pyats.easypy package¶
- pyats.easypy.Task(*args, **kwargs)¶
- pyats.easypy.main()¶
command line entry point
command-line entry point. Uses the default runtime and checks for whether a jobfile is parsed from command line, if not, exist with parser error.
strictly used for setuptools.load_entry_point/console_script.
-*args, max_runtime=None, **kwargs)¶
run api
Shortcut function to start a Task(), wait for it to finish, and return the result to the caller. This api avoids the overhead of having to deal with the task objects, and provides a black-box method of creating tasks sequentially.
- Parameters
(int) (max_runtime) – finish, before terminating it forcifully and raising errors. If not provided, waits forever.
(tuple) (args) –
(dict) (kwargs) –
- Returns
- Return type
the task’s result code
- class pyats.easypy.base.Component(runtime)¶
- classmethod configure_parser(parser, legacy_cli=True)¶
configures the main runtime parser with this component’s own parser group.
to be implemented by the component owner/developer.
should be adding argument groups and args to the provided parser
- property runtime¶
- class pyats.easypy.commands.RunEasypy(prog)¶
Run Easypy Job file
- description = '\nRuns a pyATS job file with the provided arguments, generating & report result.\n'¶
- help = 'runs the provided pyATS job file'¶
- main(argv)¶
internal entrypoint for commands
- name = 'job'¶
- usage = '{prog} [file] [options]\n\nExample\n-------\n {prog} /path/to/\n {prog} /path/to/ --testbed-file /path/to/testbed.yaml\n'¶
- class¶
AbstractEmailReport class
Base class for all report emails to inherit from and follow.
- create_email(from_addrs, to_addrs, mailhtml, default_domain=None)¶
- Parameters
(bool) (mailhtml) –
returns EmailMessage class instance with subject and body filled. This class can be overwritten to allow for MIME rich contents
- abstract format_content()¶
abstract method, returns the content of email report in str
- abstract format_subject()¶
abstract method, returns the subject of email report in str
- save(filename)¶
saves the report content to file. can be overwritten to do more.
- class, subject='pyATS Report - job: {} by: {runtime.env.user}, !!! an exception occurred !!!', contents=None, attachment=None)¶
ExceptionEmailReport class
Used by MailBot to convert exceptions and tracebacks into an informative email message. This class is only used when the test-infrastructure crashes.
- format_content()¶
abstract method, returns the content of email report in str
- format_subject()¶
abstract method, returns the subject of email report in str
- get_attachment()¶
- class*args, **kwargs)¶
Mail Bot Class
Allows auto-generation of report emails when Easypy is finished running, pulling the reports from runtime.mail_report. This class is a context manager: when codes are executed within it, any exceptions caught by __exit__ will be added to the email report and sent out.
mailbot constructor
- Parameters
(list/str) (from_addrs) – in the generated email’s “From:” field.
to_addrs(list/str) (list or string-list of addresses to be used) – in the generated email’s “To:” field.
(str) (subject) –
(bool) (mailhtml) –
(bool) –
- classmethod configure_parser(parser, legacy_cli=True)¶
- property mailto¶
mailto property getter
Returns the to_addrs Mailbot object.
- class, subject='pyATS Report - job: {} by: {runtime.env.user}, total: {runtime.job.results[total]} (P:{runtime.job.results[passed]}, PX:{runtime.job.results[passx]}, F:{runtime.job.results[failed]} ...)', contents=None, attachment=None)¶
TextEmailReport class
Used as the standard email report generator. The reporting content is based off basic string-formating using templates and “runtime” as the input.
contains a “contents” OrderableDict, allowing users to add, remove and re-order report content. Each key in this dict formats into a section’s banner title, and each value is sent through the formatter to generate section body.
- format_content()¶
abstract method, returns the content of email report in str
- format_subject()¶
abstract method, returns the subject of email report in str
- get_attachment()¶
- class pyats.easypy.job.Job(*args, **kwargs)¶
Job class
Representing a currently running jobfile within easypy. Each easypy run is only associated with a single Job class instance, and is accessible as
.Job objects performs the actual job environment setup, run, finalization and cleanup. Refer to corresponding method for details.
Job constructor
Instantiates a job object and sets all sorts of internal states.
- Parameters
(str) (jobfile) –
(EasypyRuntime) (runtime) –
- classmethod configure_parser(parser, legacy_cli=True)¶
- details()¶
- static generate_uid(jobfile)¶
- property report¶
- run()¶
Job run
Runs the provided jobfile. Steps:
runs all pre-job plugins
run main() function entry of provided jobfile
cleanup any dangling tasks
add any child task messages to report email
run post-job plugins
- update_job()¶
- class pyats.easypy.main.EasypyRuntime(parser=None, legacy_cli=True)¶
Built-in __init__
Initializes Easypy object with default values required for the parser.
- CLI_DESCRIPTION = 'Easypy command line arguments.\nNon-recognized args will pass-through to the user job file.\n\nExample\n-------\n %(prog)s /path/to/\n %(prog)s /path/to/ -testbed_file /path/to/testbed.yaml\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'¶
- class ReturnCodes(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Standard return codes for Easypy Runtime
- NOT_100_PERCENT = 1¶
- OK = 0¶
- cleanup()¶
Cleanup runtime environment
Stage to cleanup the whole runtime environment. Best-attempt: should not be raising exceptions. Since this stage is performed after archive is created, all messages are logged to screen only.
kill all children processes (if any)
detach all logging handlers (for graceful exit)
delete the runinfo.runinfo_dir
- configure_logging()¶
- configure_parser()¶
configure main program parser
- details()¶
Return the current TestSuite information from the Reporter.
- property directory¶
shortcut redirect to job.runinfo for backwards compatbility
- Type
- generate_email_reports()¶
- main(argv=None, configuration=None)¶
Business logic, runs everything.
- Parameters
argv (command line arguments to parse, default to sys.argv) –
configuration (additional configuration pertaining to this run) –
- parse_args(*args, **kwargs)¶
parse and return cli arguments
- print_help()¶
- property results_summary¶
- pyats.easypy.main.build_report_tree(section, parent_node, level=0)¶
Builds a tree for displaying items mimicking linux tree command.
- pyats.easypy.main.main()¶
command line entry point
command-line entry point. Uses the default runtime and checks for whether a jobfile is parsed from command line, if not, exist with parser error.
strictly used for setuptools.load_entry_point/console_script.
- class pyats.easypy.tasks.Task(testscript, taskid=None, test_harness='pyats.aetest', runtime=None, **kwargs)¶
Task class
Task class represents the actual task/testscript being executed through a child process. All tasks within easypy are encapsulated in its own forked process from easypy main program.
Comes with all the necessary apis to allow users to control task runs from a jobfile, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous execution of tasks.
task constructor
instantiates a new task object. This does not fork/start the new process yet. Task results are piped back to the calling process using TaskPipe instance.
- Parameters
(path/file) (testscript) – the test-harness in the task child process
(str) (test_harness) –
(str) – testscript. Default to
. (very advanced developers only)(TaskManager) (manager) –
(dict) (kwargs) – harness.
- property error¶
returns the task error from shared namespace.
- Type
property getter
- error_handler(e)¶
- property kwargs¶
- Returns
- Return type
returns the keyword argument kwargs provided to class constructor
- Type
- property result¶
returns the task result from shared namespace. Default to Passed
- Type
property getter
- run()¶
run task
main entry point of all task processes. This api is run in the context of the forked child process. The following is performed here:
configure environment/process for test harness execution
attempt to run the test-harness with the provided arguments, catch any errors that may occur and report to parent using task messaging system
wrap up.
- start()¶
start method
starts this task. Nuff said.
- property taskid¶
- Returns
returns the unique task identifer. this is the same as the process
- Type
- terminate()¶
Terminate process; sends SIGTERM signal or uses TerminateProcess()
- property uid¶
- Returns
- Return type
returns the unique task identifer in a TestableId format.
- Type
- wait(max_runtime=None)¶
wait method
Waits for this task to finish executing. If max_runtime is provided and exceeded, the task child process will be terminated (SIGTERM), and a TimeoutException will be raised to the caller.
- Parameters
(int) (max_runtime) – finish, before terminating it forcifully and raising errors. If not provided, waits forever.
- class pyats.easypy.tasks.TaskManager(*args, **kwargs)¶
TaskManager class
Each jobfile contains a single TaskManager, and all jobfile tasks are automatically registered to it. This allows global-management of all current running tasks & etc.
sets internal variables
- Task(*args, **kwargs)¶
- property active¶
returns the list of currently active and running task objects.
- Type
- property error_str¶
A string specifically for displaying the number of non-run tasks in the email report.
- Type
- property errors¶
Returns an ordered dictionary of task names & their corresponding errors
- register(task)¶
- property result¶
returns roll-up of all task result codes
- run(*args, max_runtime=None, **kwargs)¶
run api
Shortcut function to start a Task(), wait for it to finish, and return the result to the caller. This api avoids the overhead of having to deal with the task objects, and provides a black-box method of creating tasks sequentially.
- Parameters
(int) (max_runtime) – finish, before terminating it forcifully and raising errors. If not provided, waits forever.
(tuple) (args) –
(dict) (kwargs) –
- Returns
- Return type
the task’s result code
- terminate()¶
terminate all tasks
This api terminates all currently active tasks. If a task is parent to other children processes, its these child processes are sent the SIGTERM signal before the parent task is terminated.
-*args, max_runtime=None, **kwargs)¶
run api
Shortcut function to start a Task(), wait for it to finish, and return the result to the caller. This api avoids the overhead of having to deal with the task objects, and provides a black-box method of creating tasks sequentially.
- Parameters
(int) (max_runtime) – finish, before terminating it forcifully and raising errors. If not provided, waits forever.
(tuple) (args) –
(dict) (kwargs) –
- Returns
- Return type
the task’s result code
Module provides utility functions for easypy package.
- pyats.easypy.utils.download_file_contents(url: str, filename: str, auth_token: str = None) int ¶
Downloads contents from a url into a specified file
- pyats.easypy.utils.filter_exception(exc_type, exc_value, tb)¶
Filters an exception’s traceback stack and removes Easypy stack frames from it to make it more apparent that the error came from a script. Should be only used on user-script errors, and must not be used when an error is caught from pyats.easypy infra itself.
Any frame with __easypy_infra__ flag set is considered easypy infra stack.
- Returns
properly formatted exception message with stack trace, with easypy
stacks removed
- pyats.easypy.utils.get_backend_group_name()¶
Get the group name used by backend. Checks for <BACKENDNAME>_GROUP_NAME environment variable :returns: (str) group_name
- pyats.easypy.utils.get_backend_job_name()¶
Get the job name used by the backend system. Checks for <BACKENDNAME>_JOB_NAME environment variable :returns: (str) job_name
- pyats.easypy.utils.get_backend_name()¶
Get the backend name by checking for known environment variables. :returns: (str) backed_name or None
- pyats.easypy.utils.get_manifest_profile()¶
Get the manifest profile name by checking for known environment variables. :returns: (str) manifest profile or None
- pyats.easypy.utils.get_request_id()¶
get the request ID and backend from environment variable. Tries to get the request ID and backend values from environment variable with ‘XPRESSO_REQUEST_ID’ or ‘EARMS_REQUEST_ID. :returns: (str, str) (request_id, backend)
- pyats.easypy.utils.get_suite_id(jobfile, runtime)¶
get the unique suite ID from EARMS or XPRESSO environment variables or try to identify git info for jobfile. :returns: suite_id (str)
- pyats.easypy.utils.makedirs(*paths, mode=None, exist_ok=False)¶
make dirs
needed because makedirs mode=x is combined with the user/process’s UMASK, requiring explicit call to os.chmod, so this api supports both creating the dirs and setting the mode in one shot.
Only creates the dirs if it doesn’t exist already. Double wammy.
- Parameters
(list) (paths) –
(oct) (mode) –
(bool) (exist_ok) –
- pyats.easypy.utils.tozip(runinfo, archive)¶
Add all files in the folder to archive file.
- pyats.easypy.utils.validate_suite_name(suite_name)¶
Check the suite name for conformance of site/repo:path syntax.
- Returns
(str or None) returns suite name if valid, otherwise None