Runtime Behavior

This section covers native runtime behaviors of your testscript. It is an addendum to the Object Model chapter, focusing on the behavior of class instances, and how to benefit the most from the object model relationships.

The word runtime, in this context, refers to the behavior and/or objects available when aetest scripts are executed via one of the two official ways described in Running TestScripts.


aetest.runtime object provides users access to runtime and aetest input argument information that are normally not accessible via script test objects. To access, import runtime as a module, and simply query runtime information via object attributes.

# Example
# -------
#   querying runtime information inside testscripts

from pyats import aetest

class CommonSetup(aetest.CommonSetup):

    # this common setup subsection validates
    # uids and groups input arguments default to empty
    def validate_skip_uids(self):
        assert not aetest.runtime.uids
        assert not aetest.runtime.groups

The following variables are currently accessible through runtime:

In time, we’ll expand this access list as needed.


runtime is the only official way to query runtime environment info in aetest. There are other inconspicuous methods, but they are unsupported and may go away and/or be changed as part of internal refactorings.


Within container classes such as CommonSetup, Testcase and CommonCleanup, self refers to the instance of that class, and remains consistent throughout the execution of that container.

# Example
# -------
#   self, consistency explained

from pyats import aetest

# define a testcase where its tests
# expects self.value to be set by the setup section,
# and continues to be carried throughout
class Testcase(aetest.Testcase):
    def setup(self):
        self.value = 1

    def test_one(self):
        self.value += 1
        assert self.value == 2

    def test_one(self):
        self.value += 1
        assert self.value == 3

# run the Testcase
tc = Testcase()
# passed

As demonstrated in the above example, self.value, initially created within the setup section, was carried throughout the testcase, and each test was able to add to it and check that the expected values are consistent.


in other words, each container class is only instantiated once, and every section (method) within it shares the same instance object, and can influence each other’s behaviors.

This enables linear relationships within container classes, where users can carry objects & values around by setting & getting attributes on instance object self, and where the next section’s behavior can be influenced by a previous section’s values and result.


this behavior is drastically different vs. python unittest and pytest, where each test method (starting with test_) has its own class instance, and is independent of all other test methods.


self is not a keyword in Python. It is merely a convention where the first argument to a method is always named self for readability & consistency. This section intends to focus on the class instance object that it represents, and thus, for the sake of consistency and simplicity, we are just referring to it as self.


aetest testscripts follow a tree-style parent-child object relationship. The following provides a graphical view.

                            |  TestScript  |
       |                            |                           |
+------+------+            +--------+-------+           +-------+-------+
| CommonSetup |            |   Testcases    |           | CommonCleanup |
+------+------+            +--------+-------+           +-------+-------+
       |                            |                           |
+------+------+                     |                    +------+------+
| subsections |          +----------+-----------+        | subsections |
+-------------+          |          |           |        +-------------+
                     +---+---+  +---+---+  +----+----+
                     | setup |  | tests |  | cleanup |
                     +-------+  +-------+  +---------+

This relationship can be observed and accessed during runtime via the object parent attribute:

  • in CommonSetup, Testcase and CommonCleanup, self.parent refers to the TestScript instance.

  • in each test method (subsection/setup/tests/cleanup), its parent is naturally accessed with self (the method parent instance). This is a trivial Python behavior.

  • subsection/setup/test/cleanup section’s internal corresponding Subsection, SetupSection, TestSection and CleanupSection class objects also has parent attribute, pointing to their container. This is an FYI - these objects are normally not referenced by the user.

  • TestScript instance’s parent is None, because it is the root of all other objects.

# Example
# -------
#   parenthood is not easy
#   note that the same relationships described below
#   also applies to CommonSetup & CommonCleanup

import sys
from pyats import aetest

class Testcase(aetest.Testcase):
    def setup(self):
        # within a method (subsection/setup/test/cleanup)
        # self refers to its parent. (trivial)
        assert isinstance(self, aetest.Testcase)

    def test(self):
        # within a method (subsection/setup/test/cleanup)
        # self.parent refers to the Testcase parent
        # note that Object Models: TestScript.module refers to this module
        # so let's test this.
        assert self.parent.module is sys.modules[__name__]

In order to avoid circular references, parent is internally implemented as Weak References, but returns the actual object to the end user when accessed.


parent defaults to None when aetest objects are instantiated outside of the runtime environment. For example, during Test Bench Development scenarios.

Section Ordering

aetest script content runs in a logical, reproducible order. This ensures that repeated runs of the same scripts in the same environment yields the same execution order, a property much needed in feature testing.

The following rules are applied when the top-level TestContainer classes are discovered and run:

  • CommonSetup section always runs first

  • Testcase runs in order as they are defined/appear in the script

  • CommonCleanup section always runs last

Within each TestContainer, the following rules applies to child sections (methods):

  • setup section always runs first (if applicable)

  • subsection and test order is slightly more complicated:

    • section methods defined in parent classes (through inheritance) are run first (parents first)

    • otherwise, run in the order as they are defined/appear in the script

  • cleanup section always runs last (if applicable)

# -------
#   section ordering example

from pyats import aetest

# assume that we are importing another testcase from a base_script
# and inheriting it to create a new, extended testcase
from base_script import BaseTestcase

# pretend that the BaseTase looks like this
# class BaseTestcase(self):
#     @aetest.test
#     def test_one(self):
#         print('i am test 1')
#     @aetest.test
#     def test_two(self):
#         print('i am test 2')

# the local testcase inherits it
class LocalTestcase(BaseTestcase):

    def test_three(self):
        print('i am test 3')

# when this local test is run,
# the two tests from parent class runs first.
tc = LocalTestcase()
# i am test 1
# i am test 2
# i am test 3

These rules enables the “what you see is what you get” behavior, where the order of script sections ran is the same as the order they appear in the testscript, except for special conditions such as inheritances and setup/cleanup sections.

This is important because each test section could potentially be dependent on a previous one, due to the specific behavior of self.


this behavior is drastically different vs. python unittest and pytest, where the infrastructure does not attempt to sort run-order at all, and leaves them in whatever order they were discovered.