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Class finesse.restservices.ReasonCodeLookup

JavaScript representation of a ReasonCodeLookup object.
Defined in: finesse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Do get disabled.
lookupReasonCode(handlers, reasonCodeValue, reasonCodeCategory)
Performs a GET against the Finesse server looking up the reason code with its reason code value, and category specified.
Class Detail
Method Detail
Do get disabled.

lookupReasonCode(handlers, reasonCodeValue, reasonCodeCategory)
Performs a GET against the Finesse server looking up the reason code with its reason code value, and category specified. Note that there is no return value; use the success handler to process a valid return.
{finesse.interfaces.RequestHandlers} handlers
An object containing the handlers for the request
{String} reasonCodeValue
The code for the reason code to lookup
{String} reasonCodeCategory
The category for the reason code to lookup

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Mon Nov 06 2017 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (EST)