pyats run

Execution command, offering subcommands that runs jobs and scripts defined in pyATS.

  pyats run <subcommand> [options]

   job                 runs the provided pyATS job file
   robot               runs the provided RobotFramework script

General Options:
  -h, --help            Show help
  -v, --verbose         Give more output, additive up to 3 times.
  -q, --quiet           Give less output, additive up to 3 times, corresponding to WARNING, ERROR,
                        and CRITICAL logging levels

pyats run job

This subcommand launches an Easypy Job for execution, creating a standard Easypy runtime environment, running each tasks defined in the job file, returing the overall results, and emailing you the report.


pyats run job replaces the legacy easypy cli command with new POSIX style arguments.

  pyats run job [file] [options]

  pyats run job /path/to/
  pyats run job /path/to/ --testbed-file /path/to/testbed.yaml

  Runs a pyATS job file with the provided arguments, generating & report result.

  -C, --configuration FILE
                        easypy configuration yaml file for plugins

Job Information:
  JOBFILE               target jobfile to be launched
  --job-uid             Unique ID identifiying this job run
                        pyats configuration override file

  --no-mail             disable report email notifications
  --mail-to             list of report email recipients
  --mail-subject        report email subject header
  --mail-html           enable html format report email

  --submitter           Specify the current submitter user id
  --image               Specify the image under test
  --release             Specify the release being tested
  --branch              Specify the branch being tested
  --meta                Specify some meta information as a dict (supports base64 encoded strings)
  --no-xml-report       Disable generation of the XML Report

  --no-archive          disable archive creation
  --no-archive-subdir   disable archive subdirectory creation
  --runinfo-dir         specify alternate runinfo directory
  --archive-dir         specify alternate archive directory
  --archive-name        specify alternate archive file name

  --liveview            Starts a liveview server in a separate process
  --liveview-host HOST  Specify host for liveview server. Default is localhost
  --liveview-port PORT  Specify port for liveview server.
  --liveview-hostname HOSTNAME
                        Displayed hostname for liveview.
  --liveview-displayed-url LIVEVIEW_DISPLAYED_URL
                        Displayed url for liveview, for example, http://<liveview_hostname>:<port>
  --liveview-keepalive  Keep log viewer server alive after the run finishes.
  --liveview-callback-url LIVEVIEW_CALLBACK_URL
                        Specify xpresso callback url for jenkins run.
  --liveview-callback-token LIVEVIEW_CALLBACK_TOKEN
                        Specify xpresso token for jenkins run.

  -t, --testbed-file    Specify testbed file location

  --clean-file FILE [FILE ...]
                        Specify clean file location(s). Multiple clean files can be specified by
                        separating them with spaces.
  --clean-devices [ [ ...]]
                        Specify list of devices to clean, separated by spaces. To clean groups of
                        devices sequentially, specify as "[[dev1, dev2], dev3]".
  --clean-scope {job,task}
                        Specify whether clean runs before job or per task
  --invoke-clean        Clean is only invoked if this parameter is specified.
  --clean-device-image        space separated images per device with format device:/path/to/image.bin
  --clean-os-image            space separated images per OS with format os:/path/to/image.bin
  --clean-group-image         space separated images per group with format group:/path/to/image.bin
  --clean-platform-image      space separated images per platform with format platform:/path/to/image.bin

                        Specify logical testbed file location

  --rerun-file FILE     rerun.results file that contains the information of tasks and testcases
  --rerun-task  [ ...]  TASKID TESTSCRIPT [TESTCASES...] Details to identify a specific Task to
                        rerun. Can be used multiple times for multiple tasks.
  --rerun-condition  [ ...]
                        Results type list for the condition of rerun plugin.

  --xunit [DIR]         Generate xunit report in the provided location. If used as a flag, generates
                        xunit reports runtime directory

HTML Logging:
  --html-logs [DIR]     Directory to generate HTML logs in addition to any existing log files. Note
                        - will increase archive size due to log duplication.

General Options:
  -h, --help            Show help information
  -v, --verbose         Give more output, additive up to 3 times.
  -q, --quiet           Give less output, additive up to 3 times, corresponding to WARNING, ERROR,
                        and CRITICAL logging levels


the arguments show in the pyats run job command may vary, depending on your current plugin configuration.

For examples and the the list of all options standard to this command, see Easypy Usages.

pyats run robot

Shortcut to running Robot scripts within Easypy environment

Runs a provided RobotFramework script directly within a pyATS standard Easypy runtime environment, operating as-if an Easypy Job was provided.

This is identical to pyats run job in its behaviour - other than requiring a Robot script instead of a job file to run. See Easypy Integration for details.

  pyats run robot [file] [options]

  pyats run robot /path/to/my_robot_script.robot
  pyats run robot /path/to/my_robot_script.robot --testbed-file /path/to/testbed.yaml

  Runs a RobotFramework script with the provided arguments, generating & report

  -C, --configuration FILE
                        easypy configuration yaml file for plugins

Robot Script Info:
  FILE                  target RobotFramework script to be run
  --job-uid             Unique ID identifiying this job run

  --no-mail             disable report email notifications
  --mail-to             list of report email recipients
  --mail-subject        report email subject header
  --mail-html           enable html format report email

  --submitter           Specify the current submitter user id
  --image               Specify the image under test
  --release             Specify the release being tested
  --branch              Specify the branch being tested
  --meta                Specify some meta information as a dict (supports base64 encoded strings)
  --no-xml-report       Disable generation of the XML Report

  --no-archive          disable archive creation
  --no-archive-subdir   disable archive subdirectory creation
  --runinfo-dir         specify alternate runinfo directory
  --archive-dir         specify alternate archive directory
  --archive-name        specify alternate archive file name

  --liveview            Starts a liveview server in a separate process
  --liveview-host HOST  Specify host for liveview server. Default is localhost
  --liveview-port PORT  Specify port for liveview server.
  --liveview-hostname HOSTNAME
                        Displayed hostname for liveview.
  --liveview-displayed-url LIVEVIEW_DISPLAYED_URL
                        Displayed url for liveview, for example, http://<liveview_hostname>:<port>
  --liveview-keepalive  Keep log viewer server alive after the run finishes.
  --liveview-callback-url LIVEVIEW_CALLBACK_URL
                        Specify xpresso callback url for jenkins run.
  --liveview-callback-token LIVEVIEW_CALLBACK_TOKEN
                        Specify xpresso token for jenkins run.

  -t, --testbed-file    Specify testbed file location

  --clean-file FILE [FILE ...]
                        Specify clean file location(s). Multiple clean files can be specified by
                        separating them with spaces.
  --clean-devices [ [ ...]]
                        Specify list of devices to clean, separated by spaces. To clean groups of
                        devices sequentially, specify as "[[dev1, dev2], dev3]".
  --clean-scope {job,task}
                        Specify whether clean runs before job or per task
  --invoke-clean        Clean is only invoked if this parameter is specified.
  --clean-device-image        space separated images per device with format device:/path/to/image.bin
  --clean-os-image            space separated images per OS with format os:/path/to/image.bin
  --clean-group-image         space separated images per group with format group:/path/to/image.bin
  --clean-platform-image      space separated images per platform with format platform:/path/to/image.bin

                        Specify logical testbed file location

  --rerun-file FILE     rerun.results file that contains the information of tasks and testcases
  --rerun-task  [ ...]  TASKID TESTSCRIPT [TESTCASES...] Details to identify a specific Task to
                        rerun. Can be used multiple times for multiple tasks.
  --rerun-condition  [ ...]
                        Results type list for the condition of rerun plugin.

  --xunit [DIR]         Generate xunit report in the provided location. If used as a flag, generates
                        xunit reports runtime directory

HTML Logging:
  --html-logs [DIR]     Directory to generate HTML logs in addition to any existing log files. Note
                        - will increase archive size due to log duplication.

General Options:
  -h, --help            Show help information
  -v, --verbose         Give more output, additive up to 3 times.
  -q, --quiet           Give less output, additive up to 3 times, corresponding to WARNING, ERROR,
                        and CRITICAL logging levels

pyats run manifest

This subcommand uses the Manifest for job execution. The filename specified must the a .tem file with YAML syntax according to the Manifest Schema.

  pyats run manifest [options]

  pyats run manifest <filename>
  pyats run manifest <filename> --profile s2c
  pyats run manifest <filename> --profile local

  Runs a test script by discovering the execution parameters and target environment from the manifest file.

Manifest Options:
  FILENAME              manifest filename
  --profile PROFILE     execution profile