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Class finesse.restservices.RestBase

JavaScript representation of a REST object. Also exposes methods to operate on the object against the server. This object is typically extended into individual REST Objects (like Dialog, User, etc...), and shouldn't be used directly.
Defined in: finesse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
finesse.restservices.RestBase(id, callbacks, restObj)
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Number that represents the REST Response status that is returned.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addHandler(notifierType, callback, scope)
Adds an handler to this object.
Gets the data for this object.
Getter for the id of this RestBase
getProperty(obj, property)
Gets a property from the object.
hasProperty(obj, property)
Determines if the object has a particular property.
Utility method gating any operations that require complete instantiation
Force an update on this object.
removeHandler(notifierType, callback)
Removes a handler from this object.
Class Detail
finesse.restservices.RestBase(id, callbacks, restObj)
{String} id
The ID that uniquely identifies the REST object.
{Object} callbacks
An object containing callbacks for instantiation and runtime Callback to invoke upon successful instantiation, passes in REST object.
{Function} callbacks.onLoad(this)
Callback to invoke upon loading the data for the first time.
{Function} callbacks.onChange(this)
Callback to invoke upon successful update object (PUT)
{Function} callbacks.onAdd(this)
Callback to invoke upon successful update to add object (POST)
{Function} callbacks.onDelete(this)
Callback to invoke upon successful update to delete object (DELETE)
{Function} callbacks.onError(rsp)
Callback to invoke on update error (refresh or event) as passed by finesse.restservices.RestBase.restRequest() { status: {Number} The HTTP status code returned content: {String} Raw string of response object: {Object} Parsed object of response error: {Object} Wrapped exception that was caught error.errorType: {String} Type of error that was caught error.errorMessage: {String} Message associated with error }
{RestBase} restObj Optional
A RestBase parent object which this object has an association with.
Field Detail
Number that represents the REST Response status that is returned. Only set if keepRestResponse is set to true.
Method Detail
addHandler(notifierType, callback, scope)
Adds an handler to this object. If notifierType is 'load' and the object has already loaded, the callback is invoked immediately
  // Handler for additions to the Dialogs collection object.  
  // When Dialog (a RestBase object) is created, add a change handler.
  _handleDialogAdd = function(dialog) {
     dialog.addHandler('change', _handleDialogChange);
{String} notifierType
The type of notifier to add to ('load', 'change', 'add', 'delete', 'error')
{Function} callback
The function callback to invoke.

{Object} getData()
Gets the data for this object.
{Object} which is contained in data

{String} getId()
Getter for the id of this RestBase
{String} The id of this RestBase

{Property Value} getProperty(obj, property)
Gets a property from the object.
is the object to examine
is the property to get
{Property Value} or {Null} if not found

{Boolean} hasProperty(obj, property)
Determines if the object has a particular property.
is the object to examine
is the property to check for

{finesse.restservices.RestBase} isLoaded()
Utility method gating any operations that require complete instantiation
Error If this object was not fully instantiated yet
{finesse.restservices.RestBase} This RestBase object to allow cascading

{Object} refresh(retries)
Force an update on this object. Since an asynchronous GET is performed, it is necessary to have an onChange handler registered in order to be notified when the response of this returns.
{Integer} retries
The number or retry attempts to make.
{Object} { abort: {function} Function that signifies the callback handler to NOT process the response of the asynchronous request }

removeHandler(notifierType, callback)
Removes a handler from this object.
{String} notifierType
The type of notifier to remove ('load', 'change', 'add', 'delete', 'error')
{Function} callback
The function to remove.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Mon Nov 06 2017 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (EST)