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Class finesse.containerservices.WorkflowActionEvent.HandledBy

This is the set of possible HandledBy values used for WorkflowActionEvent from ContainerServices. This is provided from the finesse.containerservices.WorkflowActionEvent#getHandledBy method.
Defined in: finesse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
This specifies that Finesse will handle this WorkflowActionEvent.
This specifies that a 3rd Party will handle this WorkflowActionEvent.
Class Detail
Field Detail
This specifies that Finesse will handle this WorkflowActionEvent. A 3rd Party can do additional processing with the action, but first and foremost Finesse will handle this WorkflowAction.

This specifies that a 3rd Party will handle this WorkflowActionEvent. Finesse's Workflow Engine Executor will ignore this action and expects Gadget Developers to take action.

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