July 2022¶
July 21 - Genie v22.7¶
Module |
Version |
22.7 |
22.7 |
22.7 |
22.7 |
22.7 |
22.7 |
22.7 |
22.7 |
22.7 |
22.7 |
22.7 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- genie.harness
Modified the configure method to honor the sequence specified in the config datafile
Allow configure() service arguments to be passed via config datafile using new config_arguments key under the config section.
Allow uids filter to be passed to gRun API, this will allow filtering of e.g. common_cleanup.
- device.parse()
- Fixed breakage with json.dump()
changed to format_output() function
- dq
- Modified get_values
Fixed dq get_values first item is empty list case
- Json
- Moved the following directories to genielibs/pkgs/sdk-pkg/sdk_generator:
- Modified get_json.py:
Updated package location for triggers and verifications
- Modified src/genie/json/make_json.py:
Updated package and file locations to reflect new file locations
Updated make_genielibs() to also build json files for models, triggers, and verifications
Removed src/genie/json/clean.json
Removed src/genie/json/parsers.json
Removed src/genie/json/triggers.json
Removed src/genie/json/verifications.json
Removed docs/sdk_generator/bitbucket/
- All
- Modified ci/Jenkinsfile:
Remove the now redundant ‘make json’ command from within genie repo
Add git diff checks for models, triggers, and verification json files
Removed sdk_generator/bitbucket/api_datafile.yaml
Removed sdk_generator/output/bitbucket_apis.json
- Modified pkgs/sdk-pkg/api_generator/ directory
Renamed to sdk_generator as model, trigger, and verifcation files will share that directory
- Moved the following files from genie to genielibs/pkgs/sdk-pkg/sdk_generator/:
- Created following symlinks:
pkgs/sdk-pkg/src/genie/libs/sdk/triggers/triggers.json -> pkgs/sdk-pkg/sdk_generator/output/github_triggers.json pkgs/sdk-pkg/src/genie/libs/sdk/verifications/verifications.json -> pkgs/sdk-pkg/sdk_generator/output/github_verifications.json
- genie.libs.clean.stages
- CopyToLinux stage
Added optional key to protocol to resolve ValueError Clean schema check failed in clean yaml file
- clean
- Modified Reload stage
Pass expected arguments to device.initiate()
- recovery
- _disconnect_reconnect
Added condition to check if the device is in rommon
- apis/verify
- verify_connectivity
Added condition to check if the device is in rommon
- iosxe
Modified image handler to allow image override by stage
Fixed image management for reload stage
- Modified InstallImage in Clean Stages
Removed line where show clock was being appended to packages.conf
- genie.libs.clean
- Updated reload stage
fix the issue for replay object for returning mock object when accessing
- iosxe
- Added configure_isis_network_entity
API for configure the isis network entity on device
- Added remove_isis_configuration
API for remove the isis configuration on device
- Added config_interface_isis
API for isis configuration on interface
- Added unconfig_interface_isis
API for remove the isis configuration on interface
- Added verify_bgp_l2vpn_evpn_rt2_ipprefix api
APi for verifying rt2 ipprefix in show ip bgp l2vpn evpn all
- Added verify_bgp_l2vpn_evpn_rt5_ipprefix
Api for verifying rt5 ipprefix in show ip bgp l2vpn evpn all
- Added verify_bgp_rt5_mvpn_all_ip_mgroup
Api for verifying rt5 ipprefix,group in
show ip bgp ipv4 mvpn all
- Added verify_bgp_rt7_mvpn_all_ip_mgroup
Api for verifying rt7 ipprefix,group in
show ip bgp ipv4 mvpn all
- Modified configure_ikev2_keyring api
Added the option to configure manual or dynamic ppk while making pre share key optional
- Added configure_snmp_server_view and unconfigure_snmp_server_view API
API for configure, unconfigure snmp server view
- Added configure_sdm_prefer_custom_template API
API for sdm prefer custom template
- Added configure_sap_pmk_on_cts API
Added new API to configure sap pmk under cts
- Added unconfigure_cts_manual API
Added new API to unconfigure cts manual
- Added install_remove_version API
API to remove installed packages for particular version
- Added configure_flow_monitor_vlan_configuration API
API to configure flow monitor under vlan configuration
- Added unconfigure_flow_monitor_vlan_configuration API
API to unconfigure flow monitor under vlan configuration
- Added enable_dhcp_relay_information API
API to enable DHCP Relay Information
- Added disable_dhcp_relay_information API
API to disable DHCP Relay Information
- Added configure_snmp_server_group and unconfigure_snmp_server_group API
API for configure, unconfigure snmp server group cli
- Modified configure_common_criteria_policy api
Added the options char_rep and restrict, and set default values to existing options.
- Modification of existing API for configure_lldp,unconfigure_lldp,configure_lldp_interface,unconfigure_lldp_interface API
API to configure lldp neighbors on interface level
- Modification of existing API for configure_cdp_neighbors,configure_cdp_neighbors,API
API to configure and unconfigure cdp neighbors on globally
- Added configure_port_channel_lacp_max_bundle,unconfigure_port_channel_lacp_max_bundle API
API to configure configure_port_channel_lacp_max_bundle and unconfigure_port_channel_lacp_max_bundle on port-channel interface level
- Added configure_ospf_nsf_ietf API
API for configure nsf ietf under ospf
- Added enable_multicast_advertise_on_evi API
API for Enable multicast advertise on evi
- Added configure_replication_type_on_evi API
API for configure replication-type on evi
- Added enable_switchport_trunk_on_interface API
API for enable switchport trunk on interface
- Added disable_autostate_on_interface API
API for disable autostate on interface
- Added configure_ip_unnumbered_on_interface API
API for configure ip unnumbered loopback on interface
- Added configure_switchport_trunk_allowed_vlan API
API for configure switchport trunk allowed vlan on interface
- Added configure_ip_pim_bsr_candidate API
API for configure ip pim bsr-candidate on interface
- Added configure_ip_pim_rp_candidate_priority API
API for configure ip pim rp candidate priority on device
- Added configure_bgp_router_id_interface API
API for configure bgp router-id interface on interface
- Added configure_bgp_redistribute_static API
API for configure bgp redistribute static
- Added configure_bgp_advertise_l2vpn_evpn API
API for configure bgp advertise l2vpn evpn
- Added configure_nat_pool_overload_rule API
API to configure nat pool overload rule.
- Added unconfigure_nat_pool_overload_rule API
API to unconfigure nat pool overload rule.
- Added configure_static_nat_network_rule API
API to configure nat static network rule.
- Added unconfigure_static_nat_network_rule API
API to unconfigure static nat network rule.
- blitz
Fix for gNMI SET for List with Multiple Key Values in same testcase.
- rpcverify.py
Fixed issue with remove/delete operation under verify_rpc_data_reply method
- test_rpc.py
Updated existing test case and added new test case to test failed remove/delete operation.
- iosxe
- Modified unconfigure_fnf_monitor_datalink_interface API
Changed the command, updated the parameters(added sampler_name and direction)
- Fixed configure_ikev2_profile_advanced API
Fixed API for trustpoint configuration.
- iosxe
- Added ShowNat64Translations
added new parser for below cli’s
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiGmIdentifierDetail
added new parser for cli ‘show crypto gdoi gm identifier detail’
- Added ShowInstallVersion superparser
show install version all
show install version summary
show install version value <value>
- Added ShowInstallVersionAll parser
show install version all
- Added ShowInstallVersionSummary parser
show install version summary
- Added ShowInstallVersionValue parser
show install version value <value>
- Added ShowMemoryDeadTotal
show memory dead total
- Added show crypto gdoi ks identifier and show crypto gdoi ks identifier detail
show crypto gdoi ks identifier
show crypto gdoi ks identifier detail
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiKsCoopIdentifier
show crypto gdoi gm identifier detail
- Added ShowIpNhrpSummary
show ip nhrp summary
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2StatsPsh
show crypto ikev2 stats psh
- Added ShowFabricApSummary
Added new parser for “show fabric ap summary”.
- Added ShowAccessTunnelSummary
Added new parser for “show access tunnel summary”.
- Added ShowProcessesPlatformCProcess
Added new parser for “show processes platform | c wncd”.
- Added ShowProcessesPlatformIProcess
Added new parser for “show processes platform | i wncd”.
- Added ShowPlatformSoftCProcess
Added new parser for “show plat soft proc slot sw standby r0 monitor | c wncd”.
- Added ShowPlatformSoftIProcess
Added new parser for “show plat soft proc slot sw standby r0 monitor | i wncd”.
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwarePuntPolicer
show platform software punt-policer
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiKsCoopDetail
show crypto gdoi ks coop detail
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiGmRekeyDetail
added new parser for cli ‘show crypto gdoi gm rekey detail’
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareChassisPowerSupplyDetailAll parser
show platform hardware chassis power-supply detail all
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareChassisFantrayDetail parser
show platform hardware chassis fantray detail
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareChassisFantrayDetailSwitch parser
show platform hardware chassis fantraySwitch detail
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareChassisPowerSupplyDetailSwitchAll parser
show platform hardware chassis power-supply detail switch {mode} all
- Added ShowPlatformFedTcamPbrNat parser
show platform hardware fed switch active fwd-asic resource tcam table pbr record 0 format 0 | begin {nat_region}
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiGmIdentifier
added new parser for cli ‘show crypto gdoi gm identifier’
- Added ShowIpAccessListDumpReflexive
added new parser for cli “show ip access-lists <reflect_acl_name> dump-reflexive”
- Added ShowPlatformFedActiveFnfRecordCountAsicNum
added new parser for cli “show platform software fed active fnf record-count asic <asic_num>”
added new parser for cli “show platform software fed <switch> active fnf record-count asic <asic_num>”
- Modified ShowPlatformHardwareFedActiveTcamUtilization
Added new parser for cli “show platform hardware fed <switch> active fwd-asic resource tcam utilization”
Modified parser for cli “show platform hardware fed active fwd-asic resource tcam utilization”
- Modified ShowAccessLists
Added space in ShowAccessLists parser
- Added ShowIpAccessListDumpReflexive
added new parser for cli “show platform software fed switch active ifm mappings”
- Inherited ShowPlatformFedTcamPbrNat parser for c9600 from c9500
show platform hardware fed switch active fwd-asic resource tcam table pbr record 0 format 0 | begin {nat_region}
- Added ShowCryptoGdoiGmPubkey
added new parser for cli ‘show crypto gdoi gm pubkey’
- Added ShowNat64Timeouts
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 timeouts
- Added ShowNat64Statistics
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 statistics
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 statistics <global>
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 statistics mapping <dynamic>
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 statistics mapping dynamic acl <acl_name>
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 statistics mapping dynamic pool <pool_name>
- Added ShowNat64MappingsStaticAddresses
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 mappings static addresses
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 mappings static addresses <ip_address>
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 mappings static addresses <ipv6_address>
- Added ShowNat64MappingsDynamic
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 mappings dynamic
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 mappings dynamic id <number>
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 mappings dynamic list <access_list_name>
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 mappings dynamic pool <pool_name>
- Added ShowNat64StatisticsPrifixStateful
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 statistics prefix stateful <ipv6>/<prefix_length>
- Added ShowNat64MappingsStatic
Added new schema and parser for cli show nat64 mappings static
- Added ShowMemoryPlatformInformation
show memory platform information
- Added ShowProcessesCpuPlatformSorted
show processes cpu platform sorted
- Added ShowUtdEngineStandardStatisticsUrl
for ‘show utd engine standard statistics url’
- iosxe
- Modified ShowIpMfib
Updated regex pattern <p8> to include “LISPv4 Decap”.
- Modified ShowAAServers
Fixed cli_command location. So that device.parse() could pick up.
- Modified ShowAAAUserAll
Fixed cli_command location. So that device.parse() could pick up.
- Modified ShowAaaFqdnAll
Fixed cli_command location. So that device.parse() could pick up.
- Modified ShowPlatformResources
Added one more golden_output and golden_expected_output
Modified the key ‘tcam’ under ‘qfp’ to Optional
Removed keys ‘pkt_buf_mem_0’ and ‘pkt_buf_mem_1’. Replaced it with ‘Any()’
- Modified ShowCryptoIkev2StatsExt
Updated parser class. Marked parameters gkm_operation, ppk_sks_operation and ike_preroute as Optional.
- Modified ShowCryptoIpsecPALHWcreate_ipsec_sa_by_q
Updated parser class. Modified regex to reflect behaviour.
- Modified ShowIpRoute parser
Added support for m-OMP
Fixed local variable ‘source_protocol’ referenced before assignement
- Fixed ShowNat64Translations
Modified parser schema to grep multiple outputs under the same key.
Removed ‘proto’ dict and capturing values in index_dict instead as per modified schema. This change is not backwards compatible
- Modified ShowEnvironmentStatus parser
Updated regex pattern <P1> to accommodate various outputs
- Modified ShowIpMroute
Added optional key <lisp_vrf> under incoming_interface_list for lisp specific information.
Updated regex pattern <p3> to accommodate various above changes.
Added optional key <e_rp> under extranet_rx_vrf_list for additional lisp specific information.
Updated regex pattern <p8> to accommodate various above changes.
- Modified ShowInterfacesTransceiverDetail
Removed the line ‘stat = None’
Fixed <p3_0> regex to include the whole line
- Modified ShowNat64Translations
Updated parser regex to match white space characters.
- Modified ShowProcessesCpuPlatform
Updated regex pattern <p2> to grep the utilization even when its 100%
- Modified ShowLoggingOnboardRpActiveTemperatureContinuous
Added show logging onboard switch {switch_num} rp active {include} continuous as new cli to support stack
- Modified ShowLoggingOnboardRpActiveUptime
Added show logging onboard switch {switch_num} rp active uptime as new cli to support stack
Modified the regex pattern <p6> to accomodate current reset reason change
- Modified ShowInvetory
Added ‘GigabitEthernet’, ‘TwoGigabitEthernet’ in code of schema .
Updated few lines of code under p2 pattern to accommodate various outputs of IE platform.
- Modified ShowPlatform
Changed state from schema to Optional.
Updated regex pattern p3 to accommodate various outputs for IE platforms.
- nxos
- Modified ShowIpRoute
Fix for UnboundLocalError local variable ‘route_dict’ referenced before assignment
Updated the p2 regex to capture ‘all-best’ key
- Modified ShowBgpVrfAllAllSummary
Added regex pattern <p8_3> and <p8_4> to accommodate output of neighbors with 4byte asn.
- Modified ShowBgpVrfAllAllSummary
Added regex pattern <p8_3> and <p8_4> to accommodate output of neighbors with 4byte asn.