Report Details

When aetest finishes running a testscript, an overall summary report is provided to the user. This report provides an outlook of what testcases were run, and what their results are. Depending on the execution mode, this reporting behavior may differ.

Standalone Reporter

StandaloneReporter is default reporter used when aetest scripts are run directly from the commandline via Standalone Execution. This reporter directly prints testcases, sections and steps information to the screen at the end of of the run in a tree-structure format.

# Example
# -------
#   the following is an example standalone reporter ouput

|                               Detailed Results                               |
 SECTIONS/TESTCASES                                                      RESULT
|-- common_setup                                                         PASSED
|   |-- sample_subsection_1                                              PASSED
|   `-- sample_subsection_2                                              PASSED
|-- tc_one                                                               PASSED
|   |-- prepare_testcase                                                 PASSED
|   |-- simple_test_1                                                    PASSED
|   |-- simple_test_2                                                    PASSED
|   `-- clean_testcase                                                   PASSED
|-- TestcaseWithSteps                                                   ERRORED
|   |-- setup                                                            PASSED
|   |   |-- Step 1: this is a description of the step                    PASSED
|   |   `-- Step 2: another step                                         PASSED
|   |-- step_continue_on_failure_and_assertions                          FAILED
|   |   |-- Step 1: assertion errors -> Failed                           FAILED
|   |   `-- Step 2: allowed to continue executing                        FAILED
|   |-- steps_errors_exits_immediately                                  ERRORED
|   |   `-- Step 1: exceptions causes all steps to skip over            ERRORED
|   `-- steps_with_child_steps                                           PASSED
|       |-- Step 1: test step one                                        PASSED
|       |-- Step 1.1: substep one                                        PASSED
|       |-- Step 1.1.1: subsubstep one                                   PASSED
|       |-- Step subsubsubstep one                              PASSED
|       |-- Step running out of indentation                   PASSED
|       |-- Step definitely gone too far...                 PASSED
|       |-- Step 1.2: substep two                                        PASSED
|       |-- Step 2: test step two                                        PASSED
|       |-- Step 2.1: function step one                                  PASSED
|       |-- Step 2.2: function step two                                  PASSED
|       `-- Step 2.3: function step three                                PASSED
`-- common_cleanup                                                       PASSED
    `-- clean_everything                                                 PASSED

There is no customization available for this reporter.

AETest Reporter

When testscripts are run under Easypy Execution mode, Reporter is used to collect test run information.