The id of the subtest to be created. This is set once and never overwritten
logfilepath (str) – Mandatory - Path to the log file for the testcase
variance (str) – Optional - Variance id is the same as TIMS config id. There cannot be a variance id at testcase level if it contains subtests. In such case the variance id will be part of subtest.
name (str) – Name of the testcase/subtest which is equivalent of the Title attribute in TIMS
xref (dict) –
id (dict) –
>>> # Be inside testcase >>> aerunner.start_subtest(subtcid='some_subtest_id', >>> logfilepath='/tmp/logfile.log', >>> variance='MyVariance', >>> id={'name':'aName', >>> 'md5':'123123'},
- start_testcase(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is TestScript. If yes, add a testcase (TestResult) to the list of testcases in that TestScript, and push this testcase to the context stack.
- Parameters
clienthost (str) – Name of the host machine the client is running on
pid (str) – Process ID of the client
tcid (str) – Mandatory - The id of the testcase to be created. This is set once and never overwritten
logfilepath (str) – Mandatory - Path to the log file for the testcase
variance (str) – Optional - Variance id is the same as TIMS config id. There cannot be a variance id at testcase level if it contains subtests. In such case the variance id will be part of subtest.
name (str) – Name of the testcase/subtest which is equivalent of the Title attribute in TIMS
xref (dict) –
id (dict) –
>>> # Be inside testscript context >>> aerunner.start_testcase (tcid='some_tc_id', >>> logfilepath='/tmp/logfile.log', >>> comment='starting our testcase')
- start_testresulthandler(kwargs)¶
Starts a testresulthandler section in basetestresult (testcase/subtest)
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is basetestresult >>> aerunner.start_testresulthandler('atestresulthandler')
- start_testscript(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is JobExecution. If yes, add a TestScript to the list of Job TestScripts, and add the newly created one to the context stack.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
>>> # Be inside jobexecution context >>> aerunner.start_testscript("/tmp/logfile.log",pid)
- start_testsection(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a testcase (TestResult), subtest (SubTestResult) or testscript (TestScript). If yes, add a section to the list of sections for testcase/subtest, and commonsetup/commonverify/commoncleanup in case of testscript. And push this subtest to the context stack.
- Parameters
clienthost (str) – Name of the host machine the client is running on
pid (str) – Process ID of the client
sectionid (str) – The id of the sectio to be created. This is set once and never overwritten
logfilepath (str) – Mandatory - Path to the log file for the testcase
name (str) – Name of the section
>>> # Be inside : testscript, testcase or subtest >>> aerunner.start_testsection(sectionid='aTestcaseSection', >>> logfilepath='/tmp/logfile.log', >>> xref={'file':'/init/info/file', >>> 'line':'30'})
- start_teststep(kwargs)¶
- start_testsuite(kwargs)¶
Make sure there is no current context (since TestSuite is the top level). If yes, start a TestSuite context, and add it to the context stack.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the testsuite executed
submitter (str) – Username of test submitter
user (str) – userid of the current process/person launching
pyats run job
archivefile (str) – Pointer to the archive log file (if one was requested) for the job run. It should be relative to root of ATS tree.
pid (str) – Process ID of client
clienthost (str) – Hostname of client
>>> aerunner = AERunner() >>> # Start testsuite from no context. >>> aerunner.start_testsuite(name='job1', >>> submitter='aUser', archivefile='somedir/somefile.log')
- stop_aehandler(kwargs)¶
Stops an aehandler section in a basetestresult (testcase/subtest) or a testsection. Make sure that the current context is an AEHandler. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is AEHandler >>> aerunner.start_aehandler()
- stop_clean(kwargs)¶
Stop clean for testsuite.
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.stop_clean()
- stop_client(clienthost, pid)¶
This method is used only in strict mode. It is called when an invalid request is received, and hence AERunner - being in strict mode - will stop the client that made that request, with all its descendants. It stops the client with the passed pid. It stops all its child processes as well. It grabs each child process, pops (and stops) each item in its stack, and then marks it as terminated in the Context Stack. It then does the same thing for the main client itself.
- stop_commoncleanup(kwargs)¶
Wrapper for stop_testsection
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsection >>> aerunner.stop_commoncleanup()
- stop_commonmodify(kwargs)¶
Wrapper for stop_testsection
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsection >>> aerunner.stop_commonmodify()
- stop_commonsetup(kwargs)¶
Wrapper for stop_testsection
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsection >>> aerunner.stop_commonsetup()
- stop_commonsubsection(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a commonsubsection. If yes, stop it, and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is commonSubsection >>> aerunner.stop_commonsubsection()
- stop_commonverify(kwargs)¶
Wrapper for stop_testsection
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsection >>> aerunner.stop_commonverify()
- stop_jobexecution(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is JobExecution. If yes, stop it, and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Be inside job execution context >>> aerunner.stop_jobexecution
- Returns
- Return type
- stop_open_contexts(kwargs)¶
In case of unexpected failures all of the child client contexts needs to be closed if there is any of them left open.
This function starts from the root level client, find its current context and brings all of child clients’ contexts to the same level by closing everything else.
- stop_postrunhandler(kwargs)¶
Stops a postrunhandler section in a testsuite. Make sure that the current context is an InfraHandlerSection with tag = ‘postrunHandler’. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.stop_postrunhandler()
- stop_posttestcasehandler(kwargs)¶
Stops a posttestcasehandler section in a testresult(testcase). Make sure that the current context is an InfraHandlerSection with tag = ‘posttestcaseHandler’. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is posttestcasehandler >>> aerunner.start_posttestcasehandler()
- stop_posttesthandler(kwargs)¶
Stops a posttesthandler section in a testscript. Make sure that the current context is an InfraHandlerSection with tag = ‘posttestHandler’. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is infrahandlersection >>> aerunner.stop_posttesthandler()
- stop_prerunhandler(kwargs)¶
Stops a prerunhandler section in a testsuite. Make sure that the current context is an InfraHandlerSection with tag = ‘prerunHandler’. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.stop_prerunhandler()
- stop_pretestcasehandler(kwargs)¶
Stops a pretestcasehandler section in a testresult(testcase). Make sure that the current context is an InfraHandlerSection with tag = ‘pretestcaseHandler’. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testresult >>> aerunner.stop_pretestcasehandler()
- stop_pretesthandler(kwargs)¶
Stops a pretesthandler section in a testscript. Make sure that the current context is an InfraHandlerSection with tag = ‘pretestHandler’. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is infrahandlersection >>> aerunner.stop_pretesthandler()
- stop_reporthandler(kwargs)¶
Stops a postrunhandler section in a testsuite. Make sure that the current context is an InfraHandlerSection with tag = ‘postrunHandler’. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context contains reporthandler >>> aerunner.stop_reporthandler()
- stop_setuphandler(kwargs)¶
Stops a setuphandler section in a testsuite. Make sure that the current context is an InfraHandlerSection with tag = ‘setupHandler’. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsuite >>> aerunner.stop_setuphandler()
- stop_subtest(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a subtest (SubTestResult). If yes, stop it, and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Be inside subtest context >>> aerunner.stop_subtest()
- stop_testcase(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a testcase (TestResult). If yes, stop it, and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Be inside testcase context >>> aerunner.stop_testcase()
- stop_testresulthandler(kwargs)¶
Stops a testresulthandler section in a basetestresult (testcase/subtest). Make sure that the current context is an InfraHandlerSection with tag = ‘testresultHandler’. Stop the section and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is infrahandlersection >>> aerunner.stop_testresulthandler()
- stop_testscript(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is TestScript. If yes, stop it, and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> aerunner.stop_testscript(kwargs['pid'])
- stop_testsection(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is a section (TestSection). If yes, stop it, and pop it from the context stack.
- Parameters
>>> # Make sure current context is testsection >>> aerunner.stop_testsection()
- stop_teststep(kwargs)¶
- stop_testsuite(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is TestSuite. If yes, stop it, and pop it from the context stack.
>>> # Be inside testsuite context >>> aerunner.stop_testsuite()
- terminate_server()¶
Try to send a request to the server to terminate itself. If this fails, just send a kill signal
- test_connection()¶
If this function can be called, the connection with the server is working.
- Returns
- unpause(kwargs)¶
Make sure the current context is Runinfo, TestSection, TestScript,BaseTestResult. If yes, add pause
- Parameters
# Make sure current context contains runinfoaerunner.unpause()
- class pyats.aereport.aerunner.ClientNode(host, pid, parent=None)¶
Each client process is maintained in a ClientNode (in a tree structure). Each clientnode maintains its own ID (host + pid), a pointer to its parent node, and a list of children. In addition, it contains the client context stack, and a status indicator (terminated).
- parent¶
Reference to the parent node
- Type
- add_child(child)¶
Add a child to the current node.
- Parameters
child (
) – The ClientNode to be added as a child of the caller- Returns
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised when the child is not of type ClientNode
- add_ctx(ctx)¶
Add a context to this client’s ctx_stack. The operation is only executed if the client is not terminated (virtually).
- Parameters
ctx (
) –
- cur_ctx()¶
Return the top item in the context stack. If the stack is empty, get the top item from the parent node, and so on. Keep bubbling up until reaching a context or None.
- Returns
- Return type
or None
- pop_ctx()¶
Remove the top item in the stack and return it. If the stack is empty, return None
- Returns
- Return type
or None
- set_parent(node)¶
Set the parent client node.
- Parameters
node (
) – The ClientNode to be used as the parent for the caller- Raises
TypeError – Raised when the child is not of type ClientNode
- terminate(_terminate_children=True)¶
This is a generator method. It calls itself recursively on each child (by default) of the current ClientNode (self) and processes it. Processing is done by emptying its context stack (pop all items) and yielding the client node and the popped context each time. Finally, it sets terminated flag to True. It repeats this (recursively) for every node (under the current one).
- Parameters
_terminate_children (bool) – Default = True. A flag to indicate whether child nodes need to be terminated or not
- Yields
clt (
) – The client node that contained the popped context in its stackctx (
) – The popped context (testsuite, testscript, etc)
- class pyats.aereport.aerunner.ClientsTree(verbose=False)¶
This is a tree structure to preserve all connecting clients and their parent/child relationships. Each client is a node (
) in the tree.- root¶
The root node in the tree
- Type
- add_client(host, pid, parenthost, parentpid)¶
Adds a ClientNode to the tree.
- Parameters
- Returns
clt – The created node (if created successfully)
- Return type
- Raises
UnknownParentClientError – Raised if the parent of this client is not found in the tree
- find_client(host, pid)¶
Finds and returns a node in the tree given its host and pid. It traverses the tree starting from the root element. If client is not found, returns None.
- get_client_ctx(host, pid)¶
Get the top item in the stack of the given client. Condition: The client should not be terminated.
- Parameters
- Returns
ctx – The current context of the given client which could be an
or None- Return type
or None- Raises
UnknownClientError – Raised if the client could not be found in the tree or is terminated
- get_num_ctxs()¶
Get the total number of contexts in the tree.
- Returns
num_ctxs – Total number of contexts in the tree
- Return type
- is_empty()¶
Tells whether the tree is empty or not.
- Returns
True if the tree is empty; False otherwise
- Return type
- pop_client_ctx(host, pid)¶
Pops one item from the stack of the client (host, pid). If the stack is empty, it returns None. If the client is not found (or is terminated), it raises an UnknownClientError exception
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
or None- Raises
UnknownClientError – Raised when the client is not registered with the server
- push_client_ctx(host, pid, ctx)¶
Adds an item/context to the top item in the stack of the given client. Condition: The client should not be terminated
- Parameters
- Raises
UnknownClientError – Raised if the client could not be found in the tree or is terminated
- terminate_client(host, pid)¶
Finds the client, then calls its terminate method (with recursive option). This means that the context stack of this client and all its children are going to be popped until empty
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
or None- Raises
UnknownClientError – Raised when the client is not registered with the server
- class pyats.aereport.aerunner.OrphanFreeSimpleXMLRPCServer(*args, **kwargs)¶
This is a customized SimpleXMLRPCServer class to check for parent process which self exits RPC server if parent process is terminated already.
- __last_orphan_check_time¶
The time of the previous orphan check
- Type
- __log¶
Logger object
- Type
Constructor. May be extended, do not override.
- service_actions()¶
Technically, you want the server to exit the same time when the parent’s process has terminated. If the parent process terminates unexpectedly, AEReport server becomes a lingering process and re-parented to the ini(1) process.
checks whether parent process has been re-parented to init every 10 seconds. when orphan process is detected, log it and sys.exit(0)
- class pyats.aereport.aerunner.RequestHandler(request, client_address, server)¶
This class is to keep track of the rpc_path
- rpc_paths = ('/RPC2',)¶
- pyats.aereport.aerunner.pad_number(number)¶
Pads number with N zeroes so that lexicographical sort works properly Accepts numbers, returns a string
– Clean¶
This module implement Clean section used by TestSuite.
- class pyats.aereport.clean.Clean(tag='clean')¶
Clean routine prior to job execution
Class based on the following schema definition <xs:complexType name="cleanType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="starttime" type="xs:dateTime"/> <xs:element name="initinfo">...</xs:element> <xs:element name="runinfo" type="runinfoType"/> <xs:element ref="result"/> <xs:element name="stoptime" type="xs:dateTime"/> <xs:element name="runtime">...</xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
- starttime¶
Start time of clean
- Type
- stoptime¶
Stop time of clean
- Type
- class pyats.aereport.clean.CleanInit(**kwargs)¶
Information for clean
Class based on the following schema definition <xs:element name="initinfo"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="script" type="scriptType"/> <xs:element name="pargs"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>
- tag¶
Default value = ‘initinfo’. This is to ensure that all elements contain a tag attribute.
- Type
– Client¶
This module implements AEclient. It contains the direct APi the client can use to connect and to communicate to the xml-rpc server.
- class pyats.aereport.client.AEClient(wrapped=None, port=None, servername=None, ppid=None, phost=None)¶
This is a wrapper for xmlrpc proxy. For python test code that needs to produce AEReport xmls, it should import and use AEClient as the tool for making RPCs to the server. AEClient embeds an xmlrpc proxy, maintains the client identifiers (hostname and pid), and provides them to server with every API invocation. Although python xmlrpc does not support keyword arguments, this class overrides the default __getattr__ and __call__ methods to support keywords arguments, and also to automatically add client identifier to every call.
- xmlrpc¶
The proxy for making remote procedure calls
- Type
- _hostname¶
The hostname of the machine where this client runs. This is automatically populated by the init method
- Type
- _ppid¶
The process ID of the parent of this process. It could, however, be a process on a different physical machine. That’s why this value should be explicitly provided. If not provided, AEClient assumes that it is on the same physical machine, and tries to get it automatically
- Type
- _phostname¶
The hostname of the machine where the parent of the client runs. It could be a different physical machine. That’s why this value should be explicitly provided. If not provided, AEClient assumes that it is on the same physical machine, and tries to get it automatically
- Type
>>> # Start the server process (if not already done) >>> svrpid, svrport, servername = AERunner.start_server(logsdir='/tmp/ttt/', >>> logfilename='logfile.log') >>> # Create an AEClient instance >>> clt = AEClient(port=svrport,servername=servername) >>> # Connect to the server >>> clt.connect() >>> # Make RPCs >>> clt.start_testsuite(**{'name':'job1', >>> 'submitter':'anUser'}) >>> clt.add_ats_packages(packages=[('Csccon', '1.1'), ('aetest', '1.2')]) >>> clt.stop_testsuite() >>> # Generate your xml reports >>> clt.generate_xml_reports(path='/tmp/') >>> # Terminate the server >>> AERunner.terminate_server()
- connect()¶
Attempt to connect to the server using information received from __init__. It keeps trying to connect 50 times with a 0.5 sec delay in between. If connection succeeds, it registers the client (and its parent) info with the server, and then instantiate the xmlrpc member of this class. If not, it raises a NoConnectionError exception.
>>> client.connect()
- Returns
If no issues with connecting
- Return type
- Raises
NoConnectionError – Raised if the method fails to connect to the server
- classmethod create_from_cli()¶
Parse AEClient attributes from cli (using argparse lib), and return an instance of AEClient. If if the parent client hostname and pid are not provided, it assumes them to be on the same machine as the client, and gets them automatically.
- disable_forked()¶
Disable forking behavior of this class instance. All forked child process will no longer be connected to server.
Multiple calls to this api does not generate exceptions.
- enable_forked()¶
Enable forking behavior of this class instance. All forked child process will automatically reconnect to the parent server
Multiple calls to this api does not generate exceptions.
- static forked(instance)¶
api to be called as soon as the process containing this instance object is forked. This api forces the instance to reconnect to the previous server and re-register the new pid so that it continues functioning
– A simulator of easypy client¶
This module implements a simulator of a client for AEReport. The simulated client is easypy.
– Handlers¶
This module implements the two types of handlers used in AEReport: aehandler and infrahandlersection.
- class pyats.aereport.handlers.AEHandler(tag=None)¶
Class based on the following schema definition
<xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>aetest testcase or section handlers</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="starttime"/> <xs:element name="name"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>handler proc name</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="condition"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Regexp condition for which the handler should be invoked such as fail, error, etc</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:element name="runinfo" type="runinfoType"/> </xs:element> <xs:element name="stoptime"/> <xs:element name="runtime"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>The time elapsed between the stoptime and the starttime</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
- starttime¶
Start time
- Type
- condition¶
Regexp condition for which the handler should be invoked such as fail, error, etc
- Type
- stoptime¶
Stop time
- Type
- runtime¶
Runtime , stop - start
- Type
- class pyats.aereport.handlers.InfraHandlerInitInfo(tag=None)¶
Class based on the following schema definition <xs:element name="initinfo"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="logfile" type="LogFileType">...</xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>
- class pyats.aereport.handlers.InfraHandlerSection(tag=None, name=None)¶
Class based on the following schema definition
<xs:complexType name="InfraHandlerSectionType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>...</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name">...</xs:element> <xs:element name="starttime" type="xs:dateTime"/> <xs:element name="initinfo">...</xs:element> <xs:element name="runinfo" type="runinfoType"/> <xs:element name="error" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="stoptime" type="xs:dateTime"/> <xs:element name="runtime">...</xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
- starttime¶
Start time
- Type
- stoptime¶
Stop time
- Type
- runtime¶
- Type
- initinfo¶
- Type
– Infra Elements¶
This module contains AEReport elements that are the leaves of the xml tree. These elements do not reference any others.
- class pyats.aereport.infra.Checkpoint(**kwargs)¶
Class based on this schema definition
<xs:complexType name="CheckpointType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>XML results for checkpoints in aetest sections</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="result" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
- class pyats.aereport.infra.ErrorType(**kwargs)¶
Class based on this schema definition
<xs:complexType name="ErrorType"> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="script" type="LogFileType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>tcl error occuring during execution</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="device" type="LogFileType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Errors found in device logs parsed using ERROR and IGNORE config variables</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="info" type="LogFileType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Error messages provided by user in the script via ats_results -error_info</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType>
- cause¶
Restricted string. Valid values are: script: tcl error occuring during execution device: Errors found in device logs parsed using ERROR and IGNORE config variables info: Error messages provided by user in the script via ats_results -error_info
- Type
- generate_dom(parent)¶
Override the default behavior of AEReportElement.generate_dom
- Parameters
parent (AEReportElement) – The xml element that should be used as a parent for this userdef
- class pyats.aereport.infra.Image(**kwargs)¶
Class based on this schema definition
<xs:element name="image"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name"/> <xs:element name="directory"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>
- class pyats.aereport.infra.LogFile(tag='logfile', **kwargs)¶
Class based on this schema definition
<xs:complexType name="LogFileType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Log file name, including the offset (chars) in the log file where the corresponding logs begin.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:string"> <xs:attribute name="begin" type="xs:int" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>This is the number of bytes offset within the log file where the associated logs begin. The tcl cmd [file size $logfile] will be used to get this value.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="size" type="xs:int" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>This is the number of bytes offset within the log file where the associated logs begin. This value is the difference between the begin and end points for section of file of interest. (For reading files by bytes, the starting byte and the number of bytes to read are typically provided).</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType>
- attrs¶
- Dictionary with the mandatory keys: beginThis is the number of bytes offset within the log
file where the associated logs begin. The tcl cmd [file size $logfile] will be used to get this value.
- sizeThis is the number of bytes offset within the log
file where the associated logs begin. This value is the difference between the begin and end points for section of file of interest. (For reading files by bytes, the starting byte and the number of bytes to read are typically provided).
- Type
Set filepath, begin and size
- Parameters
begin (str) – This is the number of bytes offset within the log file where the associated logs begin. The tcl cmd [file size $logfile] will be used to get this value.
size (This is the number of bytes offset within the log) – file where the associated logs begin. This value is the difference between the begin and end points for section of file of interest. (For reading files by bytes, the starting byte and the number of bytes to read are typically provided).
filepath (str) – Path to the log file
- Returns
- Return type
- generate_dom(parent)¶
Override the default behavior of AEReportElement.generate_dom
- Parameters
parent (AEReportElement) – The xml element that should be used as a parent for this userdef
- get_logging_mode()¶
Return the mode of logging used for this execution
- set_args(**kwargs)¶
Set log file attributes
- Parameters
begin (str) – This is the number of bytes offset within the log file where the associated logs begin. The tcl cmd [file size $logfile] will be used to get this value.
size (This is the number of bytes offset within the log) – file where the associated logs begin. This value is the difference between the begin and end points for section of file of interest. (For reading files by bytes, the starting byte and the number of bytes to read are typically provided).
filepath (str) – Path to the log file
- class pyats.aereport.infra.Pause(**kwargs)¶
Class based on this schema definition <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="starttime"/> <xs:element name="condition"/> <xs:element name="pausefile"/> <xs:element name="stoptime"/> <xs:element name="runtime"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
- starttime¶
- Type
- stoptime¶
- Type
- runtime¶
runtime, stoptime - startime
- Type
- _isstarted¶
- Type
0 if pause is not started, and 1 if it is
- class pyats.aereport.infra.XRef(tag='xref', **kwargs)¶
Class based on this schema definition
<xs:complexType name="xrefType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="file" /> <xs:element name="line" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
– AEReportElement Base Class¶
This module contains the base class for all schema elements.
- class pyats.aereport.template.SampleClass¶
AEReportElement is the base class for all schema elements. It implements a default functionality for generating xml. It also defines common attributes and default values.
Class based on the following schema definition <some xml>
>>> aer = AEReport() >>> ts1 = TestSuite()