March 2022¶
March 29 - Genie v22.3¶
Module |
Version |
22.3 |
22.3 |
22.3 |
22.3 |
22.3 |
22.3 |
22.3 |
22.3 |
22.3 |
22.3 |
22.3 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- genie.conf.base.api
- Added CleanAPI
This class allows users to quickly call and run clean stages.
Usage <device>.api.clean.<stage_name>(<stage args>)
- Modified API
To add the CleanAPI functionality
- conf/utils
fixed the bug in convert_device method
- harness
- modified
Common Cleanup will now run even if triggers fail to load
- updated trigger datafile schema
added ‘timeout’ with ‘max_time’ and ‘interval’
- ops
- Updated maker for Ops
Fixed a bug when passing ‘commands’ to Learn Ops
- utils
- Modified load_clean_json function
Now it only loads the first time called and save the data in a global variable. Any consecutive calls will just return that data instantly.
- iosxr
- Modified VerifyRunningImage
Fixed a bug in the version comparison
- iosxe
- Modified device recovery grub menu logic
To support more device types
- cheetah
- Added new clean stage erase_ap_configuration
Erases the configurations on AP
- Added new clean stage prime_ap
Primes the AP to controller and validates it joined the right controller.
- filetransferutils
- Common
Added statement to handle ‘Abort Copy?[confirm]’ prompt
- common
Modified pattern for overwrite prompt
- Modified filetransferutils
Added ‘No such file or directory’ error pattern
- generic
Modfied filetransferutils to pick up custom error patterns from testbed.custom section¶
- iosxe
- Modified configure_static_nat_rule API
API for configuring static nat rule with udp port
- Modified unconfigure_static_nat_rule API
API for unconfiguring static nat rule with udp port
- Fix SISF API get_ip_theft_syslogs
Update regex to consider another variation
- Modified verify_mpls_mroute_groupip api
Added next_hop argument to get the mapped lspvif interface
- Modified verify_mpls_forwarding_table_vrf_mdt api
added a condition on failure, if ‘prefix_no’ is not 0 and traffic is not flowing, returned False. As by default traffic wont be runningi on prefix mdt 0
- Modified verify_mpls_forwarding_table_gid_counter api
Added a expected_prefix_exempted condition on failure, as there will be default prefixes learnet which will not learn any traffic
API to use minimum success rate of 1 percent- Updated ‘Install_Image’ Clean Stage API
Updated install_add_one_shot_dialog to accept success if same image is already loaded.
- Updated health_memory API
Fix a bug when passing command argument
- Updated configure_ospf_routing API
configure_ospf_routing api to accept the nsf options, nsr and nsr options configuration.
- blitz
Prefixes not handeled correctly when origin is openconfig.
- apis
Modified creating the remote path so the files with more than one suffixes
- ios
API to use minimum success rate of 1 percent
- iosxr
API to use minimum success rate of 1 percent
- all
- Modified and Makefile
pin grpcio version to be less than or equal to 1.36.1 to be in line with yang.connector
- sdk
- triggers
update exclude platform for ha reload.
Updated the key value regex to handle unquoted integer key values in the xpath.
- iosxe
- Added ‘configure_auto_qos’ API
configure auto qos policy under interface
- Added ‘unconfigure_auto_qos’ API
unconfigure auto qos policy under interface
- Added verify_macsec_session API
API for verifying MKA MACsec session
- Added verify_mka_session API
API for verifying MKA session
- Added clear_ip_bgp API
API for clear ip bgp *
- Added clear_mac_address_table_dynamic API
API for clear mac address-table dynamic
- Added configure_cdp_interface API
API to configure cdp on interface.
- Added unconfigure_cdp_interface API
API to unconfigure cdp on interface.
- Added configure_disable_sci_dot1q_clear API
API to configure disable-sci and dot1q-in-clear on interface.
- Added unconfigure_disable_sci_dot1q_clear API
API to unconfigure disable-sci and dot1q-in-clear on interface.
- Added configure_scp_local_auth API
API to configure scp parameter with local authentication.
- Added unconfigure_scp_local_auth API
API to configure scp parameter with local authentication.
- Added execute_clear_platform_software_fed_active_cpu_interface API
API for executing clear cpu interface.
- Added clear_mka_session API
API for clearing mka session.
- Added execute_switch_card_OIR API
API for executing switch card OIR.
- Added fp_switchover API
API to perform FP Switchover.
- Added configure_ikev2_dpd API
API for configure ikev2 dpd.
- Added configure_ikev2_fragmentation API
API for configure ikev2 fragmentation.
- Added configure_ikev2_cac API
API for configure ikev2 CAC.
- Added unconfigure_ikev2_proposal API
API for unconfigure ikev2 proposal.
- Added unconfigure_ikev2_policy API
API for unconfigure ikev2 policy.
- Added unconfigure_ikev2_dpd API
API for unconfigure ikev2 dpd.
- Added unconfigure_ikev2_fragmentation API
API for unconfigure ikev2 fragmentation.
- Added unconfigure_ikev2_cac API
API for unconfigure ikev2 CAC.
- Added unconfigure_ikev2_authorization_policy API
API for unconfigure ikev2 authorization policy CAC.
- Added configure_ipsec_fragmentation API
API for configure ipsec fragmentation.
- Added configure_ipsec_df_bit API
API for configure ipsec donot fragment bit.
- Added configure_ipsec_sa_global API
API for configure ipsec security association parameters.
- Added unconfigure_ipsec_fragmentation API
API for unconfigure ipsec fragmentation.
- Added unconfigure_ipsec_df_bit API
API for unconfigure ipsec donot fragment bit.
- Added unconfigure_ipsec_sa_global API
API for unconfigure ipsec security association parameters.
- Added get_component_details API
API for getting components’ details (name, description, part number, serial number, hardware version)
- Added get_component_description API
API for getting components’ description
- Added get_hardware_version API
API for getting components’ hardware version
- Added configure_mka_macsec API
API for configure mka macsec on interface.
- Added unconfigure_mka_macsec API
API to unconfigure mka macsec on interface.
- Added remove_ntp_master API
API to remove ntp master on interface.
- Added configure_mdns_service_record_ttl API
API for configuring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) service record TTL value.
- Added configure_mdns_service_receiver_purge_timer API
API for configuring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) service receiver Timer value.
- Added configure_mdns_query_response_mode API
API for configuring mDNS(Multicast Domain Name System) query response mode.
- Added configure_nat_route_map API
API for configuring a route-map in NAT feature.
- Added unconfigure_nat_route_map API
API for unconfiguring a route-map in NAT feature.
- Added configure_nat_extended_acl API
API for configuring a extended acl in NAT feature.
- Added verify_ipv6_pim_neighbor API
verifies ipv6 pim neighbor on device
- Added verify_acl_info_summary API
verifies acl summary on device
- Added verify_ipv6_dhcp_pool
verifies ipv6 dhcp pool
- Added verify_ipv6_ospf_neighbor_address_in_state
verifies ipv6 ospf neighbor
- Added verify_ipv6_ospf_neighbor_addresses_are_not_listed
verifies ipv6 ospf neighbor not listed
- Added get_ipv6_ospf_neighbor_address_in_state
get ipv6 ospfneighbor address
- Added configure_bfd_neighbor_on_interface
configures bfd neighbor on interface
- Added unconfigure_bfd_neighbor_on_interface
unconfigures bfd neighbor on interface
- Added verify_acl_log
verifies acl log
- Added verify_object_manager_error_objects_statistics
verifies error object stats
- Added get_slice_id_of_interface
get slice id of interface
- Added verify_ipv6_acl_tcam_utilization
verifies tcm uitilization of acl
- Added ‘execute_card_OIR_remove’ API
execute card OIR remove API to remove the card
- Added ‘execute_card_OIR_insert’ API
execute card OIR insert API to insert the card
Add disable debug API
Add clear matm table dynamic API
- Added interface_counter_check api
Verifies packet flow on interface
- Add EVPN API change_nve_source_interface
Added new API to change NVE source-interface IP
- Added clear device-tracking database trigger
clear device-tracking database trigger added
- Added ‘verify_nve_evni_peer_ip_state’ API
check whether evni for a given peer_ip is UP/DOWN
- Added ‘configure_crypto_ikev2_NAT_keepalive’ API
configure crypto ikev2 nat keepalive <keepalive time>
- Added ‘unconfigure_crypto_ikev2_NAT_keepalive’ API
unconfigure crypto ikev2 nat keepalive <keepalive time>
- Added configure_boot_manual API
configure boot manual on device
- Added configure_crypto_pki_server
Added new api to configure crypto pki server
- Added configure_trustpoint
Added new api to configure crypto pki trustpoint
- Added unconfigure_crypto_pki_server
Added new api to unconfigure crypto pki server
- Added ‘configure_crypto_ikev2_policy’ API
configure crypto ikev2 policy <poicy_name>
- Added ‘unconfigure_crypto_ikev2_policy’ API
unconfigure crypto ikev2 policy <policy_name>
- Added ‘configure_crypto_ikev2_proposal’ API
configure crypto ikev2 proposal <proposal_name>
- Added ‘unconfigure_crypto_ikev2_proposal’ API
unconfigure crypto ikev2 proposal <proposal_name>
- Updated ‘execute_card_OIR’ API
execute card OIR updated to accept switch number for HA/SVL systems
- Added configure_interface_switchport_pvlan_and_native_vlan API
Configuring switchport pvlan mode on Interface
- Added configure_interface_switchport_pvlan_association API
Configuring switchport pvlan association on Interface
- Added configure_interface_switchport_pvlan_mapping API
Configuring switchport pvlan mapping on Interface
- Added configure_interface_pvlan_mode_with_submode API
Configuring switchport pvlan mode with submode on Interface
- Added get_software_version API
API for getting a device software version info
- Added get_firmware_version API
API for getting components’ firmware version in CAT 9600 and 9400 series
- Added removeMissingComp API
API for removing components that are in CLI but are not present in GNMI query
- Added new configure_shape_map API
configure queuing shape-map on device
- Added configure_vlan_shutdown API
Added new api to shutdown the data vlan
- Added unconfigure_vlan_configuration API
Added new api to unconfigure the vlan configuration
- Added unconfigure_mdns_location_filter API
Added new api to unconfigure the mdns location filter
- Added configure_ospf_redistributed_static API
Added new api to configure the ospf params redistribute static
- Added configure_bgp_update_delay API
Added new api to configu bgp params update delay
- Added ‘configure_crypto_ipsec_nat_transparency’ API
configure/unconfigure crypto ipsec nat-transparency udp-encapsulation
- cheetah
- Added verify_operation_state
Added new api to verify operation state of AP
- Added verify_controller_name
Added new api to verify controller name to which AP has joined
- Added verify_controller_ip
Added new api to verify controller IP/IPv6 address to which AP has joined
- Added get_ap_mode
Added new api to get AP Mode
- Added get_operation_state
Added new api to get AP Operation state
- Added get_controller_name
Added new api to get controller name to which AP has joined
- Added get_ip_address
Added new api to get controller IP/IPv6 address to which AP has joined
- Added get_ip_prefer_mode
Added new api to get AP IP preferred mode.
- Added execute_prime_ap
Added new file called where all execute commands can be written
Added api to execute command that primes AP to the controller
- Added execute_erase_ap
Added api to execute command that erases the configurations of AP
- nxos
- Added the following process restart test triggers
- <iosxe>
- Added API for execute_test_idprom_fake_insert
test idprom interface {interface} fake-insert
- Added API for execute_test_idprom_fake_remove
test idprom interface {interface} fake-remove
- Added API for configure_stackwise_virtual_dual_active_interfaces
interface {interface}; stackwise-virtual dual-active-detection
- Added API for unconfigure_stackwise_virtual_dual_active_interfaces
interface {interface}; no stackwise-virtual dual-active-detection
- Added API for configure_global_dual_active_recovery_reload_disable
stackwise-virtual; dual-active recovery-reload-disable
- Added API for unconfigure_global_dual_active_recovery_reload_disable
stackwise-virtual; no dual-active recovery-reload-disable
- Added API for configure_stackwise_virtual_dual_active_pagp
stackwise-virtual; dual-active detection pagp; dual-active detection pagp trust channel-group {port_channel}
- Added API for unconfigure_stackwise_virtual_dual_active_pagp
stackwise-virtual; no dual-active detection pagp trust channel-group {port_channel}
- blitz
- Added Negative Test banner
Negative Test banner will show if it is Negative Test
- Yang action
Added support for include/exclude
Added sequence key to support return values and return sequence verified
- iosxe
- Added ShowPolicyMapTypeQueueingInterfaceOutput parser
show call policy-map type queuing
- Added ShowPppoeSession
for ‘show pppoe session’
- Added ShowPppoeSummary
for ‘show pppoe summary’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedActiveTcamUtilization under new directory c9606r
show platform hardware fed active fwd-asic resource tcam utilization
- Added ‘ShowCryptoIkev2Proposal’ schema and parser
show crypto ikev2 proposal
- Added ‘ShowCryptoIkev2Policy’ schema and parser
show crypto ikev2 policy
- Added ‘ShowCryptoIpsecProfile’ schema and parser
show crypto ipsec profile
- Added ShowFlowMonitor parser for 9400 platform
Parser for show flow monitor cli
- Added “flow_monitor_output” field in ShowRunInterface parser
To match “ip flow monitor monitor_ipv4_out output” config
- Added ShowIpBgpMdtVrf parser
show ip bgp {address_family} mdt vrf {vrf}
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedActiveQosSchedule parser
show platform software fed active qos schedule
- Added ShowSdwanAppfwdCflowdStatistics
for ‘show sdwan app-fwd cflowd statistics’
- Added ShowSdwanAppfwdCflowdFlowCount
for ‘show sdwan app-fwd cflowd flow-count’
- Added ShowVrrpDetail
for ‘show vrrp detail’
- Added ShowVrrpVpn
for ‘show vrrp vpn <vpn_ID>’
- Added ShowLispRemoteLocatorSet
‘show lisp remote-locator-set {remote_locator_type}’
‘show lisp remote-locator-set name {remote_locator_name}’
‘show lisp {lisp_id} remote-locator-set {remote_locator_type}’
‘show lisp {lisp_id} remote-locator-set name {remote_locator_name}’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareFedActiveVlanIngress parser
show platform hardware fed active vlan <num> ingress
- Added ShowIpArpInspectionVlan parser
show ip arp inspection vlan <num>
- Added ShowControllers
for ‘show controllers’
- Added ShowSdwanSdwaAppFwdDpiSummary
for ‘show sdwan app-fwd dpi summary’
- Added ShowControlConnectionHistory
for ‘show sdwan control connection-history’
- Added ShowCryptoSockets
Parser for show crypto sockets
- Added ShowCryptoMibIpsecFlowmibGlobal
Parser for show crypto mib ipsec flowmib global
- Added ShowCryptoIpsecInternalDual
Parser for show crypto ipsec internal dual
- Added ShowEndpointTrackerRecords
for ‘show endpoint-tracker records’
- Added ShowEndpointTrackerStaticRoute
for ‘show endpoint-tracker static-route’
- Added ShowEndpointTrackerTrackerGroup
for ‘show endpoint-tracker tracker-group’
- Added ‘ShowGroupPolicyTrafficSteeringPolicy’ schema and parser
show group-policy traffic-steering policy sgt
- Added ‘ShowGroupPolicyTrafficSteeringEntries’ schema and parser
show group-policy traffic-steering entries
- Added ‘ShowGroupPolicyTrafficSteeringCounters’ schema and parser
show group-policy traffic-steering counters
- Added ‘ShowGroupPolicyTrafficSteeringPermissions’ schema and parser
show group-policy traffic-steering permissions
- Added ShowHardwareLed
show hardware led
- Added ShowHardwareLedPort
show hardware led port {port}
- Added ShowIpSlaResponder
show ip sla responder
- Updated ShowIpSlaResponder
Added option parameters for show ip sla responder schema
- Added ShowIpv6DhcpBinding
Parser for ‘show ipv6 dhcp binding’
- Added ShowIpv6DhcpStatistics
Parser for ‘show ipv6 dhcp statistics’
- ShowIsisDatabase
show isis database
show isis database verbose
- Added ‘ShowL2tpTunnel’ schema and parser
show l2tp tunnel
- Added show_platform_ifm_mapping
show platform software fed {switch} {state} ifm mappings
show platform software fed active ifm mappings
- Added ‘ShowLldpTrafficInterface’ schema and parser
show lldp traffic interface {id}
- Added ‘ShowCryptoIkev2StatsExchange’ schema and parser
show crypto ikev2 stats exchange
- Added ShowPlatformPktTraceStats
show packet-trace statistics
- Added ShowPlatformPktTraceSummary
show platform packet-trace summary
- Added ShowPlatformPacketTracePacket
show platform packet-trace packet all
- Modified ShowIsisRib
Added the “from_srapp” feature to the schema
- Added ShowIsisNodeLevel
show isis node {level}
- Added ShowStackwiseVirtualDualActiveDetectionPagp
show stackwise-virtual dual-active-detection Pagp
- Added ‘ShowMdnsSdCacheInvalid’ Parser
Parser for show mDNS(Multicasr Domain name services)sd cache invalid
- Added ShowPppStatistics
parser for show ppp statistics
- Added ShowFipsAuthorizationKey
Added ‘show fips authorization-key’
- Below are the new parsers added for Hawkeye feature
Added show platform software steering-policy forwarding-manager {switch} R0 permissions ipV4 {sgt} {dgt}
Added show platform software steering-policy forwarding-manager switch {switch} F0 policy-summary
Added show platform software steering-policy forwarding-manager F0 policy-summary
Added show platform software steering-policy forwarding-manager switch {switch} F0 cell-info
Added show platform software steering-policy forwarding-manager F0 cell-info
Added show platform software steering-policy forwarding-manager switch {switch} F0 service-all
Added show platform software steering-policy forwarding-manager F0 service-all
Added show platform software steering-policy forwarding-manager switch {switch} r0 service-id {service_id}
Added show platform software steering-policy forwarding-manager r0 service-id {service_id}
Added show platform software fed {switch} active security-fed sis-redirect firewall all
Added show platform software fed active security-fed sis-redirect firewall all
Added show platform software fed {switch} active security-fed sis-redirect firewall service-id {service_id} detail
Added show platform software fed active security-fed sis-redirect firewall service-id {service_id} detail
Added show platform software fed {switch} active security-fed sis-redirect acl all
Added show platform software fed active security-fed sis-redirect acl all
- Added ‘ShowCryptoIkev2Sa’ schema and parser
show crypto ikev2 sa
- Added ShowCryptoIpsecSaDetail
show crypto ipsec sa detail
- Added ShowCryptoIpsecSa
show crypto ipsec sa
- Added ShowCryptoIpsecSaPeerDetail
show crypto ipsec sa peer {} detail
- Added ShowCryptoIpsecSaPeer
show crypto ipsec sa peer {}
- Added ShowRunningConfigNve
show running-config nve
- Added ShowRunningConfigNve
show running-config nve
- iosxr
- Added ShowEvpnEviInclusiveMulticast
‘show evpn evi inclusive-multicast’
‘show evpn evi vpn-id {vpn_id} inclusive-multicast’
- Added ShowEvpnEviInclusiveMulticastDetail
‘show evpn evi inclusive-multicast detail’
‘show evpn evi vpn-id {vpn_id} inclusive-multicast detail’
- Added showEvpnInternalId
‘show evpn internal-id’
‘show evpn internal-id vpn-id {vpn-id}’
- Added showEvpnInternalIdDetail
‘show evpn internal-id detail’
‘show evpn internal-id vpn-id {vpn-id} detail’
- Added ShowSegmentRoutingSrv6LocatorSid
show segment-routing srv6 sid
show segment-routing srv6 locator {locator} sid
- Added ShowSnmp
show snmp
show snmp host
- nxos
- Added “Show fabric multicast ipv4 mroute parser
show fabric Multicast ipv4 vrf all
show fabric Multicast ipv4 vrf <vrf_name>
- viptela
- Added ShowIpRoutes parser
show ip routes
show ip routes <prefix>
show ip routes vpn <vpn>
show ip routes vpn <vpn> <prefix>
- iosxe
- Modified ShowRomvar
changed schema key <ps1> to Optional
added Optional schema key <abnormal_reset_count>
- Modified ShowLispEidAway
Changed <eid_prefix> from schema to Optional
- Modified ShowLispInstanceIdService
Changed <xtr_id> and <site_id> from schema to Optional
- Modified ShowIpCefSchema
Changed <nexthop> from schema to Optional
- Modified ShowIsisDatabaseDetail
Converted the base parser to a super parser
- Modified ShowRunningConfigAAAUsername
To support more varied output
- Modified Convert_intf_name
Modified Convert_intf_name function to expand Fou - FourHundredGigE.
- Modified ShowLispServiceStatistics
The existing schema does not properly represent the output of the show command So fixed all the schema and updated code accordingly. Note This change is NOT backwards compatible.
- Modified ShowIpMfib
merged the comments addressed / committed in ShowIpv6Mfib to ShowIpMfib
- Modified ShowIpMrib
initialization of dictionary variable was moved before first match was executed
- Modified ShowIsisRib
Added the functionality to parse a rib entry where the first line is only a single IP
- Modified ShowMplsMldpRoot
Modified interface field regex to grep all kind of interfaces
- Modified ShowMplsMldpNeighbors
Modified LDP GR regex to grep all kind of states
- Modified ShowBgp
Modified prefix field in p3_1 regex to consider *
- Modified ShowSdwanOmpRoutes
Return the prefix and VPN to the upstream Viptela class parser.
- Modified ShowPlatformTcamPbr Parser
Modified ShowPlatformTcamPbr schema to use Any() for output specific and also modified cli_command to run on Standalone and HA setup.
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActivePuntCpuq
Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFedSwitchActivePuntCpuq cli_command to run on Standalone and HA setup.
- Modified ShowStackwiseVirtualDualActiveDetection
Covered parsing of entire output which was missing in existing Parser
- Modified ‘ShowMdnsSdQueryDb’ Parser
Added new variables in schmea as optional for the latest release
- Modified ‘ShowMdnsSdSummary’ Parser
Added new variables in schema as optional for the latest release
- Modified show_run
changed regex pattern <p1_1> to match optional policy-map type queueing
- Modified ShowVlanId
changed schema key <ports> to Optional
changed regexp pattern to match optional ports field
- Modified ShowVrf
changed schema key <protocols> to Optional
changed regexp pattern to match optional protocol field
- Modified ShowVersion
Added optional key <installation_mode> to schema
- Modified ShowWirelessClientMacDetail
Added missing keys
Optionalized keys that aren’t consistent
current_rate and vlan now record types correctly
- Modified ShowIpMroute
Updated ShowIpMrouteSchema with optional keys <vxlan_version>,<vxlan_vni>,<vxlan_nxthop>
Updated regex pattern of outgoing interface list by including another line to accomodate vxlan
- Modified ShowStackwiseVirtualLink
Updated schema to properly support device output. This is not backwards compatible.
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareObjectManagerFpActiveStatistics parser
Added “show platform software object-manager switch {switchstate} {serviceprocessor} active statistics” cli
- Modified ShowInterfaces{interface} parser
Added optional keys <tunnel_source_ip>, <tunnel_destnation_ip>, <tunnel_protocol>, <tunnel_ttl>, <tunnel_transport_mtu>, <tunnel_transmit_bandwidth>, <tunnel_receive_bandwidth> into the schema.
- Modified ShowMacsecInterfaceSchema
Changed few values of macsec-data key as optional.
- Modified ShowRunningConfigAAAUsername
To support more varied output
- Modified ShowWirelessProfilePolicyDetailed
Added format for policy_name argument
- Modified ShowTelemetryIETFSubscriptionReceiver
Added “name” field to schema to account for named receivers
Added regex pattern <p9> for newly added “name” field
Updated regex pattern <p7> to accommodate for multi-word entries
- Modified ShowTelemetryConnectionAll
Strip entry under ‘VRF’ from letter ‘M’ that might be present in output
- nxos
- Fixed Show Fabic Multicast ipv4 sa-ad route parser
Fixed the regular expression while parsing the output
- asa
- Modified ShowInterfacesSummary
Updated regex pattern p1 to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowVersion
Made certain keys optional
Added optional key for SSP Slot Number
- Modified ShowInventory
Updated regex patterns p1 and p2 to accommodate various outputs.
Added another file for unit testing
- iosxr
- Modified ShowLldpEntry
Added the “age” feature to the schema
- Modified ShowLldpTraffic
Added the “tlv_accepted” feature to the schema
Added the “last_clear” feature to the schema
Modified ShowPolicyMapInterface Parser, update pattern p2 input direction
- Updated showEvpnInternalId
Updated p1 pattern to include hex value for esi in ‘show evpn internal-id’
- viptela
- Modified ShowOmpRoutes
Added “route_info” variable to correctly populate the parsed_dict dictionary.
Added vpn/vrf variable to dynamically populate the correct VPN used.
- cheetah
- Modified ShowCapwapClientRcb
Made “mwar_name” as optional string
- Modified ShowCapwapClientRcb
Made “ap_tcp_mss_size” as optional string
Added “flex_group_name” as new key,value pair
- dnac
- Updated Interface
Added additional keys