pyats.aetest package¶
- Module:
- Description:
This module defines the base classes required to write testscripts. It’s name is a direct carry over from Tcl-ATS’s AEtest package.
In short, this module is designed to offer a similar look-and-feel of its Tcl counterpart, whilst leveraging and building based on the advanced object-oriented capabilities of the Python Language.
aetest can be broken down as follows:
Common Sections
For more detailed explanation and usages, refer to aetest documentation on pyATS home page:
- class pyats.aetest.base.Source(obj, objcls=None)¶
Source Class
This class is enables TestItems and TestContainer sorting (run) order mechanism. It does so by looking at each class’s source information (file & line number) and inheritance relationships.
This is needed to ensure the repeatability of test-script runs.
CommonSetup & setup section always runs first
CommonCleanup & cleanup section always runs last
note that Common sections are never sorted versus testcase sections, so the sorting doesn’t differentiate.
if one class inherits another, the parent class is smaller than the inherited class
otherwise, classes are sorted by their order of appearance (line number) within the script module.
>>> from MyTestScript import TestcaseA, TestcaseB >>> items = [TestcaseA, TestcaseB] >>> items.sort(key = Source)
built in __init__
stores the object-to-be-sorted internally and gathering some of its source information (used during sorting).
- Parameters
(TestItem) (obj) –
(type) (objcls) –
- class pyats.aetest.base.TestItem(uid, description=None, parent=None, parameters={}, result_rollup=True, **kwargs)¶
Test Item class
Base class for all other test classes. TestItem objects contains the bare minimum information for definining a testable. When a TestItem is created, the user needs to pass in a uid and a description for the test item, as well as testable content via kwargs.
TestItems may contain other TestItems
TestItem has a parent (or None, in the case of top-level parent)
TestItem class is usually not used directly by the user, but rather inherited by its subclasses.
- Parameters
(str) (description) –
(str) –
(obj) (parent) –
(dict) (parameters) –
(kwargs) (kwargs) – test item
- static aborted(reason=None, *, data=None, goto=None, from_exception=None)¶
Test Aborted
API to call when the current test item execution is aborted. Terminates current execution.
- Parameters
(str) (reason) –
(any) (data) –
(obj) (goto) –
(exception) (from_exception) –
- classmethod apply_data(data)¶
API that allows the updating of TestItem class’s attributes using a dictionary input. This is exclusively used with datafile feature.
Note - this api avoids re-writing properties and updates the internal __dunder__ attributes instead.
- Parameters
(dict) (data) –
- apply_parameters(func, parameters, pargs=())¶
apply parameters
Applies parameters (funcargs) specified in the TestItem and return a partial function ready for the executor/caller to execute. Supports the current argument types:
keyword arguments
keyword only arguments
variable keyword arguments
argument defaults
keyword only argument defaults
Does NOT support variable positional arguments.
Internal parameters are prioritized above user parameters.
- Parameters
(ParameterDict) (parameters) – to test func
- Returns
- Return type
partial function with all the funcargs filled
- static blocked(reason=None, *, data=None, goto=None, from_exception=None)¶
Test Blocked
API to call when the current test item execution is blocked. Terminates current execution.
- Parameters
(str) (reason) –
(any) (data) –
(obj) (goto) –
(exception) (from_exception) –
- property description¶
returns the test item description, shortcutting this description to be also the __doc__ attribute.
- Type
- static errored(reason=None, *, data=None, goto=None, from_exception=None)¶
Test Errored
API to call when the current test item execution errored out. Terminates current execution.
- Parameters
(str) (reason) –
(any) (data) –
(obj) (goto) –
(exception) (from_exception) –
- static failed(reason=None, *, data=None, goto=None, from_exception=None)¶
Test Failed
API to call when the current test item execution is failed. Terminates current execution.
- Parameters
(str) (reason) –
(any) (data) –
(obj) (goto) –
(exception) (from_exception) –
- property parameters¶
returns the dictionary of parameter name/values for this test item. a parameter is a name/value mapping that drives the test item to test and/or behave different.
>>> t = TestItem(uid = 'test', description = '', parameters = {}) >>> t.parameters {}
- Type
- static passed(reason=None, *, data=None, goto=None, from_exception=None)¶
Test Passed
API to call when the current test item execution is passed. Terminates current execution.
- Parameters
(str) (reason) –
(any) (data) –
(obj) (goto) –
(exception) (from_exception) –
- static passx(reason=None, *, data=None, goto=None, from_exception=None)¶
Test Passx
API to call when the current test item execution result is passed with exception. Terminates current execution.
- Parameters
(str) (reason) –
(any) (data) –
(obj) (goto) –
(exception) (from_exception) –
- static skipped(reason=None, *, data=None, goto=None, from_exception=None)¶
Test Skipped
API to call when the current test item execution should be skipped. Terminates current execution.
- Parameters
(str) (reason) –
(any) (data) –
(obj) (goto) –
(exception) (from_exception) –
- class pyats.aetest.base.TestableMeta(name, bases, attrs)¶
Testable Metaclass
Metaclass that creates the actual Testcase/Testscript classes. Used to hijack the TestContainer subclass creations in order to customize internal behaviors.
>>> class Testcase(TestContainer, metaclass = TestableMeta): ... pass >>> class UserTestcase(Testcase): ... uid = 'userid' >>> assert UserTestcase.__uid__ == UserTestcase.uid >>> assert type(UserTestcase) is property
Metaclass __init__
Metaclass api called after class is created. Used here to modify each class attribute/function and add source information.
- Parameters
(str) (name) –
(list) (bases) –
(dict) (attrs) –
- class pyats.aetest.commons.Common(uid=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Common Section
Base class for CommonSetup and CommonCleanup. Used to just consolidate common-code instead of copy/pasting.
Note that all common sections are TestContainers, and are worthless until they contain one or more subsections.
built in __init__
Initializes a TestContainer class by finding out the class id definition & passing it upstream to parent TestItem.__init__.
- Parameters
(str) (uid) –
args/kwargs (arguments passed to parent TestItem.__init__) –
- source = <pyats.aetest.base.Source object>¶
- class pyats.aetest.commons.CommonCleanup(uid=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
CommonCleanup class
CommonCleanup section removes (cleans) all configurations applied in the whole script, including those from CommonSetup, and all those lingering from the testcases. This section is unique within each test script, and is always run last.
CommonCleanup section is optional within each script.
>>> class ExampleCommonCleanup(aetest.CommonCleanup): ... @subsection ... def disconnect_all_devices(self): ... pass
built in __init__
Initializes a TestContainer class by finding out the class id definition & passing it upstream to parent TestItem.__init__.
- Parameters
(str) (uid) –
args/kwargs (arguments passed to parent TestItem.__init__) –
- source = <pyats.aetest.base.Source object>¶
- class pyats.aetest.commons.CommonSetup(uid=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
CommonSetup class
CommonSetup section contains the common configurations/inits required to run subsequent testcases within each test script. Each test script may only have a single CommonSetup class defined, and this CommonSetup class is then broken down into smaller subsection (methods with decorators). CommonSetup section runs first in all test scripts.
CommonSetup section is optional within each script.
>>> class ExampleCommonSetup(aetest.CommonSetup): ... @subsection ... def connect_devices(self): ... pass
built in __init__
Initializes a TestContainer class by finding out the class id definition & passing it upstream to parent TestItem.__init__.
- Parameters
(str) (uid) –
args/kwargs (arguments passed to parent TestItem.__init__) –
- source = <pyats.aetest.base.Source object>¶
- class pyats.aetest.discovery.BaseDiscovery(target)¶
Base Class for all discovery classes
- discover()¶
- order()¶
- class pyats.aetest.discovery.BaseTestDiscovery(target)¶
Base Class for test section discovery
- class pyats.aetest.discovery.CommonDiscovery(target)¶
Discovery Class for Common Sections, find subsections
- discover()¶
Common section discovery
The discovery process for all common sections is the same: look for subsections. A subsection is basically a class method decorated with @subsection decorator.
Also checks whether this common container contains the correct objects. Eg, if test sections are found, then errors are raised.
- Returns
- Return type
List of subsections TestFunctions.
- order(*subsections)¶
- class pyats.aetest.discovery.ScriptDiscovery(target)¶
Default discovery class for aetest test scripts, finds and orders the Testcases
- discover()¶
discovery of test script sections
This api looks within the module contained in this TestScript class, and returns a list of those sections (classes), in their order of execution.
Discovery is based on classs, eg, test script may contain CommonSetup, Testcases and CommonCleanups.
- Returns
1 value
- Return type
ordered test script sections
- order(setup=None, testcases=[], cleanup=None)¶
Puts testcases in order
- Parameters
setup (-) – common_setup section
testcases (-) – list of testcases
cleanup (-) – common_cleanup section
- Returns
Creates order for all 3 parameters provided above and returns a single list
- class pyats.aetest.discovery.TestcaseDiscovery(target)¶
Default discovery class for aetest test cases, finds and orders the tests
- discover()¶
Testcase discovery
Main api to be called when it is turn to discover what’s defined within a testcase. Basically discovers any methods decorated with @setup, @test and @cleanup (or, has __testcls__ attribute tagged).
- Returns
- Return type
List of test sections (TestFunctions)
- order(setup=None, tests=[], cleanup=None)¶
Puts test sections in order
- Parameters
setup (-) – common_setup section
tests (-) – list of testcases
cleanup (-) – common_cleanup section
- Returns
Creates order for all 3 parameters provided above and returns a single list
- pyats.aetest.discovery.retry_generator(section, target, last_run_yielded, retry_data)¶
Inner generator function to handle retry logic.
- Parameters
(callable) (section) –
(obj) (last_run_yielded) –
(obj) –
The last retry object if a retry is performed.
- pyats.aetest.discovery.run_section_with_retry_check(section, target, last_run_yielded)¶
To check check if the section should be retried based on specific conditions.
- Parameters
(callable) (section) –
(obj) (last_run_yielded) –
(obj) –
- Returns
- A tuple containing:
last_run_yielded (obj): The last run yielded object..
retry_count (int): The number of times the section was retried.
retry_bool (bool): A flag indicating if a retry was performed.
- Return type
- exception pyats.aetest.exceptions.DatafileError¶
Raised when there’s an issue loading the datafile
- exception pyats.aetest.exceptions.InvalidContextError¶
Errors for contexts in the wrong place e.g. Testcase in Common sections
- exception pyats.aetest.exceptions.MultiSectionError¶
Errors the max number of allowed sections is exceeded e.g. only 1 setup
- exception pyats.aetest.exceptions.SequenceError¶
Error when something in the sequence is not defined in the test container
- exception pyats.aetest.exceptions.StepDebugFileLoadError¶
Raised when an error occurs while loading Yaml config file
- class pyats.aetest.loop.DefaultLooper(uids=None, *, loopee=None, args=None, argvs=None, filler=None, **kwargs)¶
Default Loop Generation Class
The default loop generation iterator that generates testable
.provide new uids for each iteration
default uids to number generator
provide fixed argument/values input
provides kwargs argument/values input
auto-fills missing loop argument positions
last-minute generation of iteration (yield)
missing argument positions will be filled with filler, regardless of if it’s kwargs mismatching or argvs mismatching
if user provided UIDs, then it doesn’t matter how many argument values are provided, the iterations end when we run out of uids
if using default uid generation, the loop ends when we exhaust all arguments
>>> iterations = DefaultLooper(a = [1, 2, 3] >>> iterations = DefaultLooper(args = ['a'], argvs = ((1,), (2,), (3,)))
DefaultLooper __init__
Instanciates the loop iterable. In typical user scripts, this API is instantiated when the module (script) is loaded.
- Parameters
(iterable/callable) (argvs) – sequence of unique iteration UIDs. Defaults to a counter starting from 1 and auto-increment by 1 per iteration.
(obj) (filler) – uid default prefix when uids str not provided. if not provided, defaults to prefix “iteration”
(iterable/callable) – sequence) of arguments for each iteration
(iterable/callable) – sequence) of argument values for each iteration, each matching in position to args above.
(obj) – argument value positions. Default to None
(kwargs) (kwargs) – that is added to the list of argvs
# iteration with 2 arguments and 3 sets of iterations >>> DefaultLooper(args = (‘a’, ‘b’), argvs = ((1,2), (2,3)))
# iteration with 1 kwarg and 2 iterations >>> DefaultLooper(a = [1,2])
# iteration with custom uids iterating 3 times >>> DefaultLooper(uids = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’])
- static uid_generator(prefix, parameters)¶
Loop uid generator
Default loop uid generator, used when a loop iteration uid was not given implicitly. The generated uid format is:
<loopee name>[arg_a=value_a,arg_b=value_b,…]
where the loopee name is the function/class name.
- Parameters
(string) (prefix) –
(dict) (parameters) –
- Tc_one[a=3]
test[b=7] test[b=8] test[b=9]
- class pyats.aetest.loop.Iteration(uid, parameters)¶
Create new instance of Iteration(uid, parameters)
- parameters¶
Alias for field number 1
- uid¶
Alias for field number 0
- class pyats.aetest.loop.LoopDecorator(*args, generator=<class 'pyats.aetest.loop.DefaultLooper'>, **kwargs)¶
AEtest testable loop decorator
Defines & uses the AEtest loopable protocol that enables testable (section, Testcase etc) looping. This API is the decorator called within the user script that marks the testable to be looped during execution.
Note that this class is not used directly. Rather, users should be calling the @loop decorator instead (set below)
Loop Protocol:
testables with attr
(and is an iterable) is loopable__loop__
obj should returnIteration
objects when iterated, and contains:uid: the uid of the loop iteration
- kwargs: dict of key-value mapping that are called as funcargs for
the looping testable
>>> @aetest.loop(uids = [1, 2]) ... class Testcase(aetest.Testcase): ... pass >>> @aetest.loop(loop_value = ['a', 'b', 'c']) ... class Testcase(aetest.Testcase): ... pass
loop __init__
- Parameters
(obj) (generator) –
(obj) –
. using this argument enables users to supply a customIteration
generator(kwargs) (kwargs) –
- classmethod mark(obj, *args, **kwargs)¶
mark for loops
classmethod of LoopDecorator. Used within testscript sections to enable post-mortem looping, eg. to mark a testcase or a section that occurs after this current section for looping. This is different from typical @loop decorator looking, in the sense that it allows users to configure testcase/section looping dynamically.
>>> class CommonSetup(aetest.CommonSetup): ... @aetest.subsection ... def subsection(self): ... aetest.loop.mark(Testcase, uids = [1,2,3]) ... >>> class Testcase(aetest.Testcase): ... pass
- pyats.aetest.loop.get_iterations(obj)¶
returns an iterator/generator of test iterations currently defined for the given object.
- Parameters
(obj) (obj) –
- Returns
- Return type
iterator/generator of iterations
- pyats.aetest.loop.loop¶
alias of
- pyats.aetest.loop.loopable(obj)¶
determines whether a test object is loopable based on the aetest looping protocol.
- Parameters
(obj) (obj) –
- Returns
- Return type
True if object is loopable, False otherwise.
- class pyats.aetest.main.AEtest(commandline=False, parser=None, legacy_cli=True)¶
Built-in __init__
Initializes AEtest object with default values required for the parser.
- Parameters
(bool) (legacy_cli) –
(argparse.ArgumentParser) (parser) –
(bool) –
- configure_logging()¶
configure logging Configure logging level based on the values from CLI args parsing and values passed to the method.
- configure_parser(commandline, parser, legacy)¶
configure cli parser
configure and returns a parser that can parse sys.argv. This api takes care of two things:
parse sys.args passed from upstream (easypy), where any arguments not parsed by easypy or the job file is passed-through to aetest and the script, and
parse sys.argv when executing in command-line mode (outside of easypy environment)
- Parameters
(argparse.ArgumentParser) (parser) –
(bool) (legacy) –
- parse_args(argv=None)¶
Parse sys.argv Parse the arguments present in sys.argv After parsing the known arguments remove them from sys.argv and keep the rest. Pay attention to always keep the testable program
- Returns
- Return type
dictionary of argument name/value where value is not None
- run(testable, uid=None, reporter=None, uids=None, groups=None, pdb=False, step_debug=None, loglevel=0, random=False, random_seed=None, max_failures=None, pause_on=None, datafile=None, processors=None, **script_args)¶
run test engine
main API that runs a given testable. A testable can be a python AEtest script file, a script module (pre-loaded), or a pre-loaded module name.
- Parameters
(obj) (testable) – or a module name.
(TestableId) (uid) –
(BaseRootReporter) (reporter) – the BaseRootReporter class.
(callable) (groups) – if that section is to be run
(callable) – test if that section is to be run
(bool) (random) –
(dict) (processors) –
(level) (loglevel) –
(bool) – in random order.
(int) (max_failures) – testcases. Use this to repeat a previously randomized run.
(int) – aborting script run
(script_args) (script_args) – be passed to script level as script args.
(string) (datafile) – format that holds phrases, testcases, stopper type and timeout values
(string) – script/testcase section data & features
(dict) –
- pyats.aetest.main.main(testable='__main__', **kwargs)¶
Shortcut call to run AEtest Main Program
This is needed in order to stay compatible for test scripts to run as a standalone script without using the __main__ functionality.
It simply wraps AEtest class to run with module name ‘__main__’, and exit.
- Parameters
(dict) (kwargs) – to AEtest.runTests function.
>>> if __name__ == '__main__': ... aetest.main()
- class pyats.aetest.parameters.Parameter(function, **kwargs)¶
Parameter class
internal object, used to stored the parametrized callable objects (such as functions and classes) defined in the user test script module. This class stores the original call argument for each parameter, and as well allows future extensions to support parameter auto-scoping, etc.
built-in __init__
stores a proxy of the callable object (for later evaluations)
- Parameters
(callable) (func) – as a test input parameter
(dict) (kwargs) – callable
- class pyats.aetest.parameters.ParameterDict(*args, **kwargs)¶
Parameters Dictionary
Subclass of python UserDict, similar to dict(), enabling the infra to carry an internal dictionary that stores the current internal/special parameters such as a reference to the testscript/testcase/section object in the current scope.
built-in __init__
initializes the class. Also adds self.internal to the obj so that internal parameters can be tracked.
- copy()¶
built-in copy
same as the dict.copy() api, except also creates a copy of internal.
- update(*args, **kwargs)¶
built-in update
same as the dict.update() api. additionally also updates the internal dictionary with the given object, if it is also a ParameterDict
- class pyats.aetest.parameters.ParameterMap(*maps)¶
Parameters Map
Subclass of python3 collections.ChainMap, enabling the infrastructure to chain together parent/child ParameterDict into a ChainMap style relationship.
built-in __init__
initializes the ParmaeterMap class. Also adds self.internal to the obj so that internal parameters can be tracked.
Note that we do not typecast maps argument: always use this with ParameterDict argument.
- property local¶
the first parameter map item is always the local parameter
- new_child(m=None)¶
built-in new_child
same as the ChainMap.new_child() api, except also creates a new child of internal.
- update(*args, **kwargs)¶
built-in update
same as the dict.update() api. additionally also updates the internal dictionary with the given object, if it is also a ParameterMap
- pyats.aetest.parameters.discover_parameters(obj)¶
discover parameters
checks all attributes of a given object and return a dictionary of parameter list/parameter object based on whether its attributes were parametrized. This api is mostly intended to be called on the script module object to discover script-level parameters.
- Parameters
(object) (obj) –
- Returns
- Return type
dict() of name/parameter object
- pyats.aetest.parameters.parametrize(target=None, **kwargs)¶
Parametrize decorator
Decorator used within test script to mark a function/class to be useable as as parameter within test script section. A marked function will have its Parameter class stored under __parameter__ attribute, but otherwise unchanged.
- Parameters
(obj) (target) –
(kwargs) (kwargs) – the parameter object
- Returns
- Return type
target function, marked with __parameter__
>>> @parametrize >>> def simpleParam(): ... pass >>> @parametrize(a=1, b=2) >>> def argParam(a, b): ... return a+b
- pyats.aetest.parameters.parametrized(obj)¶
parametrization check
API to return whether a given object has been parametrized (eg, has the __parameter__ attribute).
- Parameters
(object) (obj) –
- Returns
- Return type
- class pyats.aetest.script.TestScript(module, uid=None, reporter=None)¶
TestScript class
Class that wraps a test script module. A test script in python is just a python module (type.ModuleType). This is not an extension of the module type. Rather, it’s a class wraps the module and provides additional functionality (such as test parametrization).
technically a TestScript class should inherit from TestContainer since it really is a container. However, there are practical differences between the two, such as a TestContainer being indirectly inherited by the user, and TestScript being totally transparent to the user, etc. Thus, this class inherit from the base TestItem instead.
built-in __init__
instantiates the TestScript class with a module (the test script module) and looks into the module to see if there are any parameters to be discovered.
- Parameters
(type.ModuleType) (module) –
(BaseRootReporter) (reporter) – reporter for TestScript
- apply_data(data)¶
Applies the content of a dictionary (data) recursively into the currently loaded module. The data needs to follow a specific structure (as outlined by datafile/schema).
This API patches all live classes (Common*/Testcase classes etc), and leverages TestItem.apply_data() api to work.
- Parameters
(dict) (data) –
- classmethod from_source(testable, uid=None, reporter=None)¶
classmethod from_source
API to load user supplied testable to a TestScript class allowing the testable TestScript to be run directly.
- Parameters
(obj) (testable) – of a loaded module, or an absolute module path
(str) (uid) –
(BaseRootReporter) (reporter) – reporter for TestScript
- Returns
- Return type
TestScript() class instantiated.
- load_datafile(datafile)¶
Loads the content of input datafile into dictionary, and apply to to the module & its objects.
Note: this could have been implemented using recursive object attribute updates. However, that approach would yield very non-user-friendly exceptions, hence putting it down straight as loop-in-loop.
>>> for k, v in content.items(): ... if k == 'parameters': ... # parameters must be updated instead of overwritte ... # __parameters__ is the internal attribute ... obj.__parameters__.update(content['parameters']) ... ... elif isinstance(v, Mapping): ... recur_testitem_update(getattr(obj, k), v) ... else: ... setattr(obj, k, v) ... ... return obj
- Parameters
(str) (datafile) –
- randomize(flag, seed=None)¶
enable/disable randomization of testcase run sequence. This internally instantiates a random.Random generator using the provided seed. If no seed was provided, a random seed between 0 and sys.maxsize is generated as the seed.
- Parameters
(bool) (flag) –
(int) (seed) –
- class pyats.aetest.sections.CleanupSection(function, uid=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
CleanupSection class
Testcase cleanup section. Wrapper class for @cleanup marked Testcase function/method. Normally not seen/used directly by the user.
built-in __init__
Initializes the TestFunction by storing the given function (obj method)
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(str) (uid) –
args/kwargs (arguments passed to parent TestItem.__init__) –
- class pyats.aetest.sections.SetupSection(function, uid=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
SetupSection class
Testcase setup section. Wrapper class for @setup marked Testcase function/method. Normally not seen/used directly by the user.
built-in __init__
Initializes the TestFunction by storing the given function (obj method)
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(str) (uid) –
args/kwargs (arguments passed to parent TestItem.__init__) –
- class pyats.aetest.sections.Subsection(function, uid=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Subsection class
Extends TestFunction class to support the @subsections decorator. This class wraps each subsection (Common section method/functions) into a class object, enabling the infrastructure to track results, parameters & etc.
this class is normally not used/seen by the user script.
built-in __init__
Initializes the TestFunction by storing the given function (obj method)
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(str) (uid) –
args/kwargs (arguments passed to parent TestItem.__init__) –
- class pyats.aetest.sections.TestSection(function, uid=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
TestSection class
Testcase test sections. Wrapper class for @test marked Testcase function/methods. Normally not seen directly by the user. This class serves no purpose other than to make TestSections a unique class.
built-in __init__
Initializes the TestFunction by storing the given function (obj method)
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(str) (uid) –
args/kwargs (arguments passed to parent TestItem.__init__) –
- class pyats.aetest.sections.TestcaseSection(function, uid=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
TestcaseSection class
Base class that represents each Testcase section (such setup/test/cleanup). Only used to aggregate common functionality/code.
this class is normally not used/seen by the user script.
built-in __init__
Initializes the TestFunction by storing the given function (obj method)
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(str) (uid) –
args/kwargs (arguments passed to parent TestItem.__init__) –
- pyats.aetest.sections.cleanup(function=None, class_=<class 'pyats.aetest.sections.CleanupSection'>)¶
cleanup decorator
Decorator used to mark a Testcase section class method as its cleanup. Each Testcase may only have a single cleanup section, which removes all the env changes (configurations) left behind by the testcase.
Note that cleanup section cannot be looped
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(class) (class) – allows users to supply a subclass of the default class, changing the default behavior. Default: SetupSection
- Returns
- Return type
original function, marked.
>>> class Testcase(aetest.Testcase): ... @aetest.cleanup ... def simple_cleanup(self): ... pass
- pyats.aetest.sections.setup(function=None, class_=<class 'pyats.aetest.sections.SetupSection'>)¶
setup decorator
Decorator used to mark a Testcase section class method as its setup. Each Testcase may only have a single setup section, which performs all the necessary configurations/checks required to run this Testcase. If a setup section is failed for a Testcase, the Testcase will not run. Note that setup section cannot be looped
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(class) (class) – allows users to supply a subclass of the default class, changing the default behavior. Default: SetupSection
- Returns
- Return type
original function, marked.
>>> class Testcase(aetest.Testcase): ... @aetest.setup ... def simple_setup(self): ... pass
- pyats.aetest.sections.subsection(function=None, class_=<class 'pyats.aetest.sections.Subsection'>)¶
subsection decorator
Decorator used to mark a Common section class method as a subsection. Each subsection is a smaller breakdown/action step of its parent common section, where the final result of the common section is a combined roll up of all of its subsections.
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(class) (class) – allows users to supply a subclass of the default class, changing the default behavior. Default: Subsection
- Returns
- Return type
original function, marked.
>>> class ExampleCommonSetup(aetest.CommonSetup): ... @aetest.subsection ... def simple_subsection(self): ... pass
- pyats.aetest.sections.subsection_loop(function=None, class_=<class 'pyats.aetest.sections.Subsection'>, **kwargs)¶
subsection loop decorator
Decorator used to mark a Common section class method as a subsection, and also loop that subsection using the given arguments. This is the exact same as subsection decorator, with the addtional support of also marking this subsection for looping in one shot. This is intended to make the user’s life easier and make the script look cleaner.
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(class) (class) – allows users to supply a subclass of the default class, changing the default behavior. Default: Subsection
(kwargs) (kwargs) –
- Returns
- Return type
original function, marked.
>>> class ExampleCommonSetup(aetest.CommonSetup): ... @aetest.subsection.loop(ids = ('id_one', 'id_two')) ... def looped_subsection(self): ... pass
- pyats.aetest.sections.test(function=None, class_=<class 'pyats.aetest.sections.TestSection'>)¶
test decorator
Decorator used to mark a Testcase’s test section. Each testcase may have one or more test sections. A test section performs, ideally, a single test of a single type, so that the combined result of a Testcase is the aggregate result of all its tests.
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(class) (class) – allows users to supply a subclass of the default class, changing the default behavior. Default: Subsection
- Returns
- Return type
original function, marked.
>>> class Testcase(aetest.Testcase): ... @aetest.test ... def simple_test(self): ... pass
- pyats.aetest.sections.test_loop(function=None, class_=<class 'pyats.aetest.sections.TestSection'>, **kwargs)¶
test loop decorator
Decorator used to mark a Testcase’s test section, and also loop that test section using the given arguments. This is the exact same as the test decorator, with the addtional support of also marking this test for looping in one shot. This is intended to make the user’s life easier and make the script look cleaner.
- Parameters
(function) (function) –
(class) (class) – allows users to supply a subclass of the default class, changing the default behavior. Default: Subsection
(kwargs) (kwargs) –
- Returns
- Return type
original function, marked.
>>> class Testcase(aetest.Testcase): ... @aetest.test.loop(ids = ('id_one', 'id_two')) ... def looped_test(self): ... pass
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestAbortedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Aborted¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestBlockedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Blocked¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestErroredSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Errored¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestFailedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Failed¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestInternalSignals¶
Internal Signals class
The intention of this class is to subclass from BaseException and create a new exception to be used internally for signaling purposes. These are not exceptions in the sense that something “errored”, but more used for the fact that raising exceptions causes the code to terminate and return, so that we can collect immediate results.
Note that this is subclassing BaseException for the purpose of not being caught when try…except Exception is written in the script.
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestPassedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Passed¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestPassxSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Passx¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestSkippedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Skipped¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestStepAbortedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Aborted¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestStepBlockedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Blocked¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestStepErroredSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Errored¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestStepFailedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Failed¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestStepPassedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Passed¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestStepPassxSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Passx¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.AEtestStepSkippedSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- result = Skipped¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.ResultSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
Subclassing AEtestInternalSignals, intended only to be used for signaling immediate results to the executer.
- post_mortem()¶
post mortem debug the result signal
uses pdb.post_mortem to debug the location where the current signal is raised. Does nothing if the current signal result is not Errored or Failed.
this is a customized code from pdb.post_mortem() and Pdb.interact(), basically skipping the current result signal frame and going back into the user script frame.
- property result¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.StepSignal(reason=None, goto=None, from_exception=None, data=None)¶
- exception pyats.aetest.signals.TerminateStepSignal¶
Used to signal step termination to executer engine. Do not use for other purposes.
- class pyats.aetest.testcase.Testcase(*args, **kwargs)¶
Testcase class
Testcases are the main container/collection of smaller tests. Each script must contain one or more testcases which carries out the heavy-lifting w.r.t actually performing the testing. Each testcase is further broken down into a single setup section, a cleanup section, and multiple tests. This class is intended to be subclassed (inherited) within the user test script for each individual testcase.
>>> class MyTestcase(aetest.Testcase): ... @aetest.setup ... def setup(self): ... pass ... ... @aetest.test ... def test(self): ... pass ... ... @aetest.cleanup ... def cleanup(self): ... pass
built in __init__
Initializes a TestContainer class by finding out the class id definition & passing it upstream to parent TestItem.__init__.
- Parameters
(str) (uid) –
args/kwargs (arguments passed to parent TestItem.__init__) –
- source = <pyats.aetest.base.Source object>¶