pyats logs

Execution command for viewing logs of previous or current runs with pyATS.

  pyats logs <subcommand> [options]

    list                list all log archives
    view                open and view log archives in browser

General Options:
  -h, --help            Show help
  -v, --verbose         Give more output, additive up to 3 times.
  -q, --quiet           Give less output, additive up to 3 times, corresponding to WARNING, ERROR,
                        and CRITICAL logging levels

pyats logs view

This subcommand will host a local webpage with a graphical view of the pass/fail summary,results table, logs, and excuted commands of a job run. It not only supports previous finished runs, but also gives a live dashboard for current runs.

  pyats logs view [archive] [options]

  Opens pyATS generated archive zip files and host them through HTTP server.

      - List all archives stored in standard known archive locations in reverse
        order on webpage.
      - Click to view detail results of an archive.
      - set environment variable $BROWSER to your browser executable to force using
        your provided browser
      - if liveview is enabled, opens the lastest running job.

      # opens the archive list page
      $ pyats logs view

      # open the last archive file
      $ pyats logs view --latest

      # open a specific archive file
      $ pyats logs view /path/to/

View Options:
  [archive/runinfo_dir] Archive zip file or runinfo directory to open and view.
  --latest              If provided, open last archive file, else, open result list page.
  --host [host]         Host interface to bind to. Default to: localhost
  --port [port]         Interface port to bind to. Default to: 0
  --hostname [hostname] Displayed hostname for logviewer/liveview.
  --reuse-port          Flag when set, reuses a TCP port in TIME_WAIT state
  --no-browser          Flag to turn off the default behavior of opening a new browser window.
  --liveview            Flag to enable liveview. Default to: False

General Options:
  -h, --help            Show help
  -v, --verbose         Give more output, additive up to 3 times.
  -q, --quiet           Give less output, additive up to 3 times, corresponding to WARNING, ERROR,
                        and CRITICAL logging levels

By default pyats logs view will display a list of result archives it can find in following 3 places:

  1. <python_env>/users/<username>/<runinfo|archive>

  2. ~/.pyats/<runinfo|archive>

  3. archive and runinfo location set in pyats.conf, for example:

runinfo.archive = /home/myuser/pyATS/archive = /home/myuser/pyATS/runinfo

A specific archive can be chosen by also passing the location of that archive.

If –liveview is appended, pyats logs view --liveview will open results from the latest runinfo directory it can find. A runinfo directory can also be passed to specify the run to view.

The logs will be served from localhost on a random port. If you want to make it accessible by everyone (eg, remote users over network), pass in --host to serve on all interfaces.

When started, the logs webpage will be opened automatically in your default system browser. You can customize the browser to use by setting environment variable BROWSER to the path of your favorite browser executable, or by setting the corresponding pyATS configuration.

The following is an example of what the webpage looks like:


Each tab shows the detailed results of each section of each testscript, as well as all commands executed and specific sections of logs.