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Class finesse.restservices.TeamSignOutReasonCode

Extends finesse.restservices.RestBase.
JavaScript representation of a TeamSignOutReasonCode object. Also exposes methods to operate on the object against the server.
Defined in: finesse.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class finesse.restservices.RestBase:
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Getter for the category.
Getter for the code.
Getter for the forAll value.
Getter for the label.
Getter for the systemCode value.
Getter for the Uri value.
Methods borrowed from class finesse.restservices.RestBase:
addHandler, getData, getId, getProperty, hasProperty, isLoaded, refresh, removeHandler
Class Detail
{Object} options
An object with the following properties:
  • id: The id of the object being constructed
  • onLoad(this): (optional) when the object is successfully loaded from the server
  • onChange(this): (optional) when an update notification of the object is received
  • onAdd(this): (optional) when a notification that the object is created is received
  • onDelete(this): (optional) when a notification that the object is deleted is received
  • onError(rsp): (optional) if loading of the object fails, invoked with the error response object:
    • status: {Number} The HTTP status code returned
    • content: {String} Raw string of response
    • object: {Object} Parsed object of response
    • error: {Object} Wrapped exception that was caught:
      • errorType: {String} Type of error that was caught
      • errorMessage: {String} Message associated with error
  • parentObj: (optional) The parent object
Method Detail
{String} getCategory()
Getter for the category.
{String} The category.

{String} getCode()
Getter for the code.
{String} The code.

{String} getForAll()
Getter for the forAll value.
{String} The forAll.

{String} getLabel()
Getter for the label.
{String} The label.

{String} getSystemCode()
Getter for the systemCode value.
11.6(1)-ES1 onwards
{String} The value for systemCode.

{String} getUri()
Getter for the Uri value.
{String} The Uri.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Mon Nov 06 2017 08:00:55 GMT-0500 (EST)