Flow Control

This section focuses on script execution control features offered in aetest.

Control features allows users to master the flow of the testscript, performing actions such as breaking the execution continuity and jumping ahead, skipping or only executing specific testcases by uid, grouping testcases together, etc.

Control features described in this section are entirely optional.

Skip Conditions

aetest comes out-of-box with a few built-in preprocessors defined using Section Processors feature, intended to be used as shortcuts to skipping test sections.

@aetest.skip(reason = 'message')

unconditionally skip the decorated section. reason should describe why that section is being skipped.

aetest.skip.affix(testcase, reason)

Same as the skip decorator, but can be used on the fly. So depending on one testcase result, the other testcases can be skipped.

@aetest.skipIf(condition, reason = 'message')

skip the decorated test section if condition is True.

aetest.skipIf.affix(testcase, condition, reason)

It can be used to assign skipIf decorator to the testcases, condition can be a callable or a boolean.

@aetest.skipUnless(condition, reason = 'message')

skip the decorated test section unless condition is True.

aetest.skipUnless.affix(testcase, condition, reason)

Can be used on the fly to assign decorators to the testcases

# Example
# -------
#   skip/skipIf/skipUnless examples

from pyats import aetest

# skip testcase intentionally
@aetest.skip('because we had to')
class Testcase(aetest.Testcase):

class TestcaseTwo(aetest.Testcase):

    # skip test section using if library version < some number
    @aetest.skipIf(mylibrary.__version__ < (1, 3),
                   'not supported in this library version')
    def test_one(self):

    # skip unless library version > some number
    @aetest.skipUnless(mylibrary.__version__ > (1, 3),
                       'not supported in this library version')
    def test_two(self):

    def test_three(self):
        aetest.skip.affix(section = TestcaseTwo.test_four,
                          reason = "message")
        aetest.skipIf.affix(section = TestcaseTwo.test_five,
                            condition = True,
                            reason = "message")
        aetest.skipUnless.affix(section = TestcaseThree,
                                condition = False,
                                reason = "message")

    def test_four(self):
        # will be skipped because of test_three

    def test_five(self):
        # will be skipped because of test_three

    def test_six(self):
        # will be skipped because of test_three

class TestcaseThree(aetest.Testcase):
    # will be skipped because of TestcaseTwo.test_three


the above skip decorators only support boolean conditions. Use the full Section Processors feature if your skip condition are functions that requires access to section objects.


Run uids is the concept of only executing testcases & sections with uids that matches up to a particular requirement. It provides users direct, finer control before and during execution, over which sections to run, and which sections to skip over.

There are two methods of providing aetest with this requirement:

  • through Standard Arguments as part of script run arguments, or,

  • by setting runtime variable, runtime.uids dynamically during execution.

uids accepts a python callable (eg, a function). The list of currently running section uids are provided as inputs to this callable, and if the function evaluates to True, the section is run, otherwise, the section is not run and ignored completely so that it’s not displayed in the report.

# Example
# -------
#   setting from jobfile example

from pyats.easypy import run

# function determining whether we should run testcase_A
# currently executing uids is always a list of:
#       [ <container uid>, <section uid>]
# eg, ['common_setup', 'subsection_one']
# thus varargs (using *) is required for the function input.
def run_only_testcase_A(*ids):
    # check that we are running testcase_A
    return 'testcase_A' in uids

# run only testcase_A and its contents (using callable)
# executing uids has testcase_A:
run('example_script.py', uids = run_only_testcase_A)

The callable provided to uids feature is evaluated against the list of current run ids, using varargs (eg, *uids). This feature combined with Logic Testing objects can provide quite a bit of control over which testcases to run and which not to.

# Example
# -------
#   setting from jobfile example, using logics

from pyats.easypy import run

# import the logic objects
from pyats.datastructures.logic import And, Or, Not

# run the testscript with a bunch of logic involved
# eg: both common_setup and common_cleanup,
#     and all bgp and ospf non-sanity traffic tests.
run('example_script.py', uids = Or('common_setup',
                                   And('^bgp.+', '.*traffic.*', Not('sanity')),
                                   And('^ospf.+', '.*traffic.*', Not('sanity')),

# or, when this testscript is run, call it with -uids argument
#   python example.py -uids="Or('common_setup', \
#                               And('^bgp.+', '.*traffic.*', Not('sanity')),\
#                               And('^ospf.+', '.*traffic.*', Not('sanity')),\
#                               'common_cleanup')"

Current uids requirements is stored and accessible using runtime feature as runtime.uids. This value is write enabled: when dynamically set during runtime, it takes effect immediately starting from the next section onwards.

# Example
# -------
#   setting uids dynamically in testscript

from pyats import aetest

# using logics
from pyats.datastructures.logic import Not, And

class CommonSetup(aetest.CommonSetup):

    def subsection(self):

        # set uids dynamically during runtime
        # eg, run all tests with bgp in the name, but not traffic.
        aetest.runtime.uids = And('.*bgp.*', Not('traffic'))

If both methods of providing uids is used, then the engine first starts up by following the list provided using Standard Arguments, until the runtime variable runtime.uids is updated.

Testcase Grouping

Testcase grouping feature enables testcases to be “associated” together by certain keywords, allowing a testscript execution be limited to only running testcases of one or more particular groups that matches up to input criterion.

To use this feature, testcases needs to be labelled first with corresponding groups by setting their groups attribute. By default, testscases do not belong to any groups (groups = []).

# Example
# -------
#   associating testcases to run groups

# syntax
#   groups = [ <list of group names in str. no spaces> ]

from pyats import aetest

class Testcase(aetest.Testcase):

    # associating this testcase to 3 separate groups
    groups = ['group_A', 'group_B', 'group_C']

After labelling testcases to one or more groups, use one of the following methods to control which testcase groups are run:

Like Run IDS feature, groups also accepts a python callable (eg, a function). Each testcase’s groups values are provided as inputs to this callable, and if the return value is True, the testcase is run. Otherwise, the testcase is not run and ignored completely so that it’s not displayed in the report.

# Example
# -------
#   setting groups from jobfile example

from pyats.easypy import run

# create a function that tests for testcase groups
# this api tests that a testcase belongs to sanity but not traffic.
# note that varargs (using *) is required, as the list of groups to each
# testcase is unknown.
def non_traffic_sanities(*groups):
    return 'sanity' in groups and 'traffic' not in groups

# run the testscript by providing the above function to test groups
run('example_script.py', groups = non_traffic_sanities)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# behind the scenes (pseudo code)
# for each testcase:
#     if non_traffic_sanities(testcase.groups):
#         run testcase
#     else:
#         pass

The callable provided to groups feature is evaluated against the list of groups each testcase belongs to, using varargs (eg, *groups). This feature is intended to be used in conjunction with Logic Testing objects.

# Example
# -------
#   setting groups from jobfile example, using logics

from pyats.easypy import run

# import the logic objects
from pyats.datastructures.logic import And, Not

# same as above, run sanity non-traffic testcases
run('example_script.py', groups = And('sanity', Not('traffic')))

# or, from command line:
# python example.py -groups="And('sanity', Not('traffic'))"

Similarly, groups can also be set dynamically during runtime:

# Example
# -------
#   setting groups dynamically

from pyats import aetest
from pyats.datastructures.logic import And, Not

class CommonSetup(aetest.CommonSetup):

    def subsection(self):

        # set groups dynamically during runtime
        aetest.runtime.groups = And('sanity', Not('traffic'))

And takes effect immediately.

Grouping feature is only applicable to testcases. In essence, the control of whether testcases are run based on their grouping is handed entirely to the user via boolean truth testing. Users can read the current executing groups via runtime variable, and manipulate it based on a variety of other factors, etc.

Requisite Testcase

Requisite testcase feature allows users to mark important testcases as must pass: if such testcases failed, the current script execution is aborted automatically by jumping forward to CommonCleanup section using Goto.

To mark testcases as requisite or must pass, set its attribute must_pass to True. By default, no testcase is “requisite”, eg, must_pass = False.

# Example
# -------
#   must_pass feature demonstration

from pyats import aetest

class TestcaseOne(aetest.Testcase):

    must_pass = True

    def test(self):

class TestcaseTwo(aetest.Testcase):

class CommonCleanup(aetest.CommonCleanup)

    def subsection(self):

# output result
#  SECTIONS/TESTCASES                                                RESULT
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  .
#  |-- TestcaseOne                                                   FAILED
#  |   `-- test                                                      FAILED
#  |-- TestcaseTwo                                                  BLOCKED
#  `-- common_cleanup                                                PASSED
#      `-- subsection                                                PASSED


the use of testcase must_pass flag does not imply testcase dependency It only marks a testcase as “critical” in terms of importance, where, if it failed then the rest of the execution should be abandoned.

Testcase Randomization

Testcase randomization feature allows testcases within each testscript to be executed in pseudo-random order. This allows for mixed script coverage trails, yielding to better overall testing over time.

By default, testcase randomization is turned off, and all testcases are executed in the order described by Section Ordering. To turn on randomization, set Standard Arguments random=True. This causes all testcases within the current testscript to be shuffled before execution.

Normally, the system automatically picks a random integer value to seed the python randomizer. This value is always printed in the log. This behavior can be averted by setting the optional argument random_seed to a integer value, fixing the outcome. This might be highly useful when trying to reproduce an issue caused by a particular randomized testcase order: simply reuse the seed value as shown in the logfile, and the same “randomized” order is repeated.

# Example
# -------
# randomization of testcases feature demonstration

from pyats import aetest

# define a couple testcases
class TestcaseOne(aetest.Testcase):

class TestcaseTwo(aetest.Testcase):

class TestcaseThree(aetest.Testcase):

# run it
aetest.main(random = True)

# output result
#  Testcase randomization is enabled, seed: 1461425170
#  SECTIONS/TESTCASES                                                RESULT
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  .
#  |-- TestcaseTwo                                                   PASSED
#  |-- TestcaseOne                                                   PASSED
#  `-- TestcaseThree                                                 PASSED


testcase randomization only affects the order of Testcases. CommonSetup and CommonCleanup continue to run before and after all testcases, respectively.


testcase randomization feature should be turned off before submitting testscript to regression.

Maximum Failures

The maximum failures feature allows users to put a limit to the number of testcase failures in a testscript before the script auto-aborts. This feature is intended to safeguard against massive failures in long-running scripts, and avoids wasting valuable testbed runtime when something goes horribly wrong.

To use this feature, set Standard Arguments max_failures to an integer value. During execution, if the total number of failed Testcases reaches the provided value, the script auto-aborts by jumping forward to CommonCleanup section using Goto.

# Example
# -------
# maximum failures feature demonstration

from pyats import aetest

class TestcaseOne(aetest.Testcase):

    def test(self):

class TestcaseTwo(aetest.Testcase):

    def test(self):

class TestcaseThree(aetest.Testcase):

class CommonCleanup(aetest.CommonCleanup):

# run it
aetest.main(max_failures = 1)

# output result
# Max failure reached: aborting script execution
#  SECTIONS/TESTCASES                                                RESULT
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  .
#  |-- TestcaseOne                                                   FAILED
#  |-- TestcaseTwo                                                  BLOCKED
#  |-- TestcaseThree                                                BLOCKED
#  `-- common_cleanup                                                PASSED

As demonstrated above, when the total number of testcases failed reaches the given value, the testscript is aborted with the remaining testcases blocked.


Goto is the concept found in many programming languages that allows a one-way transfer of control to another line of code. To this day, there are still considerable debates with the academia and industry on its merits.

aetest supports the concept of goto on the simple basis that testscripts, while still a piece of software, is mostly linear in execution & logic. Adding to it the support for goto grants users a higher order of control, and enables early flow termination: exiting out of current section and skipping ahead for the sole purpose of saving execution/testbed time. This was born out of pure necessity: router testing is a heavily time-consuming process, and any time saving measures is a plus.

In aetest, goto jumps can be invoked as optional arguments to Result APIs. This keyword-only argument accepts a list of targets to jump to. Upon activation:

  1. the test engine jumps to and executes each listed target location in sequence.

  2. any by-passed sections receive a result based on the following criterion:

    1. if the section that initiated the jump has a result of Passed, any by-passed section receives result Skipped: eg, they were skipped over intentionally.

    2. if the section that initiated the jump has a result other than Passed, any by-passed section receives result Blocked: eg, they were blocked due to “x” reasons.

  3. after the targets list is exhausted, execution continues as normally expected.


aetest only allows forward jumping. All goto targets must be valid and in-line of current execution.

Available Goto Targets




jumps to the testcase cleanup section, by-passing all other test sections


jumps to the next testcase in line


jumps to the script’s CommonCleanup section.


terminates the testscript immediately without going further.

If a goto target is invalid or does not exist, the test engine gives the current section a result of Errored and continues executing. If there are no more testcases, and goto next_tc is called, no error is given and common_cleanup is executed to finalize the testscript.

This is by design: make sure your goto targets actually exist.

# Example
# -------
#   goto syntax
#   (pseudo code, not showing the entire testcase)

from pyats import aetest

# Syntax:
#   <resultAPI>(goto = ['target_1', 'target_2', ... , 'target_x'])

class CommonSetup(aetest.CommonSetup):
    def subsection(self):
        # goto with a message
        self.errored('setup error, abandoning script', goto = ['exit'])

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestcaseOne(aetest.Testcase):
    def setup(self):
        # setup failed, go to cleanup of testcase
        self.failed('test failed', goto = ['cleanup'])

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestcaseTwo(aetest.Testcase):
    # test failed, move onto next testcase
    def test(self):
        self.failed(goto = ['next_tc'])

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestcaseThree(aetest.Testcase):
    def setup(self):
        # setup failed, move onto cleanup of this testcase, then
        # jump to common_cleanup directly.

Essentially, goto is an optional step after providing a test section with an appropriate result. For example, users may leverage this feature to skip to the testcase’s cleanup section after a dramatic failure in a test section, or skip all testcases directly and go to common_cleanup instead. It allows controlled skip-aheads during execution in favor of reducing script execution time, avoiding expected errors/failures, etc.

# Example
# -------
#   goto testscript demonstration

from pyats import aetest

# this testcase defines two tests
# in the first test, we'll give it a result and
# immediately skip forward to cleanup
class Testcase(aetest.Testcase):

    def test_one(self):
        # skip ahead and go to cleanup instead
        self.passed(goto = ['cleanup'])

    def test_two(self):

    def cleanup(self):

# output result
#  SECTIONS/TESTCASES                                                RESULT
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  .
#  `-- Testcase                                                      PASSED
#      |-- test_one                                                  PASSED
#      |-- test_two                                                 SKIPPED
#      `-- cleanup                                                   PASSED

Custom Discovery and Order

Normally, testcases are discovered by the default discovery class, ScriptDiscovery which is located under discovery module of aetest package. This class implements the default behavior of testcase discovery and ordering discussed throughout this user guide. For example, common_setup has to be run first, and then other testcases. Finally common_cleanup runs as the last testcase of the script.

Advanced users may want to extend and enhance this built-in discovery mechanism, eg, dynamic testcase/section generation, and/or alternative testcase ordering.

Custom Discovery

Users may overload discovery behavior at the following levels:

  • Script Discovery

  • Testcase Discovery

  • Common Discovery


ScriptDiscovery finds testcases within a testscript. TestcaseDiscovery finds testsections within a testcase CommonDiscovery finds subsections within a common section


  • pyats.aetest.discovery.ScriptDiscovery is the default discovery class for testcases and, it can be changed as shown in the following example:

from pyats.aetest import runtime
runtime.discoverer.script = MyCustomScriptDiscovery


User defined custom script discovery class has to be inherited from ScriptDiscovery

from pyats.aetest import runtime
from pyats.aetest.discovery import ScriptDiscovery

class MyCustomScriptDiscovery(ScriptDiscovery)

runtime.discoverer.script = MyCustomScriptDiscovery
  • pyats.aetest.discovery.TestcaseDiscovery is the default discovery class for testsections and, it can be changed as shown in the following example:

from pyats.aetest import runtime
runtime.discoverer.testcase = MyCustomTestcaseDiscovery


User defined custom test discovery class has to be inherited from TestcaseDiscovery

from pyats.aetest import runtime
from pyats.aetest.discovery import TestcaseDiscovery

class MyCustomTestcaseDiscovery(TestcaseDiscovery)

runtime.discoverer.testcase = MyCustomTestcaseDiscovery
  • Using the runtime.discoverer properties sets the default discovery classes.

  • As shown in the following example, It is possible to provide different discovery classes to different testcases by using the discoverer attribute.

from pyats import aetest
from pyats.aetest import runtime

runtime.discoverer.testcase = MyDefaultDiscovery

class my_testcase1(aetest.Testcase):
    discoverer = MyTestcaseDiscovery1

class my_testcase2(aetest.Testcase):
    discoverer = MyTestcaseDiscovery2

class my_testcase3(aetest.Testcase):

In the example above, my_testcase1 uses MyTestcaseDiscovery1 class, my_testcase2 uses MyTestcaseDiscovery2 and my_testcase3 uses MyDefaultDiscovery class

  • pyats.aetest.discovery.CommonDiscovery is the default discovery class for subsections and, it can be changed as shown in the following example:

from pyats.aetest import runtime
runtime.discoverer.common = MyCustomCommonDiscovery


User defined custom common test discovery class has to be inherited from CommonDiscovery

from pyats.aetest import runtime
from pyats.aetest.discovery import CommonDiscovery

class MyCustomCommonDiscovery(CommonDiscovery)

runtime.discoverer.common = MyCustomCommonDiscovery
  • Using the runtime.discoverer properties sets the default discovery classes.

  • As shown in the following example, It is possible to provide different discovery classes to different common sections by using the discoverer attribute.

from pyats import aetest
from pyats.aetest import runtime

runtime.discoverer.common = MyDefaultDiscovery

class common_setup(aetest.CommonSetup):

class common_cleanup(aetest.CommonCleanup):
    discoverer = MyCommonDiscovery1

In the example above, common_cleanup uses MyCommonDiscovery1 class, and common_setup uses MyDefaultDiscovery class

How do discovery classes work?

There are 3 main methods that users need to know.

  1. discover()

  2. order()

  3. __iter__()


  • discover() method “discoveres” all child sections defined in the current target

  • order() method re-orders all sections according to rules of ordering and execution.

  • discover() always calls order() before it returns value

  • Finally, the result comes from the order is passed to the execution engine

  • Custom script discovery classes must be inherited from ScriptDiscovery

  • Custom testcase discovery classes must be inherited from TestcaseDiscovery

  • Custom common subsection discovery classes must be inherited from CommonDiscovery

  • Custom methods must follow the same structure with the default discovery methods

  • __init__ method has to accept a parameter called target for all classes, containing the object to be discovered

  • __iter__ method instantiates all child sections defined in the current target and makes discovery class instance iterable.

ScriptDiscovery Implementation

class ScriptDiscovery():
    def __init__(self, target):
        self.target = target

    def __iter__(self):
        # some default logic written here
        for testcase in self.discover():
            yeild instantiated_testcase

    def discover(self):
        # some default logic written here
        return self.order(setup, testcases, cleanup)

    def order(self, setup=None, testcases=list(), cleanup=None):
        # some default logic written here
        return ordered_testcases

TestcaseDiscovery Implementation

class TestcaseDiscovery():
    def __init__(self, target):
        self.target = target

    def __iter__(self):
        # some default logic written here
        for test in self.discover():
            yeild instantiated_test

    def discover(self):
        # some default logic written here
        return self.order(setup, testcases, cleanup)

    def order(self, setup=None, tests=list(), cleanup=None):
        # some default logic written here
        return ordered_tests

CommonDiscovery Implementation

class CommonDiscovery():
    def __init__(self, target):
        self.target = target

    def __iter__(self):
        # some default logic written here
        for test in self.discover():
            yeild instantiated_test

    def discover(self):
        # some default logic written here
        return self.order(tests)

    def order(self, *sections):
        # some default logic written here
        return ordered_tests

Custom Discovery Class Examples

class MyCustomScriptDiscovery(ScriptDiscovery):
    def discover(self):
        # some logic
        return [self.target.module.tc_one, self.target.module.common_cleanup]

class MyCustomTestcaseDiscovery(TestcaseDiscovery):
    def discover(self):
        #some logic
        return [self.target.my_section1]

class MyCustomCommonDiscovery(CommonDiscovery):
    def discover(self):
        # some logic
        return [self.target.subsection1]

Custom Ordering

There are 3 levels of custom ordering just like in the custom discovery,

  1. Script Level

  2. Testcase level

  3. Common Level

In order to use Script level ordering a custom discovery class has to be provided to the runtime.discoverer.script of aetest. For more information on how to provide a custom ScriptDiscovery class to the runtime.discoverer.script please refer Custom Discovery


  • Providing order method will replace the default ordering logic with the user defined one

class MyCustomScriptDiscovery(ScriptDiscovery):
    def order(self, setup=None, testcases=list(), cleanup=None):
        # some logic
        return [\


  • The rules that applies to the discover method also applies for order method as well.

  • discoverer attribute can be used in order to define testcase specific discovery classes for testsections and subsections.

  • For more information about how to provide discovery classes, please check Custom Discovery

class MyCustomTestcaseDiscovery(TestcaseDiscovery):
    def order(self, setup=None, tests=list(), cleanup=None):
        # some logic
        return [\
class MyCustomCommonDiscovery(CommonDiscovery):
    def order(self, *sections):
        # some logic
        return [\


Demonstration of how to provide custom Script, Testcase and Common Discovery classes and how they work

from pyats import aetest

# importing the runtime to have access to the runtime.discoverer
from pyats.aetest import runtime

# importing ScriptDiscovery, TestcaseDiscovery and CommonDiscovery classes
# for inheritance
from pyats.aetest.discovery import ScriptDiscovery, TestcaseDiscovery,\

# Custom Script Discovery class that changes only the discover method
# which will return common_setup and tc_one
class CustomScriptDiscovery(ScriptDiscovery):
    def discover(self):
        return [self.target.module.common_setup, self.target.module.tc_one]

# Custom Testcase Discovery Class that changes both discover and order
# classes. This class returns nothing from the discover method to the order
# so, nothing will run in the provided tetscase
class CustomTestcaseDiscovery_1(TestcaseDiscovery):
    def discover(self):
        return []

    def order(self, setup=None, testcases=list(), cleanup=None):
        if setup is not None:
            testcases.insert(0, setup)
        if cleanup is not None:

        return testcases

# Common Discovery Class that returns nothing to be run
class CustomCommonDiscovery_1(CommonDiscovery):
    def discover(self):
        return []

    def order(self, *sections):
        return sections

# Custom Common Discovery Class, order method returns sample_subsection_1
# so it's the only test section that will run for the provided testcase
class CustomCommonDiscovery_2(CommonDiscovery):
    def order(self, *sections):
        return [self.target.sample_subsection_1]

# setting runtime.discoverer properties so that default discovery classes
# will change to user defined ones.
runtime.discoverer.script = CustomScriptDiscovery
runtime.discoverer.testcase = CustomTestcaseDiscovery_1
runtime.discoverer.common = CustomCommonDiscovery_1

# This testcase has discoverer attribte so that, runtime.discoverer.common
#  will be ignored
class common_setup(aetest.CommonSetup):
    discoverer = CustomCommonDiscovery_2

    def sample_subsection_1(self):

    def sample_subsection_2(self, section):

class tc_one(aetest.Testcase):

    def prepare_testcase(self, section):

    @ aetest.test
    def simple_test_1(self):

    @ aetest.test
    def simple_test_2(self):

    def clean_testcase(self):

class common_cleanup(aetest.CommonCleanup):
    def clean_everything(self):

In this example, CustomScriptDiscovery class was passed as the default discovery class to the runtime.discoverer.script. It only has discover method and this method returns only common_setup and tc_one. Therefore, only these 2 testcases runs.

CustomTestDiscovery_1 class was also provided as default testcase discovery class so all the testcases within this script is going to use this class unless there is discoverer parameter is provided. Nothing should be run as it doesn’t return any test section.

CustomCommonDiscovery_1 class was also provided as default common discovery class so all the common sections within this script is going to use this class unless there is discoverer parameter is provided like in common_setup. The output of order and discover calls from this class will return empty list. So, none of the testcases, should run any testsection except common_setup

discoverer was provided within the common_setup section so, this parameter will be applied over runtime.discoverer.commmon for this section. CustomCommonDiscovery_2 class was used and it returns only sample_subsection_1.


%EASYPY-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: |                             Task Result Details                              |
%EASYPY-INFO: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
%EASYPY-INFO: Task-1: basic_example_script
%EASYPY-INFO: |-- commonSetup                                                           PASSED
%EASYPY-INFO: |   `-- sample_subsection_1                                               PASSED
%EASYPY-INFO: `-- tc_one                                                                PASSED